
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 116: The Eve of Opening

It was getting late, and you could hear the rustling of leaves in the quiet alley.

  Jiang Zhu thought for a while and then said: "You find time to buy those shops on West Street to avoid causing trouble again in the future."

  "Also, how is the investigation on Fang Jinyuan going?"

  A trace of embarrassment flashed across Zimo's face, but he quickly said: "In addition to increasing corvee taxes, squeezing the people, and colluding with local wealthy businessmen, Fang Jinyuan also seems to have something to do with Yao Jun, the prefect of Shuozhou."

"what relationship?"

  "Just... selling private salt."

  "Shuozhou is the territory of General Fuguo." Jiang Zhu sighed, this may involve too much.

  The two fell silent for a moment.

  Sun Liang, the great general of the auxiliary country, was from the prince's family.

  Jiang Zhu had a headache for a moment, but he didn't expect that even though he was hiding in a corner of the mountain, he could still get involved with the dog prince.

  "Then..." Zimo glanced at Jiang Zhu's face carefully, "What should we do?"

  "Do it directly," Jiang Zhu said, "I will write a letter and you can hand it over to Shen Tongpan for me."

  If you only have one housing dollar, things will be much easier. But when it comes to the prefect of Shuozhou and the private sale of salt, I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle.

  Zimo: "Okay."

  The young man finished his promise but did not leave, with a shy smile on his face.

  Jiang Zhu rolled her eyes at him: "Is there anything else?"

  "Master, you...why did you buy so many shops? Just buy that one, right?"

  Zi Mo didn't say it clearly, but Jiang Zhu quickly noticed something: "Has the restaurant been in a tight situation again recently?"

  Zimo nodded.

  In their Baihe Study, since the master left, the business of the shop outside has declined sharply. Before, they could collect several hundred taels of silver a year, but since the man from the East Palace put pressure on them, trying to force the master to return to Kyoto, the business has declined. It gets harder and harder every year.

  At present, there are dozens of students in the study. Everyone usually goes down the mountain to do some work to earn some money to maintain the living in the study, which is quite manageable.

  But it is really difficult to buy five shops at once.

  "Let's find a way to make up the money first," Jiang Zhu said, "it's more urgent here. When the time comes, I will make money, and you can make up for it in Zhaili."

  "Master, you..." Zimo looked at Jiang Zhu and his eyes widened in disbelief.

  "What am I?"

  "Master, you don't want to take the money Mr. Ye earned, do you?"

  Zi Mo couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he thought that his master had been reduced to a soft meal. It was so miserable.

  "What are you thinking about?" Jiang Zhu hit him on the forehead, "I must have earned it myself. Also, what is your name, Mr. Ye? That is your hostess's wife, Shaojun!"

  "Oh!" Zimo rubbed his sore head.

  "Where's the old man?" Jiang Zhu asked again.

  Zi Mo suddenly faltered: "It's... pretty good."

  Jiang Zhu felt something was wrong: "Did he promise something to that dog prince?"

  "No, Master, I have something else to do, so I have to leave first."

  Zimo turned around to run away, but Jiang Zhu grabbed him by the collar of his back shirt.

  "Come back and explain clearly."

"Thank you, senior, in the Prince's Mansion." Zi Mo muttered, "He...he promised to treat the Prince's leg."

  Jiang Zhu suddenly let go of his hand.

  Zi Mo was startled by him: "Master, are you...are you okay?"

  "What can I do?" Jiang Zhu suddenly smiled, "The old man is already old, so let him be."

  "Actually, Senior Xie also hopes that Master, you can live a better life outside. After all, it has been so many years since that incident..."

  Jiang Zhu didn't say anything else, waved his hand to signal him to retreat, and turned around to leave.

  When they returned to the shop, the outside room had been tidied up by Yu Hu and Zhao Da, and the items on the shelves had been put back in the same way.

  Ye Annian and Granny Qian were sitting on chairs peeling pods.

  Jiang Zhu glanced at Ye Anyian and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he had returned to his usual expression.

  Wen Heng was also there, with a few servants, and was standing at the door, instructing the servants to install new wooden doors for the shop.

  Seeing Jiang Zhu come back with something, Wen Heng came forward rather flatteringly: "Mr. Jiang, I'll replace the door with a mahogany one for you. It's thick and strong!"

  "Look, even if these shoes are smashed, they can't be kicked open!"

  "Second Young Master Wen," Jiang Zhu narrowed his eyes and smiled at him, "It would be better if you bring someone earlier next time."

  "Haha..." Wen Heng scratched his head and sneered, "I, wasn't I held back by people from Zhou Zaiqian's faction?"

  "Don't worry. Starting tomorrow, I won't go anywhere. I will just squat here on West Street with my people! I won't let a fly in!"

  "Oh," Granny Qian chuckled, "Not many people come to this West Street. If the second young master brings people to squat like this again, I'm afraid no one will dare to come to the old lady's shop to eat wontons."

  "Then I'll bring someone to solicit customers for you. Let's see who dares not to come!"

  Wen Heng was joking with Granny Qian, while Jiang Zhu followed Ye Anian into the inner room and gave him the bedding she bought.

  "Let's see if it works. It's late today. If there is anything else we need, we can come over early tomorrow and buy it."

  "It's good." Ye Anian spread the bedding on the wooden bed and called Yu Hu in.

  "What happened today has shocked you. The door of the shop has been repaired. You can stay here by yourself at night and lock the door. If you need anything, go next door to Granny Qian and Qing Niang. We will come here early tomorrow morning."

  "Yes." Yu Hu listened very seriously, "Boss Ye, don't worry, I'm different from other boys. I'm strong, I can still fight, and I can protect the shop."

  "Just protect yourself." Ye Annian said, "The bedding is all new, and the cabinets in this room are for you to store things. Today is a bit rushed. If you have any daily needs, let me know tomorrow. We will Go buy it."

  "I'm just a rough guy, I probably don't need anything else." Yu Hu scratched his head.

  He was quite satisfied with this place. He had his own place to live when he arrived, and his family was nice. It was much better than where he had stayed before.

  "Then go to bed early and wait until you remember." Ye Anyian told him a few words and went out.

  It was getting late, and after the shop door was installed, Wen Heng left with his servants, and Granny Qian also returned to her shop.

  Ye Anian and Jiang Zhu tidied up, gave Yu Hu some explanations, and then drove the bullock cart back to the village.

Too many things happened that day, and both of them were a little tired. After arriving home, they simply made some dinner, settled down the two children, and then rested.

  There is only one day left before the shop opens.

  Early the next morning, Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu drove the bullock cart to the town early.

  Today's West Street is uncharacteristically lively.

  The bullock cart had just turned the corner, and Ye Annian saw a group of people standing in front of their shop from a distance, and the leader was not Wen Heng.

  Seeing the two people coming, Wen Heng greeted them enthusiastically: "Boss Ye! Doctor Jiang! Come on, come on, I sent someone to buy some breakfast food. It's still hot. Come and eat together!"

  Jiang Zhu tied up the bullock cart and walked over with Ye Anian. They saw that the door of the shop was still locked, and Wen Heng and several servants were squatting outside.

  Ye Annian thought Yu Hu hadn't gotten up yet, so he stepped forward and knocked on the door, but Yu Hu opened the door immediately.

  Seeing him and Jiang Zhu said: "The two bosses came very early. I was cleaning the shop."

  Ye Annian saw that he had a broom in his hand, and the floor and table were all clean. It was obvious that he hadn't just gotten up.

  Curiously: "Since you're up, why don't you open the door?"

  Wen Heng and his servants seemed to have been standing outside for a while.

  Yu Hu asked the two of them to sit down inside, and then hurriedly poured hot water for them to drink: "I'm not being cautious. The second young master Wen looks like a ruffian and brought so many people with him."

  He was frightened by what Zhou Zai did yesterday, and he was afraid that these rich and powerful people would bring people to cause trouble again.

  Although Wen Heng came here to help yesterday, these young masters from rich families have very weird tempers. If he made him unhappy and caused something to happen, he would not be able to explain to his master.

  Seeing this, Ye Anyian told Wen Heng about cooperating with them, and Yu Hu felt relieved.

  Wen Heng brought Zhao Da and Qian Er in with several food boxes. When he heard their words, he said, "Boss Ye, you have a bad way of looking at people. When I came here yesterday, I was kicked by this little guy before I even entered the shop."

  "If Qian Er hadn't blocked it, his kick would have hit my newly made Sichuan brocade green pine satin robe! It's dozens of taels of silver a piece of brocade. Can he afford to pay for it?"

  Wen Heng complained to Ye Anian, while Yu Hu stood aside and tugged at the corner of his clothes a little: "Boss Ye, I... The people Zhou Zaigan had just left at that time, I thought the second young master Wen was also with them. "

  Ye Annian was very helpless. Jiang Zhu smiled and smoothed things over for a few people: "If we don't fight, we won't get to know each other. Didn't the second young master Wen bring the food for the morning? Everyone hasn't eaten yet. How about we eat first?"

  "Humph," Wen Heng raised his hand and asked Zhao Da to bring a stool over and sit down around the square table with Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu, "I don't care about you like a little brother!"

  After saying that, he asked Zhao Da and Qian Er to open the food box and set out the food.

  Seeing Yu Hu standing aside, Ye Annian asked him to come and eat too. Wen Heng muttered but didn't say no.

After eating the morning meal, Ye Anyian and Jiang Zhu went out to buy a few pots of flowers and brought back a few servants to carry back the plaques they had ordered.

  After putting up the plaque and tidying up the shop for the last time, Ye Annian looked at the brand new Time Shop inside and out, and the unhappiness of Zhou Zaigan looking for trouble yesterday had been wiped away.

  "The shop will officially open tomorrow." Jiang Zhu pulled Ye Annian and stood at the door of the shop, looking up at the four large characters painted with silver hooks and iron on the plaque, "How are you? Are you happy?"

  "A little nervous." Ye Anyian said truthfully.

  Whether in his previous life or this life, he had never done business, but looking at the full shelves in the shop, he felt confident again.

  After what happened yesterday, Zhou Zaiqian probably won't bring anyone else here for a while. As for Fang Jinyuan, he will have to go back to Anxing County sooner or later, and it is impossible to keep watching him here.

  The shop will open smoothly.

  "Fang Jinyuan went back to Anxing County today." Jiang Zhu suddenly said.

  Ye Anyian was a little surprised: "So fast?"

  He thought that if the old man's plan failed, he would definitely not let it go and would definitely stay in Sweetwater Town for a while.

  "Well, when we went to get the plaque just now, I saw his carriage leaving the town."

  That's natural. Zi Mo went to Anxing County to do something last night. Fang Jinyuan rushed back in a carriage early in the morning. He might not be able to get away for a while.

  "This is a good thing." Ye Anyian pursed his lips. Without Fang Jinyuan to cause trouble, Ye Ansong and Liu Zhuo would not be able to make any waves.

  The two of them were talking when they saw Zhou Zai, with a bruised nose and swollen face, limping towards them with two men dressed as waiters.

  Ye Anian's expression changed, and Jiang Zhu took his hand and pulled him towards him.

  Wen Heng shouted and called all the servants he brought over, blocking the two of them like a wall.

  "You old man! Yesterday, I was tricked by you, and today I have to ask you to taste our Wen family's stick!"

  "Zhao Da, Qian Er, come on!"

  When he gave the order, the servants around him rushed up.

  Zhou Zaiqian quickly forced out a smile: "Second Young Master Wen, calm down, I'm not here to cause trouble today. I'm here to apologize to you!"

  "I'm so old at my age!" He looked at Ye Anyian and said with an apologetic smile, "Brother Nian, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday."

  "My daughter is about to marry your father. In terms of seniority, I can also be regarded as your step-grandfather. We will be a family in the future. Look, what happened yesterday, how about forgetting it?"

  Zhou Zaiqian thought that with this relationship, he could use his status and filial piety to suppress him, but he didn't expect Ye Anyian's face to become even colder after hearing this.

  "Boss Zhou, if you want to apologize, be sincere. If you're talking about nothing, don't blame me for driving you away." Ye Anyian said coldly.