

I don't know how I came to be here. I vaguely remember being on a battlefield shrouded in smoke, with deafening sounds of artillery fire, bullets whizzing wildly by my ears, and my comrades falling one after another... Suddenly, a violent explosion struck, and I lost consciousness in an instant. When I woke up again, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar world, a world belonging to monsters. The inhabitants here call themselves the Undying Race, and my grandfather is the patriarch of our clan. I learned many skills here and quickly grew into the clan's finest warrior. On the day of my training completion, I embarked on my first mission, marking the beginning of an incredible and wondrous journey. However, when I finally reached the end after enduring countless hardships, I suddenly discovered that everything was a lie... This is a fantasy lord struggle novel that tells the story of the protagonist Colin traveling to a different world, becoming a lord, and gradually growing into a generation of tycoons. The background of the story is set in a world where magic and technology coexist, where humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and other races live together. The protagonist Colin was originally an ordinary young man on Earth. He accidentally traveled to this different world and became a lord. However, the territory is on the verge of bankruptcy and surrounded by dangers. In order to survive and develop, Colin had to use his modern knowledge and way of thinking to carry out reforms in the territory. He developed agriculture, commerce, and military affairs, and gradually built a powerful army. At the same time, he also fought against other lords and races, and finally rose up in troubled times and became a generational hero.

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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70 Chs


Colin originally thought that the northern border of the Glorious Empire was already cold enough.


But now he realized that compared with the Cangqiong Icefield, the North was just a big greenhouse.


It's almost the end of May now, and if you're in the north, it already feels like summer.


But in the Cangqiong Icefield, it actually started to snow.


No wonder the North did not continue to expand its territory northward when it had the absolute upper hand.


Northerners really don't want to come to such a bitter and cold place.


Amid the howling north wind, the heavy snow quickly turned the sky and the earth into a vast expanse of white.


Fifty thousand black cavalry troops, like a raging black tide, were galloping northward in the heavy snow.


The horses' hooves stepped on the ground, crushing the ice and snow and turning out the cold and hard soil.


The rumble of horse hooves, mixed with the sound of armor clashing, and accompanied by the whistling wind, weave a murderous and tough melody.


It had been more than half a month since I set out from Ice Rock City, but I hadn't encountered any troll army along the way.


This is not surprising.


When the trolls began to withdraw, the Black Cavalry pursued them slowly, and even after being delayed in Ice Rock City for so long, the trolls had already withdrawn far away.


However, the trolls have gained a lot from their siege in the north this time, and they will definitely not be able to move fast with the looted property.


According to the current pursuit speed of the Black Cavalry Army, Colin estimated that if he did not pursue the wrong direction, he should be able to catch up with the tail of the troll army in the next few days.


Marquis Garcia is obviously aware of this. In recent days, the number of sentinels sent out to explore has increased significantly.


But the Sky Icefield is still too big.


The Troll's 300,000-strong army seemed like a lot, but when thrown onto this vast expanse of ice, it seemed like a drop in the ocean.


Moreover, in such wind and snow, the traces left by the march will soon be buried, and it is basically a fantasy to follow them with footprints.


Therefore, the first difficulty in this pursuit battle is to find traces of the troll army on the vast ice field.


This requires being extremely familiar with the geography of this ice field, and also having a very clear idea of the troll's possible retreat routes.


Anyway, Colin was confused.


He has never been so deep into the ice field of the sky, and he knows almost nothing about this place.


Fortunately, there is a thick-legged man beside him - Marquis Garcia.


This is the real "Ice War God"!


Yes, this title was given to him by trolls.


Being able to let the enemy give him such a title is enough to show how terrifying Marquis Garcia is on the battlefield.


With such a talented person by his side, Colin certainly would not waste such a great opportunity.


Adhering to the principle of asking if you don't understand, Colin would approach Marquis Garcia from time to time and ask questions.


But Marquis Garcia actually took the trouble to answer every question one by one.


Not to mention Colin, even some senior generals in the Black Cavalry Army were very jealous after seeing such patience.


Some guys are even secretly asking if Colin is the illegitimate son of Marquis Garcia?


"Does uncle have a lover?"


Vera hid her little face deeply in her fox fur shawl, revealing only a pair of big doubtful eyes.


"Yes." Colin said with a gossipy look on his face, "I know that the Marquis has never been married, but does he not have a lover?"


Yes, Colin was always looking at him with strange eyes from the Black Cavalry generals, and Colin gradually began to doubt his own life experience.


"No." Vera shook her head, "As far as I know, my uncle has never shown excessive affection to any lady. Moreover, I have never heard any relevant rumors in so many years.


It feels like...my uncle is like an ascetic monk. "


"Okay." Colin was a little disappointed.


Originally, he thought that it would be routine for a protagonist like himself to have a bizarre life experience.


You have an awesome figure like the Marquis of Garcia as your father, and you have an awesome mother like an elf princess, and one day your grandfather, who has never been seen before, suddenly appears and dies, leaving him with a country to inherit...


"Ahem..." The howling cold wind poured into Colin's mouth, interrupting his daydream.


At this time, he suddenly realized that Marquis Garcia had no heirs.


Moreover, if it is true as Vera said, the Marquis lives a life like an ascetic monk, then he may not have any heirs in the future.


So, who should inherit his title and territory?


Could it be that you want to find an adopted son (female)?


This is a possibility.


But, there is another possibility.


Because, Colin suddenly realized that he might have guessed what the basis of trust between Marquis Garcia and Duke St. Hilde was.


He had always been puzzled before, why did these two brothers dare to act in this play?


You know, in that situation at that time, everyone thought that the two brothers were really going to fight.


But who knew it would turn out to be a false shot.


Such a tacit understanding and trust are hard to believe would appear in these two brothers.


Because, if Marquis Garcia really planned to let the North change its master, there was no need for him to lead the Black Cavalry in pursuit into the Sky Ice Field.


At that time, the Golden Lion Army suffered heavy losses, and the northern lords were dissatisfied with Duke St. Hilde because of Marquis Charles's command errors.


When he was in Ice Rock City, as long as Marquis Garcia sent his army south, he could easily capture Winter City.


He has this ability.


Of course Duke St. Hilde also knew that his brother had this ability.


So, isn't he afraid that his brother's lies will come true?


Unless Marquis Garcia gave him some promise.


Of course, this promise is certainly not verbal.


It's a substantive, irrevocable commitment.


Extinction may be the promise Marquis Garcia made to his brother.


If there are no descendants to inherit the title, then what else is there to fight for?


This may be the basis of their mutual trust.


Just when Colin was thinking wildly, a sentry rider suddenly sent back news - traces of the troll army were found ahead!


Finally caught up!


Colin clearly felt that the soldiers suddenly became excited.


These soldiers who had traveled thousands of miles in the wind and snow showed no signs of slackness or flinching at this moment. They only had overwhelming fighting spirit!


This is the most powerful army in the North - the Black Cavalry Army!


However, the military order from Marquis Garcia came shortly afterwards, ordering the entire army to stop advancing and camp on the spot.


This is also normal.


After all, it is impossible to rush forward as soon as you discover the enemy's traces.


That's not marching and fighting, that's called recklessness.


A calm general will make further decisions after understanding the enemy's situation in detail.


Colin followed Marquis Garcia for a few kilometers and came to the place where the sentinels discovered the enemy's traces.


He carefully looked at the faint traces on the snow and judged:


"It looks like this should be the main force of the trolls, and it hasn't been more than a day or two."


Over the past few days, Colin has mastered a lot of ice tracking skills through constant exposure and humility.


Marquis Garcia nodded, recognized Colin's judgment, and then asked: "Then do you think we should continue to catch up?"


"Why not?" Colin was a little confused.


Isn't that why they traveled thousands of miles in freezing weather?


But Marquis Garcia shook his head:


"No. That's not our goal."