
The Painting in Time

Travelling 200 years back in time, The clock is ticking and time is running, But my heart stopped beating when I saw you for the first time. "Who is he?" "King Charles of Aslan" And that's when their clock struck midnight. A royal tale unlike any other, for those who need a new fairytale +

Emily_as_em · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: 1819

"No! Wait please I beg you. We are in year 2019, right? There is no King and neither does a place called Mahiron exist' I was begging when the guards were about to take me away. I knew somehow something was wrong, the use of his words were not up to date, the costumes, the castle, the guards. There wasn't a camera team no matter how much I looked around.

"2019?" A deep laugh escaped his lips while shaking his head before staring at me and pointing to my head.

"Wake up you brainless woman, it's the year of 1819! Now take that garbage away from here!"

While I was suddenly pulled away I was just staring at him while I wanted to cry in frustration.

"Let me go! You guys are sick! 1819?!" I screamed my lungs out before I started laughing in frustration. Nobody was hearing. me, nobody was seeing me. I felt trapped and lost in a place that felt like a never stopping. loop. I tried and tried to free myself from the guards but no matter how much I tried, there was no way they would let me go.

While being pulled away and tiredly looking at all these strangers, the hall my mind was stuck to the events from the second I put my foot inside the door.

I was suddenly pulled back to reality when they suddenly threw me inside the cold basement and locked me in. While shivering I hugged my legs and shut my eyes before I broke down in tears.

It was the door. It was the stupid door!

"You will never touch it or go near this thing AM I CLEAR Emma?!"

And my grandparents knew this too.

Time went by and I was still caged in the basement. My tears were all dried up, my body was in pain while I was hammering my fist against the floor over and over again.

"IS SOMEONE OUT THERE?! PLEASE LET ME GO! I BEG YOU!" I screamed in frustration.

"Tight up that useless mouth of yours already!"

I froze when a guard suddenly walked down.

"Please let me talk to the guy with gray hair again" I begged in fear.

"Be quiet!"

While looking at him my eyes suddenly caught the keys attached to his uniform. I gulped and my heart immediately started racing. I bit on my lower lip while thinking about a plan to get the keys.

"Make me" I said while smiling at him while slowly standing up and running my hand through my hair. I was about to throw up when I walked to the prison railings to reach the keys.

He looked at me as if he was contemplating what to do. I leaned my head against the railing my fluttering with my lashes to keep his eyes glued on me and right when my hand reached the keys someone called him and I flinched.

"Maybe next time" He smirked at me before caressing my cheek. I clenched my teeth in disgust and just when he was about to turn around I grabbed the Keys.

Full of excitement I held the keys tight in my hands, waiting for him to leave. With a last glance at me he turned around and walked up the stairs.

I immediately started searching for the right Key while my hands were shaking in fear. As quietly as possible I opened unlocked the railings and immediately left the prison basement.

But suddenly I heard voices getting closer which made me hide myself behind a big column. I bit on my lower lip when I hit my wounded knee against the rough column. Leaning my head against it and trying to calm down.

When the voices were gone I immediately ran to the exit and left the dark basement. I breathed out while holding my face, not believing what just had happened.

But what now? I had to find the small door in order to go back.

While carefully hiding from column to column and looking for the small door, I had the opportunity to look closely at the big golden hall. It was empty except for some servants again dressed in victorian clothes who all were walking into another hall.

I slowly glanced down at my clothes. My pajama shorts and my top would definitely stand out between those workers. I carefully tiptoed around every corner of the hall but the door was nowhere to be found.

I sighed at the mess I was trapped in. I glanced around to find a place to hide until I could go back again and finally found a staircase to walk up to.

I carefully watched my surroundings and slowly tiptoed to the staircase.

Golden Ornaments and Paintings were covering the Wall of the Staircase. I still couldn't believe my eyes, is this a dream or reality? What should I do?

When I finally reached the last stair I faced two grand wooden doors.

"Who are you?"

A soft voice suddenly sounded behind me and made me flinch right on my spot and shut my eyes in frustration and fear.


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