

I don't know how I came to be here. I vaguely remember being on a battlefield shrouded in smoke, with deafening sounds of artillery fire, bullets whizzing wildly by my ears, and my comrades falling one after another... Suddenly, a violent explosion struck, and I lost consciousness in an instant. When I woke up again, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar world, a world belonging to monsters. The inhabitants here call themselves the Undying Race, and my grandfather is the patriarch of our clan. I learned many skills here and quickly grew into the clan's finest warrior. On the day of my training completion, I embarked on my first mission, marking the beginning of an incredible and wondrous journey. However, when I finally reached the end after enduring countless hardships, I suddenly discovered that everything was a lie... This is a fantasy lord struggle novel that tells the story of the protagonist Colin traveling to a different world, becoming a lord, and gradually growing into a generation of tycoons. The background of the story is set in a world where magic and technology coexist, where humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and other races live together. The protagonist Colin was originally an ordinary young man on Earth. He accidentally traveled to this different world and became a lord. However, the territory is on the verge of bankruptcy and surrounded by dangers. In order to survive and develop, Colin had to use his modern knowledge and way of thinking to carry out reforms in the territory. He developed agriculture, commerce, and military affairs, and gradually built a powerful army. At the same time, he also fought against other lords and races, and finally rose up in troubled times and became a generational hero.

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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70 Chs


"The Marquis is not in the castle?"


"Yes, the Marquis went to the outskirts of the city to hunt."


Colin and Vera jumped into the air, Marquis Garcia was not in the castle at the moment.


"Then, could you please take us to see him?"


"Of course, this is my honor." Faced with Vera's request, the Marquis guard would certainly not refuse.


So, Colin followed the marquis guard to the stable to get the horse, while Vera went back to change into clothes that were convenient for riding.


Arriving at the stables, Colin met an old acquaintance.


"Good morning, Cynthia Knight." Colin greeted with a smile on his face, but he had already cursed "crazy woman" in his heart.


Cynthia seemed to have just come back from outside. She was stunned when she saw Colin, and then asked with an unhappy face: "What are you doing here?"


"I'm not here to find you anyway." Seeing how rude this crazy woman was, Colin said angrily.


Cynthia's almond-shaped eyes widened, and her right hand went directly to the sword at her waist.


Colin was shocked. This woman is really crazy. She wants to fight again if she disagrees with her?


The marquis guard next to him was also frightened by these two people. He didn't understand the situation at all for a while, but seeing that the situation was getting out of hand, he quickly stood up and explained:


"Knight Cynthia and Knight Colin came to the castle at the invitation of Miss Vera. They are now preparing to go to the outskirts of the city to meet Marquis Garcia."


Originally, Cynthia was about to scold a guard who dared to interrupt in front of her, but she suddenly stopped after hearing the name "Marquis Garcia" and seeing the black lion badge on the other person's breastplate.


Beating a dog also depends on the owner.


Marquis Garcia's bodyguards are not ordinary bodyguards.


Although Cynthia is crazy, she is not stupid.


Seeing that Cynthia was timid, Colin was about to make some mocking remarks, but in the blink of an eye he saw the servant holding Cynthia's horse, and he suddenly became happy.


Another old acquaintance.


Great filial son, Sal!


"Knight Cynthia, the servant holding your horse looks good. Can you sell it?"


"Not for sale!" Cynthia refused without even thinking.


Colin was not surprised by Cynthia's answer, but said calmly: "Don't refuse in a hurry, don't you want to listen to my offer?"


Cynthia raised her eyebrows slightly, hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Then you should tell me."


Upon hearing this, the corners of Colin's mouth immediately turned up.


Taken the bait.


Although Sal kept his head lowered, Colin was still keenly aware of the opponent's clenched fists and his body that instantly stiffened.


He is a poisonous snake!


This is the evaluation given to Thrall by Bliss Knight.


Colin couldn't agree more.


A person who can betray even his father, what else can't he betray?


Cynthia thought that if she gave Sal asylum, Sal would be grateful.


However, Colin knew very well that as long as Cynthia showed any intention of selling Sal to Colin, the seeds of hatred would definitely be planted in Sal's heart.


"Ten gold coins!" Colin said casually.


Cynthia sneered: "Knight Colin, are your Angelet family already in such embarrassment? If you want to buy servants at this price, I suggest you go to the slave market in the west of the city."


To be honest, the price of ten gold coins is not low.


Of course, it's not too high.


In fact, as long as Colin's offer does not far exceed Sal's value, then Cynthia will definitely not agree to it out of disgust for Colin.


And Colin didn't want Cynthia to agree.


All he needs is an inquiry from the other party.


The seeds of hatred have been planted and are just waiting to take root.


Hearing Cynthia's rejection of Colin, Sal's body immediately relaxed, but just as Colin expected, Sal's resentment towards Cynthia had been deeply buried in his heart.


At this time, Sal suddenly remembered something his father once said:


"Don't get too close to the nobles!


We are cattle and sheep, they are tigers and leopards.


We eat grass, they eat meat -


It's our meat that's being eaten! "


Sal has never thought highly of his father, thinking that he is too conservative, too timid, and not enterprising enough and adventurous.


But Sal quite agreed with the above words.


These nobles indeed never regarded civilians as the same kind of creatures, nor did they care about their life or death.


However, Sal did not completely agree with his father's words.


In Sal's opinion, he may not be destined to eat grass for the rest of his life!


He also wants to eat meat!


Eat the meat of nobles!



Colin did not expect that what he had buried in Sal's heart was not only resentment towards Cynthia, but also resentment towards the entire aristocratic class!


This resentment is gathering bit by bit, and one day, it will become a frenzy sweeping the entire Northern Territory!



After Cynthia left with Sal, Colin waited for a long time before Vera arrived belatedly.


There is no way, women are always very slow when changing clothes.


Moreover, this speed is generally inversely proportional to its beauty.


Of course, when he saw Vera after changing her clothes, Colin still felt that it was worth waiting no matter how long it took.


I saw that she had changed into a purple chiffon shirt and a white military uniform. The tight breeches outlined a pair of round and straight long legs, which firmly attracted the attention of a certain LSP.


Seemingly noticing Colin's gaze, Vera's little face turned red with embarrassment.


"Let's go, Colin."




The three of them got on their horses and headed towards the outskirts of the city.


The sun is shining brightly on a spring morning.


Even though Colin was a little averse to direct sunlight because of his bloodline, he had to admit that this was a beautiful morning.


Just perfect for a spring outing with beauty.


Unfortunately, the atmosphere wasn't quite right.


The current tense situation prevented Colin and Vera from talking, and they only cared about speeding along.


Under the guidance of the Marquis' guards, the three gradually approached the Black Cavalry's camp outside the city.


The strong murderous aura that hit his face made Colin unable to even take a peek at Vera's vigorous posture while riding a horse.


Something seems wrong!


Why are you so murderous when you're just hunting?


Colin frowned, thinking hard about how to persuade Marquis Garcia later.


To be honest, he didn't have much confidence.


In his opinion, since Marquis Garcia publicly forced Marquis Charles to give up his title that night, things have lost room for change.


To be honest, Colin always felt that Marquis Garcia handled this matter very unwisely.


Look at Count Uman, first he introduced the puppet Kahn Sudor to attract firepower, and then in the name of smoothing things over, he actually ended up with Marquis La Garcia.


He achieved his goal without leaving a trace, but did not let himself get too involved in this whirlpool.


The entire operation is extremely smooth and can advance and retreat freely.


These are the qualities and methods that an old politician should have.


And Marquis Garcia...


This man whose military prowess is unparalleled in the north seems to be a bit... naive politically.


Just as Colin was thinking wildly, the three of them had arrived at the center of the Black Cavalry camp and met Marquis Garcia.




"Your Majesty the Marquis!"


Marquis Garcia nodded towards the two of them, as if he was not surprised by their arrival.


"Uncle, where are you going to hunt?" Vera felt a little nervous as she looked at the black cavalry troops getting ready to go.


At this time, Colin's mood had sunk to rock bottom.


Although he hadn't started persuading him yet, seeing the Black Cavalry in such a state, it was useless to persuade them.


It's all ready to begin!


In Colin's desperate eyes, Marquis Garcia raised his riding crop and pointed to the north:


"The ice field of the sky."


"Cang, sky... ice field?"


"Yes!" Marquis Garcia smiled slightly and affirmed, "I am ready to hunt the sky ice field!"


Vera was still in a daze, but Colin had already reacted.




The entire North has been deceived!


No, not only the North, I'm afraid even the trolls were deceived!


Marquis Garcia deliberately created a tense situation with Duke St. Hilde, probably just to confuse and paralyze the enemy.


Everyone thought that the Black Cavalry Army would cause chaos in the north.


However, Marquis Garcia has only one goal from beginning to end - trolls!


Colin thought that just now he had been criticizing Marquis Garcia for his political incompetence. Now it seemed that the other party was simply acting.


But I was deceived from beginning to end like a fool!


"Knight Colin." Marquis Garcia suddenly turned to Colin, "Someone told me that you were born for the battlefield. Do you dare to hunt the ice fields with me?"


Colin felt a rush of blood rush to his forehead, and the figure of Marquis Garcia became so tall in his eyes!


He is worthy of being the Military God of the North!


Worthy of being the guardian of the human race!


He is worthy of being the idol of all young people in the North!


How could such a person be trapped in a vortex of intrigue and internal strife?


His journey will always be only one - the sky and the ice field!


Thinking of this, Colin responded loudly: "Why don't you dare!"


Marquis Garcia laughed loudly, waved his whip, and gave an order:


"Go to war!"


Fifty thousand cavalry are like a black tide that covers the sky and the earth, rolling towards the north!