
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH29: Reasons to fight

As I *teleport* back to the Red-line, after spending 2 hours with Robin and Mia in Paradise, having fun, discussing businesses and the island's development plans, plus a few advices about finding my 4th power to infuse into Infinity, I am now in Hancock's ship, in her bedroom, sitting on a sofa, in front of her and 2 other women.

"SISTER, HE'S A MAN!", the green-hair sister yells.

"Sander-Sonia, this is Ayn, he is the one who gave us the machine to erase the tattoo, and he's also Rayleigh's and Shakky's friend" Hancock tries to calm her down.

The orange-haired sister jump at me, while her appearance change to that of a Cobra, and attack me with her tail, and suddenly, Sander-Sonia change into an Anaconda, and corner me.

I *teleport* next to Hancock, and asks "hmm, what do you wanna do about this situation?".

Hancock yells "MARIGOLD, SANDER-SONIA, STOP", and when they stop and stare at me, next to Hancock, she continue speaking, "He's also strong enough, but leaving that aside, he's a benefactor to us, why are you fighting him??".

"I'll come later, at night, or tomorrow, discuss it between you sisters" I say, wave 'bye', and *teleport* to the Sabaody-tree-house, to meet my lovely doggy maid lover.


"Let's fight!" Roxanne shout at me as I enter the training-room.

"Sure", I tell her, and go to the fighting-arena space in the training room, saying "Ready when you are".

Roxanne jumps at me, with a rapier in her hand, looking like an experienced spanish swordwoman.

*Stab*, she try stabbing in a straight line, and I dodge aside.

*slash*, the rapier moves sideways, and I take a step back.

Suddenly, her hair gets longer, her tail double it sides, and a little horns appear on her forehead, while all over her body energy runs wild.

*SLASH*, she attack me with her empty-hand, who now has claws, like wolverine, but shorter, yet looking really sharp.

'She became at least 2x stronger, and even 3x faster' I think, as *stab, stab, stab, stab*, the rapier goes back and forth in quick movements, and Roxanne dance around me.

'Okay, time to fight, not escape' I decide, and in the next stab I coat my hand with haki and block the rapier, while her other hand's claws comes at me, so I block it too, and open my mouth.

*BREATH*, Fire fly out of my mouth, my latest dragon discovery, the 'fire concept' realization, as how compatible dragons and fire are, creating my 'fire breath', and also, as she escape back, I open my mouth, and *FIRE BEAM*, concentrated fire-laser shoot out of me, and Roxanne barely dodge it aside by a hair-length.

I go on the offence, put my hands forward, and make the whole ground turn icy, while ice-spears shoot-out, and Roxanne dancing between them, dodging the rising dangers.

Suddenly, *SLASH*, she jump straight at me with both legs'-claws aiming at my back.

I channel energy to my body, open my dragon wings, and block her attack with them.

'It felt like nothing' I think, amazed how powerful those wings are.

*SLASH*, her hand's-claw rush to my side, so I try materialize the dragon's scale on my arm to face her attack.

*Screeeetch*, the attack is blocked, but I feel a bit of pain, and when I fold the scales I see a shallow scratch on my arm.

Roxanne stops, looking at me with worry, running to me, and asks "you're okay??".

I laugh, show her the scratch, and say "yeah, it's nothing, but I guess my dragon form scales is weak at my body... what was that change?? You're no dog, are you? You're probably a wolf, or even a legendary one" I exclaim.

"haha, right?! I just discovered this morning, but it went out of me in the fight!" she answers me.

"And the rapier? And the quick movement?" I ask.

"Training from childhood" she tell me the first detail from her past, but I don't dwell on it, and say "okay, let's go for a quick shower and a tour around town?", and she nod happily 'yes'.

Half an hour later, me in casual wear, and Roxanne in full-explorer custom, plus a backpack on her, ready to walk outside.

In the spare moments I had, I created a hollow-tube, or pipe-line, through the tree, from the tree-house, down to the ground, where I install a simple elevator-platform, with a simple up-down engine, and button on the moving-capsule.

I take her hand and enter the elevator, telling her how to use it, as we go down, and I explain to her how to open the secret tree-ground-passage, plus the route to move between the many branches I created to block people from even reaching the tree-trunk secret hidden location, so we can use it without prying eyes.

Our walk around a town, close to the luna-park location, is dreamy.

Roxanne dance between each stool, jump through shops, smile at every thing she sees, and every 2 steps looks at me, like she's making sure all okay, and I'm with her.

At start she was pretty shy, not buying a thing, but when she saw every thing that made her smile, I decided to buy it, she became conscious of why I spend cash so freely, even tried to stop me, so when I told her "if you would buy things yourself, I'll stop wasting it on things you look at", she shyly nodded 'yes', took a money bag, and start buying things here and there.

By lunch time, we get into a restaurant, when I hear someone says "look at that huge booby dog, I wanna taste such a bitch", and few people laugh.

I ignore them, hold her hand, and asks "a private table please, without low life near us, and if there's none, I'll pay double, just leave few tables empty around us".

The waiter nods, leading us away, but when we hear "hahaha, look at that rich idiot, afraid, maybe he also has a pussy, I bet he's actually a ladyboy, with that long hair and pretty eyes", Roxanne jumps like a lioness, her legs flying before her body.

*STRIKE*, she hit that creepy-man by the head, sending him to break a window, flying outside.

"The next one to speak will fly to the afterlife, not just out the window" Roxanne furiously says.

I see they're about to begin a fight, so I focus on them, releasing the king-haki at the bunch, and *bloop,bloop,bloop,...*, they fall unconscious on the floor, like a wittered flower.

"I'll pay for the window, lead us to our table please" I tell the waiter, grab Roxanne hand, and walk to the upper floor.

As we dine in a beautiful private table, I ask Roxanne "Roxanne, why is the reasons you fight for?".

She looks at me, mumbling "...Master".

*SIGHHHH*, I breath heavily, and speak "I don't need it, at least not like you did back there. It was pure recklessness. It was you stepping down to their level. Will every random human in every random place will make you go haywire, going into fights?".

She looks sad, like a child who's about to be punished, so I continue, saying "Roxanne, I love you, and everything about you, I just want you to think ... what's the reason to fight? and make a wise coherent choice before you jump into the violent-route".

I sit next to her, hug her by her shoulder, throw kisses to her neck, ear, cheek, and lips, and whisper "thank you, my love, for wishing to protect my good name ... just ... never-mind, come, I'll show ya something".

I quickly pay the bill, plus a privacy add-up, and broken window extra, and run out, while saying "Shhhh" to Roxanne, opening my 6th sense, sharing it with her, and finding the gang of hooligans who tried to fight us.

'They're moving on a boat' I 'see' them, so I tell Roxanne "hold me tight", as I jump really high, open my wings, and fly up the sky following their ship.

They arrive at the dock near the slave-auction-house, making me grin.

I fly to my tree-hide-out, who yet to be discovered, put us down, and tell Roxanne "Stay here, and do not move. Try to hide your aura completely! Now, look down, we're on top of the tree, and that building is that slave-house, and it seems they work there. I'll show you a fun revenge entertainment. REMEMBER, DON'T REVEAL AURA, HIDE and look".

We watch, using my 6th sense, as I add hidden-layers to the hide-out, afraid Roxanne will be revealed somehow, and suddenly I see those hooligan-gang carry containers to a ship on a cart.

As soon as they a bit far away, I *teleport*, knock them to faint, steal the whole cart, plus personal belongings, as I also tear their clothes to shreds, and *teleport* back to Roxanne.

"haha, what ya say? I'm actually the mystery thief, 'Robin Hood', around this island" I ask Roxanne, who hug me happily, telling me "I Knew Master is the best! You're a really righteous man!".

'She trust me way too quickly... I just robbed those people, and their cargo? what's righteous here? ah , never mind...' I think in my head, as I see a slave-owner goes out of the slave-house.

"Roxanne, look, I'll show you my M.O. , but HIDE, don't even think doing the same till you're strong enough!", and *teleport*, knock him to faint, steal all, and right before I teleport I can see an ice-dagger fly toward me from a police-looking-man, who looks like a commander-general, but I *teleport*, arriving next to Roxanne.

"That was too close" I breathlessly say, and Roxanne add "but you escaped that super-strong marine".

"Yes, BUT, I've got no reasons to fight him, I'm mission directive, not violence route of guy. Now hide, his haki is really strong, don't let him discover us".

After an hour, eating snacks, chocolate, drinking sweet-drinks, and playing a board-game, having a fun-time, I decide to escape, and through the top of the tree jump away with Roxanne, flying back home.

After dropping all the things we bought, and sharing a hot flirt for a while, I say "goodbye, see ya later, and remember, if you leave, discreet and clever. Love ya, ciao ciao", and *teleport* away.


Above the clean ocean water, I fly freely, exploring the lands of the Red-line, to the 'new world' direction Rayleigh just told me about, when I brought another alcohol stock to the rip-off-bar.

The sky is clear blue with only a few white fluffy clouds floating above me, as I speed up, going faster and faster, wishing to find land.

I use my 6th sense as hard as I can, wishing to find land, or at least a boat, as it became boring after a few hours of continuous flight, when suddenly ...

*BOOM*, *BOOM*, a strong cannon fire shoots sounds from the distance.

I fly to that direction, high in the sky, and see a small boat escaping a huge ship, and on that huge ship front deck few people cry and surround a dead man body, yelling "CAPTAINNNN", but I think 'he looks more like a chef than a captain?'.

*BOOM*, *BOOM*, cannons keep firing at the escaping small boat, who somehow move extremely fast, escaping or hitting away the cannon-balls coming to it. On the boat, a big black haired man with a mustache laugh wildly, and hold in his a hand a purple fruit.

'DEVIL FRUIT!' I yell at myself, and by the look of it, it's seems ideal to steal.

'He who steals from a thief is exempt from punishment', I laugh as I remember that sentence from a book I once read, because I ain't planning to give back the fruit if I steal it, 'they're pirates anyway' I think, and plan how to do so before that ugly mustache pirate thief eats it.

*FWUAAAAHHHH*, I channel lots of fire-energy to my mouth, as I float above water in front of the thief's boat, and shoot it at him.

As he notice the coming attack, he wave one hand forward, and disperse the fire like it's nothing, but before he can see me, I *teleport* above his boat, use a strong 'mental-shock-attack' and few hundreds of 'Ice spears' at him.

He shake his head, waking himself up, put the fruit he hold in a bag near his leg, and start waving his hands to the upcoming spears, breaking them into nothingness, while his hands coated with haki.

Just then, *BOOM*, *BOOM*, *BOOM*, *BOOM*, Cannon shoots coming at him from the nearing ship, who now closed the distance, and as he sees me far away in the sky, turn to look at the cannon-balls and deflect them.

I decide to go for it, gather energy to protect myself from sudden attacks, and *teleport*.

I touch his bag, and store it at my space-pocket, as I arrived near his leg.

As he deflect the cannon-balls, he rotate to me, sending a quick lower-kick, who HIT! me so hard, I fly up the sky in an enormous speed at the moment he touched me, making me throw-up a stream of blood from my mouth, and feeling my dragon wings, and arm, who both blocked the hit, broken completely.

"AHHHHHHH", we both yell, me from pain, he from discovering his bag is gone.

Even though he can see I ain't got his bag, he screams "I'LL KILL YA I'LL KILL YA I'LL KILL YA", as he block another round of cannon-balls like it's nothing, and speed at my direction.

With my fading hurtful body I gather all the energy I've got into space-energy, focusing all my thoughts to find safety, and *Teleport*.


At the lake shore in Paradise, a worker who just finished installing a small deck, while he also tied a few boats to it, like gondola, jet ski, dinghy, and even a rowing-boat-duck, walked to declare he's done with work, when he suddenly see a half naked man, blood flow out of his mouth, seems like having broken bones, and unconscious, is lying on the grass.

"HELP! .. HELP! .. A MAN NEED AN URGENT MEDICAL TREATMENT! .. HELP! .. DOCTOR!", the worker yells as he run to find help.

As soon as he arrives in the base-camp, who's close-by, few people start moving fast, making calls, and an electric-UTV rush to pick the ship's doctor and nurse, and hurry to the bloodied man lying on the grass.

As they examine him, and see they can safely move him, they load him in the UTV, and move him to camp, as the doctor check him.

The doctor begin talking, as the nurse write down everything, "Internal bleeding, Severe but not a life-threatening... Broken hand bone, need fixation... Extreme tiredness, need long rest... Firstly, find the name and medical history, secondly, discover the activity he did to get this injuries, thirdly, report to his family the condition he's at".

At the base-camp, the construction manager, with her 3 sub-managers, and a few other small work bosses, stand near the hospital's building, discussing, while the manager exclaim "Just find from what team is he! Call everyone back here!! Show his picture or something!!!".

"Hi, I heard your emergency call, is all okay?" Robin asks the manager, as all disperse to follow her instruction.

"We can't identify the wounded-man, but no worry, it's not a life-threat situation, just a month or so good rest" she answers.

"Is there a chance he's from other crew who works here?" the manager check, but Robin tells her "you're the only crew here, so nope, maximum an uninvited trespasser, and that would be a first-time-encounter for us".

Robin growing interest, as always, lead her to peek inside to see the man, when she suddenly fell to her knees in complete shock, open her phone, made a call, and yelled "MIA, AYN, HOSPITAL CAMP", and ran to the bed-side, while shouting "CALL THE DOCTOR BACK HERE".


As I wake up, before my mind refresh, I hear noises and *sob, sob* beside me.

I open my eyes, turn my head, and see Mia cry near me, so I try sitting up, but I can't, as 1 of my hands is tied in the air, with a cast rapped on it.

I feel my whole body is really weak, and there's still a taste of blood in my mouth.

I lie-down, and says weakly "Good morning Mia, how are you doing?".

Mia raise her hand hearing my voice, and shout "ROBIN, THE IDIOT WOKE UP".

I say "idiot?", and Mia start shouting "IDIOT! RETARD! IMBECILE! STUPID! IF YOU WEREN'T HURT, I WOULD HURT YOU MYSELF!", and just then Robin enter the room, with her greenish-eyes filled with warmth to the brim, washing my agony, as she walk next to Mia, put a hand on her shoulder, and both sits down.

"Explain. Everything. All. Don't leave the most useless piece of info" Robin demands in sad-commanding tone, and I nod, telling them everything, from the Rayleigh talk, to flying, and being attacked as I stole the fruit.

"Show me what almost got you killed", Robin demand, and I take out the purple devil-fruit, who looks just beautiful, with his flowerish-pattern, kinda like pitaya x pineapple x dragonfruit combination, just more beautiful.

"I... I thought it was worth the risk, but, I guess I over estimated myself, or underestimated that pirate-thief" I try explaining myself a bit, adding "and I thought it looked like my 4th spirit-ring as soon as I saw it, dunno why".

"Well...", Robin eyes open wide, "Mia is right, you're an idiot, but I guess even idiots have their moments in life? hahaha... it's.. wow. If I'm not wrong, I think it's a really good one, or rather, known as the most dangerous one, Yami-Yami-No-Mi they call it, a logia darkness fruit" she explains.

"RObinnnnn, you forget! We haft to punish this idiot! I was almost a widow before we even married! Big bad dragon!" *sob*, Mia put her head on the side of the bed, letting all her stressed emotions flow, as Robin sit next to her, slow tears also go down her cheeks, and I, the idiot, shooked.