
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH143: What makes a man real?

"Wanna sail with me to the open sea? Or return to the academy?" I ask the girls over breakfast, and they seems adamant to return, wishing to know what happened in the world since we were gone to our vacation, even though I came twice, just to discover the situation is tense, yet no war, or major battle, happened.

"So let's teleport?" I ask, and for some time put them all in new-shrek-academy-tree-house, before going to Yuena'-space, putting her inside, have some enjoying time with her, and *Teleport*.


At Earth, in Kouh-tree-house, arriving to an empty house, I let the devil-girls, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Serafall, Sona, Tsubaki, Grayfia, and Lana, out, one by one, using those moments to have a small time with each, while keep getting admiration gazes and exhales from the girls, who warns me "You better not think that you can go outside looking like yourself", "Girls will probably pass out", and nonsense like that, but I choose to ignore it, yet really happy they compliment me that much.

"I'm going back!" Serafall declare aloud before we all move from the living-room, and I quickly go hug her, pulling Sona and Tsubaki with me, asking them "Say, let's say there's a certain man, who wish to...", "Get to the point, you Big Bad Dragon", Serafall cuts my word, jumping cutely around, and I ask straight-forward "Who do I ask permission to take your hands in marriage?".

"What?", "Oh", "Uhm", the three make weird voices, making me *chuckle*, and ask again the same question, but the answers come from behind me, as Lana tell me "Lady Sitri is a friend of mine, and I guess they haven't told you yet, maybe Serafall know, yet act like nothing, but...", "No!", Serafall exhale in a loud tone, shutting Lana up, but I can see it's something dire, deciding "I want to visit your house, that's at least okay, right? A candidate needs to see the track before the competition? Final rehearsal?", and after cute laughs, they nod their head, saying they'll set it up.

"I'll go back too!" Grayfia say with a huge smile, probably excited to see her child, even if he's in good-care, and grown-up, a mother is still a mother, whatever mother is for children, 'maybe like Robin, or Mia, is for me?' I think to myself, and looking around, I feel the same energy I'm having from Akeno and Koneko, going beside them, hugging them, after saying goodbye to Grayfia, plus Lana and Rias, who go together with her, and Sona and Tsubaki, who go with Serafall.

"School starts soon" Akeno try to open up a chat, but I hug her and Koneko tightly, as we're alone in here now, whispering "We're family already, right?", and expose their emotions outside, as they both look at me shyly.

Koneko turn around, sitting on my leg with her back to me, sneaking gazes, hiding her tears, but I give her my sleeve, to wipe her eyes with it, while Akeno smirks to me seductively, like it's some sort of defense mechanism of hers, and I touch her cheeks, asking quietly "we smell the same... you also have no mother, right?".

Akeno open her eyes wide, as a storm happens inside the room, lightnings strikes, and her eyes filled with tears, as she point her finger in front of my face, yet say nothing, and I just sit there, with compassionate look on my face, waiting for her to relax, patting her and Koneko backs, comforting them, and soon they both hug me so tightly, stuck to me like leeches, refusing to move, as the whole scenario becomes deadly-quiet.

"Let's go on a date.." Akeno whispers to me, and I respond "of course, but lots of dates, not just one", and she finally *giggle*, showing she relaxed from the switch she had with her vibes.

"I had a sister..." Koneko say quietly, and Akeno pinch me, and as I look at her, I read her floating thoughts, not understanding her signals, and discover Koneko still have a sister, but they separated after a tragic 'accident'.

"My sister went insane one day, and killed our master, losing control of her Nekomata-power... It's a Youkai-power... That's how I become a cat-like... But something about you, your ki, your energy, your smell... It makes me be in peace with my power, letting me feel it's okay to be me..." Koneko tell her story slowly, still hiding her face in my shirt, while me and Akeno listen to her attentively, quietly, but I respond to her last sentence, telling her "I love the real Koneko, I love you being a Nekomata, I wish you will never hide anything from me", and she and Akeno hug me harder.

"Well, having a master, being under someone order, sounds horrifying to me, so I kinda get your sister? At least you got a sister?.. Maybe we should find her? Help her? Where is she?" I try talk after few minutes of silence, wondering about her past, but she shake her head, not wishing to farther talk about it, and I avert my attention to Akeno, who notice my gaze, shaking her head, whispering "date", and I keep quiet, just hugging them for some time, untill *Grumble!*, my stomach demand food, and the both laugh, jump up, and run to the kitchen, with me following behind them.

... "See ya later, please keep safe. I reinforced the space-barrier around here, so I hope the teleportation of the girls will work, but just know that as long as you're here, you're safe" I tell Koneko and Akeno, peck a kiss on their lips, and *teleport*.


At my father'-house, looking around the place, I find it deserted, yet clean, while feeling an alarm going on, even though I don't remember we had one, searching for the silent-hum of it, and behind a wall in the entrance-corridor, behind a hidden-door, I notice some weird-futuristic-device is implemented, creating a sub-space-alarm, amazed we had such a thing in our house all this time, when suddenly my father call my phone.

"Hi, father" I answer, and hear him asking "Are you at home?", and I respond "Yeah... What's with this alarm? It looks cool...". "Hehehehe, of course it is, but never mind it, oh, press the code I send you in massage on the keyboard there... Okay... How's thing in Japan? Anything interesting?" he asks, and I tell him "Few mishaps, went on vacation with the girls, and now planning to go on a journey, but wish to see you soon, where and when can we meet?".

"Let's meet in Japan, at the new house? Let's say, a week, yeah, a week probably... Take care of yourself, you hear me, and the girls, of course! See ya", and he hang-up after the sentence, sounding kinda shy, with this weird 'take care' sentence of his, making me laugh at it.

After a quick travel across Earth, mostly collecting all the stocks in the hangars, mainly food, alcohol, smokes, technologies, tools, construction-materials, etc, I *Teleport*.


... "And that's my findings for now, but, I feel there's so much more, like I didn't even started to scratch the surface, and I'm 100% sure there's a huge continent other than this somewhere, as I fought against a creature, oh, the creature we met when we were traveling to get a spirit-ring back then, who came from there" I sum up all Iv'e been doing in Soul-land to Rongrong'-family, mainly her father, who look at the maps on the table.

"The situation here is weirdly stable, even too stable, probably showing a major occurrences is about to erupt. Weirdly enough, the same theft who happened in this empire, also happened in the other empire, know something about it?" Rongrong'-grandpa asks me, and I smile, saying nothing, letting him understand it's of course me, even if I won't say so.

"What level are you now?" her other grandpa asks me, and I show my rings, exposing my new golden-spirit-ring, who dazzle them in shock, exhaling in panic, while pointing at it, mumbling "what is that?", and after they drink a cup of water I pour them, I tell them "Was attacked in the ocean, stuck in space, by a gigantic demonic whale... Was a kill-or-be-killed-situation... That's the ring, supposedly he was more than a million years old...".

Smiling at their shocked faces, I remember Iv'e got two more soul-spirits to get rings to, missing one in my spirit-eyes, and only got Umi and Beau in my heart, plus, they told me there's a chance to combine them back into a singular-existence, even though it sounds too complicated to me to even comprehend that, and feel like I'm losing one of my wife somehow from it, so I just put it on hold for now.

"Rongrong is back in new-shrek-academy, by the way, so maybe you can go visit her? I'm sure she miss you dearly" I add as I stand up, planning to leave, and they escort me to the room I usually teleport in and out from, as we talk, say our goodbyes, and I *Teleport*.


At Red-line, after visiting almost all the girls, checking everything is alright, plus finding out from Hancock the story-line we've made went extremely well, as Tashigi gave a false-information about Robin-Hood-organization, just like we instructed her to do, she's now treated with great care, probably going to be promoted, as she also has a power-upgrade, mostly in the use of her sword, and haki, but as for Kalifa, she was probably abandoned, yet still okay, as her father seems to be a high-official in the government, or navy.

"What about turning Amazon-lily into a kingdom?" I ask Hancock, and she shake her head, telling me "Not going good at all, they keep treating us like pirates, so we're in a standstill for now with that, but they do trust us a lot more after we brought the prisoners to them".

"Here" I tell her as I load lots of stuff inside her ship, who's now traveling back to her island, and say "Instead of this path, you can look for other paths, whatever it might be, but please be careful, government is a sleazy, corrupt, backstabbing, existence... Who knows when they'll turn their back on their acts or promises...", and Hancock hug me, kissing me lovingly, till she's called by her crew, and I tell her goodbye, and *teleport*.


"Well, hello there, young traveler, you look like you need a good drink" Shakky say as I enter her place, finding her sitting on the bar, smoking a cigarette, drinking whiskey, kinda like usual, and I go inside, acting like a bartender, even though I never been one, or know anything about this profession, I still try to put up a show.

"Hello, Young miss, fancy seeing such a pretty face in my bar... Let me get you a drink" I tell her with a smirk, winking to her, and begin mixing some vodka, add a fruit-juice I made from the fruit-trees in Infinity, add an ice-cube I created, shaping it like a swan, and put it in a low-ball-glass, as it now look like a blue-drink, where ice-white-swans swims inside of it.

"Beautiful" Shakky exhale in shock, and I ask "me or the drink?", and while she put her finger inside the glass, then put it inside her mouth, sucking her finger, tasting the drink, she gaze upon me, taking a smoke, and puff a huge cloud, who cover the space between us, but I can see her face almost showing a blush.

"How many girls did you took down, you incubus?" Shakky asks with a smile on her face.

I act like I'm thinking, telling her "Iv'e never taken a girl down...", and seeing her narrowing her eyes, I continue with a smile, saying "...But I did brought a lot of girls up", and I can't hold my laugh, and so is Shakky, who burst laughing together with me.

"Iv'e got..." I think aloud, "1,2,3,...,32 wives! No, no, 33! stupid me, I love Infi... Oh, but, there's around 10 more, let's call them.. fiancees? Yeah.. Wanna join them, cutie?" I ask as I put my hand on the bar, and my head resting on top of it, gazing into her beautiful face.

*Cough*, *Cough*, Shakky put her hand in front of her face, and by the time she move it, she mess her hair up, also hiding her eyes with her hair, yet she can't hide her beauty, her blush, or her wandering gaze, as she daze while looking at her glass, sipping from it, saying nothing.

"First time without a retort back, I would think you really want me now" I try to tease her out of it, like we usually do, but I notice it ain't there anymore, and reading her energies, I'm amazed to find her lusting toward me, and while I think 'it's hit-or-bail-situation.. what should I do...', she suddenly *Sigh*, and exhale "I'm too old for that now...".

"You? Old?" I question while narrowing my eyes, not understanding what she mean, telling her "You're too beautiful to even spit those words. There's old women who would flip over from hearing you saying that", and decide to bail out now, asking her "Iv'e brought the stock I promised, where to put it? Like usual?", and she point with her finger to the back-door, who lead to the underground basement, so I say "Like usual...", and walk there.

The moment I finish putting it all there, picking up the gold piles left from the previous deal, Shakky stand at the basement-door, with a not-so-innocent-look on her face, and before she can say anything, I tell her "You look like you've got a lot of thoughts running in your head, why don't I come back tomorrow? Let's say... Breakfast? Lunch?".

"Okay..." Shakky blubber, while looking down on the floor, dazing, looking like she's thinking deeply on something, and I can almost see a smile on her lips, who curve a bit upward.

While passing by her, at the door, I stand beside her, whispering to her "See you tomorrow", seeing her gazing at me, without moving her head, and I kiss her cheek, and walk outside of the bar, trying to digest all that transpired right now, between us, realizing the girls weren't kidding with me before, and something truly changed with me.

*Sigh*, 'Tomorrow is a new day...', *Teleport*.


At Earth, falling down on the huge sofa in Kouh-tree-house, dazing in thoughts, wishing to stabilize my mind before going around, finding if 'Spend my night with my women? or maybe just cultivate? or even find a new spirit-ring?', a sharp surprised voice sounds next to me, and I quickly look beside me, blinking a few times, then say happily "cool, you came back", and hug Serafall, or Sona, or Tsubaki, not really sure, as it's completely dark in here, plus she has a blanket on her, and my mind is in another place altogether at the moment anyway.

"What are you doing??" a shy voice, which I never heard before shake me, jumping up to sit on my knees in surprise, while pulling the blanket with me, and create a light-energy, like a light-bulb, above, staring at a woman I never seen before, yet, look so familiar.

"Are you... No, they don't got a sister... Excuse me, I'm Ayn... And you, Miss?" I ask the woman who lie-down on the sofa with me, wearing a tight-green-dress, black leggings, and black-high-heels, and checking her face, she's like a combination of Sona and Serafall together, like a naughty-nerd.

"Oh, Ayn, you're back!" Lana come toward us, wearing a kimono, who's a second from falling off of her, and she's holding a bottle in one hand, a cup in the other, sitting right next to me, and sip from it, and I laugh, patting her head, thinking 'She's so drunk, she'll probably fall asleep soon...'.

"Lady Sitri!..", the lady say in a firm, yet shy, tone, "...Serafall' and Sona' mother!".

"Oh no! Ayn! Look! It spilled all over me!" Lana say in her drunken state, laying-down, with both the cup and bottle spilled all over her boobs and pussy, letting me think she's done it all in purpose, obviously, as the mere chances the drink landed right in that two spots is 0.00001%.

"Nice to finally meet you, Miss.. Lady Sitri, heard a lot of good things about you, welcome to our house, hope you'll stay as long as you can, and have a pleasurable time here" I say and stretch my hand for a handshake, as me and her look at each other, seeing her now wearing a glasses, which remind me Sona, who rise a smile on my lips.

"Aynnnnn... I Feel Neglected Here..." Lana pout to me, pulling my sleeve, and I avert my eyes between the two, and right away Lana complains "Aynnn... She's a big girllll... She doesn't need your worrrrryyyy...", and I *Sigh*, smile to Lady Sitri, deciding to give attention to Lana, with whatever game she's playing, as she know her, and probably got some plot in mind.

While Lady Sitri just lie-down with her back to Lana, *Lick... Lick...*, I drink the alcohol from Lana'-body, asking her "It's too tasty, are you sure it's just alcohol?", and lick her pussy, shoving my tongue inside, and Lana moans quietly, then *giggle*, and in telepathy I ask her 'What game are you playing, my dear?'.

'Can you also hear me?' Lana asks, and I tell her 'Yep, right now yes, as the channel is open... So?.. What's the game, my love?', and she finally respond, telling me excitedly 'She's just like me, you know, I think she haven't had any sexual relation with her husband for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, before they made Sona, when I made Rias, but, then, they're marriage really died down, but, but, her husband, ahhhhh, he's, YOU MUST KEEP IT QUIET! UNDERSTOOD??? He's, He's Sick, I mean, deathly-sick, like, going to sleep, never wake-up kinda thing...'.

'Oh, that explains the panic from Serafall... She's hiding it from Sona... But how come she didn't discovered it by herself yet?' I ask her, and Lana tells me 'It's not showing symptoms, or interfering with his life, but once time comes, then it's like going to sleep, and never waking up, like an eternal-sleep, so, they still hold hope in some miracle, and for now, acting like 'normal', even though she'll have to take his place soon, and take control over their house, their family, their whole clan, and territory...'.

*Lick!*, *Vibrate!*, "Mmmm...", 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' Lana ask in shock as I shove my tongue again, making it vibrate, and I ask back, not stopping 'For diverting my question! Now answer, truthfully. Why did you act like you're drunk?'.

'Okay! Okay! Sorry! It's just... She's so closed-up, pent-up, never opening to us...', and I stop, asking 'Continue?..', 'So... So I thought to show her she can be free, like tipsy, even get drunk here, because usually, in our clans, we're so tensed-up, faking our serious-attitude, it's like we lose ourselves somewhere in the way'.

'That's deep... Too much fake, so you lose your way... You better be free with me!' I tell her, and focus back on Lady Sitri, asking her "My lady, Sitri, Hmmm, Can I offer you anything?".

"Yeah!.." she say with too much enthusiasm, standing on her knees, looking at me with a smile on her face, crossing her hands around her stomach, who make her huge bosom become way too much noticeable, and suddenly say "...Leave my daughters alone!".