
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH45: It's time to..

"Hello, lovely ladies" I wave to Zhuqing, Wu, and Rongrong, trying to shake them from the lazy atmosphere they've got here.

'They sit on a bench under a tree's shadow, looking like 3 gossiping grandmas' I think while smiling, and decide to sweeten up the vibe.

I pull 4 vanilla-ice-cream-cones from my space-pocket, give each 1, and sit on the ground, in front of them.

"10 out of 10!" Rongrong smiles to me, licking the ice-cream.

Zhuqing nod in agreement, yet Wu pout "I want a carrot-ice-cream!".

Thanks to Mia's same taste, I do have 1, so I take it out, but eat it myself.

"BASTARD, It's mine!!" Wu jump on me, stealing the ice-cream from my hand, and I instead hug her, making her sit on my lap.

"For real?" Rongrong laugh, "So I want strawberry!".

I smile and pull out strawberry-cone, and she jump on me, like Wu, stealing it, and sit on my other leg, and I hug her as well.

Zhuqing just watch us, smiling, with 3 vanilla-cones in her hand, courtesy of Wu and Rongrong leaving it to her.

They tell me about their plans to move to a new academy in Tian-Dou-Royal-City in less than 2 months, and how they just do whatever, from cleaning to just laze around, while I tell them about my adventure undersea, giving them souvenirs presents I bought there, and they look in shock, interest, and amazement, enjoying it.

While doing a small-talk, they gossip about how everything is going, including Tang-San, I 'see' him near-by, hammering metals, building things, and I ponder about making a new plan, for me and him to 'get close'.

After few hours, including lunch and a walk around the place, kinda like a 4-way-date, I tell them "I'm planning on a new training-expedition, and I'll be gone for at least a week, so I came to see you before, cause I'll miss you" I pout, and get hugs and kisses on my cheeks in response, making me smile, and soon we say our good-bye, and I *teleport*.

Behind a small-building, invisible to anyone, I stand near a window and watch Tang-San work on his craft, and it seems it's a deserted place, with no one coming close to. *Teleport*.


Back in Red-line, at Dressrosa, looking like a middle-aged-man, the kind you'll ignore if you saw him, I walk around the news-company-building, 'seeing' what's happening inside.

'So many dangerous people hidden everywhere inside, wow, but there's no one in the safe, only new thick metal walls, hah, I guess moving through space is unbelievable to them?' I think as I begin my plan.

First, turn invisible.

Second, pour gasoline on the outside walls.

Third, I take out my sword, gather a lot of energy, and *SLICE*, cut a huge cut through the whole 3 story building.

Fourth, I light the fire, and with the gasoline, it spreads really quickly.

Fifth, I *teleport* inside the safe, steal everything from inside, and *teleport*.


At Alabasta, after already doing the same M.O. in Water-7 and Sabaody, I finish here as well, stealing everything, and *teleport* to a hide-out, where I can watch what's happening to the building.

I watch how all the people inside escapes without a problem, but somehow, here, they seem to not have water-pipe to take the fire out, probably cause water is scarce in the desert, but soon a giant wave of sand arrives, and I see a man who shoot sand from his body settle all the mess.

The weirdest thing about him is the golden-hook he got on his hand, like the pirate-villain in 'Peter-Pan', and when I hear people screams "CROCODILE", I *chuckle* by the stupidity of the situation, but he's really powerful to put off the fire in mere seconds.

'The operation was a great success, time for Plan-3?' I think to myself, and *teleport*.

At Dressrosa, I see the fire is out, but everyone is outside the building, afraid it will collapse, while police, marines, and guards, patrol around it, investigating.

I press the button in my hand.


An ear-shuttering-explosion, followed by flying debris, stones, and then the whole building start collapsing, from the explosive-suitcase I blew, that I hid in the building's-underground in the past.

I *teleport* to the other 3 locations, doing the same thing, exploding the building to nothingness, as a totally chaos erupt, making the buildings become rubble, while the people pretty much safe, with only minor injuries, before I finally relax, and *teleport*.


"... And that's all that happened, I guess it's a success?" I tell Robin and Mia after finishing my short-story about plans 2-3 done, but Mia pout as she sees the money amount is meager, 1/4 or 1/5 of the amount when plan 1 was done, even though we didn't count it yet, and there's also other stuff, not just money.

"I plan to train for at least a week, I'm stagnant lately" I tell them, while the both nod in agreement, like I'm really lazy, which I kind of am, feeling joy everyday, and also feel that my powers grow fast anyway, even if I barely master any of them, which is rather kinda sad.

I tell them good-bye, as I did with all the women so far, except Shirahoshi and Gu Yuena, and *teleport*.


While entering Gu Yuena space-domain in Soul-land, I collapse on the ground, barely moving, feeling dizzy.

"What happened to you?" Yuena comes out asking me, and I answer "I think I used all my energy without noticing, hahah, funny, cause I came here to train with you for a while".

I lie-down on the grass, and she lie-down next to me, with her head on my stomach, and I fall asleep.

Some time later, I find myself in the bird-nest-bed, inside the tree-house, and Yuena big-spoon me.

I cuddle into her, "mmmmm" I moan cutely, and win her *giggle*.

"Okay, you spoiled child, OH, instead of half-ling, I thought of a new name, Long-Ling! or Ling-Long? HAHA, it means small dragon! wait, did I just raised your ranking?" Yuena mumble nonsense to herself, making herself laugh, and I just rub my head between her breast, enjoying her soundly sweet laughter.

"Okay, Long-Ling, Go train, ya lazy bum" she say, and I turn around, kiss her lips, make a sad face, and go train alone in the middle of the forest.

'I said a week, but I can slow time, so I'll try make it at least a month?' I plan my week, '...plus hitting Tang-San, plus visiting Shirahoshi, and maybe Rebecca, plus fun with Yuena...'.

Sitting in a lotus position, on top of an active volcano mountain, I meditate, trying to slow time with half of my energy, while training the other half, plus endure the endless sweat coming out of me.

I left a clock near me, and one on me, and I can see 1 hour for me is 7 hours outside, making me happy, cause I feel I can stay like this for at least a day.

more than 24 hours later, I stand up from my position, and see it's midnight, and *teleport*.

At Shrek-academy, the academy where the girls are, I hide in the woods, outside Tang-San's workshop, and watch him for 3 hours, gathering back my energies, plus waiting for him to go to sleep, and now he finally does, lying-down on a small bed in the corner of the room.

I wait a bit before I turn invisible, *teleport* inside, and *BANG!*, knock on his neck really hard.

I tie him up, strongly, and try removing his external-spirit-bone, but after some time, I feel it's impossible, or rather too hard or complicated for me right now.

'He's waking up' I sense, and quickly change my look to a random-man, put my forehead on his, and in the moment his eyes are open, I scan his memories.

'WHAT THE...! REINCARNATION! TANG SECT! HE'S A THIEF WHO LEARNT A FORBIDDEN ART!', I think in amazement, as I focus on that forbidden-art, 'Bible Of Empyrean'.

I feel he's about to attack me, so I spread my king-haki, paralyzing him a bit, till I can get the whole memories of this technique, before I knock him out again, run to take all the weapons he made, metals, and other things I see, and *teleport*.

In the lake-tree-house, in Ming's place, I create a new zone near the lake. I manipulate earth-energy, gathering stone, mud, and water, and slowly build a workshop-room, with an oven and a chimney on top, thinking to try it out soon, and also experimenting on different elements I haven't really experienced much till now.

When I'm done, I sit, cross-legged, on the lake's shore, and meditate, reciting the 'Bible Of Empyrean', wishing to discover the hidden secrets within it.

'Ethereal arts... including Energy-Absorption!... Vision!... Speed!... Mind!... even a Hand-technique! that seems to be superior to some hakis!... AND.. WOW! Plants guide to celestial-plants! plus poisons!, lots of poison!... AHHH, Guide to build hidden-weapons!, master them!, and add poison to all of them! for a silent-killing... THIS! IS! AMAZING!'.

Happy from all I just gained, knowing I just stole from a thief, which means I hadn't really did a bad thing, not as he did at least, as he betrayed his clan, cold heart betrayal, while I have no responsibility, or even knowledge, of.

'I almost forgot about the failed attempt to take his spirit-bone away' I think when the adrenaline is gone.

(You haft to cut the spirit-bone you wish to steal, meaning, kill him or amputate that organ) Bing-Bi talk to me in my head, so I say 'Thank you, I thought maybe that darkness-fruit could do it, like spirit-rings', but she tell me (It's more like spirit-soul, which is part of the body, even though it wasn't fully connected, so maybe you're really too weak for it now), and I *sigh*, but then happy again.

I once again focus half my energy on slowing down time, and the other half I use to learn and practice the new techniques scripted in that 'celestial bible'.

Till morning, I discover almost all of it, and focus my time on an art who's able to use energy in a ratio of up to 1/500,000, making me wish to master it, so all my energies is on time, while manipulating it to the maximum.

'...I even succeed in stretching an hour for almost 70 hours, making me shocked how amazing it is, but I'm exhausted, and it's not practical in a fight...' I think while going to meet Gu Yuena.

I put my forehead on hers, and once I'm done passing the techniques to her, she screams in joy.

"What happened?" I ask in wonder.

"You... You don't know how important that knowledge is, do you? I couldn't get it all, but just reviewing it is enough to show how ethereal it really is, PLUS!! PLANTS! You know how many there are, but it's like suicide touching them! I even know of a secret garden from few centuries ago close-by! Let's go!". She end her monologue with holding my hand, and we fly outside her space-domain.

"You're not scared of someone seeing you?" I ask, and she answer "it's for a short while, and if I don't expose too much energy then it's all okay".

She hug me, and fly in astonishing speed, till we reach above a hidden forest inside the forest, surrounded by a circle mountain, like an old-volcano, and we land inside that tropical-forest, filled with tons of bizarre plants and trees, with mysterious pools all around.

"Someone is coming, and in amazing speed. We haft to kill, or capture, him, in 1 attack or I'll be exposed!" Yuena serious-tone shock me, and I'm fully ready, as she make a plan.

"His poison is still around here, so you must use absolute-ice to protect yourself, while I'll attack from behind. He'll probably go easy on the weak-you, so get his attention" she tell me, and a moment after end the sentence, she disappear, and a green-hair-man appear in front of me.

"WHO ARE YOU?" he shouts.

*BOOM*, he hit me really hard, not waiting for my response.

*CRASH*, my body hit a stone-wall.


"WHO?!?!" he yell, while a green-fire-like-energy gather around him, before flying out from him, turn to a green-snake-like-energy, coming fast at me, and sting me.

"AHHHHAA" I shout in pain.

"AHHHHAAAA" He shout in pain, and I can see Yuena stabbed him, as the blade pop out from his chest, together with a stream of red-greenish blood.

"DON'T TOUCH THE BLOOD" Yuena yells, as I jump at him, putting a slave-collar on his neck, while he's on his knees, suffering. Next, I use mental-shock, and kick him with all I got, but I feel I'm losing my life-force nonstop, saying "I think he poisoned me".

Yuena turn the green-hair-man in shock, but discover he passed-out, so she kick his balls, but nothing, he's half-dead-asleep in his own blood.

"I, I, I," Yuena freaks out, so I shout at her "RELAX! We came here for the plants-treasure, so maybe the solution in here! Just guard the place, maybe put it in a space-domain? Then make sure that man is guarded, and tell me when he wakes-up, I'll do everything else" I tell her decisively, walk to a quiet spot, and sit down in lotus position.

'First, slow time. Second, 'See' everything in here. Third, scan, learn, and use, all I can from this place. Bing-Bi? Bijo-Mu? Bro-Ge? Please come out and help me as I tell you' I think in my head.

For the next hour, which is 7 hours for me, I use many plants to slow the poison, but not eliminating it, yet. I decide to take the risky-path, knowing this place is a legendary-sacred-spot, who got what I need for perfect poison-protection, but as all good things, must come with some costs.

I run to a icy-fire-pool, who have lava in half of it, and Icy-water in the other, looking like a yin-yang ethereal-pool, and fly above the middle of it.

I stretch my energy to the hot-side shore, sucking the energy from hot-poison-plant, while I suck from the cold-side shore energy, from cold-poison-plant, and the 2 poisons enter my body, fighting against each other, wrecking havoc inside my body.

'PAIN!!!!!' I scream in my head, remembering the last experience with spirit-bones, but this one is a different kind of torture, and I fall down to the pool.

Even with my absolute-ice, and training in heat, bear fruits, together with the new ethereal-technique to counter poison, I still feel the poison flow in my blood, like stabbing needles inside me, for few hours, as I float in the middle of the pool, feeling the icy-fire act like a pain-killer to the pain I feel, till it finally stop.

"It's pretty twisted... the 2 strongest elements you got is fire and ice now, which you got no spirit-bones of... Oh, maybe space and time is stronger?" Yuena ponder aloud from the shore, while I open my eyes, floating on top of the water'-surface, spread my wings, and fly out.

"WHAT??" She yell as I land, and before I can check what happened, she activate some pressure on me, like gravity gets stronger till I can barely stand, till I feel pain in my whole back, and she stops, mumbling "...Awaken... plus 70%... even higher... that's a blessing in disguise", and a moment after she stop talking Bing-Bi materialize next to us, saying "I think it's double now, was there any dragon who used mind-powers?", and Yuena shake her head, saying "not really".

*Cough, Cough*, the green-hair-man spit blood as he wake-up, and break the conversation short.

We look at each other, as he's on his knees in front of me, and I ask him "Give me a reason not to kill you, and if you try anything, that's game-over for you".

Yuena hold her weapon on his neck, and I hold my sword to his chest, while he's also tied-up with the collar and chains.

He close his eyes, breath heavily, open them, and speaks "I am...".

"STOP" I tell him firmly, and Yuena stab his neck by instinct, but luckily, or controllably, not killing him.

He try to shake it off, while I jump at him, tearing his clothes, and taking away all his possessions, but a tiny green snake jumps out.

*bite*, the snake'-fangs land on my finger.

I grab the snake, as he smile, but I don't feel much from it, and the snake pass out, as I say, or kinda ask, "I think I'm immune to poison now?", and a moment later put my sword to his neck, ready to behead him.

"SORRY, SORRY, MOMENT, PLEASE" he yells, almost crying, while spitting a green-ball from his mouth, "THIS IS MY ENERGY CORE OF TITLED DOULUO".

"Only level 91, get real, weakling" Yuena spit her words at him in a mock.

"I'M... HERE!" He throw a ring, and I take it as I feel space-force, and checking it, it has huge space in it, and lots of stuffs, money, weapons, etc.

"OH, AND THIS", he throw a bracelet, and I see a small space in it too, but then he says "It can keep living creatures!", and I look in shock, happy, and asks "Can you promise not to move, attack, or run, just sit?", and he quickly nod 'YES'.

On the ground, the 4 of us sits, while the green-hair-man, who told us his name, DuGuBo, is frozen from toes to neck with absolute ice, near our picnic-blanket.

We drink hot beverages, eat baked-sweets, and enjoy the moment, till DuGuBo yells "What the fuck?!?", and the 3 of us laugh.

"Man, for real, you're still alive, so shut up and enjoy the air or something" I tell him, and he *sigh*, saying "sorry... loneliness can make a man go crazy... and it's my secret-garden, so I was too overprotective... you can have it...".

"It's not yours.." Yuena answer back at him, "..I haven't been here for a long time, but it was before even your father was born, so really, get real, little snake".

"Can I please have 1 wish before death?" DuGuBo asks, and I nod 'yeah', thinking 'easy interrogation, who will give you last wish after you almost killed me?'.

He continue, saying "The poison I used on you, my grand-daughter has it too, even cultivated it, please save her life".

"Oh, that's nice" Yuena says.

"How old is she?" I ask, and when he says "your age", I ask "Is she cute?", and he smile widely, with an innocent face, answering "really is, just, maybe a bit stubborn", and we both laugh, while Bing-Bi on the side *pinch* my arm, saying "Pervy perv", and she and Yuena laugh now, while we shut-up, but kinda bonding with a manly-friendly-smile.

"Oh, maybe a bottle of alcohol before too?" He asks.

I take out 4 glasses, a bottle of good wine, give each a glass, while releasing one of his hands, as we're ready to finish him now, plus, he kinda show resignation, his blood freezing inside the ice he's in, injured, plus, he show no ill-intent anymore.

We drink, chatting about the garden, and soon enough joke about our almost-death-moment, of both of us, which truly was a moment ago for me, shocking me how fast life move from one edge to the other, and also, we act like we already agreed to let him go free, even though punishment is a must.

"Can you try taking that collar off?" I ask him, wondering if his power can break it, so he nod, focus on it, and *creak*, it breaks off.

"Damn celestial-dragons, this chains worth crap, only good for weaklings" I swear, and they all laugh.

"Let me tell you something..." DuGuBo suddenly change the whole mood, and start to speak in deep grievance tone, spreading a mixture of sadness, desperation, yet got a tinge of hope hidden in it.