
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH194: Worlds' collisions

Together with Erina, Shirone, Asia, Rossweisse, Monet, Sugar, and Aisa, eating breakfast, as the rest of the girls still asleep, after a wild night, with me not sleeping, plus using time-manipulation, using every minute to the fullest.

"Ayn, my sister suddenly disappeared in the middle of the ball!" Shirone tells me, and I remember I kinda forgot about her, thinking she's probably has her things, but knowing she's also in that terrorist-group, I also start to worry, calling her, and she quickly answer, asking me "Where ya at?".

"In the dragon-mountain, in our house here. Wanna come?" I answer her, and she happily say "Yeah!! Wait, where in there? It's a huge forest!", and I tell her "Let's meet in Lilith. Call me when you're in the same place we met yesterday, on top of the roof, and I'll take you from there".

"Okay! Be ready!" she answer, hang-up, and I return to breakfast, while putting my focus on Asia, who still digest the information I passed her, and the others, a moment ago, about Astaroth, who deceived her, making her suffer so much, and even have a whole wicked plan to torture her all her life, truly sickening being.

"Ayn, it's alright. I forgive him. May god, OUCH!!!" Asia comfort me, instead of herself, even praying for him, but get stung by that 'god system', who for some reason banned devils from blessing in his name, for whatever stupid reason this 'so-called-god', that being, made this stupid thought, as why would he even create such a system, and why can't he let those 'devils' find redemption through him.

*Pull*, *Hug*, I hold her on my lap the moment I finish eating, kissing her neck, while asking "Wanna go do something until Shirone'-sister come? Oh, we can go tour Lilith, it's their capital-city, and we haven't toured it yesterday!", and they all nod excitedly, running away to change clothes, but I don't let Asia go, instead, caring her to the living-room.

*Throwing* her on the sofa, I *sit* on top of her, as she cutely smile, asking "Are you okay? What happened? Did..", *Kiss*, I block her lips from talking, while running my hand under her sweater, loving the fact she ain't wearing a pants, or even a skirt, and sliding my hand under her panties.

Asia *pull* her sweater up, while I *rip* her bra, and mesmerized by her beauty, as she close her eyes, moaning quietly, beautifully, "..Ayn... Ayn...", as I jerk her off, enjoying her busty small body, and as she has an amazing orgasm, kissing me nonstop, I wait for her to relax, before talking to her.

"Do you want me to go on a killing rampage?" I ask, and she shockingly say "NO! Why??", and I respond "So better keep yourself safe. The mere thought of that lunatic looking at you already pushed me to the edge, almost killing him", and she *HUG!* me tightly, whispering "I promise".

"Ayn, do I look okay?" Aisa come inside, wearing all black, high-heels, leggings, and a mini-tight-dress, and I *jump* to her, running my hands on her body, moving in circle around her, kissing her neck, cheek, lips, whispering "Too beautiful. You grow up to be such a perfect woman", and as I say it, Shirone comes back, hear it, and immediately change her look to her mature-look, with her clothes ripping off from stretching, making my dick twitch from excitement, with my eyes popping out in joy and lust.

Seeing Erina and Rossweisse coming over, with white summer dresses with brown-sun-hats, looking charming, I feel my heartbeat goes higher and higher.

The moment Sugar and Monet join in, also wearing a white-dresses, I feel my heart inflate, and without thinking twice I *pull* from my space-pocket wedding-rings I saved for the right moment, as I thought about such a moment with them long ago, drop down on my knees, looking at the group of those amazing women.

"Even if there's time and way we still have to go, I wish to promise you, to show you, how serious I am. Please marry me. Let's be engaged. I wish us an endless, eternal, relationship...", the girls slowly come over to me, letting me put the rings on them, kiss their hand, even those who already got a ring, ending with me falling down to the floor, breathing hard, deeply, feeling like my heart just 'got bigger'.

"What's wrong?" the girls all sit around me, on their knees, checking out my body, opening my shirt, as my hands on where my heart is, while Umi and Beau materialize next to them, joining in, asking us "What's going on? What just happened?", and they show them the rings, yet looking puzzled, all of them, as Umi and Beau tell them "There's a turmoil in his 'Heart-energy'.. with his Spirit-heart-soul..".

"Take me to all the... Girls... and.. Hug me..All.." I say between breaths, having it hard, as my heart keep inflating, and the other soul-rings-girls manifest as well, joining in, caring me to the main-bedroom, where all the girls are, waking them all, and soon everyone of them somehow touch a part of my body, as I lie-down in the middle of the bed.

*PUMP! PUMP! PUMP! ...* My heart-beat hit so hard they all look at me in panic.

*PUMP!! PUMP!! PUMP!! ...* a rattling sound heard, like there's some damaged cavitation in me.

*PUMP!!! PUMP!!! PUMP!!!* Like there's a restricted flow, some improper pressure in my heart.

*PUMPUMPUMPUMPUMP !!!PUMP!!!* A heart-beat so fast you can't distinguish between each one heard, and then, a momentary silent, before a single-pulse beat heard, so loud, so strong, with energies flowing out of me like a gigantic dam broken loose.

"WOW", "OH MY", "I'M!", "AWESOME!", "AMAZING!!", "AYN", "WOW", ... , all the girls exhale in shock, pure happiness, surprise, joy, excitement, while I just *breath softly*, *closing my eyes*, feeling like I can just fall asleep now.

'Like there's an invisible connection between all of us... Like there's an infinite flow connecting all of us, with my heart right in the middle of it all, passing along signals, senses, energies... Like my heart is not a mere blood-pump, nor a mere spiritual-soul, it's now.. It's more than a mere dantian.. What is my heart now? What is it?' I think, trying to comprehend what happened, and happily listen to Infi soft-voice.

<Ayn, I have no idea>, and I burst laughing, not even caring, telling her, and all of them, "Who cares. It's a good thing, that's for sure, that's how I feel. WAIT. Oh.. It's him again.. I just remember I played with the gift my father gave me this morning.. But.. It did nothing.. Maybe just a coincidence and I'm overthinking it..".

"What was it?" the girls ask in wonder, still not moving, with all their hands touching my body, crowding the bed fully, even though it's a huge one. "It was a stone-like-gem, filled with inscriptions, really tiny, but I didn't know even a single letter of it, like some Egyptian-painting, and tried to decipher it, leaving it in my pocket, but hey, look at this..." I answer, and use this 'power', transferring the stream in me solely toward Yan.

*Fwoosh!*, Yan, standing up, with her eyes shining, start spilling lots of energies out of her body, and a second later burst a huge smile, beginning to move elements, laughing, moving in an instant from one spot to the other, saying in total euphoria "I'M UNBEATABLE!!".

*Laugh*, me, with the girls, laugh in happiness, as I stop the stream, and she return to normal, looking in shock, telling us "It.. It.. WOW! YOU! YOU GOT TO FEEL IT!!", and I pass the stream to Erlong, who burst a storm of flower-petals, changing her clothes in an instant, looking madly strong, and I pass the stream from her to Lazuli, who now has a chi-storm around her, looking enchanting, enchanted, enjoying the moment, and like that, I pass this stream around, to each of them.

*HUFFF*, "It's tiring, and I can't keep it endlessly, and I can't even use it myself, but WOW! We're super-strong, as long as we're together!" I say in joy, and stop, as my stomach *GROWL!* in anger, and a second later *RING..RING..*, my phone announce to me Kuroka arrived, and the girls laugh, already wide awake, pushing me to go, promising a huge meal when I'm back, so I *Smile*, and *teleport*.


"Who's..." I ask, seeing a little girl together with Kuroka, but 'read' her mind in a mere moment, like she's 'open' to me, making it like an instantaneous-thing, just 'knowing', kinda like with my women, and before I'll get into it I look at the 'little-girl', surprised to find out that's how their leader look like, but not deceived by her look, mostly with the infinite energies inside of her, and just *hug* them both, and *teleport* back to the house.


"Sister!", "Shirone!", "Who's she?", "Hmm, Ophis. She's the Dragon-God, representing.. Infinity, Chaos, and Nothingness. Maybe you know her as the Ouroboros-Dragon, or the Infinite-Dragon-God", and while I'm just going to eat, served food on food on food, I hear Ophis talking inside me, but not as telepathy, more like talking to my soul, asking 'You, like me'.

'I like you?' I think/ask, and she seems to not hear it, so I ask again, in telepathy, 'Why do you think I like you?', and she answers apathetically, while walking toward me, 'you are like me'. 'In what way? Oh, I'm also a dragon, but Yuena as well, more pure' I answer, and she tell me 'Yuena is who? And why are you getting all the food. I, want cookies.', so I pull out cookies, putting it beside me, saying "Say thank you for Erina if you think it's tasty".

Ophis sit next to me, grabbing cookies, while saying "I, thanks Erina. I like doughnuts too", so I take out doughnuts, putting it before her, and she say the same phrase, "Thanks Erina", making me *smile*, saying "Nah, that's from a Bake-a-ray", but Erina comments "It's my recipe anyway, my family owns it", surprising me, yet again, how much the food industry on Earth is summing-up to be just one huge-conglomerated-companies, while Ophis keep munching cutely.

"How could a cute innocent creature like you turn into a leader of a terrorist group?" I ask Ophis, but look at Kuroka, who sit in front of me, joining the brunch, together with all the girls, finding it all interesting, mostly Yuena, who sit beside Ophis, *poke,poke* her cheek, and Ophis ain't reacting to it at all, just acting numb.

"Great Red stole my home, so I want to get rid of him. I, miss silence" she respond, and I joke, responding "Miss Silence, I do get it, but your little terrorist group ain't really a reason to make the whole worlds around suffer, right?", and she show her first emotion, kinda like a ?-mode, thinking to herself, before returning to her apathetic-mode.

"Are you sure you're a dragon, and not an elf?" I ask, *poking* the tip of her ear, noticing it has a pointy-figure, and while some girls *giggle*, some wonder "What's an elf?", and some worried about my nonchalant act toward her, but Ophis just keep eating cookies, not saying or doing anything more than that.

"Kuroka?" I ask, wondering what's going on, and she beam a teasing smile, telling me "That's how she always is. You asked to meet her, didn't you?", and feeling resignation, like a headache is coming my way, rubbing my face with both hands, I just say "Whatever", returning to eat.

<Ayn, they're waking up> Infi voice comes the moment I take a bite, feeling that this two days here are an infinite plots, and think for a moment, assuming Kuroka is still a huge-question-mark, plus this weird Ophis, which her brain actually looks empty, or even worse and she can somehow block me, just sitting here ,apathetic, devouring snacks, so I talk telepathically with the girls, asking for their thoughts about the three-fallen-angels who're finally waking up.

'We can deal with them for now', 'Yeah, you need to go soon to Gremory'-house anyway', 'Just finish with this Ophis', 'Shirone, your sister..', 'Yeah, is she really nice? Evil? What's with her?', 'My sister...', 'Her sister...', I intervene in the middle of Shirone'-speech, saying '..Kuroka is just acting naughty, I mean, she is, but she got her serious side, and I think it's just the criminal-lifestyle that got into her, maybe like some of us here in the past, so, she's a good girl, just... got her scars', and Shirone smile to me, thinking 'Thank you'.

"Ophis, what do you say about leaving your organization, and join mine? We'll help you with your problem, surely better than some crazy-terrorists" I offer her, and surprisingly she answer "Sure, let's go to the dimensional-gap".

"I can't right now, so later, Iv'e got few things to do" I answer while standing up, thinking 'I can at least talk to the other dragon, get what's the situation is about... She doesn't seems to even know herself the whole situation... And if she's the leader of the organization, they wouldn't even survive a minute...', and then look at Kuroka, asking "Who's the real leader, leaders, of this organization?".

*Giggle*, "I guess your mistake is to think this organization actually got a leader?", and this sentence breaks the whole picture of things, now trying to assemble it all over again, remembering my father'-words 'If you think it's simple - just know reality is much more complicated than it', and I mumble my realization "..While I try to understand, simplifying it to myself - The reality is a whole other".

"What?", "What did you get?", the girls question me, and I think out loud "If each living-being is a world of it own - Then the world is the sum of all the worlds together, colliding, coexisting, together ... And if I want to ever understand, only in the 'Nothingness' I can truly watch the 'Everything' ...", and sit-down, while Ophis fly from her chair, landing on my lap, eating a cookie, saying "You just said nothing. You're just like me".

"Anyway, girls, let's go" I shake my head, focusing on what's coming next, and looking at Kuroka I tell her "Please stay with us from now on? We'll make your past gone, just promise me you'll leave the crime-life", and Shirone stare daggers at her, making her cutely-nervous, saying shyly, yet proactively, "Maybe, Okay!? Somebody needs to watch over Shirone..", acting like she's the grown-up here, even though it's the opposite.

The girls go aside, dividing tasks between themselves, from creating a group who can handle, and be with ,Kuroka, as Shirone will come with us, to a group who can handle Ophis, but she just climb up my body, sitting on my shoulder, looking like she doesn't plan to get down from there today, but the girls, and me included, find it an even better solution, taking her with us, and soon we're all standing in a magic-circle Grayfia creates, with me, Ophis, Lana, Rias, Shirone, Akeno, Asia, Rossweisse, and Grayfia, stand.

<Wait, the fallen-angels> Infi inform me, and I *Sigh*, taking them out, seeing them already awake, looking around in shock, and I gaze into their eyes, saying/doing a brain-wash, commanding them 'Be quiet. Do as told. Wait for my return to say your wishes', and once done, return to the magic-circle, and we finally *teleport*.


'And it just started, phew, what a day.. I should divide my time better...' I think as we arrive to a huge mansion' entrance, walking behind the gang of women, with a new one up my shoulder, like a little child I just adopted, munching cookies, with a rain of crumbles falling down on me, making the girls look back every few seconds, laughing from the scene, and I just *smile*, feeling this whole two days is like the entrance to fatherhood somehow, from getting the vibes children creates, to now having one, even though she's as old as the Earth, supposedly.

"Welcome", Zeoticus Gremory, Rias'-father, followed by his son, Millicas, and with them two others, Kiba, and the kid who also was with him in the house, never going outside, a true shut-in, and a moment later Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias'-brother, come as well, telling us "Come. Come. The others await in the garden. We've prepared the place for the negotiation. Please keep it calm".

"Anything new?" I ask Sirzechs, grabbing his attention from Grayfia, not wishing to fight him, as he's 'family', but also do not like the fact he even exist, and he answers "Yeah... Too much.. Who's she? Your child?", looking at Ophis, and I *Chuckle*, rubbing her legs, responding "Yeah, she's my adopted new daughter, Ophi".

"Hmm, anyway, yeah, we've got more information than we thought existing, but it seems suspicious, there's too many different agendas involved in this organization. Who's her mother?" he say, and I think-out-loud "so Nebiros, that Zaorama, is one probably. Those old-satan are surely one faction. Those humans who believe in human-supremacy is two. Those fallen-angels are three. Now.. Hmm.. How can three extremist-group, with obviously conflicting agendas, even come together? They can't. The missing piece is the most crucial piece, always, and that's.. Angels, gods, sacred-gears..".

"Ah, wow, wait, 3 factions! Nebiros'-clan as well! You're missing others, like Norse, vampires, magicians, and many more... But... Wow. Great! I'll write those thoughts, and try to go with this thought.. Why such opposing-forces could even gather as one?" he answer and run away.

"Ayn, I, You, adoptive-father? ? ?" Ophis sentence make me laugh, feeling she's such a weirdo, loving that unique side of her, and answers "Would love to, if you want to, but before anything, let's go meet our other dragon friend, who's in your house, and decide later, okay? here", giving her a milk-bottle, with a jar of cookies, trying to keep her busy, as a fascinating sight awaits me at the garden.

The girls, standing with open mouths, staring at the scene outside, so I also look there, and before us there's a huge fire-storm, like a tornado, swallowing the whole area in it, and in it, four figures argues up in the sky, floating there, ending the moment we're coming there, as two of them teleport away.

"Hello, nice meeting you all. I'm Ravel Phenex" a beautiful young girl with dark blue eyes, long blonde hair tied in twin-tails, with large, drill-like curls, land in front of us, me, and courteously greet me, with her fire-wings slowly dissipating, and behind her, a woman-figure coated in fire slowly land down toward us, as the whole scenery returns to normal, just a huge-garden, with few tables, filled with food, on it, ready for lunch.

While greeting her, responding "Pleasure to meet you, Lady Ravel", I feel Junko is wishing to materialize, pushing for it, so I let her do so, thinking 'Junko, we're trying to make peace, not war, so please keep it calm', and she tell me [I will. please. I just wanna have some fun], but the moment she appears, right next to me, like a fire-storm, she appears like a phoenix, like the first moment I saw her, flying toward the fire-woman, who afloat above Lana.

'Ahh... How come the biggest trouble became Nothingness, and the smallest one became a huge fire storm...' I laugh in resignation, just walking toward the garden'-table, sitting-down, still with Ophis on my shoulder, eating/crumbling cookies on my clothes, and Ravel, with the other girls, following behind, coming to sit down with me, seemingly too confused to even react, as we all wonder 'what's coming next?..'.