
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH6: "Awaken" & Awoken

I wake up to the serenade of a trunk horn's honking.

"Ahhh, Aynnn, go shut it", Robin grumble sleepily, rubbing her cheek on mine. On my other side, Mia act asleep, really bad acting asleep, so I just snuggle her hair a bit, give both of them a short kiss on top of the head, and move them from me, so I could walk out.

Outside the door, behind the house's gate, A huge trunk stood, and in it 3 sitting man, looking at me. I press a button near the door, raising the phone, and point them on it, and then to the place there's a phone on the gate, who's ringing, so they could talk to me.

After a minute of pantomime, a guy says "YO, what's da hold up say, whatya waitin fo', open I drop it and we're gone". I ask "Who called you? What you brought?", and see him reading from a paper "Sir Roger, Order of 5 crates. Beware, fragile".

'Hmm, I can believe that' I thought, so I say "I'll open up the garage, it's to your right, just put the crates in there. I'll come in a few minutes". I do just that, go wear some casual clothes, and go see what they brought.

"Sign here bro" the youngest of the 3 said, 'but I need to check what I sign, no? ahh, I'll just take the paper and see'. The paper just had -Sir Roger / 5 crates / Beware, fragile- , making me feel sad I thought the guy who talked to me were a bit idiotic. this whole farce was idiotic, not him.

I sign and give them the paper back, seeing them off, and going to check what a weird crate of a weird father can be? 'weird x weird = normal? or extremely weirdo?', I laugh to myself, while opening a crate, while feeling my eyes pop out of their socket.


'Damn, that father now wanna open a safari in our house? and FFS, he brought them as closed crates' I think in shock. I just close it back, step into the house, and welcomed by 4 wondering eyes.

"What happened? We heard you yell... what animal in a cage?" Robin asks, but I look at Mia, who shrug her shoulders, like saying she's used to those extreme weirdo stuff. "I guess we officially open a safari in our house?" I say smiling, thinking 'maybe it ain't such a bad idea, why is there no animals here before?'.

We decide to just let it sink, while going our ways, then breakfast, and just as we're about to finish, we hear "Where's my share? that's unfair of you guys".

'Hah, father is here' I think, so I turn and say to him "We gave it to 5 animals we found outside, go ask them for it". He laugh, *SMACK* my back, and steal all the food I, and everyone else, didn't finish yet.

"Mia, I think you gotta see those 5 animals, and here, take this stone, I guess you know what I'm thinking about. Tell me if it's any use to me, or Ayn", as my father says it he throw a stone to Mia's direction, which I quickly grab in fear it will hurt her.

I was planning giving it to her, but when she touched it, I could feel the energy in me manifest into my hand, yet it soon disappeared into my chest, making me feel my Tattoo in the middle of my chest reacting to it.

Mia take the stone, as I release my hand, and touch my chest with both hands, thinking 'what just happened? another weird rock? am I going to be scarred again?'

"Hey, Ayn, are you alright? did you feel anything?" Mia asks. "Yeah...", I say as I start taking off my shirt, "I felt something, and also the tattoo", and now we were all looking at my chest.

"Huh? it got a bit more colors now?" my father say.

"Yeah, like it's glowing, kinda feel like a real planet painting now" Robin adds.

"That's weird, maybe I need to try again?" Mia half asks, half deciding, and start to put one hand in front of me, and the other holding the stone, whispering "Awaken".

I start feeling like all the energy in my body being sucked into my chest, straight into my tattoo, like it becoming alive. It kinda glow for a few seconds, continuing to suck all of the energies away, and I almost collapse, but then it just stop, and once again all my energy flow back to me.

I touch all of my body, checking what just happened, but I can't find anything different, maybe except for my energy feeling better, or more refined, than it was a moment ago.

"It felt like it took all my energy into the tattoo, and than it just return to normal again?" I speak to answer all their wondering gazes.

"Huh? Mia? you sure you did it like it suppose to happen?" My father question Mia, but Mia says "Yeah, it's too simple to get it wrong, I'll try again later. Maybe we're just tired right now?".

Robin, like me, seems kinda out of the loop, like we don't know what they're talking about. She holds Mia hand, taking her away from us, leaving me with my father.

"So? Feeling like a man now Ayn? How was the party yesterday?" my father change subject, acting light-headed again, like things will solve themselves somehow.

I, on the other hand, start to 'see' energies way clearer than I saw before, staring at my father, who look again as a black layer, but filled with white.

When I think what to answer, I somehow see myself turn a bit green, so I answer vaguely "Yeah, me, Mia, and Robin, had dinner and a small party", trying to answer without telling him too much.

'I feel like he wants to take Robin, and even Mia, away from me?... and are they even mine?' my mind ponder about this new feeling.

"Oh, Wonderful, those two sure do love you, be sure to take care of them", he then laugh, and walk out of the kitchen, and then out of the house, while still giggling loudly to himself.

'Huhhhh, this day just turn weirder and weirder, I can't even cope what's what ... I'll just go train and clear my mind ... Robin said she got a lot of things to explain to me, I guess that will solve some things for me ... and I better ask Mia, it seems she also knows more than she tell, or act ...'.

While I'm thinking I change clothes, enter the training room, open the glass door to the yard, sit at the edge of the deck, right next to the grass, facing the garden and tree's forest before me, and relax my mind in a lotus position.

'I can feel energy flow in me, in a loop, like blood to the heart, or like nerves to the brain, yet instead it's an energy loop to the middle of my chest, to where my tattoo at, before circling back again allover my body? Why do I feel like the bizarre fruit from yesterday got sucked, or stuck, into my tattoo? and how come each time the energy circle it feels better, stronger, and more refined?'.

As my questions keep popping in me, I fall to a kind of coma. I'm not moving a muscle. My eyes shut tight. My breathing is deep, yet slow. I am not asleep, yet am not awake.

'I feel like I'm in my body, but that's kinda stupid, cause I'm always in my body, I am my body, so why do I feel like that?'.

I'm afraid to answer, feeling that I know the answer, yet I can't see any science, only religions, who can say I'm currently feeling my soul.

I am my soul.

My soul is like an atom who moves in my body, faster than the speed of light, and even being so microscopic, it exist all over my body, because it just moves too fast.

'It feels like my body is a cage to my soul' I ponder about it, thinking 'Let just run with it...'.




When I open up my eyes I feel like I'm a mummy, awoken from my endless sleep.

My clothes were totally tattered, I was without a shirt, and my pants full of dirt, holes, ripped, and I can see my torn underwear from the gaps.

'What has happened??? and why is there a roof over my head?? they've built a gazebo around me? how long was I mediating?'.

When I look at myself, it feels unreal, like a feeling from movies, like 'Big', or 'Shazam', as I woke up in a grown-up me body.

"Ayn!!" I hear a scream behind me, and Robin's turn in front of my eyes. She looks worried, half crying, half smiling, or rather half sad, half happy.

"Hi?" I say weirdly, waving my hand like saying 'Hello'. She laugh, while diving straight on me, landing with 100% her body on me, grabbing me like a Koala on a tree.

I thought my head will sink into her lovely bosom, taking my breath away, physically and mentally, but oddly enough we were almost face to face, and my mouth rest on her shoulder, while she hug-squeezing me tightly.

"YOU TOOK YOUR TIME WAKING UP!" She grumble to my ear, making me feel like she scream at me.

"Hmm, hey, Ruby, how long did I've been here? I feel like I slept a bit, but by the looks of it, it's like a week, even a month, went by" I pry an answer from her, and while she force our hug harder than before, while I hug her back and scrub her back so she could relax a bit and see I'm fine, she says "A week? A month?? ALMOST A YEAR! An entire 11 Month!! you didn't even blink!!!".

She went back to screams, and while I digest what she just said, she adds "The only reason I held on before shaking you up and start moving you, is that your father, and Mia, and also few of your father's acquaintances, plus lots of doctors and instructors, kept saying everything is fine. Some even said it's a wonderful thing. They didn't even let me put infusion on you. YOU HAVEN'T EATEN OR DRANK 11 MONTHS!!", and she yet again scream in my ear.

'I.. I need to digest my mind... but before, Iv'e got to move, I got to know what's going on...' I'm thinking, while I keep hugging Robin.

I try to stand up, yet Robin doesn't leave me, her hands and legs lock around me, so I stand up with her on me.

As I stretch my body, I feel something changed with me, or maybe too much changed with me.

'I feel stronger... the ground is far away, like Iv'e gotten taller, and my hands got longer, I can circle Robin's entire body with them'.

While thinking, I walk into the training room, who looks more like a living room plus a bedroom now, toward the mirror.

'Wow. I'm tall! HAHA, I got a little beard! Awesome, my face looks like a man's face, not like a kid anymore! What?! My hair is so long, and it looks like I dyed it blue, but failed and it stayed black. haha' I keep checking my body as I think what more had changed in me.

"Hey Ruby, look at me, it's like I went into a time machine and turn into adult!" I talk to the snuggling Robin on me, and as she look at the mirror with me, she lock her eyes with me, saying "And I feel like I sat on the machine board, doing maintenance, feeling like it was 11 years, not 11 months, you were there".

I feel 'I better shut up and just hug her now', and do so, while Robin explain to me what everybody said happened to me, and how this 'meditation state' is an extreme-beneficial-rare-experience.

When I close my eyes for a moment, trying to sense my body, I suddenly can sense the whole room. It's like the feeling I had with energy, but now from everything, even the walls and floor, like there's an invisible world who exist behind the human 5 senses.

'It's like I got a 6th sense, and it's way too strong, it feels like I can sense a brand new world inside the world I exist in' I feel.

"Relax, Ruby, I'm feeling fine. Let me go for a sec, I wanna be sure I'm totally okay" I tell her, and after another minute of snuggle, she smear some liquid on my shoulder while releasing her grip on me, standing straight, and rubbing her hands on her face.

'Wow, I'm almost the same height as Robin! awesome!' I think, while moving and starching my whole body, finding all the changes that happened, 'I feel like I can hit a brick wall and break it? what a powerful energy. Wow, the tattoo on my chest looks so beautiful, it's like a realistic painting of a whole planet. There's a fading circle around my tattoo? what's...'.

"BAHHH, you stink, go shower stinky" Robin laugh at me.

'I really smell awful, and almost completely naked if I move too much' I think, and ask her "Sure, come scrub my back?". Robin smile, saying "You better enter into a laundry machine, or maybe a car-wash? .. Haha .. Okay .. let's go".

I start walking toward the shower, Robin behind me, and I can feel her endless wondering gaze on me.

"Ahh, sleeping so long, and waking up to your green beautiful eyes looking at me, is kinda awesome" *SMACK*, Robin hit my back before I finish speaking, saying "You better not do it again, or else...".

Breaking the silence, I ask "Or else what?", and she answer "You. Do Not Want. To Find Out!".

When we get to the shower room, I just rip my tattered clothes off me, entering inside the head-shower, and start scrubbing my whole body with my hands. It felt like layers of goo were falling off of me, so I grab a towel and scrub even harder my whole body till I feel I took few skin layers off.

Finishing that, I see Robin waiting with a towel around her, and a soapy bowl with a towel in her hands, as she keep on explaining what happened to me, while I marvel at her beauty.

"Sit", she says as she point at a stool, so I do, and I can see in the mirror in front of me Robin soaking the towel and feel her start soaping me.

She wash all of my back, from head to lower back, and then move to the sides, also scrubbing my hands, and now she stand in front of me, getting my whole head full of shampoo, my face with face-soap, and continue to soap my chest.

I just sit with my eyes closed, feeling her scrubbing my legs now, and as she start washing my tights I can see that pinky-red energy again, coming out of Robin body, penetrating the middle of my body.

'It's the only part, except my ass, as I'm sitting, that she haven't wash yet'.

Her hands move up, and she now start scrubbing it with the soapy towel. I can feel my blood boil.

I can feel her gentle fingers move around my balls and cock, and I can feel it is fully awaken now, standing there, gazing at Robin.

"Hhhhaaa", a deep sound escape my throat. I try move my hands toward my shaft, but before I reach it Robin says "Don't move, I'll help you release all that stress. Just sit quietly".

"Hahh .. hahh ... Ahhh ..." noises escape from deep within me again through my throat, while Robin slide her hands up and down my pole, as one hand move under it, playing with the whole sack.

'I can no longer feel a towel, it's her bare fingers touching me, but I can't see, because all the soap in my face threatening to burn my eyes if I dare open them'.

"Robinnn, I love youu" I moan deeply, "Hahhh, HAHHhh, AHHHH", I continue moaning, till I feel like the dam had broken, and stream shoot out of me, releasing from within me all of my left-over unspoken puberty, making me feel like I really turned into a man.

In my head I hope to taint Robin's whole body with it, an unexplained urge, wishing to wash her in it. She keep on sliding her fingers on me, as I raise my hands and scrub my eyes and face, saying "Wow, Ruby, most amazing thing ever. Damn! I love you!".

She laugh gently, and I say "And I missed that beautiful gentle laugh", making her laugh a bit more.

"Okay, let's wash you off, and while I wash myself go shave that weird beard forest that pop on your face" Robin say, and I do as she told me.

I had to shave few times in the past, beard showing a bit since I'm 11 year old, so I shave my face, and by the time I'm done, I see Robin in the sitting-bath, relaxing, watching me.

I walk toward her, still naked, but half way there the door opens, a quick running steps heard, and when I turn to look I see a flying Mia, fully maid clothes on, going 'Banzai!' on me.

Instinctively I open my arms, ready to catch that curve-ball, and to my surprise, I caught her easily.

'It's the second Koala hugging on me like a tree in the last hour' I think happily, and I can sense I will need to wash myself from some liquids she's going to scrap onto my shoulder and neck.

"You bastard Young master, leaving me almost an entire year alone. You will pay for it, stupid Ayn, baka Ayn.." she keep mumble-grumble in my ear, even going as far as biting my neck, and keep repeating "baka Ayn" to me.

"Hi Mia, I really miss you, where were you this entire year?" I say smiling, and got in reward a series of punches on my back, like a king-kong-move announcing that this mountain is hers.

"Okay. Sorry. I love you, Mia, Now come join us in the bath, let's take it easy", I suggest, and she nod a bit, release me, and walk out to the dressing room.