
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH7: What does it mean 'being a man'?

Mia comes back again to the shower-room, with a towel around her, when I already went inside the bath, sitting beside Robin. She walk to my other, empty, side, and sit down, while putting her head on my shoulder.

I move my head to kiss her forehead, gently rapping her with my hand, hugging her, enjoying the moment, trying to ease the sadness I feel from her heart, till, *PINCH*, I felt a pain, like a bee attacked my waist.

I turn to look , and see Robin narrowing her eyebrows, and pouting her mouth, making me smile and *chuckle*. I quickly put my other hand around her, kissed her nose, and lay her to my other shoulder.

I'm now huge. Maybe a tiny bit shorter than Robin, but I passed Mia, who's 6.1' (186cm).

The real gap is my broad chest, making me wide, and feel like Iv'e even got wings at the sides of my back. My body stand straight like a strong tree, but not as a body-builder, more as each of my body parts is well-refined and exist wholly on it own.

What's more, my skin is shiny new, like a yellow glow layer above a light-brown layer.

My hair is as if I put wax on it, and the subtle bluish-black vibe turned dominant, kinda majestic, as if there was a black-lion-king, I bet they would paint his fur like that.

My face turned manly, and I had 2 distinctive bumps in the edge of my jaw-line, under my ears, yet my chin still look gentle, kinda like a child, which I sure do prefer stay that way, rather than having a rough chin, as human society assume looks 'manly'.

All in all, I really feel I turn out to be the dreamy older version of myself.

Robin and Mia acts as if they got a new toy, and play with my body like a child pushing all the buttons on a TV-remote, like a kid who takes his younger sister doll and experiment on her body violently, and they were going as far as squeezing my nipples, punching my upper chest, pulling my hair, and every bizarre thing that they could think of, yet gently, full of love and affection.

I just sit and let them do whatever, feeling it's even more fun to me than to them, plus, I can finally see them relaxing from that chaotic energies they had before.

"Say, Robin, are you sure it's Ayn, and not some look-alike-adult-Ayn?" Mia talks with Robin, who goes "I don't think they can make another Ayn, so it's probably him?", while Mia retort "but he looks more like Ayn-2.0-Version. Maybe they did some upgrade and just change him when we didn't notice?", and Robin catch it in a laugh, and hit her back "No way. I was there the whole time, and so are you. if anything, it's more like a tree who just grew up, and finally got some flowers and fruits out if branches".

Mia open her mouth, Biting me strongly on my upper arm, strong enough to leave a teeth mark, saying "I guess your'e right", and who knows why, Robin also bites me, on my other hand, at the same place, right after saying "Itadakimasu", and "Mmm, Yummy".

I groan silently, but enough for them to hear and burst laughing happily, like the whole anxieties blew away, making me relax as well, while thinking about the extreme experience I just had for almost a year, grasping it while enjoying their beautiful smiles.

"Ayn, I can't believe your'e not yet 14, and look like that. Now I can't let you leave the house, who knows what women would do to you?" Robin tells me, so I say "I'm probably more in danger staying here?".

Mia laugh hard on Robin, but Robin stare at her like 'Mia is much more dangerous than me', making Mia look like she's also acknowledge the fact that maybe it's true.

"And anyway", I continue speaking, "If you wanna eat me, bon appetite?", and once again the 2 heavenly giggles return to bell.

"Why are you still wearing a towel on your body?" I ask them, "Am I also suppose to do it as well? Is it some new tradition in the house?".

Robin answer to me "Well Ayn, that's 'normal' now that your'e a man", but Mia just says "Well, I just act as Robin does..".

A burst of monologue comes out of me, as I speak, "Then why only I'm naked? and since when was I, or us, 'normal' anyway? and if so, what's the definition of 'normal'? ... I feel like I don't want to be 'normal', nor do any normie out there ever wish to discover he's 'normal'..", *breath*.

"... just being a 'normal' human being, living his 'normal' human life, doing his 'normal' things, while enjoying his 'normal' moments, in his 'normal' world.. Bahh, 'normal' sounds like 'Oh, you just lost the lottery, here's your consultation prize, a used tissue paper' ... Robin ... am I really suppose to be 'normal'? Are you wishing to be 'normal'?" *breath*, I finally turn quiet, looking at her.

Robin silently thought to herself, till a minute later Mia broke the silence, standing up, and saying "KNOWING THY OTHERs, KNOW THY SELF", acting all-self-important, like a B.C. Chinese philosopher.

I laugh at her, while Robin show her a gentle-shy-smile. I pull Mia towel off of her, saying "I SHALL KNOW THY OTHER", and she shyly turn to sit, while splashing my face with water, which turn to a water battle between us quickly, making Robin pout, then mad, and finally join the fight.

In the middle of it, Robin towel fell off of her, and I just throw it out of the bath.

eventually, we calm down, and return to sit as before, just completely naked, and I marvel toward the female bodies who's next to me, and how majestic the nature who create a man and a women, with all it similarities, yet differences, like every Yang need a Yin, and vice versa.

Mia and Robin got lots of Yin, for sure.

Their bodies have a magnificent breast, a rich one, with Robin leading to be a bit bigger.

I look at my own chest, who's flat-muscle, with brown flat nipple in the middle, then look at Robin breast, with her pinkish-brown nipple standing out, and then at Mia breast, with brownish-pink nipple caved in it, hidden inside it.

"Why is women chest so different than man?" I ask them, but they shake their heads, as if they have no real idea why.

"Why does man love breast so much?" I try asking another question, and Robin says "Oh, I read a research saying bigger breast can signal to a women sexual maturity".

I try another question, asking "Why's Mia nipples hidden inside her breast?", getting Robin giggling, saying "Because it wait for a prince to kiss them and wake them up", and Mia, pouting, spits out "YEAH, go ahead my prince, help your princess-maid nipples".

I turn my head right and left, wonder if I really should do that, so I just do, and bring my face to Mia nipple, kissing it.

Nothing happened, except getting "HUHH?!" sound from Robin, and a "Hummm" from Mia.

"Nothing happened, it's still in, I guess you were joking on me?" I ask, but Mia tell me "No No No, You need to really kiss them, suck them out of there", so I move to do that, feeling it really is a nice feeling, but get a *pinch* in my hip from Robin.

"Okay, let's get out, We're already too long in the shower" Robin says, and all 3 of us walk out, drying ourselves, and I walk to my room to find new clothes to wear.

In my room I take some clothes, but discover 'Nothing fit me, haha, I really became too big', so I put a loose boxer, and think what should I do, before walking to my father's room direction, betting his clothes can fit me, hoping he got just normal t-shirt somewhere.

Standing in front my father's room, who takes the whole 3rd floor in the house, I think 'have I ever been in my father's room in my life? I can't remember any time iv'e been here'.

I try knocking the door, 'who knows, maybe he's here', and just as I reach the door's handle to try opening it, the door opens up.

"Yo, HAH?? Ayn? Ya look...", my father speaks as the door open, and *SMACK*, hit me in the upper-chest with his fist, but not like usual, it doesn't hurt, rather feels like a friendly tap.

I look at him, thinking 'No matter how much Iv'e grown up, and got stronger, he's still way taller, way broader, and way stronger than me'.

"Hi, long time no see, father. Got any spare normal-wear to give me? I'm out of clothes" I ask him, and he smile and walk in, while I follow after him.

While he start talking about what I just experienced, explaining things, I explore the inside of his room.

In the wide studio-room, which look more like a rich-mad-scientist lab-house hide-out, I see shining golden furniture, shelves filled with weird relics and ancient books covering the walls, a writing-desk hidden by piles of papers, and a sofa that seems to be acting as a clothes-hanger, leaving no space to sit.

There's no normal bed here, but there's a luxurious looking sling-bed.

He keeps talking and walking to another door, me following him, and we enter a walking-room-closet, filled to the brim in clothes.

Inside, I feel like I just entered into a theater dressing room, with all that colorful, unique, clothes here, so I ask "Got any simple pair of t-shirt and pants?".

He open the closet, near the entrance, and I see training-gear, so I pick a painted-black training-gear, and add a blue hooded long-sleeves jacket with buttons in the middle, wear it on me, and leave the hoodie jacket buttons open.

"Ya caught me just leaving. Ya looking good. Ya your own self, like a man should be, but c'mon, maybe try to sleep less? YAHUHUhuhu" my father speech turn to a laugh, and I feel the whole time he inspects my body, checking everything is alright.

I also look at him, and 'see' he's got that black-energy layer, same as always, so I courage myself to try and grasp a wisp of it.

'It feels... like a floating liquid iron... it's like the opposite of the white-energy, as it seems like an answer, rather than a questioning-energy...' I think as the black-energy turn to a cloud surrounding particles floating all over me, and my father gaze still hover on my whole body.

Suddenly, he *SMACK* my chest, saying "come, Iv'e got something for you", and walking back into his room, he take a book and pass it to me, "a nakama once wrote this book, I think you and Robin would find it interesting", and I look at the book he gave me, seeing it is hand-written, and with an ink, not a pen or a pencil, looking like a diary, or a log.

'HAKI', was written on the book outside cover, so I guess it's 'that Haki', like what Robin mentioned back then, thinking 'I'll read it later', and say "Thanks? Good bye, see ya later", and walk out of the room.

I walk into the kitchen, where piles of food cover the whole place, and a strong smells also coming from the dining room.

Mia stand near the oven, and I hear Robin say from the dining room "Dear, come here", so I go and sit down near her, and start devouring food, discovering just how much I needed to refill my body, eating till my belly can't stretch anymore.

Mia comes in just then, saying "I hope you got some space left", putting a steaming hot brownish-orange cake in front of me, and I feel my eyes is a bit teary.

"Haha, I guess that carrot cake really grew up on me, Mia, thanks" I say, and Mia smile happily to me.

We finish eating, and cleaning the place, and Robin then announce to us "Let's go out, I think you need new clothes. Let's meet in the garage in an hour".

I go first to the garden, doing light exercise to get used to the changes in me.

Later, I sit down on a bench, taking Haki's book my father gave me, and start reading. 'It looks like a children book with all those drawing in it, but it's really convenient. It seems Haki is some way to exercise, or a technique manual of some sort?' I wonder while trying to do as instructed.

Soon enough, I feel changes by following the instructions and energy-channels, so I look at my body, and to my surprise, I 'see' a thin black energy layer start to form and spread on my body.

'Huh? it feels like my 6th sense is responding strongly to one of those 3 technique, like I can spread the scope of my perception farther and farther from where I am... and it also feels like there's that black layer I can create, like the energy in my body turning solid, blocking the outside world from touching or entering me'.

I kept on doing the instructions, feeling what it is, 'feels the opposite of white, who wish to flow out, while the black wish to stay in' I research till I heard a shout from the house.

"Ayn, where are you? Let's go" Mia shout, and I leave everything, following her, as we arrive to the garage, where Robin is, in a black jeep, seeing her through the open driver window, as all the windows tainted black, like a one-side-mirror.

Mia sits in the back, and I go and sit next to her. The huge garage's gate opens, and Robin get us into the road. We Enjoy a small-talk, till we reach the underground parking of a shiny giant mall, and we walk out, as I get one of my hands hugged by Robin, then the other hugged by Mia, and we go to the elevator.

Moving between the shops, we enter a few, as I try lots of wears, and model whatever I, or they, pick. We keep buying stocks of clothes, as I basically got none now.

When we enter another fancy cloth shop, I model a formal-suit on a white shirt, with a red tie.

The shop sale-girl looked at me like she's 'hungry' and wants to eat me, so I politely escape to Robin and Mia, who kinda got the same face, making me smile.

I look at all the bags we got, and decide Iv'e had enough, and pick from the shop 2 fancy evening dresses, and say with a smile "Your turn to model for me".

They smile back, grab the 2 dresses I picked, change for the right size, and go try them on.

First, Mia come out, and she's wearing a blue royal goddess maxi dress, with a deep v-line going till her navel, exposing the middle of her bosom, and her hands, only.

I walk to her, and see she's under my height, and she sit to wear a high-heels shoes, exposing her legs seductively, as she smirk, stand up, showing she's higher then me, and turn in circle, making the dress flare and flow with her moves, looking amazingly stunning.

Then, Robin also step out, and now she's way higher than me, as I also see her wearing white-high-heels, together with a V-neck slit split red dress, exposing her deep breastbone, her hands, and both her legs behind the slits in the dress. She smile, and gently brush her hair, exposing her neck to me.

I keep gazing on the two, before saying "Okay, I think we're ready, let's stay like this. Wanna go drink something?", and they nod back at me, hugging each a hand, and we stand before a mirror, smiling, taking pics, paying, and leaving while wearing the clothes.

We go back to the car, driving to a high building, taking the elevator to the top floor, and I can see a bar-restaurant, dimly-lit, with a live performance of a pianist, playing on a low stage with a light above her, making her dancing fingers shine, like it dance with the shadows of her moving fingers rhythm.

We sit in a corner of the restaurant hall, in a single sofa facing the transparent city's view huge window, and enjoy the settling sun in the edge of the horizon.

A waitresses take Mia and Robin orders, and we sit close to each other in the sofa, talking about the last year, till food, and bottles of wine, reach the low-table in front of us.

I can hear, and feel, the people around us, but we never turn to look, just being by ourselves. In the passing last minutes before the sun says it goodbye, Robin start summarizing.

"It was a rough year ..." she says, and Mia adds "It was a tough year ...". I send both hands behind their shoulders, whispering "I am happy right now, being with my most loved people, in this beautiful place".

They both *exhale*, and *giggle* really quietly, while snuggling their heads on my shoulders, and keep drinking wine, till the sun disappeared, and the lights change to the view of a lively city lights, reminder of how many people live and move all around the distance.

The pianist change to a gentle melody, and the whole vibe turn romantic.

I've got a lot of feeling in me I want to speak about, but I prefer to shut-up, never finding the right moment, or right words to say, so I instead dip in my 6th sense and discover the world around me.

'The world feels like a huge 3 dimensional canvas, where water colors painted all over, like they're moving, yet stay the same. It seems that orange is the people working here? but the pianist, and also manager feels a bit pink.. the people vary to white and blue mostly, but there's few tingles of yellow, purple, red, black, and some green..', as I think I turn my head, and see a table full of men sitting behind us, around a large dining table, drinking, gazing back at me.

'Why are they looking at me?' I thought, while closing my eyes and see they've got green-energy exposed to me. I pry a wisp of it, and my senses telling me it's 'sharp', also kinda sticky, and sort of possessive.

'It makes me feel I need to protect Robin and Mia..', but pain wake me up from my thoughts.

"Ayn! You better stay awake, we're not letting you sleep for at least a week after all this time!" Robin say while pinching me, and Mia nod to her words, while a loud "HUUUUHHHHHHHH" Scream sounds from the people behind us.