
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 176 Every year!

At noon, the city gate opened wide, and a gorgeous carriage covered with carvings galloped in from outside the city.

  There were guards lined up neatly in front of the car to clear the way, showing an extraordinary momentum.

  Wei Zhihuai sat in the car, rubbing his temples irritably.

  Next to him, Zhang Ling, the legitimate son of the Minister of Punishment, opened the curtain and took a look outside.

  "Don't look, he won't enter the capital." Wei Zhihuai glanced at him and said.

  "Your Highness, if Liu Zhuo hadn't missed, how could Jiang Shengwan and the others have taken the advantage?"

  "It's useless to talk about it now. Fortunately, I'm still holding the old ghost in my hands. Now that he's also been poisoned, he has to listen to me on many things."

  After hearing this, Zhang Ling frowned: "Your Highness, do you really believe that old man?"

  "I'm not telling you that, it's been three years since he started treating your leg, and your leg still shows no sign of improvement."

  "Although he is a famous medical fairy in the world, if he is disloyal, it would be better to replace him earlier. In this huge Dongling Kingdom, I don't believe that there is no one who can cure your leg injury."

  "I certainly don't believe him." Wei Zhihuai waved his hand, "That old guy is as difficult to deal with as Jiang Shengwan, and he is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

  "There's no need to replace him. It doesn't matter whether my leg is cured or not. I just need a reason to keep him here at any time for surveillance."

"Now that Ye Anyian has run away, we may have to think about it in the long term."

  "Your Highness is thoughtful." Zhang Ling complimented.

  Seeing that Wei Zhihuai's face had improved, he asked tentatively: "So Your Highness is spending so much time and effort to get something important from Old Ghost Xie?"

  Ever since the incident in Yue Liang City, Wei Zhihuai's vigilance and suspicion have become increasingly intense.

  Zhang Ling had followed him for so many years and handled countless large and small events for him, but he had never told him his true purpose.

  Now when Zhang Ling asked, Wei Zhihuai gave him a wary look: "Why do you ask?"

  "I have served His Highness for so long, and I always want to know what the goal of my hard work is."

  "Your goal is to send me to the throne of the Nine-Fiveth Supreme Being. When the time comes, I will confer an official title on you and reward you well."


  Zhang Ling was still about to ask, but Wei Zhihuai's face darkened, and Zhang Ling closed his mouth knowingly.

  Wei Zhihuai breathed a long sigh of relief and closed his eyes to rest. Zhang Ling carefully opened the car curtain and went outside.

  The main street of Kyoto is full of people and traffic, roadside vendors selling goods, jugglers, and people wandering around. It is noisy and filled with the atmosphere of human beings.

  "These people are too idle." Zhang Ling frowned.

  Suddenly, he rolled his eyes and had an idea.

  "Your Highness."

  "Is there anything else?" Wei Zhihuai was a little impatient.

  "Then Jiang Shengwan is back. In that case, shouldn't we also help these common people who have healed their scars and forgotten the pain to reminisce about what happened seven years ago?"

  Wei Zhihuai paused while rubbing his fingers on his temples, then suddenly opened his eyes.


  The beauty of April is over, and there is a fresh green on the mountain. Looking at Fayuan Temple halfway up the mountain, there is a thin layer of pink on the wall.

  Ye Anyian, Zimo and Zhang Lu walked up the stairs along the stone road leading to the mountain, surrounded by pilgrims walking in groups of three or two.

  There was a young girl in spring clothes, carrying a basket, chatting and laughing; there was a smiling husband and aunt walking hand in hand, talking about their hopes and concerns for their husbands and children; there was also a family of three and four who went out for an outing and wanted to ask for a gift. Peace, joy, and good fortune.

  The three of them followed the footsteps of the others all the way up, not in a hurry nor in a hurry, but they didn't feel tired even as they were chatting and laughing.

  Not long after, the winding steps came to an end.

  The simple and solemn Buddhist temple is located among the green bamboo forests.

  With the faint smell of incense in his nose and the distant ringing of bells in his ears, Ye Anyian took a deep breath, and a poem suddenly came to his mind.

  Cangcang Bamboo Forest Temple, the bells ring late.

Just standing here, the anxiety and worries along the way dissipated.

  "Young Master, look, it's right there."

  Zimo came to his side and pointed towards the top of the mountain.

  In the shade of greenery, Ye Annian vaguely saw a white building.

  "Then let's go." Ye Anyian said.

  Zhang Lu wiped the sweat from his forehead and was a little worried: "Are you tired, master? Why don't we take a rest before we continue our journey."

  "You're not tired, let's rest when we get there." Ye Anyian just wanted to get to Baihe Zhai quickly and see Jiang Zhu.

  He insisted, and Zi Mo and Zhang Lu naturally had no objections, and the three of them continued on their way.

  It was already mid-afternoon, and many pilgrims were coming down from the mountain one after another, passing them face to face.

  Ye Anian walked for a while, but finally felt tired, so the three of them found a wide step and stopped to rest.

  At this moment, a familiar voice was heard faintly from the crowd.

  "Every year!"

  Ye Annian was drinking water from a kettle and turned around when he heard the sound.

  Jiang Zhu was seen wearing a gleaming azure gown, with long hair half tied up and half loose. He spread out a folding fan in his hand, and smiled like a spring breeze, just like a peacock with its tail open.

  However, after seeing the disguise on Ye Anian's face, the peacock's smile froze.

  Then, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Sorry, I recognized the wrong person."

  He turned to leave, but Ye Annian frowned and shouted, "Jiang Zhu."

  Jiang Zhu stopped suddenly, closed the folding fan with a swipe, put it into his sleeve, stepped forward and stood in front of Ye Anian.

  He reached out and touched Ye Anyian's cheek, his face full of distress: "Why is it so dark and his beard has grown so long? How can this road take care of you?"

  Zhang Lu, who heard his words from the side, carefully came over to explain.

  Jiang Zhu caught a glimpse of his equally dark and unshaven face, and exclaimed in surprise: "Hey! How could you be like this?"

  "Master," Zi Mo said helplessly, tearing off the fake beard on his face, "It's all fake!"

  Jiang Zhu looked at him and laughed.

  Only then did Zimo realize that he had been tricked again. He angrily ignored him and went to find Ziyu.

  After this short interlude, Ye Anian's nervousness and uneasiness when he saw Jiang Zhu were all washed away. Looking at Zi Mo's angry expression, he also curled his lips.

  "Why are you laughing? Do you miss me?"

  Jiang Zhu's voice rang in his ears.

  Seeing him approaching, Ye Anyian took a few steps back and frowned.

  Jiang Zhu was displeased: "Why, we haven't seen each other for only two months, and you're already so cold to me."

  "You promised to go home in a few months." Ye Annian said calmly, "It's fine if you don't come back, and you won't even send a letter."

  "Oh," Jiang Zhu reached out and touched his face, "Niannian, are you angry?"

  Ye Anyian said nothing and glanced at him.

  "I didn't want to either. I was detained by the old man."

Jiang Zhu turned around, pointed at Ziyu, and complained to Ye Anian: "Well, it's her. Now I want to be stared at by her even if I go down the mountain, and I can't go anywhere."

  The innocent Ziyu on the side said:...

  "I've also sent letters. I've sent more than ten letters, but you haven't received any of them?" Jiang Zhu asked again.

"No." Ye Anyian shook his head.

  Jiang Zhu supports his forehead.

  It was also his negligence. Ever since he left Sweetwater Town, he must have been monitored by people sent by Prince Gou, and Xin must have been stopped on the way.

  In this way, there was no news about him, so Ye Anyian would anxiously go out to look for him, and then send someone to wait for Ye Anyian on the road. He could easily control the person and turn him to Yueliang City.

  Fortunately, his family was smart enough every year to discover Zi Mo and successfully arrived at Baiyun Mountain.

  "I was careless."

  I thought that if I left Zi Mo for Ye Anyian and had earrings and concealed weapons for self-defense, nothing would go wrong.

  But he didn't expect that Ye Anyian would come out to look for him alone because he hadn't returned for a long time.

  "Every year, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

  Jiang Zhu had a good attitude in admitting his mistake, and after saying that, he started to hug him, but Ye Anian still refused to obey him and took a step back.

  Jiang Zhu was stunned by his reaction, but then he pulled him into his arms and hugged him sideways.

  "what are you doing!"

  Ye Annian struggled and hit him on the shoulder: "So many people are watching."

  "What are you afraid of?" Jiang Zhuyi raised his eyebrows, "You are afraid of people looking at your face now."

  Ye Anyian:...

  He wanted to struggle again, but Jiang Zhu hugged him and bit him gently on the ear.

  A numbing feeling came over, and Ye Anyian's face suddenly became hot, and he heard Jiang Zhu whisper in his ear:

  "If you don't want to be hugged by me, are you going to climb up? The rest of the way is much longer than the one you have walked."

  After hearing what he said, Ye Annian calmed down, put his arms around Jiang Zhu's shoulders, and buried his head in his neck.

  But I thought in my heart: Don't you have to walk up there with me in your arms? Since the road is so far, it will be more difficult to climb.

  Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt a lightness in his body and a breeze blowing by his ears.

  Ye Annian looked up and was surprised to find that they were "flying" very fast.


  He breathed softly.

  Jiang Zhu smiled and said, "Are you scared?"

  "No..." Ye Anyian didn't know what to say for a while.

  He had also read martial arts novels and knew that people who practiced martial arts in ancient times could do light kung fu, but he didn't expect it to be so magical.

  In just a moment, the two of them had reached the top of the mountain.

  A study-type building with blue tiles and white walls suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

  There is a small courtyard in front of the study. The courtyard door is wide open, and you can see the winding paths inside and the wide courtyard in the courtyard.

  At the entrance of the small courtyard, there is an ancient pine with a coiled dragon and a coiled dragon. Under the ancient pine stands a stone tablet that has broken edges and corners. It looks like it has been there for some years.

The stone tablet was engraved with the three characters "Baihe Zhai" in seal script.

  Seeing the door, Ye Anian wanted to come down, but Jiang Zhu refused and hugged him straight into the yard.

  In the courtyard, there were disciples who were guarding the gate, disciples who were sweeping, and disciples who were chatting together. They all immediately stopped what they were doing and saluted the two of them.

  "Zhai Master!"

  Jiang Zhu hugged Ye Annian, nodded hastily, and shouted urgently: "Someone help me get a basin of hot water!"

  His face is too ugly every year. Wash it off, you must wash it off immediately!

finally here comes baby....!

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