
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH201: Dreams on a hot-air-balloon

"I got to go, I have an important meeting at sunset, so, just 'shoot it' on me" I suggest gently, and go for a moment, coming back with an apple-juice, pouring us all a glass, drinking happily, as their eyes 'pop-out', gazing at me in shock, gulping the juice, and I *smile*, pouring more, waiting for them to talk, and they get the 'hint', not asking about the juice, focusing on my question.

"Because you saw... Those videos? That's what it is?" Rose asks me, using a reverse-tactic, but I just *breath deeply*, responding "I asked 'What's your wish in life?' to know you, the future, not the past, and maybe that's a reason, but, I think my question derive from my feelings, not my thoughts". "I wish to have a family! Children! Happiness! Maybe a business, like, I like the idea of success" Ella answer instead, while Rose keep her 'serious'-face on.

"I'm.. The same..", Rose finally speak, as me and Ella looking at her, "..I wanna be healthy, wealthy, to be 'well off', successful, find a good partner, marry, build a family", she throw out lots of ideals, kinda all of them, so I ask "Well, you just got 'well off', you look.. more than healthy.. but maybe I meant to ask.. Never mind..", I decide to just drop the issue, *hugging* Ella, *brushing* her hair lovingly, massaging her shoulders, "..Like I said, it's my own questioning, and you were the trigger, but maybe it was wrong of me to mirror my wonder onto you".

Rose stretch her body, changing postures, and while at it, her leg touch mine, and looking at her, with her blue soft bikini, exposing her gorgeous body, exciting me, raising a whole different thoughts in me, '..Is outside-beauty can be disconnected to inside-beauty? It's the same body, the only body, we have, so, in another layer, her mannerism, say it's really 50% of the outside-beauty like research say, and she do have it, Can I say it is for sure connected to her inside-beauty now?..'.

"Mmmm..." Ella, snuggling into my body more and more, enjoying the massage to the point I can easily see jealousy from Rose, so I *smile*, wrap my hands around Ella, *pulling* Rose'-leg to Ella'-lap, and *massage* her feet, as she beam a shy smile to Ella, but clearly enjoy it to a fault.

"Oh, it's late already.." I say after few minutes, "..I'll come probably tomorrow, after I end it up, oh, it's a food thing, what do you say about this apple juice?", and they both nod vigorously, telling me "Too tasty!, "You should call it a nectar, not a juice!", "Isn't that by percentage of the fruit in it?", "Oh, really?", "I don't know, but I think I heard all juices this days are fake anyway, mostly orange-juice, with just a mixture of a bit of other juices in it", "Oh, like spinach pasta, but it's like less than 2% spinach in it, so how can you even call it a 'spinach'".

*Kiss*, *kiss*, I shut Ella'-mouth with mine, go up to Rose, pecking her cheek, and wave, as I say "goodbye geniuses, I'll see ya soon, do whatever, but the security won't enter males into the mansion, so you've been warned. Love ya, good evening", and go far enough before I *teleport*.


"How was it?" Robin asks me as we're alone, after I land-down on the yacht, finding it's already ready for dinner, got a call right then from Mana, asking me where am I, and me and Robin take a speed-boat to go and pick her up, while the sun seems to be settling down in the horizon, watching the harbor begins to light up, create sort of of a 'magical' environment.

"It was just a casual chat, but 'under the surface', well, the present looks promising, the future is hopeful, but the past is like, Oh, Do you remember when I painted 'the stain'?" I respond, and as she nod, I continue speaking, "The paint fell on the canvas, and I could paint it over, cover it, maybe disguise it, but in the end, I just painted only the clean parts of it, but somehow, the most dominant, most prominent part, of this painting, it was 'the stain'. Somehow your eyes just 'see the stain'. That's the same mindset I feel, maybe fear, now, about all of it".

"Do you see me and them as the same?" Robin asks, and I *hug* her, whispering "I never compare between you, well, I do try to look objectively, learning, understanding, but the feeling of love, hmm, I do feel that my emotion to Ella 'grow on me', stronger each day" I answer, and she giggle, suggesting "Maybe it's time to separate between who's family, and who's.. concubine?", and I *smile*, thinking-out-loud "Ain't that disrespect toward a woman?".

"1% percent of a million is more than 50% of a two?" Robin 'attack' my logic, and keep going, as we reach the harbor, "What a woman say, versus, What a woman feel, or do, or choose... The gap is huge... Really, we never admit it, but, men are such a blind creature, such egoistic, maybe narcissistic, wait, maybe I'm too harsh, so I'll say... they're just 'Dreamers', that a mere man who can just be real, see the reality, is enough for women this days".

*Ring, Ring, * my phone cut her talk short, and I answer, telling her where we are, and I quickly *kiss* her, telling her "I love talking with you, so, let's continue talking once the dinner is over please", and go out, as Mana arrives, wearing a green-kimono, wearing the weird combo of flip-flops with socks on, making me *giggle*, 'winning' a rough-gaze from her.

"Miss Mana, greeting, pleasure meeting you again" I say as I offer her a hand, to climb up the boat, and she act as a proper lady, showing her mannerism of someone who grew up in a well educated house, and together with the kimono, and her whole Japanese-style character, I kind of find this 'old-Japanese-style' enticing, like it inspire to some womanly-perception, at least from a man perception, which most cultures this days kinda ignore.

"Hello...", "Hi...", Robin and Mana chat casually, getting to know each other a bit, and before we reach back to the yacht I ask/say "I hope you're hungry, because the chef made special preparation since yesterday, as I asked to", and she smile, responding "Like I had any choice other than to plug an IV again...", creating a melancholy feel in me, but also reminds me a theory, a thought, I once had.

'Her mental issue created a bodily issue, so mental and body are effecting each other, obviously, but can I say 'Every disease'-source derived from the soul? From the mentality? Brain? Thoughts?'', but we already get onto the yacht, parking beside it, and I help the two climb up, following behind them.

"Welcome", "Hello", "Hi", the girls greet Mana, chatting with her, wondering about her, as they heard from Erina the stories since yesterday, or even before, and I go to the kitchen, *pushing* Erina outside, as she shyly complain "Ayn! I'm busy! I can't leave the kitchen right...", and she freeze, as she notice everyone moved aside, leaving her, us, right in front of Mana, her mother.

"Hello, mother" Erina comments, waving her hand, part as saying 'hi', part just swing her hair, and she turn around, looking at me, so I just put my forehead over hers, passing her the memories of the whole scenarios who led to this moment.

"Eheheheh, Yeah, I'm The Chef" Erina smirks, like she 'won', and go inside, not even conversing with her mother, confusing me, us, and the girls give me a look 'stay here', as they follow after her, and instead I go to Mana, *smiling*, waving gently toward the dinner-table, asking "Any preferred view, or seat, mother-in-law?", and she narrow her eyes, showing indifference, but 'reading' her mind I can 'see' she start judging me, wholly, from the start, like she forgot any interaction we had so far, trying to asses me all over again.

"Here..." Shakky comes to the dinner-table, with an apple-juice, telling us "It's the first taste, of the apple cider, that you and Erina made, so, we think giving her the first try could be nice", pouring a few glasses, as all the girls show a lot of interest, waiting for it, as we made it in Infinity, using my time-manipulation to shorten it up, but that's the first time we actually tasting it, hoping it could be even tastier, as Erina promise it will, plus, alcoholic beverages are like a level higher.

*Sip*, "Oh, wow, amazing, as always Erina, girls, thanks" I comment after tasting it, *sipping* again, but while watching Mana, I quickly say "WATCH OUT! OUR CLOTHES!", as she gulp it way too fast, worrying me now she'll just go drunk with this pace, as she pour herself another glass, but at least the girls got the hint and moved away, as an energy-beam goes out of her, realizing she's got some weird powers related to food.

Looking at Erina, who come inside, cutting a dish, playing with the knife like she's 'dangerous' or something alike, I 'read' her thoughts, 'seeing' a total euphoria, to the point she doesn't notice that the first plate she makes she put in front of her mother, even though she act like she doesn't care about her being here, before starting to give plates for us, as we're all waiting around the dinner-table, just watching her, 'eating' with our eyes already.

Mana, in complete euphoria, ain't able to hold herself back, complimenting 'the chef' nonstop, while Erina, acting cold, plating another dish she made, I understand that us being here is probably the real issue, and if we'd leave those two alone - things will just solve themselves without us, as we already did everything needed.

Quickly eating, while talking in telepathy with the girls, except Erina, we 'escape' to 'something urgent', making excuses, and soon it's just me, Mana, and Erina who sits in the far-side, and I stand, go forward Erina, raise her up, together with the chair, carry her next to Mana, *kiss* her cheek, and begin act like a waiter, just putting everything close to them, before I 'escape' as well.


"And then, she told me, Ayn!.." Erina blubber nonstop, sitting face-to-face with me, on my lap, in the control-room, still in her chef outfit, acting cutely, talking happily, exposing everything, telling me each thing they talked or did together, what she thought, what she felt, like every minute is now a ten minute story, and wishing to change locations I begin taking off her shirt, stripping her off, and she complain for a mere second, before returning to talk, while helping me stripping her, as I carry her toward the pool.

"Ayn, are you listening?" Erina suddenly look at me seriously, hiding her breast with her hands, as she's with only a thong on her now, and I'm warming the water, looking 'hungrily' at her, responding "Of course, my love. Mother-in-law want you to be the official chef of her company, as she'd return back home, right?", and I go forward her, *tickling* her, asking "What did she said about me?", and she begin laughing "That you look tasty! And I told her you're a big bad dragon, so she said she never ate a dragon before, but she heard a legend that dragon meat is delicious!".

"RAWRRRRRrrrr" I roar as I *hug* her and *jump* into the pool, *Splash!*, landing in the water, and *kiss* her, as we're underwater, floating up, flirting.

... "Ayn, do you wanna..." Erina asks as we finish washing the soap off of our bodies, in the bath, cutely hiding her nipples with her hands, not her nether-region, making me beam a smile, nodding, yet saying "I heard I need to meet some grandpa", seeing her nodding shyly, as I walk toward her, and begin raining kisses on her body, whispering "I can't wait.. but for you.. I'll wait.. just seeing you now.. after meeting your mother.. Beautiful.. like pealing layers.. reaching the sweetest of souls..", and *Lick* her clit, *shoving* my vibrating tongue, going down at her again, loving her ethereal moans.


"Men are 'Dreamers', wish to explain, please?" I ask Robin while *pulling* a string, lighting up the fire, that blow-up, inserting hot-air into the hot-air-balloon we're on, as I suggested them to go for a family-night-date in it, and soon they already carried drinks, snacks, etc, pushing me to ready it up, and even though I only did it twice in the past, I do remember how to operate it, and worst thing, I can always fly and control the situation, so we're just chilling now, as we're a moment from take-off.

As the girls keep coming inside, now bringing blankets, pillows, chairs, etc, filling the hot-air-balloon to the brim, Robin come close to me, holding my free hand, answering "I think... They just dislike reality, look, just like happened to you, you saw the 'ugly reality' and it literally cracked your heart, and most men? They'll use skepticism, escapism, justify with some dreamy reason".

Getting inpatient, Serafall uses magic, who right away make the hot-air-balloon fly up, and the girls run inside, jumping in, while some fly quickly inside, and somehow we're all in, in between having fun, enjoying the moment, making noises, to blaming Serafall, who 'act dumb', using humor to break the anger, and make the girls smile and forget her acting on impulse.

"Like the goal justify the reason, but in reverse, the justification is the denial of the reality, and they just want to reach the goal... That sounds true, but not just for men, it's for everyone... You want something, so you'll do anything to get it - Even if it mean denying your... Morals? Perception? Truth?... To reach it" I respond/ask, and Robin, plus some of the girls, who listen to our conversation, nod.

Feeling some sort of 'someone is looking at us with hostile intentions' I turn the whole thing invisible, knowing I got no licence, or permit, and probably can't get one, just solving it like that, and *hug* to me as much girls as I can, 'warming' up together, as we keep flying higher and higher, with Sona complaining about Serafall'-magic too powerful, taking us way up.

"What do you think dreams are?" Shakky asks a killer-question, and instead of being serious, I laughingly say "Reality right now", making her hug me tighter, and the girls act the same, yet love the conversation, throwing their ideas about it, "consolidation of memories?", "process and manage our emotions?", "I heard that when you have, like, fear, or stress, you dream a lot more, but, nightmares", "Thoughts about what happened to you during the day?", "Or what will happen in the future?", ... , "Ayn, say something?" the girls await quietly for me to respond as well after a long talk, already drinking wine, cuddling in huge blankets with all our backs to the main-pole, which covered with pillows, truly a flying-bed now.

"We 'Dream', or more correctly, we reach 'Optimal body activity', as we 'shut-down' the outside, and what happens.. The brain and the heart.. The thoughts and the feelings.. The soul and the body.. They're connecting, talking.. 'Dreams' are the 'left-over' memory of this state, but once you're 'one in heart and mind', the 'dream' is 'reality', or more like a body-state.." I say.

"You talk like you're sure about it?", "Yeah, too over-confident", "Proofs please!", the girls comments, and I respond "Proof, like, the most common 'dream' is falling.. Because you focus on your head, forgetting your body, your heart, and once the 'focal-point', the focus, goes down, somewhere between the heart and the head... They fall" I end the proof with a *smile*, and they nod in angry agreement, while some complain "More proofs!".

"I spent years, wishing in start to 'control' my 'dream', to fly, truly, even if it's imagination, just so I could experience it, even if it's not 'real', and.. I did!.. Few seconds, but I did, after a month, but I could never reach more than few seconds, and wake-up.. Then, investigating dreams, writing them, I discovered a whole new reality, 'A Sandbox', somewhere I could do anything, as long it respond to reality, but, without feeling, it can never happen, and more than that, the feelings are the control, the brain are just the rules and the tools for it... I will even say 'The key' to the brain is there, in that 'dreamy state'... That's... That's the secret, girls, wow, I truly expose myself here" I say, and smile gently, wishing them the best, adding "Just try it for yourself, like, for one month - Put a notebook near the bed, and the moment you wake-up, write it all down, and try to return to sleep, while trying to fulfill your wish in the 'dream'.. You won't lose a thing, or rather, you surely 'win' something from such experience".

"Okay", "I'm in!", "Sounds nice", "Like a dream diary!", "Oh! Dream-diary sounds amazing!", "But I already can fly?", "I'll try to imagine the best dish ever!", "I'll try to hear the best song ever!", ... , the conversation flow into such a dreamy-state, it seems they all fall asleep, or about to, as dead-silent erupt, and like that, we keep floating in the sky, letting the wind take us away, and I sit there, gazing at the moon, wondering 'I'm living the 'dream' right now, so, what do I want?'.


Looking at the sun rising above the ocean, cultivating the sun-rays, the girls who're in front of it start to wake-up, and funny enough, notice the notebooks I left in their laps, picking it up, beginning to write, and it seems like they closed their eyes, not planning to cultivate right now, making me laugh in joy.

... "Oh no! We fell asleep!" Erina wake-up for the second time, and I *chuckle*, pointing to the other-side, telling her "We tied ourselves to the yacht at night, after you all fell asleep, so thank Alba" I tell them all, and they look at Alba, beaming smiles, just hugging her, showing love instead of just saying it, which just make her turn mushy, smiling her idiotic-cute-smile.

"Ayn! I did it!", "Me too!", "It's so weird!", ... , "Girls, as they say, first time lucky, but it's not lucky, it's just easier, like starting to train, and pulling lots of weight, but next exercise, or maybe even a month later, only then the real training will begin, so, please keep going, for a month, without breaking. The sight from the top of the mountain worth the tough walk", and they begin kissing me, nodding, as we land down, going for a breakfast, with dreamy feeling wrapped around us.