
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 117 The shop is open

Zhou Zaiqian was stunned for a moment, then broke out into a smile: "That's right. We are relatives, and business is business. Brother Nian, I am here to apologize to you sincerely. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I was just confused for a moment, don't take it personally."

  "Since you are sincere, let's apologize to Yu Hu and Zhao Da first." Ye Anian did not give in at all.

  Since Zhou Zaiqian said that he came here to apologize, no matter whether he came here voluntarily or was forced to do so, he had to do it in order for it to count.

  "You..." Zhou Zaiqian hesitated.

  If it hadn't been for the gangsters who suddenly rushed in as soon as Zhou Ji's pawnshop opened this morning and beat him up without explanation, asking him to come over and apologize to Ye Anyian, how could he be here now?

  Originally, he was Ye Anyian's elder and had quite a reputation in Tianshui Town. If he could bring someone here in person, it would be a favor to Ye Anyian.

  In the end, this little guy was so ignorant that he was asked to apologize to two servants?

  Seeing the troubled expression on his face, Jiang Zhu raised an eyebrow: "Why, Boss Zhou doesn't even have this bit of sincerity?"

  "Ahem, no, no." Zhou Zaiqian rolled his eyes, raised his foot and kicked the two guys who were following him, "Did you two not have eyesight yesterday? Why don't you give it to Yu Hu?" Apologize to Zhao Da? "

  The two waiters were very discerning, and after hearing the sound, they said to Yu Hu and Zhao Da Dao: "I'm sorry, we were reckless yesterday, please let me know!"

  This old guy is quite cunning. Ye Annian looked at Zhou Zaiqian's dark circles under his eyes and sneered: "Since Boss Zhou is so insincere, let's forget it."

  After he finished speaking, he pulled Jiang Zhu to enter the shop. Zhou Zaiqian quickly shouted: "No, no, no! It's not mine! Yu Hu, Zhao Da, I apologize to you!"

  After hearing what he said, Ye Anyian turned around and came back.

  Zhou Zaiqian held back his patience and said, "Brother Nian, are you ready to go to the head office this time?"

  Ye Anyian: "Yesterday you led someone to smash up my shop, but we found someone to repair it and put it away ourselves."

  "That's right!" Wen Heng crossed his arms and stood there, becoming more confident, "Zhou Zaiqian, you led people to smash up the shop, but I hired someone to repair it yesterday! Tell me how you want to compensate!"

  At this time, Zhou Zaiqian could be said to be the leader of the two. What he thought was just a joke has now turned out to require money.

  But what can he do? The group of people who came in the morning said that if he couldn't handle this matter, they would bring people to beat him in the evening.

  Those gangsters all hang out in the gambling halls of Tianshui Town. He has dealt with them to some extent before and knows that these people are willing to do anything for money. If he really gets entangled with these people, he is afraid that he will be unable to do anything. He can't afford it when doing business.

  "Compensate, brother Nian, I'll pay whatever compensation you say!" Zhou Zaiqian gritted his teeth. A good man doesn't suffer immediate losses, so he will remember this account first.

  "Fifty taels." Ye Anyian replied simply.

  "What?" Zhou Zaiqian was a little dumbfounded.

  Yesterday he led people to break into the shop. Although the array was quite large, the serious damage was only a few pots of flowers and the door of the shop. He didn't even touch the things on the shelves. Ye Anian actually asked for fifty taels with just one mouthful? !

  Ye Anyian: "The fifty taels you rented the shop to Wen Heng are far from worth it on the market. In addition to the things you smashed yesterday and the compensation for the shock and physical harm caused to us, fifty taels is not much."

  Zhou Zaiqian:...

  He was really speechless by Ye Anyian. He had never heard of compensation for shock and bodily injury before.

  "Stop talking nonsense, will you pay compensation?!" Wen Heng shouted angrily.

  Zhou Zaiqian's fist hanging in his sleeve was about to be crushed. He gritted his teeth for a long time before he squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "Compensate!"

  "Invite wealth, get money!"

  One of the guys beside him quickly took the banknote and handed it to Ye Anyian.

  Ye Anian accepted it unceremoniously. Seeing that Zhou Zaiqian's face was purple with anger, he curled his lips and said, "Boss Zhou is so refreshing. Since Boss Zhou is so sincere, then yesterday's matter is over."

  After saying that, he led Jiang Zhu into the shop.

  Zhou Zaiqian took a deep breath and held it in his heart. The scar on his forehead was pulsing. He took the two guys away angrily.

  He now regrets taking advantage of Fang Jinyuan. Before he even mentioned the matter of opening a pawnshop in Anxing County, he was beaten first and went in with fifty taels of silver.

  However, he probably never dreamed that the gangsters who came to beat him in the morning were not sent by Fang Jinyuan at all. Poor Fang Magistrate still has too much to take care of himself.

  After sending Zhou Zaiqian away, Ye Annian asked Yu Hu to exchange the banknotes for silver, and then gave Yu Hu and Zhao Da two taels each as compensation for the kick they received yesterday.

  The rest was given to Wen Heng from the money he spent on repairing the door yesterday, and the rest was kept for himself.

  Ye Annian knew that Wen Heng didn't care about this small amount of money, but if the money was enough for Zhou Zaigan, he could not be taken advantage of. The compensation should be given to whomever should be paid.

  Yu Hu never expected that he would be compensated for the kick he received. He seemed to be happy with the money. He vowed in his heart that he would work hard and follow the two bosses to open the shop.

  Zhao Da was also very surprised, and secretly decided that Ye Anyian would be half of his master from now on! His second young master ranked first, and Ye Anyian ranked second.

  However, Qian Er, who was always with him, was extremely envious. He got twenty taels of silver for every kick. Is there such a good thing?

  They had all been kicked by the second young master of his family in the past. Not to mention the money, they didn't even see a single copper plate.

  Gossip being gossip, Ye Anian settled the matter, went to buy some things with Jiang Zhu, and then went to have guests.

  The shop will open tomorrow, so I have to send a message to Ye Xiaomei and the others.

The two of them chose to go in the middle of the afternoon. There were not many people at that time, and Ye Xiaomei and Wei Feng were not busy either.

  Seeing the two people coming, Ye Xiaomei was very surprised and took them to the private room on the second floor.

Yesterday, Ye Xiaomei and the others didn't know that Zhou Zaiqian brought people to destroy the shop. Ye Annian was afraid that she would be worried, so he didn't mention it.

  "Our shop will open tomorrow. If my second sister and brother-in-law are free, come over and join in the fun."

  Ye Xiaomei was very happy: "I'm definitely going to go. You guys are moving too fast. The shop opened as soon as it opened."

  "It's also a good time." Ye Anyian said.

  But isn't it? The money he makes from selling goods is not as much as he makes from compensation. He is a bit doubtful whether he is more suitable to work in porcelain.

  All joking aside, the three of them chatted for a while, and then Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu left. It was hard to take up too much of Ye Xiaomei's time with them.

  Before leaving, he gave Ye Xiaomei the pastries and some supplements he bought, and the two returned to West Street.

  Wen Heng had already left with his servants, and Yu Hu was the only one watching in the shop.

  Grandma Qian next door saw the two coming back and put down her work to greet them: "You guys are going to open tomorrow. Go back and rest early. You'll be busy tomorrow."

  "Yes. I have troubled my mother-in-law these days." Ye Anyian replied.

  "What's the trouble?" Granny Qian said with a nonchalant look, "I'm telling you, Zhou Zai is a bully and fears the tough. If you are tougher, he won't dare to cause trouble."

  "No," Jiang Zhu said with a smile, "Look, he didn't apologize for Baba's coming this morning."

  "Humph, his heart is so dark, he will be punished sooner or later." Granny Qian scolded angrily.

  Seeing that it was getting late, the two of them chatted with Granny Qian for a few words, then returned to the shop, explained some things to Yu Hu, and then drove the bullock cart home.

  Too many things happened in the past two days, and the dust finally settled today, and both of them felt a lot more at ease.

  When he returned home, he saw Fu Zai and Ding Qiu sitting in the yard, choosing vegetables and washing rice. Ye Annian felt warm in his heart. He walked over and touched the heads of the two children and said, "Our shop will open tomorrow, and my brother will take you there." Go play."

  "Really? What's so fun about this?" Fu Zai had no idea about this.

  Ding Qiu remembered that he had seen shops opening when he was wandering outside, and said, "They should set off firecrackers, right?"

  "Yes, we have to set off firecrackers, burn incense, hang lanterns, and say blessings to the guests." Jiang Zhu also came over and said to the two children.

  "It's great, it's like Chinese New Year!" Fuzai blinked, looking forward to it.

  In his memory, firecrackers are only set off during the Chinese New Year.

  His words made all three of them laugh.

  After dinner in the evening, Ye Anyian found new clothes for the two children and placed them at the foot of the bed, then urged them to sleep quickly.

  The shop would open early tomorrow, and they would have to leave before dawn.

  After settling the two children, Ye Annian carefully checked the things he needed to take to town tomorrow, loaded them on the oxcart in advance, then plunged into the east room, sat in front of the Kang table and carefully carved a white jade statue. Statue of God of Wealth.

He won the jade at the carving banquet on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Later, the shopkeeper of Qedenglou asked someone to pick the jade. From the box of dazzling gold and silver jewelry, he picked an unpolished piece of suet. Jade.

  Jiang Zhu pushed the door open and came in, and saw Ye Annian rolling up his sleeves and carving the jade seriously and carefully.

  He sat down opposite Ye Anian with the boiled soup in hand. Seeing that the statue of the God of Wealth had been carved with a nose and eyes, he asked, "Is it almost done?"

  Ye Annian shook his head. If he had done something last night, he would have finished it if he thought about it carefully today, but because of what Zhou was doing yesterday, he was not in the mood and went to bed directly.

  "You have to get up early tomorrow, so why don't you rush the work?" Jiang Zhu felt a little distressed when he saw his serious look. "It doesn't matter when the carving is done or when we put it up."

  "It's okay. I can finish it tonight." Ye Anian insisted.

  After all, this is the first shop he has opened, and he still hopes to put the statue of the God of Wealth carved by himself on the opening day.

  Seeing this, Jiang Zhu didn't force it and just said: "Then drink the medicine first."

  "Later," Ye Anian said while busying his hands without raising his head, "The medicine you take will have a soothing effect. I will be sleepy after drinking it."

  "Okay." Jiang Zhu smiled helplessly, "Then I'll accompany you. When you're almost done, remember to ask me to heat up the medicine."

  As a result, the two of them stayed up until the fifth watch, and the sky was already slightly bright.

  Ye Anian finished the final polishing and was already very sleepy. He drank the medicine and fell asleep directly.

  Jiang Zhu was not sleepy, but he calculated that they would get up soon, so he quickly pulled the quilt, got into the bed, hugged Ye Anian, and fell asleep too.

  I don't know how long it took, but when I heard the crow of chickens in the village, Jiang Zhu got up and started cleaning up.

  Ye Annian was still asleep, and he couldn't bear to wake him up. He got up very gently, washed and dressed, and after simply cooking a pot of porridge and a few eggs, he called out to the two little ones.

  Fu Zai and Ding Qiu are both very independent children. When they wake up, they dress and wash themselves, and then go to the main room to eat breakfast.

  Jiang Zhu originally wanted to ask Ye Anyian to get up and have something to eat, but Ye Anyian was too sleepy to open his eyes, so he had to give up.

  He thought for a moment, brought Ye Anian a robe and cloak, spread several layers of mattresses on the bullock cart, and finally wrapped him in a quilt and put him on the cart lightly and steadily. The carved statue of the God of Wealth was also wrapped tightly in cloth and given to Fu Zai to hold.

  After everything was packed and the two children were put in the car and settled, Jiang Zhu drove the ox cart and left Crescent Village under the morning light with Copper Coin reluctantly sending him off.

  When we arrived in town, the sun had just risen and the shops on the streets were opening their doors one after another.

  West Street was still quiet at this time, but the three shops next to it were all open. Granny Qian and Qing Niang were helping Yu Hu clean the Guangyin Shop.

  The cleaning work before opening a new store is still very important. The store should be cleaned inside and out. The layout and display of goods in the store should also be rearranged, which means a new look and a new atmosphere for the new store.

Jiang Zhu tied up the bullock cart, and the two children had already gotten off excitedly, holding their things hard and walking towards the shop.

  Ye Anian slept all the way, and now he was finally awake.

  As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that he was lying on the bullock cart, and they were already at the door of the shop.

  The quilt wrapped around him was so tight that he could not move away, so he had to call for someone. Jiang Zhu heard it and moved to the back of the car to rescue the person.

  "Why didn't you call me?" Ye Annian said, rubbing his eyes.

  Jiang Zhu saw that his sleepy look was very cute, so he came up and kissed him: "What do you want me to do? The time on the road is not good enough to catch up on sleep."

  But think about it, even if Jiang Zhu woke him up in the morning, he would still have to fall asleep in the car.

  "I have to wash up first." Ye Anyian said, straightening his somewhat messy hair.

  "Well, you go in and get dressed and wash up first. You didn't eat either this morning. I'll ask Grandma Qian to cook you a bowl of wontons later."

  "Okay. Then you first check with Yu Hu to see what else you need to prepare before opening." Ye Anian said.

  Jiang Zhu agreed, and the two of them got busy.

  Ye Annian hugged the clothes and cloak that Jiang Zhu had brought for him and quickly slipped into the shop. He was still wearing obscene clothes. Fortunately, there was no one around at the moment.

  By the time he finished cleaning up and came out of the inner room, the shop outside was already ready.

  There was a small table placed in front of the wall next to the counter. On the table was the white jade God of Wealth statue he had carved out last night, and there were tributes such as incense burners, melons and fruit snacks.

  The two children, Fu Zai and Ding Qiu, each held a large red lantern in their hands and hung it at the door when the door opened later.

  Yu Hu carried two firecrackers in his hands, and Granny Qian and Qing Niang each carried a congratulatory flower basket.

  Seeing him come out, Jiang Zhu came forward with an incense candle in his hand: "An Nian, I'm waiting for you to offer incense."

  Ye Annian also wore new clothes today, and his hair was combed meticulously. He took the incense from Jiang Zhu, lit it, and inserted it into the incense burner in front of the God of Wealth Statue.

  As the white smoke rose, the room was suddenly filled with the faint scent of sandalwood.

  Ye Anyian stood still in front of the counter, glanced at everyone who was looking at him expectantly, and said loudly: "Guangyin Shop is open for business!"

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