
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH214: Rounding Galaxy

"Then why did you bring me here?" Rose asks as we walk in a flower-field outside the house, wishing to talk with her about Rose before anything else, as the rest of the girls kinda know everything already, always sharing with them everything without holding back, and I crouch next to her, yet instead of looking at me she's gazing at the distance, at the tree-house, asking "How come I can't see the house from here, even though it's so huge, and we barely walked a few hundred meters from it?".

"Well, maybe if you put this ring on I could say more?" I laugh happily, realizing I'm way too brazen about it all, thinking '..as long as it's my women..', watching her shyly hugging the flowers she picked-up tightly, half-scared-half-excited, giving me a determent-gaze, nodding her head, and I stand up, going toward her, but she suddenly turn around, beginning to walk, only turning her head back to me, saying shyly "Should I even ask it?".

Catching her for a princess-carry I decide to just walk back home, and 'sneak' around the back-door to the master-bedroom, not even telling her we're invisible right now, and she doesn't notice, too focused on her rumbling-thoughts, just wondering in her head '..Is it magic? ..Technology? ..Are there's more people like this? ..Is it dangerous? ..But it's Ayn, ..I'm sure I'm safe, ..and I'm already his Wife ..Family..', finding out she's quite dedicated to our relationship, but more than that, it's like every women got a Tsundere'-side in her, and I gently *massage* her while walking slowly, arriving to the bedroom, put her down on the bed, and go sit on the couch next to it.

"I do! ...?" Rose cutely say, giving me her hand, hinting me to put the ring I still hold in my hand, yet wish to see her desire, and now put it on her finger, locking eyes with her as she lie-down back on the bed, gazing at me, and just as I'm about to speak, opening and closing my mouth few times, not sure how and what to say, or more about what not to say, she shake her head, and jump off the bed, coming toward me, giving me a serious-gaze, asking "Is it something I should not know?", and I *hug* her to me, making her fall onto me, responding with *kisses*, whispering to her "If you really wish to know, then I'll say it, but I do think that for now it's the for the best...".

"Okay!" she answer, yet gaze to the distance, like she's not sure about her decision as well, and I slowly *massage* her body, hearing her thinking-out-loud/asking "I love you, do you love also love me?", and I answer "Yeah". "I want to be with you forever", "Me too". "Is it dangerous?", "The contrary. Super safe. Safer than safe, just a secret". "Wait, so I won't lose a thing?", "Hehe, dear, you're just goona wish you knew it before, but you'll lose nothing, only gain, if you'd want to". She begin dropping her clothes off, getting excited from her own imagination, looking with her dreamy-eyes into the distance, saying once again "Okay!", but this time with a face full of hope, happiness, excitement, love, and a bursting lust, as she grab my dick with one hand, and with the other hand softly touch her face, moving her hair aside, gazing back and forth at me and the new ring on her finger, making this moment magical, as I see her in the last sunlight of the day, feeling her taking me into her, while the sun is falling down in the horizon.

... Sitting on the edge of the bath, with Ella floating inside the water, her mouth on my balls, and her hand jerking me off, pleasuring me while playing with the flowers I keep on throwing into the water, she cutely tell me "I get it why you need so many women..", feeling my dick twitching in excitement, wishing for more, but she seems too tired for that, and she suddenly call aloud "Maybe AKENO can help me here", and I'm surprised to find out Akeno is coming in, after hiding behind the door, unnoticed by me, as I'm not paying any attention to my surrounding at all right now, only at Ella, but somehow Ella can sense it.

"How?" I ask her, and she smirk, responding "Are you doubting women intuition?", and Akeno 'join her camp', going into the water, making me shiver from excitement as they both swim around my legs, dancing in the water.

... As we keep having 'fun', making love, more and more girls join the bathroom, and I let Ella set the pace, wishing for her to bind and mingle well among the girls, which already start forming since the start, now more than ever.

... "Ayn!" Rias come inside the bath just when we're going outside, with Lana, her mother, following behind her, and feeling her condescending childish tone, together with the girls already exhausted, wishing to leave the bath as we've been here for too long, I *grab* Rias and Lana, caring them to the bedroom, dropping their towels off along the way, throwing them onto the bed, and ask Lana "Help me out here?" with a smirk, *holding* Rias beautiful face, give her a quick *kiss*, and *shove* my cock into her mouth, mouth-fucking her, while *Spank! Spank* Lana, 'demanding' her to 'punish' Rias more harshly, but she's more kissing than biting and spanking her butt.

Sensing Lana is in 'another place' I change the whole script here, going at her, making love to her, giving it to her, full-power, watching Rias lying-down with a huge happy smile, realizing her attitude wasn't originating from her, rather, from her shy-mother, who was withholding herself for some reason, and I smack our bodies together till Lana seems to drool from every hole, wetting me and Rias, as I climbed above her, teasing her already, and once blue-energy pop out of her I *kiss* her one last time before focusing on Rias.

"We should lock you up or something" Rias tease me, taking the rein, pushing me down, and sit on top of me, taking me into her, slowly dancing, enchanting me, and I ask "Why? What happened?".

"MMmmmm..." Rias act almost break as I *pinch* her nipples, enjoying her lustful-side, and she shake herself out, answering "We thought Ravel can possibly be great for our Familia, but now her mother talk about you too much, even more than Ravel, like, AHHHhhhhhh.... AYNNNnnnnn... Ayynnn.... Aynnnnnnnn!!!..." Rias talking about other woman while making love with me kinda annoys me, deciding to up the pace, so I start moving us as well, vigorously, decisively, lustfully, loving her to the maximum, letting her think about only one thing that is right now inside of her, rampaging in the middle of her body.

... "Is it okay to go just the two of us?" Rose asks again as we just drove to a restaurant, planning to have a private-dinner with her, and I respond "Rose, it's okay to be selfish...", gazing at her pinkish-wear, with her pink-top, pink-open-sweater, pink-yoga-pants, looking so cute, and she act even more cutely, fidgeting, arranging her already beautiful look, playing with her hair, as we walk inside the restaurant.

... "Why is it okay to be selfish?" Rose ask as we eat dessert, sharing a piece-of-cake while sitting next to each other, watching the city-night-view, and after *kissing* her neck a bit, still *hugging* her with one hand, I look at her, explaining myself while enjoying this moments together.

"A living being is a self. You are yourself. Being yourself is 'Selfish'. Humanity brainwash you to think 'Oh, being selfish is bad', but that's just a corruption of the self... You are yourself. We are born 'Self', and acting 'Selfish' is being, is living..." I answer, but she cut-in, asking "What about others?", and I continue speaking, saying "You can only think with your self, in your selfish mind, feel with your selfish heart, and behind it, now, you can think and feel 'About' others, BUT, not 'For' others... To each his own body, his own mind, his own heart... Rose, your self is yours... Be Selfish...".

"Selfish" she giggle, jumping up to my lap, jokingly cuddling onto me, and I *flip* us over, dropping her down on the sofa, with me on top of her, hearing her whispering shyly "I'm afraid to be hurt. It's too good that it feels more like a dream than reality", and I *nod*, raining kisses slowly onto her arm, shoulder, breast, neck, cheek, thinking 'I want to make love to her, show her how much real it is', but instead stop to whisper "I made a promise, to take this dreamy dream and make it into reality, but we need two for tango, so, how do you think we can take this soul-dream and make it into physical-reality?".

"I don't know" she answers and raise her head, kissing my lips cutely, shyly, gazing at me, so I respond "What's your dream?", and she answers jokingly "To be a princess!". "I'm a king, so wanna be my queen?" I ask, and she answers "No thank you. I want to be your wife. That's my reality dream. I'll be just yours, Oh, Wait, Are you really a king? You did said it too many times to be a joke now" Rose simple desires shock me, surprising me with her simplicity mind, *hugging* her while sitting back up, with her on top of me, opening my shirt, and closing it partly, like hiding her inside, enjoying this fake thin fabric privacy, even though I paid enough to make sure no one will come here while we're here.

"Ayn?" she asks as I keep quiet, and I tell her "an island, a magnificent hidden island, like a new world on Earth, and somehow, with the activity of the family we became a women-shelter, who're now living there, so sort of a women-only-paradise", and she *pinch* my nipples, seemingly annoyed by this fact, making me *chuckle*, telling her "I have no relationship to a single women there, and the girls been there, so you can ask them about it... Let's go visit the place in the next month or so?", and she hold herself from asking more, kissing my chest lovingly, trying to tear my undershirt off, making me *giggle* from her cuteness.

... "I had a lovely time" Rose act lady-like, thanking me for the dinner before we return back into the house, looking chilled, as I promised we'll have a date every few days, so we could know each other more before going 'all the way', and I *smile* in joy, *sighing*, and the moment she goes inside I instead *teleport* upstairs.


"Nice painting" I tell Marie, who sit on a carpet, next to a new wall-painting, still smelling fresh, and she cutely smile, playing with her hair, yet not looking into my eyes, asking quietly, almost sadly, "Have free time for me now?", and I quickly go outside the room, moving swiftly to take out hot-cider and snacks, going back inside, and give her the treat, responding "Always, just say when", and she cutely giggle, taking up the offer, and the drink, going to sit on the window'-edge, while I go stand next to her, on a high-chair, watching her mesmerizing beauty, pondering about what is it she wish to.

"Erina is amazing, huh" Marie say happily after a sip, and I respond "Sure is, probably the biggest food prodigy in our lifetime", and she nod in agreement, taking another sip happily.

Marie stand after a long quiet moment, going in front of a mirror, taking off her shirt, making me notice that the minute I went out to bring the drink she took off her short-jeans, and I go stand close to her, waiting for her to speak, finding her head is in a mess, like always, wishing for her to find the path instead me pushing her toward any direction, letting her find resolutions more than anything else, and as she sit-down on the floor, still staring at herself through the mirror I also sit-down, in lotus-position, close to her.

"I'm...", "Marie, do you think self-love is about outside perception?" I cut her words, seeing a 'toxic' thoughts popping out of her, and as she move her head in between agreeing to disagreeing, I say "Nope. Look, I can see your outside, not inside, so, I'll push for outside love, wishing to discover your inside, but, you self-love is seeing your inside, and your outside are just what you push for...".

"What?" she asks, but she seems to get my thoughts-process, even if I pronounce it in a sparkling-mess, trying to say again "Loving others is dependent on the outside-to-inside, while Self-love is dependent on inside-to-outside", and she finally nod in agreement, finally locking eyes with me after not doing so ever since I came into her room.

She suddenly move around the room, yet again, but then just stop in front of another mirror, smaller one, close to the bed, and I go sit on the bed, staring at her as she stare at herself in the mirror, and I tell her "You're in a self-search, I get it, it's a wonderful thing, just... Remember the differences between theories and realities, okay?", while standing to leave the room.

"What do you mean?" she asks me, and I respond "Like the religious-science-priests who went insane... What was for one a theory was for the second a confirmation and for the third a fact while the fourth already thought it's a proof".

"What?" she narrow her eyes, not getting what I try to say, and I *exhale air*, asking her "Did you ever milked a cow?", and she burst laughing, answering "It's always weirdly funny talking with you", and I ask "Then what the color of milk?", and she answers "White", so I laugh now, saying "Then you never milked a cow before, that's for sure.. Reality is just different".

"Where are you going with this?" she puzzle me, wishing to already reach the end, even though I only started the thought-process, and I ask "Can you just tell me.. Say something is long-existing, huge, like, a wholesome thing, what shape will it have?".

"Hmmm... Like... Earth? so round? or at least something roundish, I mean, all the stars are round-like, right? That's where you going with it? WAIT, are you saying I'm fat??" she speak calmly but turn to a pout, making me burst laughing, asking in shock "How could you even reach such a weird conclusion? And Marie, for real, you're too skinny, eat more, and if you 'feel full' just exercise more - you can diet forever in your grave, not before that", and she smile, understanding my meaning whole different, as I speak.

"Let's just jump on the milk-way, and say, if every long-lasting thing is round, just like Earth, or the sun, etc. How come some weird legend of thousands of years ago about the universe is flat, turn hundreds of years ago to a theory, then to a fact for all those religious-science-people, and now they use it as proof in their weird-science?" I ask/say, and she negate "It's evident? How can you doubt it?".

"Even if I leave the perception of the perfect long-lasting-round... Even if I assume we can 'see' the truth, and not just the shallow outside-layers of things... The contradictions of science are so severe, to think they're right, like, those lunatics say 'Light' travel from the center of the universe to us?... Is this 'light' not influence by billions of gravity-forces? Of course it is!.. Is 'light' not a wave, instead of some straight-line-paradigm? Of course it is!.. How can they even think they're right?".

"Then?" she asks, seemingly forgetting about her own issues, so I go for the 'punch', saying "When I'm inside the room...", and go above her, hiding her from the light-bulb on the ceiling, "... What is shining right now?", and she answers "the light? Oh, cause you're hiding it, so, ohhh... The walls are now reflect light from the light-bulb... So... When I look at the stars I might not see 'shining stars' at all? That's what you're saying?", and I *nod*, answering "Theories, Marie, it's all theories, never proof, never facts... And... Come...".

I feel like my thoughts are always flowing much better when I can blubber openly, with someone listening to me, instead just going back-and-forth against my own thoughts, even though I still think 'I know what I mean the best, so who's better than me to reflect and negate my own thoughts', but focus on her, as I princess-carry her to the master-bedroom upstairs.

"What shape are the waves are?" I ask, as I sit down with my knees on the bed, in front of a huge picture we once took at Paradise, as we felt the moon was never prettier, shining brightly on the dark ocean, and she look at the painting, asking "Is it real or a painting?", making me laugh, telling her "It's from Paradise, I guess it's part of that land'-magic... Anyway, what shape is the waves?".

"Oh, they look like a line, but if I throw a rock into the water it make a round waves, so, hmm, like, we see the galaxy as a line, but it's actually round? Ayn, I get it, but I also don't...", and I feel lost myself, yet say decisively "That means you can now realize the differences between some legend, turning it into a theory, thinking suddenly it's facts, and then use it as a proof... It was nonsense to begin with, undefined, unclear, unexplained, yet the growing-illusion corrupts the mind...".

"I love nerdy artist" Marie beam a cute smile, sitting on her knees over the bed, hiding the moon, mesmerizing me for a moment, as I walk on my knees, closer to her, and subconsciously start touching her hair, tying it up for a pony-tail behind her head, looking only at her, like the whole world turned dark, and now all I can see is her, and her beautifully wondering eyes who gaze right back at me.

With our eyes locked into each other, sneaking micro-glances onto each other gleaming lips, for who knows how long, the silence break apart as Marie lips form words, saying in a hypnotizing manner "Why aren't you kissing me yet, dummy?", *Kiss!*.