

indeed an adventure, crime, power. let us see what will come of the enthusiasm to reach the top

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Gubernotorial2:"primary what?"

"what do you take the party for?" he said rhetorically

"what gave you the audacity" he added with a gentle tone, you just joined this party if I could recollect, what about others that have been in this party for for long?"

a stream of depression went through my vains, "how could the first response be aganist me!" I murtered, eventhough I didnt expect less.

I got a little bit relieved, when the PRO stood stood up and said calmly.

"everybody has an ambition, so, I don't think it is bad if we could give everymember equal opportunities"

I could see the anger fuming through the face of the party leader

"there you go!" he said

the vice chairman lifted is head, and want to chip in but was cautioned by tapping of the chairman's right hand on his, and he rosponded by tapping his toes on the ground of were he seated.

when you were contesting for the state member house of assembly, we validated other members to pave way for you, and now see how you want to turn things arround for the consistent and reliable Rafiu who has been for the party at length"

" my leader!,with full respect, I don't think we have to make a reference into the past" the vice chairman said.

" I'm sorry, but we should atleast not make decision that could jeopardise the future of our party, should we?he rhetorically said

"at least we should go for the Primary" the PRO said, trying as much as possible to be calm.

"primary what?" do you mean primary school?" Dr Oladele said furiously

I could feel the contemplation among the members that attended the meeting, about 50% of them are supporting me while others are against me. it is very understading, why they won't want to support me, but I couldnt believe why I wasn't able to convice them on a go.

"let us all support honourable james, since he is rich and competent" one of the members said

"how can we support someone we bearly know, or his richness the definition of competent to you?" another member replied

" if he will be having the capacity to singlehandedly sponsor himself financialy, why don't we give him our back up, has the popular adage says" money answereth all things" another speaker said

" no! no!! no!!! that isnt fair for the already existing members" a member said from the right side of the room

as the arguement continued, the vice chairman spoke into the ears of the chairman.

okay! okay!!okay!!!" that chairman interupted

the atmosphere of the room which was filled with noise suddenly became calm.

HPC! he shouted

we are honoured" we all chorused

since we don't have conclusion for todays meeting, I will suggest that we should postpone it to another day.

turning to my direction"hon James, we shall give you the feedback in our next meeting" he said.

the meeting closed few minutes after the chairman spoke. I was a little bit angry but I believe I still have my hope.

when I stepped out of the H.Q, picked up my phone and called WILLI to explain everything that happened in the meeting to him. he wasn't happy with the outcome either " we have our next time" he said.