
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 28 You have to apologize after being beaten

Ye Ansong was stepped on and hurt his foot. He even stopped pretending to be polite and pointed at Ye Anian and started yelling.

  Wu Xianglian turned pale in anger and pulled Ye Ansong's sleeve: "Ansong, you... you are a scholar, so don't be as knowledgeable as those low-ranking little bastards!"

  She was afraid that Ye Ansong would ruin her image, but Ye Ansong's blood surged and he couldn't control it at all.

  What kind of scholar, what kind of etiquette, justice and integrity are not as good as a few scoldings at this time!

  "You're such a rip-off! You're not even married yet, and you dare to challenge me?!"

  "I think you have forgotten that when you were at Lao Ye's house, you spent all your time watching someone's face!"

  "Sure enough, my brother is born to be a bitch..."


  A slap hit him hard on the face.

  Ye Ansong's words stopped suddenly, and his whole face was distorted by the blow.

  His face was burning with pain, and his eyes felt dizzy and black for a moment.

  He half-opened his mouth in shock, shook his head, and raised his head to look at the person who had just beaten him.

  Ye Anyian lowered his eyes and looked at him intently.

  Ye Ansong met his gaze and felt panicked for some reason. He staggered back a few steps. If Wu Xianglian hadn't been quick to pull him out, he would have fallen.

  "You...you dare to hit me?"

  "I'm afraid the eldest brother has lost his mind and gone crazy. I'll help him wake up." Ye Anyian said calmly.

  "My eldest brother is a scholar. It should be clear what should be said and what should not be said, right?"

  "It's not your turn to teach me how to speak!" Ye Ansong's eyes were about to burst, his clenched fists were clenched, and veins popped out on the backs of his hands.

  "Well done!"

  Jiang Zhu took a step forward and protected Ye Annian behind him. When he looked at Ye Ansong, there was still a smile on his face: "People who don't understand the past and present are like horses and oxen; scholars don't know about integrity, and their clothes are like dogs. You are a dog." If you want to be a scholar, you should change your insulting words."

  After saying that, he looked at Wu Xianglian who was standing dumbly aside: "Aunt Wu, your darling grandson should really be disciplined and disciplined."

  He is a few years older than Ye Ansong, and he has the authority of an elder when preaching.

  Ye Ansong suddenly remembered Jiang Zhu's warning to him before, and was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat again.

  Wu Xianglian opened her mouth, her lips were trembling so much that she couldn't say a word.

  Zhao Li was looking at him in a happy mood, and his face that was clouded just now had completely cleared up.

  Seeing that both the grandfather and grandson were stunned, he said cheerfully: "An Song, the Shitou and Amber were just children playing and fighting. As the elder brother, it's your fault to hit someone."

  "These people are protective. If you protect your brother, then our Le'er will naturally protect his little nephew. You hit someone first, but Le'er just couldn't see it and taught you a lesson."

  "Besides, you and Amber weren't seriously injured. Otherwise, you can apologize to Le'er, Nian Brother and Jiang Langzhong in front of everyone, and let's forget this matter."

  Ye Ansong:?

He almost thought he heard wrongly and got slapped by Ye Anyian. He still had to apologize?

  Wu Xianglian was also shocked: "Zhao Tiangang, what do you mean?!"

  "Ah, isn't it clear what I mean?" Zhao Lizheng spread his hands, "How about you guys comment on it?"

  "I think what Zhao Lizheng said is right." Jiang Zhu was the first to say, "This is Ye Ansong who hurt people and encouraged Ji Fangfang and Aunt Tianhua to frame us. He just apologized and everything was done. It was already an advantage for him. "

  "That's right!" Aunt Li next door shouted loudly, "You are still a scholar, but you have such evil thoughts! Apologize quickly!"

  "Hurry up and apologize! Hurry up and apologize!"

  "Yes! Apologize quickly!"

  For a time, the onlookers shouted one after another.

  Ye Ansong and Wu Xianglian were surrounded in the middle, it was like a hot pan frying oil, their faces were red and they were almost cooked.

"I..." Ye Ansong gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, "I apologize!"

  "I'm sorry! Yes, I was wrong!"

  "Speak louder!" Zhao Le shouted while holding the stone, "Who are you talking about? Brother Nian, Doctor Jiang and I are over here!"

  "Sorry, it is my fault!"

  "sorry Sorry!"

  Wu Xianglian also bowed repeatedly, and the grandfather and grandson really showed their faces in front of everyone.

  It's this face, I'm afraid he'll be thrown into the Java Kingdom.

  After listening to the two people apologizing in a noisy manner, the matter was finally over.

  Zhao Tiangang asked everyone to disperse and go home quickly to do whatever they needed to do.

  The villagers dispersed in a hurry. Wu Xianglian and Ye Ansong supported each other, and finally saw Sun Caihe and Ye Anbai hiding in a corner.

  Wu Xianglian was trembling with anger: "You are quite clever!"

  "Mother..." Sun Caihe, with a face as pale as a vegetable, pulled Ye Anbo and said, "I didn't hide on purpose, it was Amber who wanted to pee that made me..."

  "Okay, what's the point of talking about this now." Ye Ansong looked ugly and looked at Sun Caihe coldly. His mother was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and she couldn't handle it at all.

  "Oh," Wu Xianglian sighed, "Let's go home first."

  On the other side, Wu Xianglian and the four of them were holding back their anger and walked home, while Aunt Tianhua on the other side came to her senses.

  She looked at her stupid daughter, raised her hand and patted Ji Fangfang on the head: "You idiot!"

  "Then what kind of good guy is Ye Ansong? Do you believe his words of encouragement?!"

  "Mom knows you like that doctor, but look! He protects that brother at all times, who takes you seriously?"

  "I'm telling you, you'd better give up on me and quickly find an honest man who knows your roots and marry her! If you dare to cause trouble again, see if I don't skin you!"

  She didn't expect it to be like this!

  Ji Fangfang sniffed, not daring to say a word even after being scolded.

  But recalling all the ways Jiang Zhu protected Ye Annian, she felt very unwilling.

  Is he worthy of Ye Anyian? Bingtuozi, who is sick and has a face all day long, is not as good as her. She can work in the hall and in the kitchen. If she can marry Jiang Zhu, she will definitely be able to serve people comfortably.

  Tian Dahua didn't know what Ji Fangfang had in mind, so she led her home. She was just glad that the fire didn't burn her today, otherwise she would be doomed.


  The crowd dispersed, and Ye Annian and Jiang Zhu also said goodbye to Zhao Lizheng, Zhao Leer and the others and headed home.

  Before they came out, the two of them did not expect to be blocked here by Aunt Tianhua and Wu Xianglian. After such a long delay, the two children at home were probably impatient.

  Jiang Zhu led Ye Annian and they walked leisurely along the village road. The setting sun stretched their shadows.

  "What do you want to eat tonight?" Jiang Zhu asked.

  Ye Anian looked down at the two men walking forward in unison: "Well..."

  He thought of the clams still kept in the water tank: "How about making clams and eating them?"

  "Okay," Jiang Zhu agreed happily, "Want to eat stir-fried food or make soup?"

  "Let's stir-fry. Aren't there still green and red peppers in the vegetable patch?"

  "Okay, let's stir-fry the clams and then make fresh fish soup." Jiang Zhu said.

  Among the fish that Ye Anyian and Zhao Le caught in the river last time, there seemed to be a few half-sized ones that could be used to make fish fillet soup.

  While the two were talking, Jiang Zhu held Ye Anian's hand and rubbed his fingers on his palm.

  After a moment, he held Ye Anian's wrist, raised the hand, and opened the palm to check.

  Sure enough, Ye Anyian's right palm was red.

  "Does it hurt? You slapped him hard enough." Jiang Zhu teased him teasingly, leaning closer to blow on him.

  The burning pain in the palm of my hand was somewhat dissipated by the cool air blown by Jiang Zhu.

  Ye Anyian bit his lip and whispered, "It doesn't take much force."

  "Then it seems like your hands are too delicate. It's my turn next time something like this happens." Jiang Zhu scratched Ye Annian's somewhat red and swollen palm with his fingertips.

  "Fortunately, I recently made a new ointment to reduce swelling and blood stasis. It is very effective. I will apply it when I go back and I will be able to recover tomorrow morning."

  "Okay." Ye Anyian nodded obediently.

  When the two returned home, sure enough, the two children couldn't wait any longer and came to sit in the yard.

  Fu Zai sat on the stool holding the copper coins. His eyes brightened when he saw the fence door open and Ye Anian and Jiang Zhu coming in side by side.

  "Brother! Doctor Jiang! Woo hoo..."