
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH193: Behind the screen

"Ayn, come, we're suppose to dress you up already" Shakky, who mingle quickly with all, even though I can feel tension from the weirdest place, Hancock, who suppose to be her closest one here, as they argued about something related to Amazon-lily, which I still haven't put my mind into, and for now, following her, just flirting around with her, I find Chi-Chi awaits us, coming in front of me, while Shakky stand behind me, and the moment Chi-Chi turn her back to me, I grab her, falling-down, on Shakky.

*Giggle*, "No, Ayn, we're suppose to dress you up", Yeah", they say but act completely different, and I moan "To dress up you first need to dress down, right?", and also shove my hands behind their clothes, just like they do to me, as we start having 'fun'.

... "Ayn! Chi-Chi! Shakky! Really??" Wu comes inside the room, wearing a sexy mini-dress, while I'm busy moving back and forth my waist and hands into Chi-Chi and Shakky, who stand against the mirror, with their hands on it, bending, and Wu just *grab* my arm and *pull* me away, to the room next door, where enchanting beauty, bare naked, in a magical red-high-heels, awaits, and before I can go toward Renxue, I'm 'attacked' by Perona and Conis from below, 'abusing' the fact I'm still naked, as they play with my partner, who stand erect, and they don't only play with me, but also play with each other, as each time one of them *Slurp..* my dick, the other push her head forward, mouth-fucking each other onto my dick, screwing it to the limit, and before Wu break it apart I raise her up, with her pussy onto my face, eating her to oblivion.

... *Ring, Ring,*, "Yo, Kuroka, what's going on? You came?" I ask as I'm in the middle of a fucking mess, and I'm sure the loud moans gets onto Kuroka, but not minding it, she answers "Yep! But, there's no way I can come inside, so come out. Where's my Shirone?".

'Where indeed...' I think happily, 'helping' the girls reach a quick orgasm before 'washing' myself, create clothes, and walk outside, to find Shirone, Koneko, but as she's busy helping the girls on stage, making final preparations before the moment they'll let the crowd start coming in, I go outside alone, finding her on a building'-roof near-by.

"Meow, sexy thief, what are you doing?" I joke with her, flying next to her, and she cutely respond "Meow!". "Let's get you a costume.. Shirone is still busy with the show, so.." I say as I stretch my hand to her, and the moment she *grab* it I *teleport* us to the juice-store, and go outside, 'seeing' Robin is outside, and can help me with it.

"Don't look" Robin hug me close, close enough to arouse my lust to the roof and beyond, with her boobs squishing on me, and she smile, give me a quick kiss, and move her head back, as she made Kuroka change her outfit, giving her clothes to change to, and the moment she move back, I see Kuroka sitting on the sofa, in a Robin'-style-clothes, looking 'normal', or more like, super-sexy-model, with black-leather-high-heels-boots, leather-mini-skirt, a sexy-sweater, and a leash-necklace, kinda fitting her perfectly, beautifully, sexually, but I shake my head, asking Robin "Can you take care of her during the show?", and she beam a smile, nod, and send me away, as people already come inside the stadium.

... As the show begins, with Alison and Serafall in the middle of it all, performing on the front of the stage, making the crowd go crazy, even those introverts who stand at the back are dancing along with the music, truly a social masterpiece of a show, a top-class concert, and while I'm used more as special-effects in it, it gives me a chance to be like any viewer, just from the first raw, who's just for me, loving those wives of mine.

... "Ayn, don't be mad, I let my sister join in. She promised not to cause troubles" Shirone tell me as we meet backstage, as I'm suppose to go up stage for my part in the show, but she somehow change the script, coming with the dancing-girls-outfit, now joining them, creating another mishap in the script, but I just *Breath deeply*, *nod*, seeing her shyly smiling back.

Going onto the stage, I find Kuroka jumping in with me from the other side, in a new outfit, with an electric-guitar, and I decide to use an illusion on her, disguising her, without her knowing, so she could do whatever without being found, but keep my alert up against her doing any mishaps, and get into my part of the show.

"" Isn't is funny? They say we need a war to make peace ; Such a Hippocratic, trying to achieve by deceive ; using our dreams and imaginations to manipulate how we see... Tell me, Ayn, what do you think?.. Yeah, Ayn, say what you see... "" Alison and Serafall end their part, and I grab the microphone, joining in.

"" Dreams are so Wet , But Reality is so Dry ; A simple sight go inside a complicated mind ; We always wish for more, and who shall seek - he shall find ; & Even if truth & Lies stand on the same line , some stand closer to the end, some in the Other-side ... "", I keep singing my part, while the others join in, and somehow Kuroka just enjoy her small-part, dancing with the guitar, not doing any mishap, and I go into my final part for the show, before going down, as a song change, and I go next to Serafall, Alison, and few girls, who surround me.

"" I'm trying to be COOL - cause you're so HOT ; I found a new meaning to the mouth... in your Smile ; & While I think about you- the world move aside ; In my heart you're (the) chosen - nothing (left) to decide ; ... YOU'RE ... 1 of a kind ; the only 1 in my mind ; if life is a lottery ticket, you've won(1) in I ; & while I'm looking at you, my eye(I) open wide ; feeling naked, there's nothing I can hide ; You're all that LEFT, You're all that RIGHT ... "", and feeling kind of insecurity about my performance, suddenly feeling my song is stupid, probably like every artist, ever, for every song, I focus on the girls part, before getting to my final verse, just throwing it off my mouth.

"" ... If we will get CLOSE - We could look FAR ; if we will get HURT - we both will have the SAME SCAR ; You're the Sun of my days , You're the Moon of my nights "", *Deep breath*, while the girls *kissing* my cheeks, as the song end, ending my part, and I wave 'goodbye', going off-stage.

'Amazing how a crowd-vibes influence me, but luckily the punch-line made the impact reverse, so.. whatever..' I think as I walk to the backstage, ready to the final moments, where I'll need to do the special-effects again, using energies to create snow, grow flowers, blow wind, rain-flower-petals, etc, and together with me is Kuroka, who wrap her hands around my arm.

"MINE!" Shirone jumps at me, making me *laugh*, "Yeah, I'm yours, just don't piss on me, you marked me already", and she *PINCH!* my cheeks, stretching them to the maximum powers she got, and Kuroka just keep walking while her hands on mine, enjoying it, but I can feel her melancholy, who hides behind her 'foolish acts', while talking with Shirone telepathy, letting her understand her sister more.

"Sister, I'll let you guard Ayn. Make sure he does his work! BUT! He's mine!" Shirone tell Kuroka, *kiss* me, and jump off, going for her last part, in the ending dance, while Kuroka keep her act, teasing me, joking, acting like she ain't caring about nothing in the world.

"Ohh, Listen Thou, Listen Thou, Thee the Sun of my days, Thee the moon of my Nights" Kuroka say laughingly, following me, beaming a happy smile, and I tell her "When words from my mouth make your mouth smile - Sy Min delight", making her confused, change to a shy-smile, but before she can react or say anything more, I haft to begin already, making special-effects, and she stay with me, quietly, enjoying the show from the first-row.

... "Ayn, can you come with me before the social-gathering begins?.. My.. Father.. He's here.." Akeno comes in the moment the show is over, and the place will soon start an 'after-party', more like a 'ball', a gathering for the distinguish guests, which are almost all the top of the Underworld, including few representatives from other races, who ain't devils, like fallen-angels, Valkyries, magicians, etc.

"Let's go now? Juice-store?" I ask in return, "..Let's not make father-in-law wait", and she beam a smile in response, holding my hand, and we *teleport* there, as she call him, while we sit in the top-floor, chatting in joy, but the moment he arrives she's back to her serious-face, acting cold, yet elegant.

"Greeting. Always a pleasure to meet you, father-in-law" I say as I shake his hand, pouring us apple-juice, and I sit next to Akeno, while he greet us back, but Akeno'-act annoys me, so I *Pinch* her cheek, in front of her father, telling her "Be honest, my love, your father is just stoic, maybe too rational, but he still got his feelings, just like everyone else", and finally she shyly-smile, and him as well, showing a bit emotions, mumbling "..You look so much like your mother..".

'A heartache creates stoicism... Like a defensive-mechanism... To deal with the pain?.. To keep functioning in society? To heal one self? To protect one self?..' My thoughts run aside, as I watch them communicate, partitioning in their chat just to 'open them up', sharing stories from our life, as they talk like two strangers, except few comments who show how deeply they truly feel for each other beneath their social-'masks', and I do succeed, as they begin showing more emotions, and by the end of it they even schedule a meeting between themselves, as they both wish to strengthen, or rather, heal, their relationship, as I tell them that's what the mother would have wanted.

"See you soon" I say goodbye as her father go to the ball, and I can see from his thoughts that there's a try to create peace between the devils and fallen-angels, negotiated by other races, mostly Nordic, even though it seems off-trail, yet just ignore it, and focus on Akeno, who wave 'goodbye'.

Standing in the balcony, together with Akeno, who watch her father walk away, she show me her powers, telling me "Iv'e got this powers from him... He's known as the 'Lightning of god'..", and I smile, showing her my hand, creating electricity, and put my hand on her stomach, whispering "Want to feel my electricity?", sending shiver down her spine, making her nipples erect, and her face turn red, as lustful-electricity flow from me to her, and the next moment, as I whisper "We're invisible", she *Pull!* her kimono-belt, showing her lingerie, and in a mere minute I'm already 'pumping' my love-stick inside her.

"..I love oyu... I love you.. Ilove ou... ILOVEYOU..." Akeno moan softly, as we 'stand' in the balcony, with her standing on one leg, and the other leg on my shoulder, split-fucking her, letting me enjoy this super-busy-day to the maximum, already starting the 'real-after-party', but in a lovable-way, as the moment we're having a shared-orgasm, we stop, just kissing, before going back to the girls.


"Ayn, meet Sairaorg Bael, he's my cousin!", "Greeting...", ... , "Ayn, meet Ajuka Beelzebub, he's a Satan, the chief advisor of the technology department, the creator of the evil-pieces", "Greeting...", ... , "Ayn, this is...", ... , the girls keep pulling and pushing me between the guests, letting me know influential persons all over the place, and in between I grab food, looking in jealousy at the girls who keep away from it all, isolated in a VIP-room on the side, but some of the girls enjoy it a lot, or at least seems so, as they chat with lots of people.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY??" a guy shouts on another, and *Fwoosh*, I'm standing in between them, saying "There's no place here for commotion. Please just break it apart. There's enough space and people here that you don't need to meet".

*PUNCH!*, the one yelling try hitting me, throwing a fist my way, and I *Grab* his arm from the side, *PRESS*, to the point I hear his bone crack, but my focus on the other one, who smile, but everything about him smell fishy, like a real crook, and reading his thoughts I'm shocked to find out just how much it's true.

"Eat this" I say as I shove a healing-flower to the guy I broke the arm of mouth, as Grayfia come near me, smiling her evil-smile, taking him by his shoulder, while I'm still focused on the other guy, narrowing my eyes at him, as he act politely, like a gentleman, but 'stink' of phoniness.

Barely seeing his eyes, who are almost closed, I make a fast movement, taking a step right in front of his face, making him open his eyes by that, and in that moment brainwash him, commanding his brain 'SPEAK ONLY THE TRUTH!', and then act normally, offering my hand for a handshake.

"Greeting. I'm Ayn. You?" I ask, "I'm Diodora Astaroth" he answer. "Why are you looking at Asia so much?" I ask, and he answer "Because I wanna break her!", and he quickly put his hands on his mouth, like he's trying to stop himself from talking, as he understand what he just said, but it's already too late, plus, many around heard him, as the whole scene grabbed lots of attention.

"Ayn, what happened? Why are you...", "Astaroth...", I say, not answering Rias, not letting go of his hand, while sucking away his energies away, not letting him fight back, "...What did you do to Asia? Why?", and he keep his mouth shut, finding a loop-hole in my command quickly.

"What's happening here, Ayn?" Serafall comes next to me, and I tell her telepathically 'He's a spy, from that terrorist-organization. He's also the one who made Asia suffer, as he hurt himself and she healed him, which resulted in her being abolished from the church, for healing a devil, and he plan to kidnap her, to make her a chess-piece.. All his chess-pieces are like that, ex-nuns.. He's a psycho sadist..'.

"Sorry everybody, we'll take this issue aside" Serafall begin acting formally, and signal Rias'-brother, and another Satan as well, Ajuka, who follow us, as I drag Astaroth with us, to a side-room, and once inside, *GRAB* his neck, look into his eyes, and command him in a brainwash 'SPEAK WHEN TALKED TO!'.

"Is is true??" the two Satan shocked by Serafall'-words, and focus on me and Astaroth, while Serafall *pinch* me, and reading her mind I can 'see' she told those two about most of the things, about the terrorist-group we found, and they ask him "Diodora Astaroth, please answer to me, are you part of a force who oppose us?".

"I'M... THE TRUE SATAN, YOU FAKES!!" he try to act innocent, but can't break the brainwash, as I still hold him, and yell they're fakes, so I look at them, asking "What does he mean? Why are you fakes?", and they look at me in surprise, as I 'see' they've got suspicions about me, but now understand I'm not doing something 'behind their back', while Serafall begin telling me "There's an old-Satan-faction, who lost after the great-war of the past. Do you remember we told you about it? With the two-dragons fighting, so, he's probably part of them...".

"Hmm, take him into custody? I guess he's your enemy, but, he's also Asia'-enemy, so, if you won't 'finish him up', I will absolutely do it instead" I say, but not trusting them, I try to think of a way to cripple him, for eternity, while asking them "Who's Shalba Beelzebub?", 'reading' this character from his mind, and he answer "ONE OF OUR THREE LEADERS", shocking them even more.

'Infi?', I ask for help as I secretly plan to cripple him, <Yeah, try to...>, but just then the two *GRAB* him, taking him away from me, saying "Thank you, Ayn. We will keep it all under-wrap, a secret between us", "Thanks, I think we've got a major real lead for the first time. This will let us discover the truth we search for a while now, yet couldn't get a good lead", they say, but Serafall giggle, telling them "It was Ayn from the start who found it all, but he didn't know nothing about the Underworld, so when he asked about it, we shockingly found it all out".

"Oh, amazing", "Yeah, lucky us, but, let's keep it as complete secret, they're obviously well undercover if their influence grew even to this idiot", the two men say, smile to me, and *teleport*, leaving me alone with Serafall, who *hug* me, and 'seeing' her thoughts, I understand she can get off work all the time thanks to all of it, as she 'investigate' it, making me *Laugh*, *Hug* and *Kiss* her, while whispering "Please just make sure he won't get free, plus, all his evil-pieces are ex-nuns he tortured, so please take care of the poor girls", and she nod.

"Ayn, meet Seek-chan! She's our childhood-friend!" Rias and Sona call me the moment I'm back in the ball, with Serafall going to join the Satan-meeting, and I respond "Greeting, Childhood-friend", smiling to this weird way she said her name, and she answer "Nice meeting you, I'm Seekvaira Agares", acting coldly, but Sona tell me quietly "She's a good one, but just like all nobles, too formal, just like we were. Only Sairaorg, or the whole Gremory'-house in fact, are free-willed", and I smile, loving how she said she's 'ex-formal-noble', even though she still got that vibe lots of times.


"Ahhhhh... This day... Was sooooo longggggggg, Maybe I should develop a power to run time faster, not slower" I laughingly say as we all chill in the hot-spring, in the dragon-mountain' house, knowing that tomorrow would be even harsher, as there's the Rias'-talk, breaking her engagement, and in the shadows there's Grayfia and Lana, who still didn't told the family about our relationship, taking it slow, as Rias'-issue still on hold, putting her before them, helping her.

Seeing Sayuki checking-out the inside of the mountain, I dive, swimming to her, and 'kidnap' her into the mountain' belly, telling her "does it also remind you the first-time we kissed.. You're.. So beautiful.. Like I loved you even before I met you..", while piercing her, loving her, fully.

... "Having 'fun'?" Rias tease me as I'm back from the house, after I teleport there to put Sayuki into bed, and I smirk, *lift* her up, and on the way 'kidnap' Sona, and seeing Tsubaki I *lift* her up as well, taking them into the mountain, giving them harsh love.

... "What are you doing?" Shakky asks me as I go out of the bedroom, putting the three there to sleep, and notice everyone is already out of the hot-spring, including Serafall who came back, and just 'kidnap' them all into the bedroom, while saying "it's goona be a long long night" happily.