
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH22: Dragon's true spirit

In the morning, I wake up, hugging a women close to my chest, caressing her hair, opening my eyes, and see 2 purple eyes staring at me, like saying 'are you planning to continue? cause I can kill you right now'.

I ignore it, smile sweetly, snuggle her to me, and say "good morning. I had a wonderful sleep. thanks for the help yesterday".

I feel in my 6th sense a strong attack coming to me, so I quickly kiss her forehead, roll aside, and stand up, rendering her attack-moment useless.

"You owe me! and a lot!!" Gu Yuena declare.

I tell her "I can owe you my whole life, IF, you agree to marry me?".

I start feeling my own body, seeing what changes happened, but see nothing, so I try channel energy through my body and bones, when suddenly, I see lots of tattoos, lots and lots of patterned-tattoos all over me.

I stop abruptly cause I sense an attack coming, jumping aside, and a huge fireball pass me, hitting the wall.

"Relax. relax. It's just a joke between friends. No need to get mad" I say smiling, and quickly pull my secret weapon, a giant chocolate and cream cake, smiling and asking "is that enough for first payment?".

Yuena look at me weirdly, then smile, take the cake, and says "it will do for now", as she shove her finger in the cream, licking it, and smile gently.

I once again try channeling energy in my body, and suddenly, the tattoos patterns appear.

I see my legs has a brown and the other blue patterns, 1 hand is black and the other is yellowish-white, my chest looks greenish, and on my head there's grey outlining from the neck to the cheek and ending under my eyes.

I run to the bathroom, finding a full body-size mirror, and get naked, to see what's what.

'oh wow, that's insane. Luckily, they all connect together, and looks really good, looking like it all flow to the middle of my chest, and also it fade when I don't channel energy' I think as I check my whole body.

Seeing my back, I'm shocked to see a bright-golden-yellow outlining of a wings drawings, overly detailed, to the bones.

I keep channeling energy, and feel the energy streams oozing from all of me, when suddenly the wings pop out, and I cannot control it, or move, by how huge they are.

Just then, Gu Yuena comes in, looking at me naked, with giant wings on my back, turn completely red, and run away.

I stay for an hour before I can control it, making it small or disappear, and also feel all the bones and benefits, plus taking a shower, before I go out.

I see Gu Yuena reading a book, so I sit beside her, drinking some cold juice bottle, but she fidget, and keep sneaking gazes upon me.

"What's wrong? Why's the stares?" I ask, but she snare "nothing", and keep reading the book.

I start eating, and a lot, but I notice that in the last 20 minutes she didn't change a page, and I suspect she just acting like she's reading, while something in her mind.

"Just tell it to me straight, good or bad, I'll handle it" I try pry her open, looking at her energies popping white, yellow, red, and even a bit blue and green.

"I think... I think... You're... more dragon than human now" she says, and then continue saying "and also there's too much divinity in you, like you're a dragon king".

"Hmmm... wasn't that your purpose in giving me the bones? and what you expected from it?" I ask, and she nods 'no', saying "You assimilate power from the spirit-bones, not turn to the creature you take spirit-bones from".

'Infi, Bro Ge, Am I a dragon now?' I think asking them.

<Partly. Humans have the ability to change, so it be more right to say you changed to a humanly-dragon, then becoming a pure dragon>.

'I don't know what's the differences, or what any of it mean, any easier explanation?' I ask.

<You're still human, with dragon 'blood' flowing in you, is the simple stupefied answer for you>, and I think 'thank you', and turn to Gu Yuena smiling.

"If you are... a dragon, and I am... a dragon, and we are... the only 2 dragons left in this world, plus you wish to save the dragon clan... should we make baby dragons now?" I ask her.

She becomes completely red, narrowing her eyes, but her pupils widen up, half smiling half mad, and her mouth open and close, but no sound coming out.

'I think I broke her' I laugh in my head, but she thinks I laugh at her, and *punch* me in a friendly manner, saying "not funny".

"Hey, I wasn't joking, I even thought about our baby name, what you say about Haku for a boy?" I joke with her, but she seems to think seriously, so I go aggressive-passive, quickly giving her a kiss on the cheek, and say "I'm joking, don't look so serious".

She again look in shock, and I burst laughing how out-of-the-norm she is, and decide to leave and let this delicious dish cook itself.

"I got to go some places, so I'll return later. Anything special you want me to bring with me?" I say my good-bye, and she responds "you owe me a lot, friend, so maybe your most precious thing?".

I look down, at my dick, and she also move her eyes to look at what I look, seeing I think from my dick, or about my dick, and get mad, so I just say "See ya later", and right away *Teleport*.


'I better go meeting her again with something great' I think as I open my eyes in the lake-tree-house, in my room, but I see an amazing view, an almost naked dancing and singing human rabbit.

Xiao-Wu looks at me, getting redder and redder, making me understand 'if she turn too much red, it becomes anger. I better remember it', and before she can attack I jump to her, hug her tightly, and say "wow you're beautiful. Sorry to interrupt your reversal, when's the show?".

It seems Iv'e got a big-mouth who says the wrong words, as she *strangle* me with her hands, *throw* me, then *jump* and *kick* me, and from there she just make a 8-hit-combo, ending with me flying into the lake.

'Damn, she's quick, and teleport faster than me in short distances'.

I lay in the lake, but then I'm shocked I haven't had the need to explore it before, cause I don't drown or lose power in this lake, or bath, showers, etc.

'Because it's not a sea, but a lake?' I think to myself, and suddenly remember I swam in this lake, but not in other lakes, and I should explore it more.

'Maybe I can find solution to that sea-water-curse those fruits gave me', I think, 'Is it the salt in the water? I better start testing, and maybe find something from it, better yet, Robin discovers', I think as I swim up.

Seeing Er and Da Ming laughing at me, they're saying "she says you better think how to make her forgive you".

I sigh, 'ahh, 2nd in a row, I better not get around women now, that dragon-power broke my system'.

After an hour of training with them, I decide it's enough for now, say bye, and *Teleport*


back at Paradise, I find lots of workers, yet not Robin or Mia.

I don't find the yacht also, so I *teleport*.

At home, I find a note saying 'out shopping', so I decide to just train, and learn about my new powers.

'Infi, Infi, how are you?'.

<How? What do you mean 'How I am', please explain>.

'hmm, I mean how are you doing? never mind, I won't ask stupid questions again ... Can you please help me with the 'time' concept?' I sigh in regression, just focusing on training now.

<Run energy through your skull-bone, try feeling it, and comprehend what it is, what it does, and why it is different from other energies> Infi explains to me.

I sit to meditate, but 2 hours gives me nothing, so I decide to quit and go to Red-line, take my anger on some scums, and try save some slaves. *Teleport*.


Arriving at my secret-tree-hide-out, in Red-line, above the human-auction-house, I see lots of police officers around, and a fierce looking general command them.

'He seems strong, even stronger than me' I think, and wonder what's going on here today, so I send my 6th sense inside the building.

I 'see' lots of guards, slaves, and workers, all running around a bunch of people wearing a glass-helmet, like astronauts, and wonder who they are, but I also 'see' that princess I met in that Holy-land, above the land I'm at now.

I decide to meet her, getting intel.

I *teleport* to the Holy-land, find a shop to buy a fancy suit, a stupid astronaut-suit above it, and a white fancy gown, and *teleport* back to the auction-house entrance.

"Hello, I have a date with Miss Shalria, lead me to her" I tell the entrance guard, trying to sound cocky like her.

He look at my helmet, like it's some secret code, and opens the door, leading me in.

I walk inside, finding where she's sitting, and sit beside her.

I see another man next to her, but ignore him, and talk to her "Hi, fancy meeting you here, beauty". They both turn their heads, she's smiling, and he looks at me with disgust, but it just look weird, because he's a young, fat, and looks like a mommy-boy, who will get bullied daily if he ain't rich.

"So ... I heard there's interesting things here today, do you know what's up?" I ask her, and she throw a paper pamphlet at me, and I see a few 'devil fruits', few slaves, and lots of weapons, boats, and relics.

I check my space, and I got lots of cash, from stealing plus selling alcohol, so I decide to get as much as I can.

I make a small-talk, telling her bullshit, like training haki with my elder, and how he want me to buy stuffs, as I get lots of intel of how that holy-land works, who's in charge, and meanwhile buy few things who ain't worth much, a slave girl who looks like a dog, and some jewelry, including 1 that Sharlia seemed to like, so I gift it to her, making her more attached to me.

By the time it was over, and I got all the stuff in my space-pocket, and making sure my new doggy-women-slave is safe and I can come pick her up later, with no harm to her, I tell Sharlia "my mentor called me, telling me to return.. I hope we meet again soon, maybe a dinner next time", and go away before she can respond.

I *teleport* to the hide-out, and 'see' my 2 victims for today, who actually ride together, by a carriage carried by 10 beast-slaves.

I plan my move when they're out the police radar, and just use king's-haki, knock them all out, and steal everything, and *teleport*.

Back at the hide-out, and with the same M.O. I make 2 more thefts, including Sharlia's brother, making it almost all the things from the auction today, even the jewel I gave Sharlia, who seemed to give it to her brother for some reason.

I decide to put on an act, so I tear my clothes a bit, roll a bit in the mud, and run back to the auction house, yelling "HELP, HELP, THIEVES! CATCH THEM! THEY STOLE ALL MY MONEY AND BELONGINGS!", and collapse a bit when I get to the entrance.

I already saw there's few of those I stole from who're doing the same act, just for real, and I get to a nice room, drink some wine, before going to a guard, saying "I want to take my slave with me", and he lead me to a room, and soon a giant-man, holding chains, come with the slave I bought.

I take the chain from his hands, asking "where's the key??" in a demanding voice, and he give it to me.

I scream "Leave us alone", and shoo him away.

Looking at this lovely women, holding barely a blanket, all I can see is how beautiful she is. from her orange hair with white edges, huge dog-ears, and a body of a goddesses, with huge melons that the blanket can't even hide.

"We are going to my house. I will give you 3 options later, and you can tell me your favorite one. Now... wear this" I tell her as I throw her plain-clothes, just a white shirt, pants, and sandals, and also a cap-hat to hide her head.

She turn around, drop the blanket, and I can see a tail, an orange tail wagging a bit in fear, and is located right above a juicy ass who can drive man mad.

In a few second she already wore the clothes, saying nothing, even though I forgot about underwear, mainly cause she had blanket on, and I hold the chain, but hidden as we walk closely to each other, to the tree-house.

When we're far enough, I release her from the chains with the key, put it in my space-pocket, put her into a princess-carry, and run really fast to the tree-house, opening the secret door, hiding it, and we're now safe from everything outside.

"Well ... there's a lot to say, but first thing, I guess shower? There's a women room in the 2nd floor with lots of clothes, just pick whatever. After, come down here, we'll eat together, and then talk. Okay?" I tell her.

She nods 'yes'.

I go quickly to create water, warm them a bit, and leave her alone in the bath.

I *teleport* to buy lots of dishes, and when I'm back, she's waiting while standing near the door.

She wear the same plain clothes, dunno about underwear, but seeing her nipples, I guess not.

I point at the dining table, saying in demanding voice "SIT. EAT A LOT", and put lots of delicious cousins for her to choose from, plus a wine glass.

She takes a little, but seeing my stern angry face, she start digging in, also drinking a bit wine, and already looking tipsy.

"Okay. What's your name?" I ask, and she respond "Roxanne".

"How old are you?"..."18".

"How did you become a slave?".."Forced".

"Any family alive? Parents?"..."None".

"Are you a dog-human or you ate a devil fruit?"..."devil fruit, what's a dog-human?".

"Never mind that, Okay, Roxanne, as you noticed, you are free from now on. I will give you 3 options:

1, go live however you like, I'll even give you cash to settle you for a while.

2, go live with my lover, who's living with only women, and is strong and reliable.

3, stay here for a while, relax, enjoy, and then decide. By the way, I'm barely at home few hours a day, so you can even stay without seeing me. Take your time before you choose, or choose 3, and delay your decision a bit ".

Roxanne nod to every sentence, saying nothing for few minutes, and then asks "can I become strong?", and I nod 'yes'.

"How?" she asks, and I tell her "I teach you, books, and my lover can make you also".

I drink wine, filling my and her glass, but she gallop it, and I fill it again, and repeating, till the bottle is empty, and she just fall asleep.

I carry her to the sofa, put her down, laying her head on my lap, as I meditate.

After an hour she wakes up, fidgeting and sit again, but I keep mediating, only 'sensing' her, as she gaze at me.

Her whole energy is red and some purple, like she's in heat, and if I can guess correctly, it seems my dragon-blood having some effect on beast-kin women, like some sort of sexual dominance effect.

I open my eyes, and she says "Can I stay and serve you as my Master?", while putting her hands shyly on my erected dick, as I just can't hold my lust being with such a beautiful beast-women alone, much more when she's sleeping on my lap.

I ask her "Do you even know what it means?", and she nods, saying "yeah, they teach us what slaves are suppose to do".

"But I don't want a slave. I prefer a lover, or a maid-lover, not a slave" I tell her my thoughts, refusing to get into 1 sided-relationship, and with the number of women I have, plus how young I am, all of this seems unneeded.

She nod 'yes', as she take off my pants, but I stop her, and move her up to my lap.

"There's a step way before that when becoming a lover" I say as I hold her neck in 1 hand, and kiss her lips, and she shyly try to kiss me back, but she's really sloppy, like she never kissed before.

She put both her hands on my shoulders, and dives really quickly with her tongue to my mouth, but I just burst laughing, saying "hahaha, you're really learnt the right stuff, but relax, I said it before, I want to feel love, not just sex", and I pat her head gently.

"I bet you had a hard time, sleep a bit, I'll go quickly and try to return before you wake up" I tell her, and enhance the blue-energy in her, sending her to sleep in less than a minute.

I carry her to a room with an empty ready bed, and lay her down, before I *teleport*, thinking on my yet bust schedule.


I visit Hancock, and we do a session, plus a quicky.

She tell me how she start treating her sisters, and rain kisses on me out of her happiness of that cursed tattoo gone, but not yet telling me how she got it.

Later, I visit Shakky and sell alcohol, and now I'm ready to teleport straight home, missing my Robin and Mia.