
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH33: Options versus Resolutions

"And that's how I got this letter" I finished telling Robin and Mia all of yesterday's occurrences.

"Whoever wrote this letter, obviously has a part in news company, if not the head of it. Right now, we can't see it as mere suspicion, he, or they, know what you did to those nobles, those celestial-dragons, the question is why would they hide this info, or rather, what can they gain from contacting you directly like this?" Robin analyze my current situation, but can't seem to even find an assumption.

"But they just ask to meet you, and it's in the sky, so what's the problem in meeting them? it's not like they attacked you or something" Mia asks.

I tell her "I can only assume the skies are their territory. They control the birds, and say they'll meet me in a flying-ship in a week. I plan to go, but I also plan to train hard, and empower a skill who will let me to escape, plus hide my identity".

"AH, in about a month I think you maybe could teleport with me, or at least enter a space-domain inside Infinity" I announce what Infi told me.

Mia jumps in happiness, dancing around, and Robin keep her cool, but got a huge smile, and it seems she also miss the land she came from.

"I'll focus on training for the coming week" I tell them as I stand up, give them a quick hug and a kiss, and stand up, but before leaving Robin tell me "visit home, your father is there, maybe he can help you", and I nod 'okay', wave goodbye, and *teleport*.


After visiting Hancock and Roxanne, telling them about my plans for the week, I'm now sitting with Gu Yuena, face-to-face, as she talk to me about choosing a path.

"Looking at you, I don't think you can go on like this. You haft to choose...", she take a deep breath, and ask me again "Are you going to continue on your path while accepting the universe's will ... or will you go against it?..".

I look at her, confused, but still asks "is it really such a T-junction? It's the infinite possibilities, so why would there'll be this thing you call accepting-fate?".

Yuena *sighhh*, breath deeply, and say that "it's not about the universe, fate, or anybody else, it's about YOU! Yes, You. You will soon get to a point where you'll need to face fate, and if your resolve doesn't exist, so are you, cause fate is like a strong wind who hit the leafs of a tree... most will hit the ground, some will fly, reaching different ends, but only very few, if any, will become a new tree...".

"I'm a leaf who suppose to be a tree?" I look half-puzzled-half-smiling, but once again, Yuena *sigh*, and tell me "think of it as 1-level-up. You were a-leaf-under-the-tree, now you're a tree yourself".

"Okay, whatever, I prefer to get a hit-in-the-face than a stab-in-my-back, so I'll go face-to-face, like we're sitting now, because I can see the beauty in front of my eyes. Worth the price" I tell her, and it makes her snap.

She burst laughing, completely breaking her serious-mood, and in a minute she relax, but I take the chance I was given, starting to pout and act sad, saying "I was serious, it's pretty harsh of you to laugh on my sincerity. Sob. Sob. Is my resolve really that laughable?".

I hid my face with my hands, knowing I'm a lousy actor, and my act will fail, and it works wonderfully, as she stand and come sit next to me, put a hand on my head, and says "come on, you know I was laughing about you being perv, not about your resolve".

"BUT", I cry out, "My resolve is life, and what's the most basic instinct in life if not male-female relation? why such pure emotion degraded to humiliation in every society? what's so wrong to be honest to your basic desires?".

"Okay, Okay, you win, go chase women" Yuena brush me off, so I jump-in for a suicide attack and ask "So you agree to date with me?", and *BAM*, hand-chop hit my head, and "HAHAHA", Yuena laughter hit my ears.

"OUCH, You can just say maybe, no need to hit me" I pout at her, but *BAM*, she hand-chop me again, spitting "maybe?".

"Okay, Okay, no need to answer me now, I'll go train for a week, see you soon" I say with my remaining optimism, or rather, I can see her energies always show signs of willingness and desire toward me, even if she's a total tsundere, so I give her a quick kiss on her cheek, and before she can react I decide to let it simmer, and *teleport*.


On a mountain-top, somewhere, who Iv'e reached yesterday after a night of flight from Holy-land, I push all my energies to become 'time-energy'.

At start, I was sure I can control 'time', but I discovered there's no such thing as 'time'. 'Time' does not exist.

As my 'time-energy' keeps expanding, enveloping me, it's more accurate to say 'I Move Faster', than saying 'everything else move slower'. It feels like thinking about 2 things in 1 moment, like doing 2 things in 1 time, like sharing a moment where lots of different things happens, and that's how I can say that 'Time moves 3 times faster', but it's only for me and the small domain around me.

Like that, I keep on pushing my energies to accelerate 'time' by cultivation, getting as much as 10x, but if I wish to train other energies, I haft to lower the ratio, and just like that, I keep training, while maintaining a balance between them.

Most of all, I now know, if anything will happen, I can move 10x time faster then anyone else, giving me an absolute advantage, even though it takes too much concentration, energy, and time to activate, meaning it ain't useful really, at least for now.

I suddenly stop, as a *RINGGG* of the alarm-clock I set go on, reminding me about my promise to Lazuli, so I stop everything, and *teleport*.


At West-city, in my house, in the 4th floor, who's actually few hundred meters above ground, I can see the whole West-city from the shower window, as I'm getting ready to my date with Lazuli.

I dry myself quickly, and get into a random room to find a bedroom to put my stuff, and also to get dress, but a beautiful surprise waits for me inside.

Lazuli stand in front of a mirror with a black-high-heels, a tight-blue-jeans, with 2 g-strings around her waists, sexy black-bra, and she smiles with her pinkish-lip-gloss lips seductively.

"Wow. Too much for my eyes" I say as she hear me coming and turn toward me, but I just turn around to respect her.

Somehow, this trigger the opposite response from her, as she *giggle*, joking to me "since when did you turn to a shy little boy?".

While I'm with my back to her, with only a towel covering my body, I tell her "If you have guts, come closer to me".

She *giggle*, not moving, so I just drop the towel, still with my back to her, dry myself a bit more, letting her see, and put on underwear, and matching her clothes color, black shoes, blue jeans, and a black shirt.

When I turn around, she just look at me, still in her bra, while taking photos of me on her phone.

"For real?" I ask as I walk to her, grab her hand, and instead of taking her phone, I pull her to my body, and hug her tightly.

"I'm happy to see you again" I whisper to her, and kiss her cheek softly, while I keep on hugging her.

She doesn't respond, so I put my 2 hands on her butt, and *HOP*, raise her to sit on me like a koala on a tree, as I rotate around, and start walking.

"What are you doing?" she asks me apathetically.

"I saw a pool on the roof, thought to jump in" I answer.

She laugh a bit, and start talking about irrelevant stuff, like how she enjoy the new work she got, her brother becoming a mercenary, and the bald-stalker who's following her, but she gave him a punch who sent him to go heal himself, body and hopefully also the brain.

"Oh, I think I know him, he's the baldy who was in the battle, but why would they bring someone so weak to a battlefield? ... Now that I think about it ... when you were unconscious, he wanted to take your body with him, but I stopped him, so you owe me thank-you-prize!" I declare to her.

"What do you want? just spit it out" Lazuli says as she narrow her eyes, but she doesn't notice we got into the house's rooftop, making it kinda like a 5th floor, where a pool who's half inside half outside, is right near us, and I keep walking straight without giving any sign.


We fall into the water, and Lazuli hug me really tight, her huge breast squish on me.

"IDIOT" she scream first moment our head outside the water, start messing my hair, but also begin to laugh, showing her beautiful sweet smile.

I kiss her mouth, as we hug each other inside the water, and she respond lovingly, kissing me back.

After few seconds the kiss turn hot, as we slowly move our lips, bite each other's lip, and our tongues explore each other's mouths.

I rip her jeans off of her, and put my hands back on her sexy ass, covered in a mere g-string.

She, in return, rip my shirt and jeans off of me, leaving me in a wet underwear, and by now we can see each other's body with those wet underwear on us.

In the moment the vibe becomes erotic, Lazuli take a step back, and swim in the pool, to the side who's exposed to the falling sun, and a moment later I dive after her.

When she stops at the edge of the pool, turning, standing with her back to the wall, I arrive under her, put my mouth on her pussy, and bite her gently.

She fidget a bit, and I put my hands on her hips, move her g-string a bit, and shove my tongue inside, while playing with my fingers on her clit and ass.

"aaahhh" I hear a faded moan through the water, and I quicken my attack, painting her whole energy red.

She put her hands on top of my head, and push it deeper into herself, while slowly moving to the pool's shallow side, near the stairs.

"ahhh", "aaaa", soft moans reach me underwater, and for 2 minutes I stay like that, but soon have no more air, but just as I'm about to swim-up, I hear her yelling "YES, HAAAHHHAAA", and warm love-juice mix with the pool's water.

*INHALE AIR!*, I breath hard when my head is out of the water, but Lazuli's mouth barely let me breath, as she start kissing me hard.

My hands try to stop her, but landing on her soft mounds, I just massage her boobs, raising her bra, and play with her erected nipples.

When I pinch them, she take her head back, moaning "AHH", somewhere between pleasure and surprise, and I breath quickly.

"Lazuli, I love you, I want you to be mine" I whisper, and as her face turn tomato-red, she nod and whisper back "I... I too", and hide her face on my shoulder.

I bite and lick her ear, whispering sweet nothingness, "you're so beautiful", "just perfect", "I can eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and never get bored", as my hand reach her pussy, a finger slowly go in and out, and my other hand raise her by her chin for a kiss.

Lazuli's hands remove my underwear, exposing my dick, and she massage it slowly.

As the sun set in the horizon, making her golden hair seems a bit red, like the clouds, we're now completely naked, touching each other's body everywhere, and our lower bodies rub against each other, an inch from the final step, or rather the first step, of our new profound relationship.

"AHHH, Slower" Lazuli scream as my dick hit a rubber-wall in her, almost taking her sexual immaturity from her, ripping the last layer of her women's body.

"OUCHHHHH", she yells as I go inside her, painting the water's pool a bit red, and the screams stop cause she bite my shoulder really hard, while I gently pat her head, massage her back, and move ever so slowly.

In a minute, while the pain subside, we are on the edge of the pool, on the cop outside of the water, in a missionary position, and I hump her to the rhythm of her moans.

My hands on her hips, while she got 1 hand on 1 of mine, and her other hand hug her breast, but as I keep piston, her boobs jump up and down, barely contained in her hugging hand, so I decide to help her, and as I keep ramming her pussy with my shaft, I put my mouth on 1 of her nipple, sucking, licking, biting it.

"IT'S... IT'S COMING AGAIN" Lazuli yell and her body shake out of control, pushing my pace to the extreme, and squeezing me from her inside, making me shout "ME TOOO", and cum with her.

Still connected, after a minute, I start moving again, but Lazuli freaks out, saying "WHAT IF I GET PREGNANT??", and I laugh, saying "Iv'e got a pill called 'the-day-after', so you can take it, and you can take pills to remove the risks? Condom is for cheaters and unknown, not for lovers" I tell her, and she smiles, probably by the lovers and trust parts.

As my dick keeps going in and out of her, sitting on the edge of the pool with only our legs in the water, the sun now disappeared, and stars begin to enlighten the skies.

"Too deep!!" Lazuli screams as she cum again, while I'm hitting the end of her wet tunnel, not stop moving.

"Wait a moment" Lazuli asks cutely, so I stop, and she move away from me, but hold my hand, as she push me to sit on a shallow stair, with only my legs in the water, and she grab my dick, aim to her wet pussy, and sit on me, with her back to me, but because of height differences my eyes are above her head, and I can see her face facing up, to the sky.

"The moon is beautiful tonight" I say.

"It sure is" Lazuli answer.

"So? Will you tell me what brought this awesome change? maybe I need to thank someone?" I ask what made her change her attitude so much, and she shyly begin saying "I... you told me about this human-cyborg, and, and, you asked me what I plan now...".

"HAHA, you went to a doctor?" I cut her off with a question, but she yell back "SHUT UP OR I WON'T TELL YOU!", so I kiss her neck, whispering "Sorry, I listen my love", and she begin again.

"I... I met with doctors in my work, who examine my body, and told me that I'm a human with some mechanical parts, so I can have a family, so, so, so, when they said 'Family', I, I imagined myself, and a family, and, and you, you were there, and a little baby girl, ALL BECAUSE THOSE STUPID THINGS YOU TOLD ME LAST TIME! but I want it. I want a family. With you".

*sob .. sob .. sob*" Lazuli ends her talk with screaming who turn to a soft cry, while still connected together, and I just freeze, without idea what to do or say, till I shake myself up.

"Okay. Let's have a family. I love you, so please be happy. I'll be sure you'll be happy! but, but why are you worried about pregnancy if you want a family?" I tell her, but then turn to a question.

She mumbles "you...you told me about other wives... so I want to meet them before anything else... but I know I want.. I want.." Lazuli say, but instead of finishing her words, she begin piston me, moving her body up and down, and turn her head to me, with eyes closed, and I answer her desire and we start kissing.

I sink my hands on her soft bosom, as she fuck me like an amateur, while I kiss her everywhere, mainly her back, and enjoying this blissful moment.

We keep like that till I feel close, so I stand up, grab her 2 hands, and fuck her from behind, hard, till few minutes later we both scream "YESSS", cumming together as our eyes look at the moon.

"So wifey, we've already got a house and a car, and in about a month I believe I can help others, mainly my women, to teleport with me, so I think I'll go on a tough-month-training to reach it. I'll come at least every few days, cause I need my love-dosage, but is there anything you want?" I ask Lazuli, trying to stabilize our relationship, but she says nothing.

"Hmm, If you wanna, can you help me get lots of technologies and stuffs from this land, please? I'll leave you a few gold bars, so you'll have ton of cash for whatever you want, and maybe turn this house to a real base for us?" I say as I pull a gold bar from my space and give her, and she nods 'yeah', smiling, like she found some purpose behind those 'normal' life she keep talking about.

We sit on a balcony of the master-bedroom in the house, a fancy suite like a small house inside the house, and I keep pulling stuff from my space, from gold-bars, to sofas, clothes, and food.

I also took a huge flower-pot out, with bags of soil, and a tree-seed, which I keep on me because of my power-usage, so I put it all together in the balcony, help the tree-seed turn to an amazing solid tree, hang a huge sling-bed, and while hugging Lazuli I jump on it.

"My love, remember, what we aim for is a lovely life, but power is a must if we want to protect that lovely dream, and make it reality, so please be safe, keep training, and use secrecy as much as you can" I tell Lazuli, as we kiss softly, falling asleep on a floating sling-bed high in the sky.