
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 27: Go straight to where it hurts

Wu Xianglian thought what she said was right. After she finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Lizheng expectantly.

  Zhao Li was holding a pipe in his hand and dusting off the ashes, but the gloomy look on his face did not dissipate at all.

  "Old Ye family, you said that the injury on Ye Ansong's face would hinder the hospital examination, but the injury on Ye Ansong's face has nothing to do with brother Nian. What do you mean by asking for compensation from brother Nian?"

  The smile on Wu Xianglian's face froze. After she found out that Ye Ansong was beaten by Le Geer at noon, she felt that this matter was difficult to handle. She originally thought that she would just forget it on the surface. Anyway, she could find help somewhere else in the future. return.

  Who knew that Tian Dahua was so stupid that he had to drag her and bring An Song and An Bai to Zhao Lizheng's house to seek justice.

  "Look at what you said," Wu Xianglian said with a smile on her face, "I am Brother Nian's grandmother, can I still harm him?"

  "It's just asking him to give some money to Ansong for medical treatment. No matter what, Ansong is still his eldest brother. Don't hurt the harmony of the family!"

  Ye Anyian sneered: "How much money do you want?"

  Seeing him relent, the smile on Wu Xianglian's face seemed a little more sincere: "Medical consultation is expensive nowadays, but we are all a family, so I don't want more from you. Just give me five taels of silver."

  As soon as she finished speaking, a burst of discussion broke out in the crowd.

  "You haven't asked for more than five taels of silver? This Wu Xianglian's heart is too dark!"

  "That's right! How can Brother Nian have so much money to give her? Isn't this bullying!"

  "Alas! I think she just wants to use this matter to knock off the young couple. Jiang Langzhong is also unlucky!"

  "Who says it's not the case! When Brother Nian was at Lao Ye's house, he was constantly rubbed by her!"

  The villagers who came to watch were furious, but the expression on Ye Anyian's face remained calm.

  "When I left Ye's house, I took a total of two sets of clothes of my own and thirty coins. I didn't have five taels of silver."

  "Then let Dr. Jiang give it to you. Anyway, you two are going to get married soon!" Wu Xianglian said immediately.

  She had made a plan. If Jiang Zhu dared to say that he had no money, she would tell him about the ten taels of silver he spent on Ye Chenghe's last medical consultation!

  Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhu said with a gentle face: "Actually, the injury on Ye Ansong's face is easy to cure. Use the crushed burnet burnet and lithospermum and apply it on the wound, and it will heal in just two or three days."

  Burnet burnet and Lithospermum are very common, and there are a lot of them on Wangyue Mountain. They are not worth much, so I have a lot of prepared ones at home, which can be ground into medicinal powder.

"Since you said this happened because of An Nian, then I'll help Ye Ansong and Ye Anbo get some medicine for their wounds and I won't charge you for the consultation fee."

  When he said this, the surrounding villagers felt that he was kind. Even though it was Shitou and Le Geer who beat people, Doctor Jiang was willing to help them with free medical treatment. What a good person!

  "Then leave this matter to Doctor Jiang." Zhao Lizheng said and looked at Wu Xianglian, "Now Ye Ansong's face is fine, and there is no need to pay for the money, right?"

  Wu Xianglian's face suddenly turned ugly: "This..."

  She just wants money!

  She couldn't afford to offend Zhao Lizheng, but the beating the two children received couldn't be in vain. She had to blackmail Brother Nian and the others!

  Ji Fangfang, who was on the side, finally couldn't hold back when she saw Jiang Zhu protecting Ye Anyian so much.

  She stamped her feet anxiously. This doctor Jiang must have been deceived by Brother Nian!

  "Uncle Zhao, we can't just let this matter go! Brother Nian has evil thoughts, taught Brother Fu bad things, and even lied to Brother Jiang. Their marriage can't happen!"

  Ye Annian found it funny that Ji Fangfang couldn't hide her little thoughts.

  He asked: "Since you said that I taught Fu Zai bad, then you might as well tell me how I taught him bad? What did you lie to Jiang Zhu again?"

  "You!" Ji Fangfang was extremely angry, "If you hadn't taught me how to hit Ye Anbo with stones at such a young age?!"

  "Who did you listen to?" Ye Anyian frowned.

  From the beginning, Ji Fangfang has been saying that he was the one who instigated Shitou and Zhao Le to beat people behind their backs, and he felt something was wrong.

  They were the only ones present at that time, how did Ji Fangfang know?

  "Yes, it's Brother Song..."


  Ye Ansong felt guilty and quickly put his fist to his mouth and coughed twice, trying to suppress Ji Fangfang's words.

  But Ye Annian had already guessed that this was probably what Ye Ansong said, asking Ji Fangfang to be the one who stood out so that he could clean himself up.

  Oh, there are so many evil minds.

  "You were clearly not present, how could you know what was going on at that time?" Ye Anyian asked.

  Ji Fangfang was not prepared at all, but when Ye Anyian asked her, she was stunned and couldn't answer at all.

  "I heard what others said." Ye Anyian said bluntly, not wanting to talk to her anymore.

  "Who is it?" His eyes fell on Ye Ansong, "Ye Anbai is only seven years old, so naturally he can't think of such an idea. It seems that it should be my... good brother."

  He said the words "good brother" jokingly, and Ye Ansong immediately turned red: "What are you talking about?!"

  "Then what happened this morning, do you dare to tell me?" Ye Anyian asked.

  "You..." Ye Ansong clenched his fists tightly, his lips trembling with anger, but he couldn't utter a single word.

  "He wouldn't dare. How embarrassing." Zhao Le's voice suddenly sounded.

Only then did everyone watching the excitement realize that Shitou and Le Geer, who had been bitten by Ji Fangfang and hit someone just now, seemed to have remained silent.

  Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu heard the news and saw Zhao Le walking out of the courtyard holding a stone wrapped in gauze on his head and arms.

  The bandaged stone looks much more serious than Ye Anbai and Ye Ansong.

  When everyone saw it, they all took a breath. It didn't look like he was beating someone. He was clearly being beaten!

  Just listen to Zhao Le say: "I never expected that our future scholar in Crescent Moon Village would actually do this kind of thing of arranging people behind the scenes."

"It was Amber Ye who bullied others first!"

  Shitou in Zhao Le's arms opened his eyes with bright red eyes and said, "He stepped on my spinning top and called Fu Zai a little bitch!"

  Good guy, as soon as Shitou said this, everyone looked at Ji Fangfang, Aunt Tian Hua, Ye Ansong and Wu Xianglian even more wrongly.

  "It's obviously the old Ye family who teaches bad children!"

  "That is to say, for a seven-year-old child to curse people so dirty, he must have learned it from an adult!"

  Wu Xianglian's old face turned dark and red, and she wished she could find a seam to pierce her face.

  Sun Caihe, who followed from the side, also made a fuss. He put Ye Anbai on the ground without saying a word and ran away, finding an inconspicuous corner to hide.

  Aunt Li, who was next door to Zhao Lizheng, reacted the fastest and said, "I just said that Shitou is a good kid. He is usually obedient and polite. How could he hit someone?"

  "So, Brother Le is also a warm-hearted and kind-hearted boy. That must be the reason why he beat Ye Ansong!"

  When she said this, everyone immediately felt that it made sense and began to speculate.

  Zhao Le couldn't tell himself about this, but Ye Annian spoke at the right time: "It was originally a fight between two children. When Jiang Zhu and I heard the commotion and rushed out, we saw Ye Ansong kicking the stone over."

  "He used a lot of force and the stone fell hard. His head and arms were broken."

  His voice was calm and indifferent, as if he was disappointed and cold-hearted after being extremely angry.

  But the more this happens, the more people believe it.

  Ye Ansong's eyes widened in shock.

  He looked at Ye Anyian in disbelief. He couldn't believe that the weak brother who had always been angry at him but dared not speak out and allowed him to bully him actually dared to speak up and frame him!

  "You're talking nonsense! I didn't use any force in that kick!"

  "How could he fall so hard? He didn't even break his skin! Ye Anyian, you are framing him!"