
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH23: Getting used to

It's already sunset, but it's barely 18:30, making me happy I can get in time to sunset in Soul-land with Wu, who's about 20:15 sunset there.

I hear noises in the kitchen, and arriving there, Robin and Mia ain't cooking, or eating, nor drinking.

They just busy with all the stuff they bought, filling the whole living-room, dining-room, and some even reach the kitchen.

"Ahh, you're really on a spending spree,ah? Here, I've got lots more to spend", and I spill a lot of loot I just got, lots of gold coins, jewelry, weapons, relics, and in my hand I have 2 fruits in a glass-box, as I smile like the devil.

Mia says "hi" and jump to the pile, while Robin snatch the box and watch the fruits with total admiration.

"All yours, do with it whatever" I tell them, and go find me some food and something to drink, while starting to tell them all I did today in Red-line, including saving the doggy-slave-women, who's still in my tree-house.

Then, I start the tale of Soul-land, and end it with "AND NOW, I'M A REAL BEAST, I'M A DRAGON KING".

Robin laugh and shrug it off, but Mia stare at me in shock, asking "Gu Yuena? Are you serious? She's the one who saved my life! You haft to tell my thanks, and wait, I'll give her some presents!", and before she can walk away, I take out my giant dragon-wings, in the middle of the kitchen, making their jaw drop, mumbling "he's really a dragon now?".

"By the way, I'm really hungry" I smile at them, and they get what I mean, so Mia yell "BIG BAD DRAGON" and run away.

Robin stay with the devil-fruits in hand, her mind focus on it, so I remember about the lake incidents and tell her about it, asking "Do you think it's the salt in the water, and not water themselves? Can we try negate the effect somehow? Maybe some special suit, who block water? I'm afraid I will drown 1 day, soon enough, as it seems I can any moment now drop into the water, or rather, pushed into, and drown, even in mistake".

Robin ponder deeply, not saying a thing, before she just walk away, leaving me alone, while I can see on her face how much her mind busy at the moment.

I decide to chase Mia, who made a whole suit-case of presents ready, and I pick some stuff for Gu Yuena too, plus for Wu, and ask Mia to also make a present-bag for her, while telling her how I entered the room while she was singing and dancing, making her burst into laughter, so I secretly record it all on video, deciding to show Wu how this mother of her smile happily hearing about her.

I tell her goodbye, to Robin also who's busy on her deep-thoughts, and decide to go meet Gu Yuena, then Wu, and finally back to my new lonely puppy.


"I came baring gifts, my lovely Yue" I announce myself as I brake into her space domain.

"If I knew how sick-dick you are, I probably wouldn't have made the deal. My name is Gu-Yuena" I hear her roar from the cave, and as I walk inside, she's on the sofa, reading a book.

"Are you always inside here? kinda suffocating. I'll be right back" I tell her, and go outside, choose a sturdy tree, 'talk' and manipulate it with my energies, making it sturdy, with a stair-case going all the way to the top, where I built a spacious 2LDK, with one room as normal bed.

I decide to make Gu-Yuena a special bedroom, as I make the bed as a beautiful, huge, bird-nest, filled with pillows and soft blankets.

I put some sofas in the living-room, as well as full equipment everywhere, and in the 4 balconies, each to each direction, I create benches, put swinging chairs, and sun-umbrellas, making it look kinda tropical.

I go back to the cave and throw the suit-case Mia gave me, saying "Mia sends her thanks, plus gifts".

She smile back, and before her hand reach it, I take it into mine, saying "Come. My present is outside", and drag her out, showing her the tree-house, and as we climb up the stairs, I walk her to a balcony, smiling, and saying "some fresh air never killed anyone. Enjoy it, I'll see ya later", then kiss her cheek, and *teleport* away to the lake-tree-house.


Arriving at the lake, afraid to go inside like in the morning, I see the Mings train, so I wave 'hi', and they wave back, and point inside, as to where Wu is.

I walk inside, and sleeping on the living-room sofa is Wu.

I put her mother present-bag on the table, with lots of drinks and food, and go down on my knees, my head next to Wu, and I gently caress her hair, and kiss her cheeks full of spit, *chuuu*.

Wu opens her eyes, some anger still inside it.

I move my eyes to the table, saying "Your mom sent this gifts", and she quickly sit and start checking it all out.

I open my smart-phone, and play the video of me telling her mom about her dancing and singing, and she watch it, smiling, laughing, but with a tear rolling down her cheek.

"And look what I got you!" I say as I pull out a huge sack, filled with carrots to the brim, and they start falling onto the floor, and she laugh hard, while she scramble my hair, making it a mess.

"You were beautiful this morning, I dunno why you got mad, but I think it was lovely, and I really wish to see you dance and sing again... please?.. pretty please?..." I try convincing her make a show to me again, making a puppy-face.

Wu just act shy, and focus on her mother's gifts, while eating a carrot.

The Mings enter the room, and Er-Ming ask "so how did it go with the beast-colonies?", and I respond "Made a deal with Gu-Yuena, plus she gave me 7 spirit-bones of dragons, that I assimilate, and I'm now probably a beast also, look".

I channel energy over my body, showing the tattoo-lining allover, plus a giant dragon wings, and now *pop*, 2 horns goes out of my skull, grey-long-dragon-horns, like the skull-bone training to comprehend the 'time concept' bare fruits, and I can feel a tingle of that concept now, wondering 'If I train all the bones, will I turn to a complete dragon?'.

They stare at my incomplete humanoid-dragon-form, and the first to talk is Wu.

"I.. I don't get it, but, but you look goo... you look like a dragon!" Wu mumble with her red face, and I think 'My theory about suppression between beasts seems true'.

"Anywayyy, now that I'm officially a beast, kinda, it will be much easier gathering beasts around us. I'll come here almost always once-a-day, so try finding our first new friend, slash soldiers, slash citizens". They all nod 'yes', still saying nothing.

I call "Wu?", as I walk up to my bedroom balcony, with her following me.

As soon as we enter, she enter the bathroom, and a minute later she's out, looking mature, as she transform to her adult form, wearing a soft-white-dress, but no underwear, and I can see the lining of her alluring c-cup breast, standing proudly, with a cherry on top, bouncing as she walk near me.

I take her hand in mine, and my other hand on her back, and start dancing in circles with her, till she just hug my chest with all her body.

I take my hand from her back, raise her head by the chin, and plant a kiss to her lips, and she respond greedily, rapping her hands on my neck, and drop me on the bench, as she sit on top of me.

We make-out for 30 minutes, in a hot session of kisses and touching.

I also begin telling her more about myself, about my women/wives, including her mother and mine relationship, about Earth, my childhood, and more, before I stop, saying "I love you. I will come back again tomorrow".

Wu smile and nod 'yes', looking a bit sad I'm leaving, but I got to check on my puppy. *Teleport*.


Arriving at the Red-line, doing a quick visit to Hancock but not finding her anywhere, I *teleport*.

At the Sabaody-tree-house, I see Roxanne.

'NAKED?! she's cleaning the house, NAKED' my brain yells at me, or maybe it was my dick, who stand in attention, pointing through the pants in her direction.

"Hi Roxanne" I say with a blood-boiling voice, but suppress myself, afraid to trigger that 'slave syndrome' of hers.

"AHHHA, Master, Sorry, I didn't want to get the clothes dirty. I will go wear clothes quickly", and she run to the bathroom.

After 10 minutes she's back, with a plain short white shirt, tight green pants, and sandals. Her massive breast almost spill out of that lousy fabric. I can see the outlining of her pussy on her tight pants, and from somewhere she found a collar, like a sex toy, and put it on herself.

'Is it Hancock sexual hobby? a collar? I better explore that kink' I think happily where she got that collar from, trying to imagine Hancock as a slave, but then remember, she probably actually was a slave, so I conflicted between 'slave therapy' or 'Ignore it', choosing the former, and walking to Roxanne.

"I see you choose to stay here? Even calling me 'Master'" I say as I put my hands on her head, patting her.

"Yes, I'm sure of it, I can see you're a good man, and I... I...", and as she start mumble, I touch her doggy-ear, who's huge, but kinda hidden as her hair.

It has a beastly-charm, the kind no human will have, like rabbit-ears, or the mere reasons humans cosplay so much as other creatures, mainly in sex.

'I really want a cat-women, those are top 3 pick, together with a dragon and a rabbit!' My mind keep popping erotic thoughts, as I smell Roxanne sweat prickle my nose.

"Master? it feels weird", Roxanne fidget from my touch, as I now have 1 ear in my mouth, 1 ear in my hand, and my other hand on her tail. My lust on over-drive. I'm really a beast.

I move to escape those urges, but then she put her lips on my neck, breathing deeply, and slide her hand down my chest, all the way to my soldier, who's waiting in attention, for attention.

I hold her to a hug, hands behind her back, on her tail and ass, and our mouths collide, tongues erupt, and hot liquids spill over.

We move everywhere, till we crush down on the living-room rug, me on top of her, and I stop to say "Roxanne, IF we continue, you must know it's as a wife, but you can keep you kinks, be it maid or slave or whatever when we're alone, but I want an equal love relationship. Plus, I got other wives, and I need to talk to them before we step to the...".

"Hmm, name?" Roxanne asks, and I understand she doesn't even know my name.

"Ayn, Ayn Adelar D" I answer without emphasize the 'D' too much, but she doesn't react to it at all.

"What's yours? Roxanne what?", but she looks down, saying "Slaves barely have names, much less a family names, and I don't wanna remember my past".

I nod, and pat her beautiful hairy ears, fascinated by them.

Roxanne roll me over, she's now on top, saying "Master Ayn, at least, at least, let me do this", and I dunno what she's talking about, so I'll let her do whatever, as long as it's not sex.

She takes off my pants, together with the underwear, so I just kick my shoes off, strip my shirt, and now totally naked.

She stare at my tattoos, and I see that in my lust all of them show a faded version allover my body, but instead of feeling disgust, it's like it hit her lust-button, and she touch all of me, like a dog in heat.

"Don't, Don't, Don't move!" Roxanne mumble-yell, and crunch down to my dick, and start touching it, jerking it off.

From there, she lick the top a bit, but she got lots of spit, and it's getting really wet.

She then raise her body a bit, and through her plain white shirt, she stuck my shaft in between her massive melons, like a failed-magician trying to make it disappear, but I can see it head pop up, making me happy for my weapon's size.

She put each hand to the side of breast, with her shirt still on, and start shaking them, moving them up and down, and each squeeze-down, when the head pop out, she lick it, filling it with spit, and I just lie there, enjoying the view, and that wagging tail above her ass that wiggle-wiggle.

her boobs are gigantic, the biggest from all the women I've been with, and also not saggy, standing proud, like gravity ain't effecting it.

'Is it the powers? training? how come all my women bodies look so perfect, like an 18-year-old virgin?' I wonder, as I'm close to explode.

I quickly start channeling all my lust-energy into Roxanne, making her look like she's addicted to my dick, and soon enough, it's full-blown sucking, and she even try deep-throat, but choke quickly.

Her shirt is already off, and she slide up and down on my leg, jerking her pussy on my leg through her pants.

I move up, saying "let me show you what equal means", as I get her pants and underwear off, we're both bare naked, and I lie down, with her pussy in my face, and my shaft in front of hers.

I grab her ass, between that wagging tail, and eat it like I'm starving, while she lick, suck, and jerk me off.

For some time we enjoy going '69', till she start cumming, so I wanna join too, putting my hands behind her head, shoving my shaft deeper down her throat, full-throttle, but next second, *Squirt*, *Squirt*, *Squirt*, Her orgasm gets 10 times stronger, and her love-juice shoot at me like it's out of a water sprinkler hose in the garden.

It turn me on, deeply, and I explode in her mouth, filling her mouth to the brim.

*Hah*, *Hah*, *Hah*, We both breath heavily, before her tongue start cleaning me up, making my half-erection go rock-hard again.

I also start sucking her clit, shoving my tongue inside, and like that, for almost 30 minutes, we just eat&drink each other, soaked in the puddle we created in the middle of the living-room.

We go to bath, washing each other, and I even cum again, as she jerk me with her soapy hand, while I suck her nipples, and my fingers fucking her, making her squirt, but, I'm still hungry, needing the 'real thing', so I put her to bed, and say "I'll come back soon to sleep with you", kiss her, wear clothes, and *teleport*.


I arrive in Hancock room, but it's empty, so I go into the ship, and she's there.

Without talking, I get naked, join her in the bed, seeing her in a louse sleeping-dress-pajama, and start kissing and fondling her till she wakes up, surprised, but smiling, and before she can speak I tear her underwear, and shove my dick inside her, saying "I missed you so much my love", and start fucking her.

From spoon sex, to missionary, then her sitting on me like I'm a chairman, to me standing with her sitting on my hands, to standing with her back to the wall, and her lying on bed while I stand and piston her like crazy corkscrew.

We have intercourse, sex, and love-making, all together, till she has ahegao face and mumble "I love you I love you I love it".

I carry her for a quick shower, put her back in bed, kiss her lovingly, and *Teleport*.

back at the tree-house, Roxanne is sleeping on bed, and as my lust somehow got settled down, I just hug her, and fall asleep.




Like that, a week pass by, as I keep training, 'training', getting used to my powers, and being a dragon-king, while I keep looting for riches, and building 2 kingdoms, plus the legend of 'Robin hood', The Red-line thief who steal from the rich, save the slave, and donate to the poor.

I do not advance with any relationship, just enjoying what there is, be it Roxanne, Gu-Yuena, or Wu, while stabilizing mine and my lovers relations, with Robin, Mia, and Hancock.

Tomorrow is the memorial-day, so I go back home to sleep.

My father is at home, and in the day after tomorrow I'll go with him to that '1-day-1-year-trip', so I make full preparation, including my space-pocket, who looks more like a space-hangar, with the increase of space in it, and me stocking so much inside that I can probably survive a life-time in a bunker.

Roxanne started training, from using her devil-fruit to haki, all the way to house-chores, even getting used to wearing maid-outfits, and I've built a huge training room, with lots of equipment from Earth, plus lots of books, to let her reach a level where she can leave the tree-house without fear of the outside, or maybe join me in an adventure, making her the 'little john' in my 'robin hood' growing legend.

From Robin I keep learning a lot about the oceanic world of Red-line, which is the only continent in that world, about the 4-blues area, who're divided by the 'red-line' and 'the calm belt' to 4.

Also, the space between those 4 seas, the 'paradise' and 'new world' (divided by the 'red line') who's ahead.

More to that, I learn about power balance, between Holy-land, who control the world government, which got the military force named Marines, together with their 'friendly-pirates', who are the 7 pirate warlords who align with the world-government, and they're fighting versus Pirates, who got 4 leading-figures, the 4 pirate-emperors in the 'new world', but simplifying it, it's just the government-vs-pirates.

The most interesting knowledge is about the beast-kin existence, from mermaids to real humanly-beasts, and how can I try finding them.

My Soul-land knowledge is kinda superficial, no matter how much I read.

Gu-Yuena talks mostly above 'god-land' power houses, meaning the fight between gods (above level 100), but as for the human-world, I know there's 2 big empires, plus a force called 'spirit hall', who act in the dark, and behind them all there's also a hidden 'sea island'.

I try to visit 'Grandmaster', in the Shrek-academy Wu used to go to, but he ain't aware to the world balance much, and the training they all do seems irrelevant to me, so I plan to visit much later, mainly to meet that Zhu Zhuqing, who captured a slot in my mind and heart.