
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH30: A wake-up call

..."Me, The Idiot, Now know that his life isn't only his, and if I want to die I need my wives permission", I say, and hear Mia say "99"... "ME, THE IDIOT, NOW KNOW THAT HIS LIFE ISN'T ONLY HIS, AND IF I WANNA DIE I NEED MY beautiful, lovely, forgiven souls, smart, charming WIVES PERMISSION! 100!", I speak-out-loud, smiling, as I finished Mia's punishment, repeating that sentence over and over again.

"what are you smiling about?" Robin ask sarcastically, "you barely finished season 1, just wait for season 2, see what's coming to you".

I *sigh*, saying "I smile because it's the truth. Maybe the lack of danger from the outside made me a bit apathetic, so at least I got a wake-up call, staying alive".

Almost 24 hours of rest and I'm pretty much healed.

My vitality and regeneration capabilities are way over the top.

The real pain is still Robin and Mia sorrow, who cannot shake the feeling of finding me badly hurt while day-dreaming about our future in Paradise.

"I checked the fruit, and it's legit. You can eat it, if you think you're ready" Robin says as we sit in the tree-house training-room's rest area.

Mia looks serious and asks her "it's 100% safe?", and Robin respond "he already ate 2 of them, so I guess 80% and above safe", so she says "okay".

*Munch*, I bite the purple devil fruit, and *BLURGHH*, "DISGUSTING", I almost spit it out, but Robin yells "YOU MUST SWALLOW THE BITE", so I close my eyes, gather spit, and fidget, as I swallow that awful fruit, who taste like hell.

"Look! It starts to form!!" Mia shout as she point at my chest, where a 4th circle, around the Infinity tattoo starts to form, and soon a majestic black circle stabilize.

"So? What's it like?" Robin asks, but I hear another sound at my mind.

<Hi, just informing you, soon Infinity's sub-space can be used. The latest power has contributed a large amount for it, together with your left-arm bone, and also right-arm bone>.

'Oh, amazing, thanks Infi' I think in my mind.

I try exposing the energy through the newly acquired 4th ring, push it into my hand, and a black-ball appear, who feels like... a reverse bomb?

"It feels like a reverse bomb?" I speak aloud, and Robin nod, saying "a black hole, truly a dark power, take it back, it's dangerous".

I suck it back into me, as she says "It's suppose to be a Logia-type, try that out", and I start thinking 'Logia = create; become; manipulate; substent or element ... Zoan = animals ... Paramecia = interference with energies or elements ... so ... I can create and manipulate darkness ... becoming darkness?'.

*swiiiish*, my body disappear.

I'm here, but I'm not here, like I'm invisible anti-matter substance, but soon I appear again, feeling exhausted from the energy consumption.

"It drains my energy, but it's amazing, I was invisible for a moment, right?" I ask them.

"Not really... it's more than that... it's like you disappeared, but after that I felt the things around you kept disappearing? like gravity? so I knew something, meaning you, are there" Robin try to explain herself, but fail, yet it gives me a lead.

"Listen to my hypothesis, cause I think I've found something, and I'm goona use humanity-science, okay?" I ask, and they both nod 'okay'.

"If what I got is 'Anti-Matter', and what actually create 'black-holes' are trapped-anti-matter-cores, then what we call dark-energy is a closed-space with more anti-matter than matter" I try explaining what I found, continuing after a breath to inhale all of that, "the scientist, Hawking, must be wrong, meaning, once anti-matter and matter find balance, it accumulate to nothingness, not explosion".

Mia raise her hand, saying "okay, nerd, say it in human words, and shorter than 20, 30 max!", and Me and Robin laugh.

"I can control the opposite of everything, meaning, I can ... eliminate, annihilate, BUT, if I use pure-energy + space-energy + anti-matter-energy... I can probably create ... a new world?" I try to explain myself, but even more question pop in me.

"Anywayyy, congratulation for the 4th ring, now let's go eat dinner" Mia conclude the talk, and I smile, as we're going to prepare everything, and anyway, I just pull out stored ready-to-eat-food from my space-pocket, filled with things like it's frozen in time, keeping it all in a perfect-stored-condition.

At evening I tell them my plans, as we sit at the bath, "I plan to try talking to Wu, as I told you what happened with her, then to Gu-Yuena, as she's changing and I dunno why, from there I'll meet Hancock, who I couldn't talk to because of her sisters, and I think of eating Roxanne, if you deem it legit, and I showed you her videos and photos, so please tell me what you think, or I'll postpone it till you can come to Red-line, maybe soon, after I got my new power-up".

"Good luck, have fun, and if you can postpone anything, then do it. Just look at Wu, speed is a recipe for mishaps and mistakes ... You harvest too fast, and plant too many ... What about that android-girl?" Robin says, and Mia nods furiously, conflicted about the whole Wu's situation.

"Lazuli... I plan visit her tomorrow, and see what's going on. That new land, or rather universe, is new to me, so I'll explore it slowly" I answer, while walking out and taking a towel.

"I love you. Sorry for the whole incident. Safety first. See ya soon" I kiss them both as I finish wearing casual suit, and *teleport*.


'They're not in the hotel, I'll come later' I think, and *teleport* to Gu-Yuena space, thinking 'it's like my space-energy is barely consumed? or more like it regenerate extremely quick'.

I enter inside and call "hello, is anybody home? it's the pizza delivery guy".

"Oh, yeah, come put it here" Yuena calls me from the house, so I walk inside and see her sitting on a sofa in the living-room.

"Where's the pizza??" she asks as I sit next to her.

I *chuckle* and pull a pizza out.

"Where's the drink I ordered with it?! and did you forgot the hot-sauce again?" she continues her act, probably from watching the TV I left here, and I just take out whatever she asks.

"What's that?" she point at a bubbling-transparent bottle, and I tell her "Sprite, a sweet bubbling water with a taste of lemon, it's something like sugar, but it's not sugar, it's called stevia. Try it?" I answer, and give her a glass filled with it.

She take a sip, and then *bahhh*, "whaaa", sounds comes out of her, and I laugh, asking "never drank bubbling drink?", and she nods 'yeah'. She takes another sip, seems to enjoy more, and devour few pizza slices, and I join as well.

"Got my 4th spirit-ring today, a fruit of darkness" I tell her, and she smiles, saying "At least not killing creatures for power, like all those humans".

I lie-down, with my head on her lap, and asks "Yuena, am I trustworthy in your eyes?", and she nods 'yes', so I ask "then... why haven't you told me what changed between us? since you saw my dragon-transformation something changed", and she looks at quietly for a minute, before standing up and walking away, and I continue lying there.

"Here" Yuena says as she come back, and sit in the sofa opposite-direction to me. I take the book and read aloud "Dragon Blood Technique", and look at her puzzled.

"I'm... I'm conflicted about it... it's... dangerous most of all, a supreme secret also, but the benefits are enormous, almost perfect physical body, plus immortality, if you can succeed, but, but, it can easily become your downfall" she tells me.

"But" I ask "why me? why did others not use it?", and she looks sad, explaining a lot, and end it by saying "... so that's why even pure dragon-kings can't cultivate it, but somehow you can, or rather, you started without meaning to, and I can't, because my sealed powers are actually containing half my power, with some of my blood, and the complete bloodline, in them".

"If I cultivate that, except my life-energy becoming stronger, which really help my 2nd fruit power, does it also help you somehow?", but she nods 'no', yet it makes me happy, because it means she helps me without wishing for anything in return.

"Thanks, I love you too" I tell her, and she looks puzzled again, so I just pull out a huge vanilla english cream cake and put it on the table, saying "I'll come again tomorrow probably, and I really do care and love you, so see ya tomorrow", and *teleport*.


At the hotel's rooftop I see Zhu Zhuqing sitting with Wu, talking.

"Hi?" I call them as I walk toward them, and they both look at me and stop talking.

"It's not what you think" Wu says as I stand before them, "He's like my brother, a really close friend".

I narrow my eyes at her, think for a bit, and respond "let say it's true, and even then, it still bother me seeing you close to another man ... what about hiding your identity? hiding your powers? acting out of age? leaving without discussing it with me?".

Wu look down, glancing at Zhu-Zhuqing, saying "I just wanna know more, and I like the friends I made".

Zhuqing look out-of-place, and about to leave, so I speak to her, asking "what do you think? is she and that kid are mere friends?", and she nods her head 'no', so I ask "then why did you tell her I'll be here? She's clearly not aware for her own action toward me, or just don't care, it feels like you choose your friendship over ours? or is there something here I'm missing?", and Zhuqing quickly shakes her head again. signaling me 'NO!'.

"Then...?" I ask, and they both look at me quietly, so I wait.

Wu keep mumbling about them "...being just friends...", and I keep telling her "...I don't believe in man and woman friendship, mostly because of men...", but it still feel she can't fathom the meaning.

As for Zhuqing, she seems deep in thoughts, just quietly sitting there.

After few minutes of silence, I can't contain my raging emotions, feeling unsettled *sigh*, and tell them "it feels unproductive to discuss any of it right now, and I actually feel a lot worse than what I felt when I first came here a few days ago, like I did some mistake, or it was a mistake to begin with ... I guess we should just let it all sink on us before we try talking again".

I *Sigh*, "AHHhhhhhh", and say "never mind, see ya", and *teleport*


In Red-line, after visiting Hancock's island's bedroom and ship, not finding her, I *teleport* to the tree-house, seeing Roxanne reading a book in the living-room.

"Hey, Roxanne, can you please hug me?" I ask with a sad face, and she looks up, discovering I'm here, smile, but then look painful, from seeing my expression, and run toward me with open arms, rap them around me, saying "let's go somewhere with air".

We walk to the tree-top-balcony, walking while she's hugging me, which makes it extremely difficult to move, but makes me laugh a bit and break that vibe I'm having.

Reaching the balcony, lying-down on a sling-bed together, with my head on her massive bosom, sinking inside them, she gently play with my pony-tail, while asking "anything I can do to make you feeling better?".

I think a bit, before saying "sing me a happy song!", but she shyly-laugh, telling me "no thank you, anything else?".

I exclaim in shock "wow, my first request for you and you refuse... I guess it's not my day? maybe not my week? wrong life? maybe I should just reincarnate and get it over with?".

She start messing my hair and pinch my shoulder, shouting "NOT FUNNY", and I quickly say "sorry, my bad for turning my sorrow to you ... just being with you is more than enough, my lovely Roxxy". She *sigh*, and suddenly start singing.

"When you said you were leaving tomorrow_ that today our last day_ I said there'd be no sorrow_ that I'd laugh when you walked away _ but; A little bitty tear let me DOWN_ spoiled my acts like a CLOWN_ I had it made up to not make a FROWN_ oh, but a little bitty tear let me DOWN; ".

"No No No, stop, I'm crying now" I cut Roxanne song in the middle, "I can see the ending, where's the happy moment in it?", I ask.

Roxanne think for a bit and answers "women takes time to think about such thing, and put up an act, especially childish girls".

I open my eyes in surprise, saying "Wow, Roxanne, you're really mature, and you even hit bulls-eye in that childish part. Damn, I bet your EQ is sky-high, wanna be my wifey-secretary?".

Roxanne laugh, and so am I, and finally exit that dark-loop-vibe-feeling, who's really a black-hole, and now I think 'Oh, Robin and Mia were also in that dark-loop-feeling when they saw me hurt, looking like I'm about to die there, I better solve it, cause it's a damn horrible thing'.

"Wanna go for a date? The luna-park seems lively from here" I invite Roxanne, and she nods happily, and jump up, me with her, and she run inside saying "give me 10 minutes".

I wait in the living-room after changing for a stylish blue-white clothing, when she comes wearing a white shirt with a pink skirt above, wearing black long boots, a pink hair bow on her hair, smiling widely, dancing in circles, showing me all of her.

"Beautiful" I mumble with open mouth.

I quickly take out a black lace gothic choker with a flower on it, goes behind her, and put it on.

She look at the mirror, with me beside her, taking her hand in mine, and kiss it lovingly.

"After you, my lady" I say as we reach the elevator, and I hear her laugh, thinking 'I'm goona do whatever I can in this date to hear her endless laugh, letting it purify my soul'.


After 2 hours the luna-park officially closed, and after another hour in a quiet romantic pub, drinking and chatting, we're now on our way to the tree-house, but I see a ship near the place, so I say "Will you give me the honor to sail together? I wanna try catch the moon in the middle of the river".

Roxanne nod, smiling happily to me.

I take out a wooden boat, help her board it, walking on myself, and row a bit to be in the middle of the river.

I move to sit beside her, as I pull out a blanket, and cover her and me together, as I put my hand around her, push her head to turn to me, and we start kissing passionately, lovingly, sweetly, stopping to breath before we dive in again, tongue deep.


*BUMP*, the boat shake, and I wake-up from it.

Looking around, I discover we fell asleep on the boat, and reached some unidentified shore.

I don't move, to keep Roxanne sleeping, seeing it's still night, and I don't mind sleeping till sun rise like this, but a murmur sounds, a bit violent, makes me worry what's going on around us.

I use my 6th sense to check it out, and 'see' a distance away a bunch of jolly looking people gambling in a casino, but they're not the cause of the noises.

I look around some more, and 'see' in the top floor of the casino a restaurant, where a gang, led by a teenager pink-haired girl, yells for more food, but in the kitchen there's only 1 tired, half-dead, young cook, and the workers can't control the place at all.

I look around, see no one, so I princess-carry Roxanne, open my wings, jump as I store the boat, and fly high.

As I search our tree-house, I hear Roxanne sleep-talking "...close the window", so I cover her with a blanket. We reach to the house's balcony, and I drop us on a sling-bed.


At sun rise, I wake up and prepare an early breakfast, while thinking how many things I plan to do today, and discover I really am spreading my wings too much, 'too many women means less attention to each one, I better not, or rather, much slower' I think to myself, as I wish to meet Lazuli and Alison today, as well as Mia, Robin, and Hancock, and also spend time with Yuena and Roxanne.

'Wow, I'm way over my capabilities... Maybe slowing time? I'll haft to learn while moving'.

"Good morning" Roxanne says as she looked a bit sad waking alone, but smiles like the sunshine as she see me nearby, together with a ready-to-eat breakfast-table.

I go and kiss her lips, spiderman's style, from above her, while playing a bit with her juicy bosom, and then help her stand up.

We go refresh ourselves, plus having some 'fun', before returning to eat.

After finishing, I tell her my plan to visit far places, and hopefully return today.

We kiss for a few minutes before I say "goodbye", and *Teleport*.


*Ring, Ring, Ring...*, I call Lazuli's phone, hope it's not too early, but soon enough I hear "Hi?", and I say "Good morning Lazuli, I miss you, care to tell me where we can meet?".

Lazuli answers "I'm in a town near where the big fight was, but I guess you dunno where, so wait there, I'll come to you sometime".

"Sometime?" I ask, and she answer mockingly "sometime", making me *sigh*, but then she continues, grumbling "I waited an extra day, so you can wait at least a day".

"Hmm, Lazuli, sorry, I was in a fight, badly hurt, and lost conscious for 24 hours. I'm still hurt, but came to see you, don't wanna miss my chance with you" I tell her the truth, and after a short silence she speaks, "I'll... I can come over soon, wait somewhere I can see you. Bye", *cling*, the call ended.

Waiting at the mountain range, I change clothes to black shirt and jeans, prepare a flower bouquet, and then remember I've got zero cash, and my mind in a bit chaos, trying to plan our date, but pretty soon Lazuli arrive at the sky, and I shout to her "Here", and see her heading my way.

She land in front of me, and I can see under her long-black-coat that she's wearing a beautiful stylish black dress, black heels, her blond hair carre shine like the sun, and her blue eyes looks like the ocean under it, plus her pouting mouth makes my heart smile.