
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 175 Crazy

"Now, are you leaving now?" Zhang Lu was also a little confused.

  Ye Annian was very calm: "Yeah."

  He had seen it during the day. Liu Zhuo had brought many people with him. It would not work head-on, so he pretended to agree and then made plans secretly.

  In fact, along the way, he vaguely felt that someone was following them.

  For example, one night they didn't have a place to stay, so they slept in a dilapidated temple.

  Waking up in the middle of the night, he heard footsteps and rough voices talking and laughing. He and Zhang Lu dug out all the self-defense tools they had with them, but after a burst of fighting, the footsteps disappeared.

No one came near until dawn.

  For another example, when they were passing through a town, they encountered the local gangster Jie Dao. The opponent was about to take action, but the leader suddenly fell several times and ran away in despair.

  He also felt strange about these things at the time, but without evidence, he couldn't tell whether someone was really helping them secretly, so he had to put it down for the time being and just think that he was lucky.

  But he didn't expect that Liu Zhuo would actually tell him about it, which would play into his heart.

  Having agreed, the three people set off immediately.

  Ye Anian and Zhang Lu packed their luggage, and Zimo quietly sent them out one by one through the window.

  They didn't even ask for a carriage, but took advantage of the night to reach a connection point belonging to Baihezhai in Danzhou Prefecture.

  It was a small drug store, and the owner was a woman in her fifties. She helped them prepare a new carriage and set off overnight.


  After running around for so many days, Liu Zhuo finally had a good sleep.

  But before he could reflect on it for a moment, he was awakened by a violent knock on the door.

  "Master Liu! Master Liu! It's not good!"

  Liu Zhuo was suddenly awakened and frightened. He angrily got out of bed and opened the door.

  Outside the door, stood the servant who went to talk to Ye Anyian yesterday.

  "What happened? There was so much noise early in the morning." Liu Zhuo said impatiently, his brows furrowed.

  "Yes, it's the person that the adults asked us to look at yesterday. He, he ran away!"


  Liu Zhuo was so shocked that he rushed out without even changing his clothes.

  He rushed into Ye Anyian's room and found that it was already empty. He was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

  Seeing this, the servant carefully advised: "Don't worry, Mr. Liu, he just brought a driver with him. How far can the two of them run? Maybe they haven't even left Danzhou Fucheng."

  These words reminded Liu Zhuo, and he said to the servant: "Go downstairs and see if their carriage is still there!"

  The servant left in a hurry, and Liu Zhuo himself ran downstairs, grabbed the night clerk in the lobby, and asked if he heard any noise last night, saw anyone running out, or anything like that.

  The waiter shook his head repeatedly: "The door was closed tightly last night. It was impossible for anyone to get out."

  Just then, the servant came back: "Liu, Master Liu, the carriage is still there!"

  Liu Zhuo was suddenly discouraged. He sat down on the bench in the lobby. He vaguely remembered his conversation with Ye Anyian yesterday, and suddenly understood something.

  "Changfeng, go get a pen and paper." He ordered the servant.

  After he hurriedly wrote a letter and handed it to Changfeng, he went back to the room upstairs, packed up his things, and rushed to Kyoto.

  Since Ye Anian and the coachman ran away with the Jiangzhu faction in the middle of the night, they were probably almost at the borders of Kyoto by now.


At this time, in a pavilion not far outside Kyoto.

  Jiang Zhu was dressed in a sky-blue floating brocade gown, with a hosta in her hair. She held a folding fan in her hand and looked down at the passers-by on the official road.

  Ziyu had a sword on her waist and stood behind him with a cold face.

  Opposite the two people, sat a young man wearing a dark gold-threaded brocade robe. The patterns on his clothes were gorgeous and bold. On his high-erected hair crown, he wore a purple gold crown, which was quite a symbol of status.

  "Jiang Shengwan, why are you complaining to me? As long as you give the old man some advice, won't we all be happy?"

  Jiang Zhu didn't look at him, shook his head and said, "I'm not happy."

  "What?" The man frowned, a little displeased, "As long as you can convince the old man, I promise to help you detoxify, and I will also send someone to send your young husband back safe and sound. I will not forget the past grudges between us. There's no further investigation, why are you unhappy?"

  "I won't get involved in what's going on between you." Jiang Zhu waved the fan in his hand, "Besides, His Highness the Crown Prince has always said that his words don't keep his word. I can't believe it."

  Wei Zhihuai sneered, "Haha": "You can be arrogant now, but when your darling falls into my hands later, I'll see how long you can continue to be arrogant!"

  Jiang Zhu finally looked away, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "As long as I can be tough, I won't bother His Highness to care."

  Wei Zhihuai:...

  The corners of his mouth twitched and he rolled his eyes at Jiang Zhu unceremoniously.

  The two of them exchanged a few words that were not conducive to each other. They choked on each other for a few words and then fell silent.

  Wei Zhihuai drank cup after cup of tea, while Jiang Zhu lazily leaned on the railing and looked at the passers-by below.

  Not long after, a guard wearing blue clothes and silver armor hurried up the stone steps below.

  After entering the pavilion, he bowed and saluted Wei Zhihuai, and said, "Your Highness, Liu Keqing has sent a letter, so it must be done."

  After Wei Zhihuai heard this, he stretched out his hand towards him, and the man respectfully presented the letter with both hands.

  Wei Zhihuai took the letter and threw it on the table without looking at it.

  Chao Jiangzhu said: "Let's see, your little naughty little boy is probably on his way to Yueliang City now."

  "Tell me, when he gets there and sees the devastated ruins and the dilapidated city filled with starving people, will he still believe you?"

  "Jiang Shengwan..." Wei Zhihuai pushed the envelope in front of Jiang Zhu and leaned closer.

  There was a hint of viciousness and pride in his eyes: "Do you think you can get rid of me after a few years of walking away? Do you think your free clinic and charity can offset the evil things you have done?"

  "I tell you, you will always be a dog tied to me! You will never be able to wash away your former identity! You will never see the light of day!"

  Jiang Zhu held down the envelope he pushed in front of her, twisted it with her fingers, and gently pulled it out.

  He narrowed his eyes and smiled at Wei Zhihuai: "Then, Your Highness, who do you think you are?"

  "A loser who failed to seize the throne, a drowned dog with a broken leg, or a wretch who clings to the throne?"

"The evil I did has already been punished. What about the evil you did? Retribution must be on its way."

  He opened the envelope, glanced at it briefly, threw it on the table, stood up and left.

  Ziyu followed him and cast a cold look at Wei Zhihuai.

  Wei Zhihuai was so scolded that he was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

  He looked at Jiang Zhu's leaving figure and gritted his teeth in hatred: "Where are you going? If you take another step forward, believe it or not, I will kill him!"

  "Oh~" Jiang Zhu stopped and turned around and winked at him, "I'm going to pick up my sweetheart. The letter said that he should have arrived at Baiyun Mountain by now."

  Wei Zhihuai:!

  He quickly picked up the letter thrown on the table, and after just one glance, he was so angry that he started to tremble all over.


  "He can't stand a guy who has no strength! What do so many people do for food!"


  With Zimo driving the car, Ye Annian and the others arrived at the foot of Baiyun Mountain just after noon.

  Baiyun Mountain is located among the higher mountains on the outskirts of Beijing, still some distance from the official road. There is a small town named Baiyun at the foot of the mountain.

  At this time, the carriage stopped on the roadside and the three of them were resting.

  Along the way, they were afraid that Liu Zhuo would find out and lead someone to chase them, so they kept running almost non-stop, and only slowed down when they entered Baiyun Town.

  The carriage bumped, making Ye Annian feel a little uncomfortable, and the feeling of acid reflux in his stomach came again. If it hadn't been for the paint on his face, you would have seen that he looked pale.

  There is a big gathering in Baiyun Town today, and the streets are very lively with pedestrians coming and going. Moreover, they are at the foot of Baiyun Mountain at this time, and there are also many pilgrims going up the mountain.

  Seeing that he was not feeling well, Zhang Lu volunteered to go to a nearby tea stall to buy some tea.

  Zimo opened the car curtain and sat with Ye Anyian.

  Just in case, all three of them wore disguises, blackened their faces, hands, and put on beards and eyebrows.

  At this time, the two looked at each other, which was quite funny, and they both laughed.

  Smiling, Ye Anyian caught a glimpse of an embroidered flower on Zimo's collar.

  It was an ink chrysanthemum embroidered with gold thread.

  "Hey." He seemed to have thought of something and exhaled softly.

  "What's wrong?" Zimo was confused.

  Ye Anyian didn't reply to him, but opened the baggage he carried with him and took out a sachet.

  There was a beautiful ink chrysanthemum embroidered on it.

  "It turns out that the young yamen servant at that time was you."

  Zimo looked at the familiar-looking sachet and thought about it.

"Oh!" He said a little embarrassedly, "I gave it to you at that time. I didn't expect you, Shaojun, to still keep it."

  "That's natural." Ye Annian held the sachet in his hand and looked at it, "I'm quite impressed by you. You're not old, but you have a good temperament and you're good-looking."

  "Young Jun is so good-looking," Zimo said immediately, "Once you see her once, you will never forget her."

  "Really?" Ye Anyian blinked at him deliberately.

  However, his disguised face was too much to compliment, and Zi Mo's mouth twitched due to him.

  "Young Master, you look just like the master."

  Ye Annian was slightly startled, and subconsciously touched his face: "Me and him? How are we similar?"

  "It's not about your looks," Zimo said seriously, "You are both equally smart, and you both like to tease people."


  Ye Annian choked because he found that after spending time with Jiang Zhu, he seemed to have become a little skinny.

  When I see such a cute child like Zimo, I want to tease him.

  "Ahem, who looks like him?" Ye Anyian said harshly, "His temperament is far different from mine."

  Zimo didn't expose it, covered his mouth and smiled.

  The two chatted and laughed for a while, and then Zhang Lu came over with two bowls of tea.

  "Master, this young master, come and drink tea. It's still warm."

  The tea is clear and transparent, with a light orange color and a refreshing fragrance.

  After driving for a long time, Ye Anyian was indeed thirsty. He took over and drank most of the bowl. He immediately felt alive and the discomfort in his stomach was relieved a lot.

  Zimo was very generous and took the bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

  Seeing Ye Anyian coming to rest, he asked, "Young Master, let's go up the mountain."

  Ye Annian glanced towards the mountain and vaguely saw an ancient temple with green tiles and red walls among the trees.

  He asked a little uncertainly: "Is that there?"

  Zimo shook his head: "That's Fayuan Temple, and our Baihezhai is on the top of the mountain."

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