
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH184: 'Deserve' versus 'Wish for'

"Let's go?" Ella asks as she sit closer and closer up my lap, with her ass already on both my legs, and she's gazing only on my lips, while touching hers, with her thoughts conflicting 'I want to! But I shoud'nt! I want to!...', and I smile, raising us up, paying for everything, asking for delivery, and soon we're driving away, to the house, after opening the car'-roof, eating ice-cream, enjoying the ride, a bit too much, as she's eating it too seductively, and run her hands, and sometime her head and hair, on me.

"Tell me more about yourself, like, for who did you buy all those clothes?" she asks, and I tell her "Got almost 50 wives, so, we need lots of clothes", and she *laugh*, responding "Really? You couldn't invent a better lie?".

"Why? Am I not worth it?" I flirt back, and she *giggle* "Maximum 10, but 50, c'mon". "Ouch, I wonder what they'll say if they heard you" I say in joy, hearing them *giggle* from Infinity, somehow enjoying it even more than I am, as I'm too conflicted about her, about 'cheating' issues, about breaking a working-relationship apart, and privately-thinking 'Somewhere along the way, getting this much women, created kinda open-view about my sexual-'adventures', but behind it, how responsible a man about 'playing around' with a girl who's in a relationship...', yet keep it cool, chatting happily with her, having fun while we soon arrive to the house.

"Awesome!" she say as we enter inside, realizing how huge it is, jumping out of the car, and cutely look around, asking me "Is it really yours? I mean, who are you?", and I just smile, gesturing her to come inside, as the house is open, not worrying about security as the barriers, and shadow-soldiers, protect the place from the get-go, plus, there's nothing worth inside anyway.

... "I can get used to it" Ella tell me as she cuddle on a huge-sofa on the 2nd-floor, wearing a skimpy belly-shirt and an open-skirt, the moment I come into the room with a wine-bottle and snacks, asking her back "Does it mean you think to agree? Honestly, this huge mansion is empty most of the time so it will help me, but I can search for someone else, you're the first who I offered it too, also the one who made me feel like I need one..", and her reaction is just rolling around the sofa, before walking around the room, dancing beautifully, not saying a thing, not even talking money, stopping to open the huge-glass-window, watching the distance, so I sit with the face to her direction, but she suddenly crouch down, looking into my eyes.

"What exactly the 'Job' demands me to do?" she asks in such a way that no matter how I react, it will sound sexual, as the vibe turn too erotic, and the only answer I can think about is "Give me a day to answer that, I don't know myself, I mean, taking care of the horses? Getting workers to clean and arrange things? Oh, planning parties here, maybe relations with the government, or whoever control the land, taxes, bills, all those nonsense, and... Yeah, give me a day to think", and she beam a smile, even though her thoughts signal she ain't satisfied by this answer.

"I'm invited to a party today, mind coming with me?" she surprise me with a question, and I just nod, answering yes without thinking too much, just hoping that the issue of me becoming 'socially recognized' won't pop-up again, as it disappeared that in a mere week, probably thanks to my father, as my name disappeared from most of the media, while the rest say I'm just a backer, to a women-movement by Alison, as it was a promotion to an upcoming song or an album.

"What should I wear? I need to prepare, hmm.." she ponder aloud, and I smile, telling her "There's a huge lounge downstairs, you can use and take whatever, and... Pink? Butterflies? Yeah, that's probably the best beauty there is, right?", and she cutely smile, *kiss* my cheek, and run off, leaving me by myself.

*Sigh...*, 'My loves, any ideas? I..', *fwoosh*, Bi-Bi, Snowy, Junko, Siege, and Alba materialize, while Umi and Beau already underground, working, so I don't call them over, letting them do their thing, and just *Hug* who's here, pouring wine-glasses to us all, as they surround me, chatting happily, making me think I don't need more relationships, and before I can offer to reject Ella and just spend the time with them instead, they demand "Try have a relationship with a normal girl. Don't expose her to the real-life we live. We think you need it".

... *Fwoosh* the girls disappear, after more than an hour of having fun, and 'fun', leaving me bare-naked, alone, in the Jacuzzi, and a minute later Ella come inside, looking mesmerizing, but influenced by the lust going out of me, both of us, the moment I step outside the water, sitting on the edge, she come forward, as we're face-to-face, gazing eyes-to-eyes, and *Chuu*, *touch*, *hug*, *smearing tongues*, *Rip!* her dress apart, messing her pony-tail, but suddenly *Ring! Ring! ...*, her phone breaks the mood.

"My..." she start talking, stop, still not telling me about her fiance, only thinking about it, and I just put a white-gown-robe around her, offering "Let's get you a better dress", taking her hand, leading her inside, and help her get ready, soon going-out, to that party/event she wanted to go to.

Arriving there, after a rather quiet journey, with much of her liveliness turning to a deep-ponder, a raging male awaits in the entrance, walking in a rapid-pace the moment we arrive, looking like he can raise a hand on a woman without minding it, and I release strong Haki, making him stop in his track, as I go out, opening the door for her, and we start speaking with him.

"... He offered me a job here, or at least plan to, tomorrow, so, we just talked ... I brought him with me so we can chat more about this idea ... blablabla ..." she talk to him for a few minutes, acting properly, not revealing a sign he's her fiance, while I just 'enjoy the show', pondering about human-relations, wondering 'How can she be more stoic than he is?.. She's in control, she's smart, she's courageous, she's a logical-thinker, to the point she doesn't even care or confront him about him going with many other girls behind her back, yet she's bothered by the lack of attention, care, gentleness, and the fact he support their country'-government going to war, which goes against her personal-justice-views..'.

'One can say 'Stoic' is too selfish, but, ain't a human is a self? Why being 'Selfish' is wrong? Am I not allowed to be myself? Who the twisted-minded-freak who thought to say 'Selfishness' is not a natural virtue.. The whole world concepts, like capitalism, is built from the mere perception that human are 'Selfish', and even 'Social-regimes' precept to the 'Selfishness-ideal' as a 'Free Individuality', yet, they use 'selfish' as a curse... What is Individuality if not a Self, and what is Selfishness if not the verbal-action of a Self?..' thinking about Ella spiral my mind to deep-thoughts, a selfish ones.

"You can't tell me what to do or not to do! I ain't your wife!" her word shock me, as anger arise, breaking her calm attitude, and their conversation reach an unneeded vibes, so taking things to my hands, I calm-down their energies, but feeling comfort, she exhale "Go hang out with that bimbo who follow you all day long yesterday", and seeing him raising his hand, I stand between them, *punch*, taking the hit, and just coldly brain-wash him 'Back-off, Go-away', seeing his dimmed-eyes regress back, and he quickly walk away, while she *hug* me from behind.

"Does men usually raise a hand against women in this world?" I ask, but realize how weird my question is, and she show how attentive she is, as she laugh "Only in this world", with kinda a sad-tone, as I realize that without power, equality could never exist, as I always think 'Peace is between two equally powerful entities, not between the weak and the strong'.

"Ayn.. I'm..", "Not that good in hiding things, at least not in front of me, hehe" I cut her words, smiling, letting her understand I knew it from the get-go, and she *pinch* me, then *punch* me, and then *Punch!punch!punch!* violently, till she exhale "Ouch!!", pout, and *KISS!* me as she jump on my chest, wrapping her hands behind my head.

'Bothering about violence.. I remember feeling bothered by it in the past.. Always taking revenge.. Hating the fact someone would even dare threaten me.. But now.. I feel like not reacting is humiliating the enemy, like I'm telling him, or her, 'You ain't even budging me.. Your violence is a nothing..', like not reacting is the ultimate humiliation, at least if they can perceive it so, or, I would need to 'raise my hand' as well if they didn't got the hint..' I think as I enjoy hugging her, letting her relax, happy that I parked in a remote-spot, and that the event still hadn't started yet, seeing it's still light outside.

... "Having fun?" she asks as I come back to the table, after leaving her for a minute, being 'hit on' by a girl, who even gave me a white-rose, showing me how much this country advanced in an opposite direction to the world-'norms', and I give her the flower, responding "Not really, say, what's this event, party, whatever, is even for? Why are we even here?", and she put her hand on the table, her chin on her palm, and mumble while looking at me with wide-open-eyes "Why indeed".

"Let's dance?" she tilt her head cutely, while the music turn to a quicker rhythmic sounds, and the lights flicker brighter, and not waiting to my answer, she already stand up, dancing in front of me, seducing, tempting me, while 'offering' me the rose mockingly, asking "wanna dance, cutie?".

A dance, who turn hotter and wilder by the seconds, is interfered by the height-differences between us, as she's around 40 centimeters shorter than me, and while releasing enough Haki to push any incoming males away, yet women keep 'joining' in, she grab my hand, and pull me to the exit-direction.

*Hug* I catch her before she fall-down, as she 'slip' from a girl who put her leg up-front. "Sorry, Oh, Ayn, sorry about that, how are you?" Nicole, the girl from the party, with the sisters-gang, seems to be 'the culprit', and I smile, while Ella look shocked, yet act like she's hurt, faking it to cuddle to my chest.

"I'm good, even better now, seeing you. I didn't forgot about the party plans, no worry, I just came back today, but trying to get the house under-control.. Meet Ella, maybe my new manager.." I say, acting polite, but they exchange heated stares between themselves, so I gently say "See you soon, Nicole, pleasure seeing you..", and before I can leave, she grab my jacket, shoving her hand to my pocket, take my phone out, and call herself, shove the phone back, and say "See you soon, Ayn", waving 'goodbye', and we wave 'goodbye' as well, but now Ella act spoiled, so I raise her for a princess-carry, and walk toward the exit.

"I don't like her" Ella tell me as we enter the parking-lot, and I respond "that makes the two of you". "What? She doesn't even know me" she ask in wonder, and I smile, telling her while opening the door, putting her gently on the seat, "No, one of my wife, she also think the same", and she look at me in shock, but before I can read her thoughts she *pull* me down, shaping her lips, starting to close her eyes, and we begin *kissing* as I crouch next to her.

... "I'll take the job, But, I won't be yours.." Ella tell me as she sit on my lap, at the house, in the living-room, acting supremely cute, already in a pajama, even if it's that early, and she keep flirting with me, kinda from the first moment we've met, and I smirk, grabbing her up, and walk to the pool, jumping inside, knowing she's got bikini underneath, continuing to *kiss*, flirt, and the moment we're inside, she smirk, as she throw off her clothes, teasing me, dancing around, and feeling it's enough, I gather lust-energy to my hands, and *Grab* her pussy and butt, watching her eyes roll back, almost having an orgasm from just that, putting her hands on mine.

"I wonder how you'll act After.." I say with a smirk as I pull her to my lap, *ripping* my clothes apart, *ripping* her bikini apart, and filling my cock with lust-energy. She keep dancing, while touching, then holding, my shaft, aiming it, and free-fall, taking it in her, while blubbering "awawawawa...", her eyes rolling-back, and she's almost in ahegao mode already, having small-orgasms from the mere begining.

... Sitting on top of me, 'riding' me, bare naked, dancing, shaking her body slowly, one moment doing a full 180-split, another moment put her feet on my chest, with her mouth opened like she's about to speak, but only moans come out of her, Ella'-gaze is locked with mine, and I hold her, as I stand up from the sofa, after a wild sessions in and out of the pool, already inside the house, and begin having intercourse as I walk toward the bedroom, walking in a fucking rhythm, enjoying her so much, and the moment we arrive to the bedroom, putting her on the bed, *ZZzzz...*, she fall-asleep, instantly, but with her hands on my stand-still-awaiting-erection, while I just cover her with a blanket.

'Ouch' I feel bummed I didn't had relaxed, while she's already knocked-out, kinda admiring her, not just for her ethereal beauty, but her whole personality, already deciding to go with the plan, making her work for me, helping her secure a house nearby for her family, if she truly wish to migrate to this country, letting her live 'the life' she seeks, while not breaking her reality-perception, like the girls advised me to.

Gently sneaking out of bed, I go take a quick-shower, and as I walk out, the soul-ring-girls materialize, making poses, all across the dressing-room, as a fucking party erupt in a mere second, lasting for hours, till we all feel satisfied, and sending them back into Infinity, I stretch, smile, and say in my mind 'Time to gamble!' as I materialize clothes, turn invisible, and *teleport*.


'Serafall? There? Anyone know who's the ones that made that fake news about us?' I ask as I float above the place I remember, but not sure who's the culprit of it all, when a funny idea pop-up in my head, remembering I can do much more than just winning for myself, ignoring Serafall and Sayuki informing me there might be super-natural-beings controlling this city from the shadows.

For an hour, I just buy casino-chips, and together with the help of all the girls, who print a letter, putting few chips and the letter in an envelopes, I pass it to as much people I can, mostly poor people, homeless, etc, plus clothes to some, planning 6 strikes, against 6 companies, around the city, while the science-girls focus on their own mission, hacking as much sound-systems as possible around the city.

<Ayn, have you learnt something from Ella? From 'normal' people?> the girls ask me before I start the plan, and I tell them 'The biggest issue I found is... The gap between what people think 'they deserve' to what people think 'they wish to have'... What I mean, hmm, they wish for a lot, but doesn't think they deserve it, or rather, they convince themselves they don't need it, that it can bring them something bad, like harm, or pain, or it doesn't worth the effort... But in the other edge, those who got more than they think they deserve, they do the complete-opposite-psychology, they convince themselves they worked hard, that they need it, that it only bring good, block pain, etc, even though they know they've got way more than they need... Something like that...'.

<Oh ; Wow ; That sound about right ; Are you saying there's an equilibrium between humans? ; Like equality? ; I think it's more like self-evaluation ; Justice? ; Who cares, it's time already> The girls chatting stops, so I just remark 'It's probably part of a social-perception, as they see other have/haven't things they don't/do have, and it's the edges, like, a human with a car versus one without, not between good and bad cars-owners.. Like, if cars won't exist, nobody will be jealous you have a car, right?.. Okay, action time!', I stop talking and begin making moves.

After making a strong-bell-sound, I start by spreading my influence on all the people betting in the casino, enhancing their luck, focusing on the people I chose for this project, and soon enough the whole place turn to chaos, as hundreds of them on winning-strikes, all over the place, from machines, to roulette, and also against dealers, as some, as instructed, followed the instruction, already cashing-out, while some just keep betting nonstop, while the casino-personals get into a panic, and making a strong-bell sound, announcing the secret-signal I told them about, I go to the next casino.

... After visiting 6 different casinos, Las Vegas is now in chaos, a mess who brought the whole police up their feet, casinos to shut down, closing their doors, and people to roam the streets, crowding the main-strip to the point traffic stopped, people walk on the road, and then I tell them 'It's time!', as the music start.

"" Come on baby don't bet against me ; Buy me baby, please don't rent me ; I believe that heaven sent me ; For reasons that are not clear ... "", people all over turn their heads in wonder, almost panic, but it really quickly turn to a whole different vibes, as a lot of people start dancing, having fun, while the country-music playing loud.

"" ... So don't push me when you need to pull me ; Trick me when you need to school me ; Hold it when you need to give it ; Damn it woman I can't quit it ; And I'll walk the straight and narrow ; Just not talking along the way... "", the streets turn to a true havoc now, as it's plain-clear someone pulling the strings, but for the simple people, who crowd the streets and roads, filling the main-strip to the brim, it's just a one huge party.

<You do know it's a song about a man and a woman relationship, right?> I hear Alison laughing while remarking about the whole scene, while I fly in the sky, filming the whole thing, saying 'Yeah, I dunno, found this disc in my father'-collection, and somehow thought 'Oh, so that's the American beauty... Let's hear what you choose, big-mouth..'.

"" He deals the cards as a meditation ; And those he plays never suspect ; He doesn't play for the money he wins ; He don't play for respect ... He deals the cards to find the answer ; The sacred geometry of chance ; The hidden law of a probable outcome ; The numbers lead a dance ... I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier ; I know that the clubs are weapons of war ; I know that diamonds mean money for this art, But that's not the shape of my heart ..... He may play the jack of diamonds ; He may lay the queen of spades ; He may conceal a king in his hand ; While the memory of it fades "".

'Well, that was a bit melodramatic, too slow, but really hold a secret-punches all-around, huh' I laugh in my mind, as the song stop in the middle, leaving a dead-silent-breeze, as not even a single sound heard, in this bustling messy place, who probably never had such a quiet moment since this land was first settled more than a hundred years ago.