
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH215: Contradictions' rule of life

"My loves, ready?" I ask Shirone and Kuroka after they went around the whole Paradise, running around happily, as we came here before sunset, as I wished to have the whole day just for us three, yet left a note to the girls, telling them they can call me anytime, or come here.

"It's our new home" Kuroka say with a shy-happy-face, playing with a falling-tree'-leaf, yet it seems like she's wiping a tear out of her eye, while Shirone sit on the wooden-fence, planning to jump down to me, as I wait downstairs. Not waiting any longer I go alone toward the hot-spring, yet the two of them run like the cats they are, appearing before me quickly, right in front of the water, already holding a floating-wheels and water-guns, ready for a water-war, beaming smiles, looking magnificent in their swimsuits, and I create flower-crowns from a nearby flowery-bushes, coming back to put it on them, asking "My queens...?", gesturing toward the hot-spring, but they seem to want to go to the beach, to swim in the ocean, and I follow them along.

... Swimming, playing in the water, doing fun just the three of us, I go out for a moment to bring a breakfast for us, and once I finish preparing a fancy picnic near the shore I go call them over, finding them chilling on the shore, under a tree'-shade, making cute faces to me, trying to divert my attention, but I already could hear their plans for today, a naughty sexy plan, waiting for it eagerly, yet act like I heard nothing, gesturing them to the picnic-blanket-location, and they happily join.

... "Nyaaa", "Nyaaa", the both of them act cutely nonstop, but the vibe create a lovely contrast between them, as Shirone is like a sweet-gentle-girl, while Kuroka is more of teasing-mature-woman, even though they're both so similar, like their 'tomboyish'-vibes, like two sides of the same coin, who 'flip' from time to time, as Shirone suddenly tease me, acting maturely sexual, while Kuroka turn gentle, shying, showing a sweet reaction you can find only in a gentle pure girls, a virgin indeed, who make my mind ponder.

"Are tomboy girls are the real epitome of the ethereal pure honest virgins? Hiding behind this tomboyish act, and just a layer away... The most beautiful woman can be seen behind..." I think-out-loud, and they both laugh teasingly, but as I continue to seriously gaze at them, keeping quiet, they begin to turn more and more red, like I'm pealing their fake-act with my eyes, and they jump at me, like they wish to fight, yet with a mere *hug*, and *kisses* to both of them they turn mushy.

'Wow, am I a womanizer, too experienced, or just truly, purely, loving them?..' I think in self-doubt, and cuddle them closer to me, feeling somehow fragile from their own vibes, but it just enhance the sync between us, feeling like we're in the eye of a love storm, shivering from the cold, while the feeling of each other' warmth is the most important thing to us right now, as we lie-down in the middle of a flowery-grass-field, on top of Paradise'-mountain, the new-half-mountain who popped out here, and now show more and more greenery natural vibes, kinda reminding me Vivi'-house.

"Are you thinking of another woman?" Shirone asks me, and I *smile* with a shocked-face, saying the truth "Yeah. This place reminds me of Vivi'-father-house. It's in the middle of a huge field, just like this, on top of a mountain", and my honesty break apart her pout, responding "I wanna visit that place someday", and Kuroka just listen from the side, nodding in agreement, even though it's clear she ain't mixed well with the other girls yet, except the devil-girls.

"New house?", "Oh! New house!", "Maybe a sort of vacation house?", "Yeah! Let's do it!", together with Shirone suggestion, and Kuroka agreement, a picture already pop in my imagination, making me happy she know my artistic urges that much, enjoying such activities a lot, kinda loving the fact there's usages for powers who aren't destruction, rather, building, creating.

... "That was super fun!!!", "Lunch, lunch, lunch!" Shirone and Kuroka show extreme joy as we finish a quick classical building, with me responsible more for plantation and pool, and the soul-rings-girls coming out as well, helping with electricity, furniture, manipulating energies, going back into Infinity while Shirone and Kuroka come back toward me, as I'm focused on a secret surrounding project, planning to surprise them later on.

"Let's go!", "Yeah!", they both hold me by my hands, taking me into the house, arriving to the a side-balcony, watching a great view, with a light-lunch prepared, and I *laugh*, *cough*, asking "Uhm, girls, you do know I need more food than that, right?", and they giggle shyly, as we return back inside, hoping for a quick-tour, wondering if there's a kitchen here, but more than that, I wish to tour the whole house, as I haven't seen it whole yet.

"The open-living-room, like the whole of it is a balcony, not a living-room, is just mesmerizing... And that classic bedroom, same, you've got a promising career as an architectures" I say laughingly to them as we go back to the balcony, and I just take food out of my space-pocket, filling the table to the brim, as we sit down to eat.

... "So we won" Kuroka declare as we chill after lunch, resting a bit before continuing our day, and I look in wonder at her, asking "What did you won? Why?", and she look back at me in wonder as well, while Shirone giggle, saying "The art contest?".

"Sure, you did won, what's the prize?" I ask, and they both jump upon me, each sitting on a leg, poking my cheek, pinching my nose, playing with me while purring cutely, cuddling into me, slowly relaxing, while chatting between themselves.

"You said he will respond by saying there's no winner in art or something like that", "He said we won whatever we want!", "He did say that", "Wait, Ayn, aren't you going to rebuke us?", "Maybe we tamed him?", "Hahaha. We did!", Shirone and Kuroka act mockingly, but the reality is the complete opposite of their words, as they acting tamed, and I pat and brush their ears, hairs, hugging them both on me, letting their imagination go wherever.

"Let's go keep having fun!" Kuroka wish to keep on moving, as we're not tired even a bit, and I ask her before she start moving "Do you want to see what I did while you built the house?", and they both turn their eyes at me in wonder, half-nodding-half-wondering-aloud "didn't we already see it?", "you did something except the roads, pool, trees, flowers, all that plantation?", and I *nod*, *pointing* with my hand down, responding "Under the house. There's a hidden staircase in the entrance'-wall you need to push, and you'll find it out".

*fwoosh!* in a mere moment they both burst running, leaving me alone, having fun in seeking this secret-door, and I quickly create few shadow-maids and follow them back into the house, finding them already downstairs, leaving the secret-door opened, and once I just *jump* down, landing in the hidden-living-room, they both jump at me, looking like they just cried, and I ask in a growing worry "What happened??", looking one more time at the place, wondering if it pushed some 'wrong-button', like when Robin watched the first huge-tree I created.

"..I'm just too happy.." Shirone say while fidgeting cutely, making a lovely pose. "I want you! Right now!" Kuroka say with her face still bright-red, making a sexual-pose, with a hand on top of her breast, sliding her kimono a bit downward, while her other hand underneath, lifting her kimono up, revealing her black-thin-thong.

"Let's go for a bit more?" I ask, trying to hold back my twitching-excitement, and Kuroka teases me as she take her thong off, asking in a sexual-tease "Are you sure you can wait th...", "Ayn! Stay here! Don't move!" Shirone cut-in, grabbing Kuroka'-hand, pulling her inside one of the rooms, while also teasing me, taking her panties off while walking away, and I just *nod*, going to lie-down on the huge living-room-sofas, which is more like the whole room is one huge sofa, happy that the pink-vibe got into them, as I was kinda reflecting if they'll like it, especially with their usual white-and-black color choices, yet was influenced by yesterday'-pink-Rose-vibes.

... "Close your eyes!" I hear Shirone calling from inside, and just *Smile*, already with my eyes closed, napping alone, as they take so long.

"Tadam!" I hear Kuroka making a sound, so I open up my eyes, finding Shirone shy-face, wearing a white-wedding-dress, looking so cute, so sexy, I wish dearly to make her mine, feeling jealous at her hand, who's in between her breast, wishing it was my face in there, and as I *grab* her other hand I shift my gaze to Kuroka, who dance in a white-wedding-dress, shyly smiling, making me wish to make baby kittens with her, enchanted by her mature charm yet again.

"Marry me. Be my wife. I want you, I wish for you. For ever" I blubber-talk to Kuroka while taking out a ring, and she snatch it off of my hand, responding with a huge smile "Already am!", and keep on dancing around us, letting me notice she avert her gaze to Shirone every moment, so I do the same.

"Beautiful" I say as I look at Shirone lying-down next to me. "Really?" she asks, crawling toward me, and I realize she took the dress off already, probably grabbing Kuroka attention by doing so, and as I answer "Yes. Of course", thinking to avert my gaze back to Kuroka, yet Shirone respond "I love you. If you love me, then, just do it, right now", turning around in front of my face, taking her wings out from excitement, making a doggy-style-pose while shaking her ass, smiling, whispering "Paint this white clothes in red, make it pink, like this room is".

'Wow she's wet' I think in shock, acting without thinking, feeling it's indeed the moment, after such a long time we're 'dancing' around each other, never going 'all the way', and while making my and her clothes disappear I just move forward, into her wet awaiting hole, and in one fast-stroke it's 'over', me and Shirone is deeply-connected, and her red pure love drip down, signaling the endless future ahead of us.

... "Enjoying the show?" I ask Kuroka who eats a cake near us, as Shirone just had her first-sexual-orgasm, barely moving, not speaking, just breathing heavily, and like an epiphany 'push' me toward her sister, smiling in joy, as she cuddle on the soft-sofas, enjoying this place a lot. "Want a piece of...", *Rip!*, "Ahhh! Big Bad Dragon wanna eat me!", Kuroka play around, beaming smiles nonstop, yet the moment I see her virgin pure body, after ripping her dress apart, leaving her in a sweet-cute-lingerie, I realize she's all acts and tease with no backup behind it, like a protecting-mechanism, which create a weird psychological contradiction, such a contradiction I saw so many times before.

'Like a coward acting brave, hiding his fears ... Like a human who lack intelligence, acting like he 'knows it all', guiding others instead of seeking knowledge ... Like lacking confidence, yet act 'full of yourself' ... Those without powers act violently, and those with too much powers act so soft and tranquil ... The rich hide his money while the poor show to all his meager wealth ... The sick enjoy any moment of health, while the healthy focus on any moment of sickness ... Like the sinner act as a saint ... A saint act as a sinner ... Contradictions ... We're all a living psychological contradictions ... 'The Balance' is inherited, predetermined, a rule of life ...'.

"Meow, Earth to Ayn, are you there?" Kuroka tease me as she sit before me, shyly smiling, proving to me yet again how much a 'stoic-freeze' can break layers, like the contradiction between the-anticipation-of-what-will-happen-versus-doing-nothing-at-all, which can, in turn, 'push' the other into taking actions, and I *smile gently*, raise my head, and *ROARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!* to the sky, like a beaming cultivation phase just happened, feeling energy filling every pore of my body, but never mind it all, except Kuroka, *jumping* at her, softly, lying on top of her, watching her ethereal smile, almost crying from over happiness.

"I love you", "I love you", we both whisper at the same time, and a new type of vibe evolve around us, like a new 'fighting spirit', as we turn 'serious', slowly beginning to explore each other body, exploring sexually each other' body, and luckily I washed my body with energies before jumping at her, and feeling 'inspired' by her cat-mode, as I *bite* her cat-ear, while my hands playing with her tail, I transform to my humanoid-dragon-form.

"Ayn!!!!" Kuroka jumps at me, turning me around, climbing on top of me, and begin touching and moving much more sexually, more determinate, like it turned 'her switch on', with her lust energies exploding out, pouring down on me through her actions, and like some biological-mechanism she find by movements the correct position, and in her tomboyish' vibe drop down on me, taking me into her.

"Mmmm..." she moan in joy, bouncing softly at me in short pulses, keeping her act together, and instead of 'taking control', 'shake her up', 'correcting her act', I instead just do 'situational control', like making sure the angles are perfect, her joy is rising, the pain fades, her sexual excitement keep on pushing on, and behind-it-all is my joy, my bliss, my happiness, and my ever growing sexual desires and urges, which she in turn reacts to, fulfilling it like making our dream come true, hypnotizing me with her short bouncing on top of me, with her bouncing boobs in that sexy bra, and like the wild-beasts we are our love keep changing gears, getting more and more intense, and soon she's 'rocking' on top of me, shoving my dick in and out of her in extreme speed, while singing her lovely moans.

... Feeling a presence upstairs, while chilling together with Kuroka and Shirone, after a wild sessions, wishing to relax before we're going back at it, if they can, as it's evident by the red-stains here that it might be too much right now, and I quickly go upstairs after *kissing* them both, sharing with them what's going on upstairs.

Once I'm there, I find a golden-goat-girl checking out the pool, saying "Hey Ayn!..", and I *smile*, responding "Hi.. Carina", and she giggle, probably from me saying her name wrong, not sure exactly what her name is, and she come outside of the water, waving 'hi' while walking toward me, making me think-out-loud "She look even better than she looked the last time we met".

"Eheheh, Ayn, if that's true, it's because Paradise is the best place to live at in the whole world" she respond cutely, beginning to chat about the girls, mostly about the mermaids, and how much of an impact they did to the whole island, slowly merging together to one community, sharing with them the treasures of the ocean, while they share with them the treasures of the land, creating a symbiotic relationship, and with my endless influx of goods, protection, land development, technologies, etc. Paradise is the reality of what some cannot even dream of.

*Fwoosh* I dry her up with energies while she keep chatting, now talking about how she love this mountain so much, hanging here each day, so I offer her to now enjoy this new building to the fullest, and she dance cutely in a circle, showing me her dry-self, and she continue speaking, telling me "But you know, no matter how perfect the place is... the wonder about what you don't know.. It can corrupt others.. Always pondering what the whole world looks like, and the mermaid-queen seem conflicted about the mermaids a lot, so she use us to chat with them about this world, mostly humanity, and how insanely cruel they can be for those who are differ from them...", but I stop her with a hand movement, saying "Give me a moment. Two of my wives are downstairs, I'll call them up, here...", pulling out few pillows, putting it on the edge of the pool, together with an apple-juice, and quickly go into the house, after seeing her sitting-down, signaling me to go.

"Wanna...", "Yeah", "We listened", "We met some girls, but they were kinda weird out when they saw us", "But when they saw my ears and tails they loved me?", "Same, but, like, I think they're jealous", "Oh", "Yeah", "Obviously", "You get what I mean", "Ayn get it too", "But he act like he doesn't?", "What do you expect him to do?", "Bring males here", and they both burst laughing, enjoying to tease me, but like the contrast between talking and doing, they're snuggling their sexy-bodies tightly to me, like they're trying to spread their smells deeply into my skin and bones.

"Swimsuit!", "Yeah, swimsuits!", "You can create one?", You choose for us!", the both of them demand me to choose their swimsuits, and I happily do so, and instead of choosing I decide to take it a notch up, creating from my energies swimsuits for them, enjoying this new experience, thinking to start doing so from now on, but almost feel dejected from it, like, why would I want to put clothes on them, and not taking clothes off of them.

"Carina, Shirone, Kuroka... and Ayn will go for another moment to bring food, snacks, drinks... Wanna something special?" I ask as we go back there, deciding to let them 'break the ice' between them while I'll get lots of food, regenerating my energies, less for what we did, more for my bottomless energies who keep circling my body crazily after that cultivation-phase-moment.

<Ayn, your growth is too fast it scare me sometimes> I hear Infi calling me over with mixed-emotions, and I respond 'Scaring from being good, bad, or just unknown?', and Bi-Bi respond instead of her, saying [Ayn, I think Infi realizing that her dreams may come true, so, good luck], and a second later hear Infi responding <Unknown, I mean, you did nothing like taking pills, medicines, and you barely never fight real battles, I mean, to the death, only playing around, just, cultivating? Can realizing things make such huge power-jumps?>.

'Infi, say I meet a skilled fighter, who beat down hundreds and thousands of others... If I can strike a singular point at his body, a weak-point, because, every creature got a weak-point, say humans, I learnt anatomy, so, I can kill a human with a finger even without power, no matter how much muscles he has, because there's lots of areas in a human body without muscles, who are really sensitive... Then... What is the meaning of his endless fights? Those fathomless skills? I'll just kill him with a finger... I do miss fights, but, as a chance to cultivate myself... Fighting without personal-gains are just... Useless...' I talk a lot, yet, realize I'm way off-topic, like I'm sinking into some meditative-state without even wishing to.

<Ayn?> Infi asks, feeling I do the same, and I ask Bi-Bi 'Please come talk with the girls, I'm going into cultivation for a while...', and as she do so, I quickly *kiss* her, going to the balcony we ate lunch at, sit in a lotus-position on a pillow on a high-sofa, while watching the ocean view, feeling the blowing wind coming my way, and close my eyes, close my ears, close my mouth, take a *deep breaths* through my nose, and dive down into a meditative state, feeling it's not a want or a need, it's a must. I must cultivate this out.