
Your scent

Your scent intoxicating hmm,

The strange sensation I feel,

The tingle in my nostrils,

The urge to melt into you, in your scent

It goes straight into my brain, your scent

Your scent, recognizable even from a mile away

It takes me on a brief ride into the unknown, paradise dare I say, your scent

The deep inhales I take just to absorb and bask in it, your scent

The slight smile that plasters on my lips at the slightest hint of your scent

Your scent, it calls unto me, it draws me into it's embrace, I try to resist but how long can I run from my home? Soon, soon enough, I'll yield to its will, soon I'll answer it's call, soon we shall be one .

still on the love train..Like it ? Add to library!

Ekemespencreators' thoughts