
The Painting in Time

Travelling 200 years back in time, The clock is ticking and time is running, But my heart stopped beating when I saw you for the first time. "Who is he?" "King Charles of Aslan" And that's when their clock struck midnight. A royal tale unlike any other, for those who need a new fairytale +

Emily_as_em · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Mahiron

My eyes were moving but my body was completely numb while staring at all these strangers.

People with victorian costumes were rushing by while I was standing in the middle of this golden hall.

I must be dreaming, right? There is no way that door could end me up in the middle of a movie scene.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath and the first thing that came to my mind was running, running away from this hall and from all these weirdly costumed people trying to find the door.

But while I was absentmindedly running and shivering down to my bones I suddenly ran into someone who held me before I could slip and fall down.

I started shaking when I lifted my eyes and tried to look at the stranger in between my messy hair strands at the person who was aggressively holding my arms, making me scream in pain.

My eyes widened when my eyes fell on his attire, from his greyish hair to his heavy metal clothes which seemed ridiculous compared to the rose pajamas I was wearing in front of him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here in this attire?" He glared at me while pinching my arm to make me answer. I tried to shake off his hand while he was angrily glaring at me.

"I don't know okay?! I don't know where I am and how I ended up here for god's sake now let me go!" I tried to push him away while he wasn't moving an inch.

But he suddenly let my arm go which caused me to stumble backwards. "Woman I'm asking you for the last time before I call the guards. What are you doing here and who let you in?" He said through gritted teeth while trying to keep a composed attire.

"Can you please tell me where this place is?" I begged nervously without answering his question. I brushed my hair away from my face while helplessly looking around and not understanding one bit of what was happening. I felt lost and confused at the same time while my head was still throbbing in pain.

I could positively feel him getting angrier with every passing second when he looked away and clenched his jaw before glaring at me and making me flinch at his sudden loud tone.

"This is the castle of the great King Charles, the first son of King Henry Williams of  Mahiron!

I should believe you that you aren't aware of where you are? How ridiculous you are woman!"

My blood suddenly froze in my veins, my heart sank and my stomach twisted from the words I just have heard.

"W-what d-did you just say? This is all a movie set up, right? Don't mess with my mind!" I stuttered while feeling the whole hall suddenly turning upside down.

Castle? A King? What the hell is he saying is he saying?

"Guards! Take this farmer!" His voice echoed through the whole hall and I froze while staring at his lifeless eyes.


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