
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH200: A flipcoin' otherside

"Cute panties" I *smirk*, and she jump up, cutely complaining "Ayn!", shyly escaping me, as I mistakenly, honestly, moved her dress a bit, but my wild-mouth, and her short-dress, create this weird situation.

"Was a mistake, honestly, but now that I think about it, I probably done it unconsciously, sorry" I say, kinda apologizing, but notice I never apologize for such things, like my recent thoughts change me, yet, not hating this, and I'm kinda wrong with my thoughts, as Asia go inside the dressing-booth, taking off her dress, with just enough opened that I could see her from the angle I'm at, and I walk inside, as she already put the next dress on, turning her around, and look at her as I close the curtain, mesmerized by her.

'A girl who show herself to only one man, her man, is like she's betting all her self in me, giving me, and only me, her self...' I think as I slowly run my fingers up her arm, reaching her cheek, watching her closed-eyes, tempting lips, delicate body, and her shiny blond hair, and before I notice our noses are touching, then our lips, while our hands wrap around each other, as I *pull* her toward the wall, bending-down, beginning to *kiss*, flirting, slowly, lovingly, gently.

... "Why me?" I ask Asia, and she look at like she's enchanted, but probably so am I, loving her more and more every new moment with her, also without her, like her pureness is addicting, and with that new red dress she just expose what she always hidden behind her long baggy clothes, her ethereal beautiful body.

"Except your look, personality, power, money, influence, and all of that?" she asks/says with a shy smile, "Then the moment you came to madly capture us... You were so determent, kinda mad, so fierce, but then, you stared at me.. And.. I felt like you saw the real me.. You didn't act to me like with the others.. You chose to protect me..", she wipe a tear, showing me for the first time her emotions she hid from our 'first meeting', ".. From that moment, till today, You.. It's like you see me.. Truly.. Oh! I know! I think.. It's like a beautiful dangerous beast, but, like I know for sure you would never hurt me, you will always love me, but, you're a wild beast, but, also sensitive...".

Listening to her continuing her explanation I take from it the thought of 'The two sides of the coin', like a complete picture of a man, and before she can ask, as I can just see it on her face, I tell her "Because the thought of a life without you is just less of a life.. Like seeing you, no, The mere imagination of you with someone else.. Already breaks my heart.. Yeah, I'm possessive, but it's like a switch in my heart, going Puff!, and I'm hooked.. Once my thoughts decide to commit - That's it, I'll follow it with my whole".

"But do you...", "Love you" I answer to her half-sentence, in determination, not putting a question mark on it, even if I know there's levels of love, but love is love, like a lie is a lie, or a desire is a desire, but as relationships go - As long as you keep going forward, dedicating yourself to your own decision - The seed of love could blossom, not just becoming a flower, but a whole tree of flowers, and even a whole field in the future, as the thought of a baby-daughter from Asia would probably 'kill me' from love-overdraft.

"Really, Infi?", and I stop my day-dreaming, understanding my whole mind is wide-open now, and I *shyly smile*, answering instead "Yeah, I was just day-dreaming of a baby-Asia", and she hide her face with her two hands, but her smiling redden face can't be covered with just that.

"I want to go there, Please" Asia divert the attention to a Ferris-wheel, pointing at it, and I ask smilingly "Ain't we above that level?", and she shake her head, saying quietly "I want the simple things", striking me right in the soft-spot, nodding, feeling like she's taming me, asking while paying the bill "Asia, are you a dragon tamer?", and she *pinch* my arm, yet act cutely, quickly kissing the place, and hug my arm tightly.

... Sitting in the Ferris-wheel, it's hard not to remember that date with Hancock way in the past, making love, breaking it so it stop, leaving them a puddle there, yet I focus on Asia, as I feel 'Every woman is like arriving to a new world', *hugging* her from behind as we're looking around, arriving to the top, just standing there, relaxing, watching the city night.

"Ayn, did I changed?" Asia quietly asks, and I feel her wonder, answering "I'll say it's more like you show more of yourself to the outside. I believe in god, but, there's... There's a 3 type of outside relations for a human... A human before god. A human before society. A human before himself. Some lose themselves in at least one of those, so, I think you're stepping into society now, and what's more, stepping into the realm you look at yourself now, so, your wonder is wonderful", and *kiss* her cheek, neck, and step-back, falling onto the bench, with Asia on my lap.

"Why are you so smart?" Asia asks a funny question, and after laughing for a bit, I answer "I think my wisdom come from objectiveness. Like...", I take out a coin, showing her the side, asking "..What do you see?", and she answer "A coin? A number?", and I flip the coin, asking "And now?", hearing kinda the same answer, so I tell her "Every thought is like a coin, flip it, 'see the other side', and once you see the other side of the thought, flip it again, over and over, till you'll get just a thought, like a coin, who doesn't win the argument - it is the whole thought... in the end - The coin will flip so fast, you could see both sides of the same thought in any time".

*Giggle*, "Then I won't see anything! It's too fast!", and I *bite* her neck, responding "In that moment, your mind will stop trying to see a side, in that moment - You could look from outside, objectively, and finally see 'the whole picture'... The world is moving, my love, the whole universe is moving, and reality is a momentary-truth, but a second later, Puff! It's already a lie, past, gone, was, and a new moment come".

"Then then then" Asia cutely mumble, and I can understand her, afraid of 'losing the ground under her feet', even if it was never there to begin with, telling her "My love, focus on a 'Human-in-front-of-him-self', once you do - The ground isn't a factor anymore, you have yourself, and that's what important".

"And you" Asia announce, turning aside, with her face right in front of mine.

"And me, and our family, and friends, and acquaintances, and strangers, and living-creature, etc, but it's society, my love, so, I love you, but it's my love, and your love is your love, society, not god, not you" I answer, and *Yawn!*, feeling tired from over-thinking, and she ask quietly "Home?", so I nod, as the Ferris-wheel stop, caring her out, as the doors open, walk a bit, and *teleport*.


"Good night" I say as we arrive home, picking all of the devil-girls up, interfering with what they're doing, not minding the movie they're watching, or book they're reading, even turning bigger by the amount of girls, and once Iv'e got them all, I go to the main-bedroom, fall with them onto the bed, and close my eyes.


"Ayn..." I hear Asia, waking me up, probably for sunset, as I did woke-up sometime ago, and went back to sleep, thinking to pull her back to bed, but instead wake-up, going with her, watching the sunset with her in the balcony, feeling some sort of vulnerability grew in me, like a new thing in me, thinking 'There's a body-disease, there's mental-issues, but there's also self, soul-weaknesses, like, 'insecurities', where my self perception is colliding against society... It's not mental, for sure, because it's a feeling, not a thought... Like my brain drop thoughts who attack my heart, my feelings... And my heart do the same... Like sometimes my heart and brain fight, but, no matter who won in this 'war, I'm the one loosing...'.

"Ayn, your vibe.. What happened?" Asia asks, as we sit shoulder-to-shoulder, and I feel the need to open up again, loving the fact she can make me 'release myself', saying "Fear, I fear... Losing a women... The thought of my wife going knowing another man... It 'eats' me from inside... It's not even a real thing, I know, but 'reading' some minds got my mentality attacked, and now, my heart is 'fighting' against it...".

"Oh, wow, I guess 'reading' minds got it's bad sides for sure" Asia comment, and I *nod*, *chuckle*, and respond "Yeah, this 'Abyss', which I once thought it's the concept of 'Hell', now looks to me more like the 'Unknown', the things I don't know, and can't know", "Can't know?" Asia asks as I turn quiet.

"Knowledge got three layers ... 'What you know', then 'What you don't know but can know', and behind it is 'What you don't know and can't know'... Oh... Wow... I think Iv'e got the solution?.. I know myself, I can know society, and I can not know god... Believing in god is the best cure for my heart?..." I blubber-talk, thinking-out-loud, and Asia question me "What god are you talking about?".

*Chuckle*, "The one I don't know and can not know. The 'Everything'. You know that song, '''I'm just a soul whose intentions are good, Oh Lord, please, don't let me be misunderstood'''. I believe in god, I believe only in god, but, I don't pray. I don't got a religion. I'm not worshiping some other human words. I'm not believing other humans. I'm not believing in books. I believe in god only. I know, I think, but I believe only in god, Anyway, back to the point..." I respond, sending Asia to her own complex about god, which I do not feel I have as her, maybe already solved mine long ago, as I look at her now, seeing her deep-gaze into the horizon and return to my own 'train-of-thoughts'.

"Some thoughts are a disease of the mind. Some are even infectious, sickenning, and give them a brain to grow at - A real social 'disaster' can erupt - And 'reading' those 'men pimps' minds... Wow... Western-modern-society is like a reservoirs of insecurities..." I think slowly, knowing Asia ain't paying attention, but at least I get the chance to expose it to my self.

"Why is that?..." I ask/talk to myself, while sitting on a sofa beside me, answering a moment later to myself "...Freedom? If everyone is 'Free', then, it's not just the country losing it meaning, it's even morals, societies-norms, losing meaning, the whole 'system' losing it meaning, if everyone is truly 'Free'... Freedom is a double-edged sword?.. Who's truly 'free'?.. What 'freedom' even means?..".

<Good morning...> Robin voice send me to a momentary calm-state, like a hypnotic trained response, since childhood, which I do not find in any way or shape bad, but my 'toxic thoughts' are, yet, as she says <...I listened up, and honestly, why do you think we're different from you? We're all the same, those without powers or even with all the powers in the world, just same>.

'Then... Insecurities?' I ask. <Love. Love is the true cure. Do love, find love, search for love, make love, it's all love, oh, I'll write it down and give it to the artist girls, anyway, Ayn, Stoicism is probably like you think, a defensive mechanism, but love, is probably the offensive mechanism> Robin answer settle my thoughts, finding a hint to the way I can solve it all.

'Painting? Singing? Writing? Or just... Make love...' I ponder to myself, and 'seeing' Rias and Akeno going into the hot-spring'-direction I follow them up, after pecking a *kiss* on Asia.

Sitting in the bath'-edge, I watch Akeno and Rias washing themselves, but just paint them, while enjoying their cute shy play, not interrupting me, yet tease me nonstop.

"Ayn, look over there" Tsubaki tell me cutely, as she take off her clothes, coming inside, watching me from beside me, and looking aside I find Serafall playing with Sona, jumping into the water with their white nightgowns on, as I can clearly see them all, and a new painting starts forming on a new paper.

"Me too!" Rossweisse, soaking with only her head outside the water, say as I put another painting down, and stand up, exposing her whole to me, sitting at the edge of the bath, fidgeting, trying to find a pose, and Sayuki come over to her, covering her with a towel, whispering to her "It's even better to leave a gap for an imagination, even if he can see everything", and dip-down, wetting her towel, and sit outside the water with her whole body exposed from her transparent falling towel, beaming a loving smile, hugging Rossweisse.

Finishing another painting, putting it down, feeling my erection already 'hurting' me, the girls push Asia forward, and she almost begin crying, mumbling "I'm not as beautiful as you are", and I *Sigh*, thinking-out-loud "Sure thing, huh, even a perfect beauty with no flaws can find problems with herself easily this days".

Watching Asia in a pink-bikini, with a white transparent towel covering her body, I ask "Please, my love?", and she relax, sitting straight, and for some weird reason flash me her thong, but the towel is already transparent, sending us all to laughter.

"We're late to school!" Rossweisse shakes us all up, and it seems that even her 'king' and 'queen', Rias and Akeno, can't talk back to her, as she drag them all, helped by the 'nerd squad', Sona and Tsubaki, plus 'good girl' Asia, and Shirone make a pouting-face, yet relax the moment I ask "A painting together with Kuroka?", making her beam a smile before being dragged out.

<Say, how's Ophis?> I ask Infi, shyly-remembering I totally forgot about her the moment I sent her into Infinity, and she laugh in joy, responding <She's here with me, all the time. Ayn, Ophis asks for the cookie-world-tour you promised as her first wish>, 'First wish?', <hehe, she knows your a dragon-fulfilling-wishes, so, that's her wish>, making me laugh in joy, responding 'Sure', but my focus is in front, where Lana, Sayuki, and Serafall, 'modeling' for me.

... "Like this?" Serafall asks as I try to recreate the moment I feel that I fell in love with her, as she's floating in the hot-spring, and I nod my head, painting her, trying to focus, even though from beneath I'm being pleasured by the girls, but with more love than sexuality, washing me with kisses, joking around, playing games, enjoying, and the moment I finish my painting, I can already feel my heart hurts less, and smile, then smirk, and *jump* at the girls, roaring aloud "RAWRRRRR...", dropping them down, as they laugh, begin to giggle, throwing teases, as the vibes take the obvious sexual twist, but mentally, I can feel it's already one layer above what we ever felt together.

... "Look at this perfect daughter..." Sayuki teases me, slapping Serafall'-ass, who bounce beautifully, enchanting me, rising my lust to the next level, and Lana, who 'rides' on top of me, feeling the full *ram* of my movement, as I *twist* her nipples, watching her face going full ahegao mode, and change gears, massaging her for a minute, which only inlight her love, taking over her lust, as she snuggle to me, running her hands all over my body, till she's back to 'reality', beaming a smile, and push me outside, toward the awaiting girls.

... "Ayn, you really love it that much?" Serafall asks as we go outside, drinking for a moment, feeling the thirst, after all the exercise we've been doing in there, and she stand before me, with a mini-skirt, slapping her ass, who bounce, and I *pull* her to me, *RIP!* her thong from beneath, make my clothes disappears, and whisper "You just awoke the big bad dragon, chick, Rawrrrrr", *biting* her neck while our body connect, beginning to *ram*, while Sayuki and Lana comes back inside, teasing me, bouncing their body-parts, popping the veins in my eyes, as they shake their butts and breasts, dancing in front of me, chasing them while me and Serafall keep 'doing it'.

... <That was... ; Savage! ; Indecent! ; You girls, you almost started to jerk here ; INFI! ; HAHAHA, they sure did! ; ROBIN! ; You as well! ; INFI! ; Funny ...> the girls in Infinity comments as we chill on a sofa, watching the outside view, dazing, in tranquility, looking filled with love, mentally and bodily.

"Wanna come with us to England?" I ask, and the girls nod in agreement, except Serafall, who pouts, standing up, and I ask "Why not just leave the job? Or better yet, just become passive, I mean, when they need your wisdom, influence, or powers, then they can call you, but why you do all those menial-works, it's ridiculous? Wasteful?", and she nod, responding "Yeah, I know, already on the process of doing so... Thanks girls, you helped me already a lot...", and from Infinity we hear <With love ; No problem ; ...>.


At England, anchoring the yacht in the harbor we set for, sun-bathing, while some inside cooking, reading books, watching the television, or just chilling in the pool, the vibe is peacefully addicting, but I call the soul-rings-girls back to Infinity, planning to travel around for a while before bringing the rest of the girls here, and then, the surprise-meeting between Erina and Mana, those mother-daughter pair, who seemingly haven't talked for many years.


Training. Traveling around. Checking upon the girls. Having fun and 'fun'. Moving merchandise. Advising and leading our lands, kingdoms, and businesses. I do a lot, all around few worlds, stopping only when I see the first sunset, knowing soon sunset will arrive in Earth as well, and go back there, firstly bring the devil-girls, including Grayfia, who came back, to the yacht, and seeing Iv'e got around half an hour before the meeting, I go do what I tried to postpone, feeling the moment is now, and *teleport*.


"Yo" I call over Ella and Rose, who's watching something on the screen, thinking '..The way it is doesn't haft to be the way the future will go..', and sit-down in the middle between them, closer to Ella, asking them both gently, with sincerity, as they both come closer to me, smiling cutely, "What do you wish your life to be like?".

"Except... Us... Then doing something good with my life, I dunno, like, contributing to society.." Ella answers as she chill on the huge sofa, and looking over at Rose, who kinda 'mirroring' Ella movement, as she raise her hand, putting her hand on her chest, yet look dead-serious, she asks in return "What are you trying to achieve with such a question?".

"The realization where this is all going, because, my heart, my feelings, wish to confront my thoughts, like they're pushing in different direction, and.. You're that trigger, so, maybe you're also the solution?" I answer to Rose, while *hugging* Ella to me, letting her know that my decision, dedication, love, toward her is unchanging, yet, to Rose, I think 'it's unknown, yet, I can discover, know, if we both choose to'.