
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH32: Summing up

"DON'T!" Alison loudly say, as she stand between me and her fan/friend, then look at me while pouting, grab my hand, and drag me to the middle of her fan meeting, so I just stand next to her, smiling gently, and eating my Affogato, till half an hour later it's finally over.

"What did she tell you?" Alison asks, and I narrow my eyes, deciding to shut it, saying "nothing, and that's the problem, I almost heard from her what you think about me, but now you owe me, so you haft to tell me instead.. what're you thinking about me?", and just then her friend/fan whispers "big bad dragon", and all 3 of us laugh.

"Huh? You're also a ninja?" I ask her friend, who smiles to me, but Alison grab my hand, running away from her, while dragging me along, till we reach a hidden-passage, reaching a car, and drive away till she park at an empty beach parking lot.

Alison walk out, and I follow her.

She get to the sand, and throw off her heels, so I also take my shoes off.

By the time she's close to the water, she throw off her dress from herself, and run into the water.

I quickly strip too, staying with only my underwear, running after her inside, but after a step, I feel the 'devil fruit' effect, and become sour.

'Maybe a boat?' I think, as I pull a classic wood boat from space, get inside, put in a towel, huge pillow, and a blanket, and start rowing to her.

"HOW? WHEN? HOW?" she yells at me, seeing me smiling from the boat.

"I'm allergic to sea-water, I almost died just now chasing you" I say sadly, remembering how I almost died jumping into the ocean in the past.

"Sorry, sorry, lift me up" Alison say as she climb to the boat, and I catch her, while drying her with a towel, and we both lie-down, watching the stars.

"Did she really didn't say anything?" Alison asks again, and I nod 'no', asking back "Will you marry me?", but she screams "WHAT", and I say "Will you be telling me?", and she again ask "what?", so I ask "how you feel about me?" while hugging her, my hand behind her head, and my lips on her hair.

"I feel by using the heart, but some say feelings are from the brain, so I'm not sure" she laugh at me, but I think 'Infi must be a women, with that same sarcastic sense of humor'.

<I see no relevance, nor sense of humor> Infi says, making me laugh, but Alison is sure I laugh from her idiotic joke, so I bite her cheek, whispering "I'll give you 10 seconds before I eat you alive".

"BAHH, Big Bad Dragon, wanna go swim in the water?" she threaten me, and I look scared, plus sad, and she sees it and hug me tightly.

"I'm joking, joking, what's that face?" she says, but I'm really afraid, thinking that if I fall, I die, and that's crazy, like the time I went on a boat with Roxanne, I could easily die.

I start massaging her body under the blanket, uncap her bra, and play with her nipples, while gently kissing her neck, as she enjoy the night sky view, acting like I ain't doing anything.

I go under the blanket, bite her panties, take them off, and begin eating her pussy, sending my red-energy into her, and in few minutes she cum in my mouth, but I continue.

After the second time, she relax and whisper "ah, I, feel afraid, from the high-feeling passing, and reality hitting me like I'm tied to the railway as a train comes near. I even though after my last breakup that maybe love is a drug, and once the high is over, all you got left is the headache, heartache, till you crave for the next dose, so maybe I should just quit".

"Stop,stop,stop. Wait", I try speaking my mind to her "It's 2 sides of a flip-coin, of the same thing, but there must be a balance between them, where we exist... I mean ... there ain't no good without bad ... there ain't no high without low ... there ain't no happiness without sadness ... and there's no life without death in the end of it all".

*Giggle*, "Nice song" she tells me.

She push me down, climbing on top of me, while removing my underwear, positioning herself, and slowly sink her body into mine, plugging me into her wet socket, drowning her blue ocean eyes into mine, and fucking me slowly.

Minute after minute, we ride the waves of our ecstasy, moving faster and harder, moaning into the endless sea, enjoying how each coming wave tilt the boat and push me deep inside her, to meet her uterus, in a euphoric surprise.

"AHHHHHH", she screams her moan, as she cum again, and I just watch her, smiling, like a fan watching her private concert, "MEOWWW".

"hahaha, what?" I laugh at her screaming, and she put her 2 hands on my chest and *scartchhhh*.

"Angry dragon noises!" I shout firmly.

"HAHA, What?" she looks at me, while slowly moving on me, and I say smiling "I dunno what sounds dragons do, so I went manga-style?".

Alison laugh, saying "idiot ... dragons do ... RAWWWR" while she jump on me.

I push her down to missionary position, starting to piston hard, feeling close to cumming, and shouts "RAWWWWWRRRR", and bite her neck as my erection touch her deep inside and erupt.


Sun ray hit my eyes, and I wake up to the sound of waves.

'We fell asleep and the boat kept roaming... where are we?' I think as I look around, seeing we're on a small deserted island shore.

'I better find a solution before she wakes up' I think quickly, but just then hear "huh? where are we?" and Alison raise her head, seeing the island, and start laughing, saying "Don't worry, maximum we can build a new kingdom, and by the time our grand-child is born, he can find Hawaii again".

I awkwardly-smile, saying "really? incest?", and she laugh hard, retorting "so if Adam and Eve created all of humanity today, didn't it all started when they all did incest?".

*Sigh*, I breath, walk out of the boat, shove it to shore, and try think what to do now, but just then, "YO, ALL GOOD?", I hear a scream, and a small fishing-boat pass by us.

"HI, HELP PLEASE" I yell back, and Alison quickly cover herself in a blanket as the fishing boat sail toward us.


An hour later, wearing hawaiian shirt, fishing pants, and sandals, standing outside a clothes-shop, near a dock filled with fishing boats, we see a middle-aged red-haired woman run to us, and yell as she get near "REALLY??".

Alison smiles and respond "please help us pay the bill for the clothes?", and she burst laughing, and soon comes back, leading us to a car, driving us to a hotel.

I'm sitting in the backseat, music playing loud, and they whisper to each other, but I can still hear them with my hearing.

"Ahhh, I don't even know where to begin... are you okay? hurt somewhere?",

"nope, opposite".

"So the reason he was there yesterday is?",


"Are you sure about this?",

"For now, better then it ever was".

"The flight was delayed. What about him? he joins us?",

"No idea, shut the music for a moment".

... "Ayn, How did you come here? How do you plan going back?" Alison asks as the music shot-off.

I bend forward, kiss her cheek, and say "I had an amazing time, I love you , and hope you come visit us soon. Ninja Way! Article 1!", and as I spread soft fog in the back seat from water vapor, while throwing lots of flowers on the seat, I *teleport* to paradise.


"NINJA WAY! ARTICLE 101! BIG BAD CHUNNI DRAGON GOES KAWABANGA!" Mia shout as soon as I arrive in the tree-house, while making a stupid pose, and Robin burst laughing.

I say sarcastically "ha ha, really funny", but they just laugh harder.

"WAIT, does it mean my father also saw it??" I shockingly ask, and Robin answer "it went viral, I think they even show it in the end of news on TV".

'huh, digging my own grave, nothing new here' I thought as I sat next to Robin, put my head on her lap, and snuggle.

"Mia, Hug" I call her, and she come hugging me, and I say "I love love you", as we hug-3-way on the sofa.


"I'll see ya later, Ciao" I tell Robin and Mia after we had fun for few hours, and *teleport*.


"The tattoo is almost gone" I tell Hancock as we finish the session, and asks her "when can I have a whole day to be with you alone?", and she tells me "in 2 weeks, or even more soon, I'll tell them some excuse, and come to our tree-house, or we can go for a cruise", so I nod 'yeah', kiss her, and say 'byebye' as I *teleport*.


"... La la la la la, La la la...".

*Clap,clap,clap*, Roxanne turn around and see me clap my hands, saying shyly "I...I...", "Sing beautifully" I complete her sentence, and hug her.

She hugs me back, dropping the cleaning towel on the floor.

We train, bath, have some fun, and dine, and after around 2 hours I say goodbye and *teleport*.


Flying in circles at the sky, I look down, looking at Gu Yuena smiling.

Once I land, she says "well done, lil' halfling", and chuckle from her own joke.

She look extremely cute smiling, making a smile appear on my face.

"Wanna see something cool?" I ask as I pull a hover-car from my space, open a door, taking her hand, and lead her to get inside. Once she's in, I go to the driver seat, and start hovering around the area slowly, asking "How is it?", and she smile gently, saying "okay? kinda weird for someone who can fly to get excited about this".

After a joyful dinner together, we say goodbye to each other, and I *teleport*.


"Why do you always climb to the rooftop? Did you see Ayn since last time?" I 'see' Wu and Zhu Zhuqing talk in a room beneath me.

"Nope, I always go to the roof when it's dark, that's how I met him in the first place" Zhuqing answers her question, and I see her coming over.

"Hi" I say as I see Zhuqing jump onto the roof.

"Ayn! I..! You better sit there and not move!" she tells me as she walk over, sitting next to me.

"It's not that I'm mad at you" I talk before she starts to, "It's me angry at myself. Sorry if it got out wrongly ... It's just ... I thought that you, from all people, know how important is that choice, but kinda took the opposite decision".

"Wu isn't a slummy bastard" Zhuqing says, "and she told me it's her choice if to engage or not ... I'm forced to ... if I wanted it or not ... unless I plan to forget about my family, friends, and everything, and hide far far away".

"What else did she tell you?" I ask, and she looks at me, saying nothing.

"Then I'll tell you, Wu is like if you ran away from home, went to live in an another territory, even an enemy territory, but your family never did you wrong, still loves you, and yet you still leave them, without a reason".

Zhuqing look at me in a puzzled look, mumbling "what...what...what does it mean?", but I shut up, not revealing anything.

"Look," I continue, "I'm here because I love Mia, her mother, and promised to make sure Wu is safe. I ain't trying to do more than that right now ... I'm even a bit happy now as I learnt and thought about lots of things about relationships through it ... before anything irreversible happened".

Zhuqing think for herself for a few minutes, before asking quietly "what about me?".

"You charmed me at first sight, and getting to know you better, the 2 sides of you, made my feeling for you deepen, even thinking that we're both in somewhat some situation, finding each other ... What do you think about me?" I answer her, but by the end I question her instead.

She suddenly kiss my cheek, and say "if you don't get that, then you're just stupid".

I turn my head to her, about to act, but just then we hear "Zhuqing", and turning our head we see Wu jumping onto the roof.

"I'm here" Zhuqing calls her, and she see her, and me, and rush over.

"AYN! Zhuqing! You told me you're not meeting him! you lied??", but I push in, saying "It's the first time I meet or talk to any of you since last time we had our talk together".

Wu then looks at me, asking "why did you leave?? I wanted to talk to you!!", but I retort, saying "you know where to find me if you really wanna talk?", and she turn quiet, but walk over, sit next to me, and hold my hand like she won't let me leave.

"I'm staying till you finish talking, okay? I won't move until you say what you got to say, so please talk" I tell her, seeing how anxious she is.

Wu turn her eyes to Zhuqing, asking "Can you please give us some minutes alone?", and Zhuqing nods 'yeah', stand up, and jump down from the roof.

'Seeing' that stalker, Tang San, searching Wu in the hotel, I tell her "let's go somewhere private and talk", so I take off my shirt, open the wings, hold her to a hug, and jump into the sky.

I land on top of a clock-tower building, pull out a blanket, and we sit.

"You've got wings? and can fly now?" Wu asks, and I nod 'yeah', saying "since before, but never had a chance to talk to you, but anyway, tell me what you wanna say".

"I like you! And think you're great! and look good!" Wu says, and I ask "But?".

"NO BUT!" Wu declare, so I ask "the other guy you're with???".

Wu answers "NO! he's my brother!!", and I look at her, saying "it's like you're stupid, or you think I'm stupid".

"YOU'RE STUPID!" Wu yells at me, but look sad.

"Yeah, I sure am" I tell her with frustration, lying down and watch the sky.

Wu lie-down next to me, on her side, with her face staring at mine, and is about to kiss me, but I quickly raise my hand to block her, saying "please not right now ... We can take it slow ... decide slowly ... and if it's not too late, maybe we can really be together in the future, but not as long as the creepy kid around you ... Did he tell you any of his secrets?".

Wu says "No, but, but, he's my brother!".

"Stop, we're in a loop" I cut her talk, "GO and watch how brother and sister act! You sure ain't any brother and sister to anyone who looks from outside! it looks like you're flirting!" I explode at her, and soon says "sorry, sorry Wu, I, I can't, I guess I need grown-up love, not a child game, see ya", and *Teleport*.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", I yell into the dark sky, as I jump from Red-line Holy-land, gliding through the endless sky, above the clouds, seas, and everything, and my mind try to find order in everything that goes on in me.

'Robin, Mia, and Hancock, those 3 and I are in absolute relationship ...'

'Alison, and Roxanne, those 2 and I are in a really good direction ...'

'Lazuli, Yuena, and maybe Zhuqing too, me and those 3 starting something between us ...'

'Wu... and probably Zhuqing too... those 2 are too childish, unsafe, and fickle to me ...'

'I'm only 16 years old, or some can say only 14',

'Already in relationships with 9 different women',

'From 4 different lands/ universes/ whatever you call it',

'I've got powers from Infinity, 3 devil fruits, I even assimilate a 1 million year old worm into me, changed my whole bones, became a real dragon, learnt countless technique, even some who can kill me, and met death all by my own actions, and survived ...'.

"I need to stabilize this fickle life of mine!" I talk to myself out loud, trying to firm my resolution for the near future, afraid that even my own decision is as fickle as my life.

For the whole remaining night, I'm one with the sky.

I'm a bird, and we, birds, can fly the whole night, because... why not?

*BUMP*, "OUCH" I shout, and see a seagull.

He looks at me in horror, as a paper drops from him when he fly away, and I grab it quickly.

'Isn't that the news corp bird? how can they deliver papers allover the world? and more than that, how can someone communicate with birds?' I thought as I start gliding again, watching the rising sun, and beneath me I see an island, so I decide to land on it.

On a mountain top, drinking a cup of coffee, I open the newspaper, first time since I got into Red-line, and burst laughing, reading "Robin Hood: The legendary thief strikes again, sending the Marines into chaos".

I change a page, and find inside a "WANTED: Robin Hood" poster, but no photo is given, just general sketch of the custom Robin suggest I wear, but then I see an envelope attached to the poster, and I realize getting this newspaper was no mistake, there's someone pulling the strings behind it.

I look up, and see a seagull fly in the sky, and I start to understand 'there's something big going on with those birds, and whoever is beyond them', but right before I open the letter I hear a familiar voice.

<Hi, Ayn, congratulation to your recent advancement. I believe that by the end of the coming month you can open a layer of Infinity. One of those is a power you wished upon since our first conversation, the option to teleport with others. By the way, If you train seriously, it can happen much sooner>.