
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH144: The childish side of women

"MOTHER!" Sona yells from the table afar from us, at the edge of the balcony, and I quickly expand my 6th-sense, tired from those surprises in this moment, wishing to discover all my surroundings, finding out Tsubaki sitting next to Sona, gazing at everything, while Serafall is filming the whole thing, smiling happily, as she hide near a tree-branch.

"Did Rias and Grayfia stayed at the clan?" I ask Lana, who nod 'yeah' to me, and I 'look' inside the house, finding Akeno and Koneko already sleeping in their bedrooms, probably even before the girls came back, making me wonder how they've spent their times, that their so wasted to sleep, even if it's around midnight now.

"Lady Sitri ... may I know your name please?.." I ask politely, sitting at the edge of the bed, and she tell me "No!", and come closer to me, and then closer, and closer, till we're face-to-face, and she asks me "What's your answer?".

"Injustice trial leads to corrupted decisions. I demand a re-trial. Please give me a chance, I truly love them dearly" I respond.

She abruptly stand, beginning to walk inside the house, and as she almost enter inside, she turn her eyes toward me, say "I'll think about it", and disappear into the house.

"Hehe, love me dearly" Serafall giggle, sitting right next to the bed, on a chair, and I look at how beautiful she is, asking "It seems that all that happened didn't faze you even a bit?", and she smile, telling me "I'm not part of the clan anymore, as I took official position in the government, so, I can do whatever I want? And honestly, I think she likes you".

"SISTER!" Sona comes near us, and I immediately pull her hand, dropping her on my lap, patting her hair, stabilizing her rampant energies, telling her, to all of them, "My Love for you ain't this weak, so please respect my will a bit more, will you?.. And having such a loving mother is a blessing, I'm sure it's all to protect you, not anything else...".

I call Tsubaki to us, and also Serafall, as we're all lying-down on the bed, watching the stars quietly, while I do some magic-show-tricks to entertain us, creating a flying creatures out of light-energies, and the whole mood relaxes, as the girls fall asleep shortly after, as it was obvious it will happen, with all the blue-energy in them, probably from drinking too much alcohol.

Walking into the house, caring each of them to their bedrooms, I go back to the kitchen, planning to eat, then meditate for the night, I 'see' Lady Sitri is there, and the moment I come in, she shove a piece-of-food into my mouth, taking me by surprise, as her expression is still mad, yet she act so cute.

"Yummy. Can I have more please?" I ask while sitting on a bar-chair, watching her cooking, and she give me a cold-look, yet a moment later bring me a plate full to the brim, making me happily smile, devour it all, and ask for seconds, thirds, fourths, till she finally smile, and I stop eating, doing it all just to drag our time together, filling my stomach with way too much food by doing so.

"Did you beat Sona in a chess game?" Lady Sitri asks me, and I look at her in confusion, thinking about it, before saying "We never played chess together...", and her eyes open wide, looking questionably at me.

"Is that one of your perquisite before I can marry her?" I ask in wonder, and she tell me coldly "Not mine, it's hers, she said she won't marry anyone who can't beat her in chess", and I almost chuckle, yet *Cough*, feeling I really ate too much, and surprised as she bring me a glass of water.

"You seems sober" she tell me, and I tell her "I almost never drink.. Maybe just sips, but, losing control over yourself feels like I'm running away, while I prefer to confront everything openly, clearly, and play games only with my lovers".

She gaze at me for a few seconds, saying quietly "You'll be surprised what few thousand years will make you do..", and turn around, returning to cooking, while I sit there, thinking aloud "wow, thousands of years, I'll have thousands of children, oh, wow, this thought is mind boggling...", and my thought breaks apart from hearing Lady Sitri laugh, gazing at her beautiful smile, thinking aloud "..Beautiful..".

She suddenly turn her face into her usual cold-attitude I saw before, putting all the food in the fridge, and walk away, not saying a thing, yet I shout "Good night, My lady", and *Sigh* from this weird interactions with her, thinking once again about Infi, wondering 'If I meditate, will I be able to see her again?...', while walking to the living-room, planning to sit outside, on the deck-balcony, when I 'sense' the girls wish to materialize, and let them do so.

*Fwoosh...*, "Ayn...", from the kitchen-direction, I hear Siege'-voice, and looking there, she stand with her back to me, wearing only high-heels on her feet, bare naked, dancing sexually, posing, and before I can go to her, I hear "Ayn...", and in the living-room, on the carpet, Junko crawl, wearing a sexy-lingerie, and I can feel a raging boner arise, when I hear "Ayn...", "Ayynnn...", "AAyyyyynnnn...", and my eyes run between Bi-Bi, Umi, and Beau, who spread to the balcony, dining-room, and in between the window-curtains, dazzling me, as I just lie-down in the place I'm at, saying aloud "Buffet is served! all you can eat buffet! Come before the food is gone!", and the girls running toward me.


At morning, planning my day, while eating breakfast with all the devilish-girls, I think 'I promised Shakky to visit her, for whatever that's for... I want to explore Soul-land, expand the map... And also go find Nami'-sister...', and decide to do as much as I can, while shoving somewhere in that a time for assimilating a new soul-ring.

"I can't believe such a house was hiding in this city, I was sure there's no property in this level anywhere I looked for" Lady Sitri say as she look around, coming with a dessert, and I'm amazed she's such a housewife, as Lana told me she's going to be the head of the house, plus, they've got all this servants, so why would she know how to, even though the others also got skill in that, except her two daughters, Sona and Serafall, who shyly pout as I look at them, like they know what I'm thinking of.

"I do know how to cook! It's just desserts!" Sona pout, and I laugh happily, saying "Who cares? I'll love anything you make, but, cooking is living, so I hope you'll find the love in that... What people need the most? Sleep, drink, eat... And eating is the only thing who demand talent out of those three".

"You're pretty smart for a mere human" Lady Sitri smirks at me, and Serafall respond "Oh, a dragon, a Big Bad Dragon", smirking at her mother, and I decide to defuse the whole Sitri-trio, telling her "Iv'e built the house, have you been to the outside river pools? It took me the same amount of time that it took me build the whole tree-house!", and she shake her head.

Sona quickly hold her hand, taking her to the balcony who watches over the river-pool scenery, and I go with them, watching her eyes pop lovingly, telling her "I diverted a river, so it will flow through here, and created a route for it to do so, creating all this pools in the middle of it", and she don't look at me, rather on Sona, like she's planning to swim with her here, showing just how close they are to each other, which makes me happy.


Arriving to Shakky'-bar, I find her outside, smoking a cigarette, and while pulling a sofa out of my space-pocket, plus a cold-coffee-cup, and one of my white-shirts, I give her the cup, throw her cigarette away, cover her with my shirts, as she's wearing a skimpy-thin-shirt, and lead her to the sofa, making her sit, as she look around, watching me change the scenery quickly, pulling out a table, few dishes, and sit next to her, only now saying "Good morning".

"Iv'e wasted half a cigarette because of you" Shakky pout, as she stare to the sky, and looking at the way she's looking at, I see nothing, trying to 'look' carefully, but again, nothing, narrowing my eyes at her, yet it seems all she wanted is me to look at her, probably making a pose, showing herself to me, from her cute hair, to her beautiful face, seductive red lips, enchanting neck, and the shirt Iv'e put on her slides down, exposing her amazing bosom, with no bra on, just a skimpy thin shirt.

*Munch.. Munch..*, Shakky take bites from each plate, looking like she's not hungry at all, yet still eats, gathering more appetite with each bite, soon properly eating, not just snacking bites, and I just sit there, waiting, watching this mature woman, who acts more and more childish around me as time goes on.

"Are you planning to eat some food, or me?" Shakky say in a tease, like her usual self, and I answer "of course you, but I think I need to put you in the oven for an hour or two... Or maybe fry you a bit? Boil you in hot water? Oh, that's a nice idea".

"Where do you live?" Shakky suddenly change subject, gazing daggers at me, "You know my house, it's only polite I'll come visit yours", and I nod my head, thinking 'I never come to this house, well, almost never, but, ahhh, she's trustworthy, whatever', telling her "It's a big secret of mine, so, I trust you, but can you also give me your promise, as to never tell it to another soul?", and she nod, agreeing with me, and quickly stand, lock the door, and come next to me, like she want to go right now, so I hold her hand, and *Jump!*.

"Ahhhh...Ayn!" Shakky complains as we fly till we reach a high branch of the tree, and while letting go of her hand, saying "Don't act too childish, I'm not stupid enough to think you'll be scared from such a weak jump", I go to the trunk, pushing a hidden-lever, who pop a hallway in the trunk, creating a passage-way to walk into it, and as I go in, she follows me.

Inside, taking out a motorcycle from my space, I point to her to sit, and she does so, as I sit behind her, and driving in the secret-tunnel who stretch between the tree-tops, by connecting branches between them, we quickly arrive to the house, once again pulling a secret-lever, who expose the house to her eyes, and with a huge excitement she begin running around, asking "Can I?", and once hearing "Do whatever you want here, think of this house as yours if you wanna", I go to the balcony, to meditate.

... "Ayn!" Shakky wakes me up, and looking at her, I wonder "what's wrong?", as she's making a bummed-face, with her hand on her chin and cheek, sitting on the sofa beside me, and she responds "There's no way you're living here, it's like no one was here for a long time, and, it's filled with things I don't understand, plus, who the hell live inside the tree, who connected to all the trees, and...".

"Stop stop stop. Shakky, that's my style, and, we really live somewhere else? Lots of somewhere else? I mean, more than 40 women, and they spread across the whole universe, chasing their dreams and life goals, so there's this time it's empty too" I cut her off, but she laugh brutally, saying "For someone who arrived to Sabaody a mere months ago, and now have a world wide hold. Do you presume me as stupid??".

"No, rather the opposite... Even too smart? hehe", I stop to smile to her before I continue speaking, "Don't you owe me a secret, my dear? How come I'm exposing myself here? I ain't a bank, and there's no loans here. It's time to pay your debt".

"I'm the previous leader of Amazon-lily" she spit out like it's nothing at all, and right away question me "How did you... I mean... From where? Yeah, from where are you?", and I burst laughing, not answering, but amazed by her sudden reveal, plus endless curiosity, deciding to tell her "It's curiosity who killed the cat".

"What?" she asks in confusion, and I tell her "discretion is the better part of valour?", and she exhale "Just don't say if you don't want to!", and walk inside, leaving me there, feeling she's got something going on, irrelevant to me, probably, but she has some loneliness in her, and I ponder 'Should I go call Rayleigh back? Ain't he her husband? How can he leave her for months like that? Since when men downgraded to a mere chimps and simps, with zero common-sense?'.

"Ayn!" Shakky run back to the balcony after a few minutes, wearing a training-clothes, and while raising her shirt, showing me her sport-bra, she asks "What's with this amazing fabric?? It's so soft! so comfortable! so good!", and I smile, telling her "You can take whatever you want from here, plus ask for more", and she quickly run back inside.

"Ayn!" Shakky come back again, and I *Chuckle*, really amazed she metamorphose totally to a lil'-girl now, dancing with a black-leather-summer-dress in circles near the door, asking "How does it look on me?", and I answer "Like a rouge princess in her wild period of life", and she burst laughing, running back inside.

"Ayn!", once again, "I love those huge shirts, they're amazing!", Shakky comes with one of my hoodies on her, and a moment after takes it off, showing she's got a black-cotton-dress under it, and a second later, sit on my lap, saying "Please don't talk, move, or remember anything of what's about to happen", and I can feel her emotions are exploding, and not in a good way, as her eyes begin leaking tears, like rivers dams broke open, *Sobbing!..* and I hug her close, letting her wash me with her sadness, as I rub her back and hair, giving her time to take it all out.

... "What did you see?" Shakky asks me, with her swollen eyes, looking at me, as she stand above me, and I answer questionably "That your beautiful?", and she nod in agreement, lighting a cigarette, beginning to blubber about how cool this house is, acting like nothing happened just now, and I'm not sure how to confront it.

{Don't!), [Yeah, Don't!], (Give a woman her time) (like you 'cook' her before a relationship, it's the same with all emotions, it can't be opened up before it's ready, before she's ready), Bi-Bi, Junko, Umi, and Beau, comments to my thought, and I think happily how loving is having my wives always with me, but also feel sadness, worried about Shakky unstable emotions, when suddenly I ask her "Wait, what about Hancock then? Help me with her!".

"Ain't she yours already?" Shakky asks back at me, and I narrow my eyes at her, as if she's from Amazon-lily, she know perfectly well how many problems Iv'e got with that, from her women-only-tribe, all the way to aiming to make it a kingdom, and I begin telling her all of that.

"Okay, sure.. Hancock talk to me so much more, and so much better, ever since you've met, so no problem" Shakky respond, shocking me, and I tell her "This house, I'm not really even here, like, maybe a few days in a year? So as long as it's just you, see it as yours as well", and see her beaming smile, I drop the other issues I wish to talk about, soon showing her around, giving her instruction how to sneak in and out, and finally saying goodbye, and *Teleport*.


<What now?> Nami asks, hinting me she wish to go meet her sister, and I tell her 'Explore a bit of the map in soul-land, aiming for an island a day, creating a more complete map of the ocean, and if I'm quick enough, than a new soul-ring, and after that... Iv'e heard someone got a hot-sister, so I'll go meet her?'.

<Oh, she's hot alright, but, why do you think you even got a chance with her?> Nami teases back, and I don't respond, just joking with her, as she herself left her behind, going around the world without her, so there's probably some reason or a problem there, seeing no good reason why would she leave her only family to travel with a bunch of pirates, kinda disgusting me when I think about the weird kids she sailed with, but remember how pure she is, and they did saved her village, and family, plus, she did say it was a temporary thing, helping them navigate for a while.

... After an hour, I quickly arrive to a new island, mapping it a bit, even finding some rare-plants on it, and asks 'Yuena?', hearing her responding <Not yet...>, so I try asking all of them 'Do you think I can use this egg-like-thing? Like before? For a new spirit-ring...', and they discuss openly, arriving to a conclusion <Sure, but I need time to prepare it, finding the best way to use it, so postponed> by Yuena, and I just *Teleport*.


Above Conomi-islands, in East-blue-ocean, at Red-line, Nami tell us all about the place, <...There's more than 20 different communities in here... We mostly do agriculture, like oranges!.. The Marine had jurisdiction over us, but, they're corrupted, so it ain't better than pirates... THERE! THERE!>.

Flying in a lower altitude, following Nami shouts, I just grab her, not waiting any more, and make her appear in front of me, in the air, hugging her close, from the back, holding her by her bosom, as she doesn't even notice it, just yells "There, Ayn, That's Cocoyasi-village! Ayn! There!", pointing to a certain orange, or tangerine, orchard, in the outskirt of the village.

"Let's do a prank on her!" Nami smirks, acting like a little-girl, and push me toward a woman who carries a busket full with fruits in the distance, and I *sigh*, smile, as Nami run to hide, and go toward her.

"Excuse me? Miss?" I ask the woman, and see her sweating profoundly, quickly pulling out a napkin, so she could wipe the sweat off of her, and she drop the basket, looking at me, wipe the sweat with the napkin she took from me, and then play with an orange at her hand, throwing it up and down, beaming a huge smile, while asking "Hello, traveler, came to buy oranges?".

"She sure is beautiful.. Cute.." I think aloud, and quickly shake myself, noticing my weird-behavior, saying "Ah. Uhm. Hello. Yes? I mean, of course, why else would I come here?", and she go near the wooden-fence near us, resting her body on it, and looking at me up and down, and up again, and I do the same, looking at her beautiful appearance, somewhere between a farm-girl to a gyaru, amazed by how pretty she is, thinking to myself 'Just like Nami... I guess 'the orange doesn't fall far from the tree', huh'.