
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH133: Vacation : The good-side of torture

"Ayn!" I hear Conis talk to me angrily, but I can't avert my eyes from Sona, who gaze right back at me, and my mind is blank, while my hand stretch to hers, grabbing it, kissing the back of her hand, like she's my queen.

"Ayn!!" Conis touch my forehead with her finger, breaking the moment between me and Sona, and I see her pouting cutely, shaking her finger, like she's saying 'no no no', crouching face to face with me, and from behind her I see Serafall jumping happily, in her magical-girl costume, saying in joy "hahaha, Sona is the cutest!", making a cute pose herself.

"Sorry, I'll abide to any punishment, just give me 1 minute" I blubber, gazing back at Sona, like I'm hypnotized by her beauty, seeing her talking to Serafall, but with a cool-attitude, like she just became a grown-up, or maybe strengthen her soul, not sure how to even describe it except ethereal, like she belong to the heavens.

Slowing time, shooting a slow-beam on Sona, pulling jewelries and fabrics from my space-pocket, I move in extreme-speed around Sona, dressing her up, like the image I have in my head, and after 30 seconds I kiss her cheek, whisper "I love you, my queen", and go next to Conis, ready for any punishment, yet beaming a smile, as I gaze at Sona in a black-dress, with golden jewelries all over her, and a golden crown on her head, gazing back at me.

"Do you understand what horrible thing you just did?" Conis lecture me, after leading me to a chair, isolated right in front of the stage, and I respond "Yes. I'm sorry. I showed disrespect to my lovely wives, who performed such beautifully, and instead of enjoying it, I let myself be occupied in something else...", bowing gently to Mia, Siege, and Serafall.

*Clank,Clank*, Mia lock both my hands in hand-cuffs behind my back, as Siege tells me "1 Hour! You're not allowed to move for 1 hour!", and Serafall say with a smirk "No matter what we do!", "Or it means you don't really love us!" Rongrong adds from the side.

"Am I being tortured?.. I agree, as long as Sona is out of the equation, it's all my fault" I sigh, and they giggle, staring at Sona, and then back at me, but I can't see Sona from this angle, only feel her strong emotions, toward me mostly, showing an affection, probably just like me.

"Well... Watching the best show in the world... From the first row... Can it even count as a torture?" Rongrong giggle as she go back-stage, and I smile, saying loudly "I love you, all of you, every one of you, every inch of you", and relax on the chair.

Few minutes later, I realize I'm in a sadistic torture, the kind of which will only get worse, doubting my self-control to survive it for a whole hour, watching Rongrong dancing an erotic belly-dance, with a red-bra and a red-skirt, looking mesmerizing, coming toward me the moment she song end, and now Vivi go on stage, wearing a black bra and skirt, with Viola in a white dress joining her.

... By the time few girls already danced, not forgetting to pass through me on their way down, giving me a tease that can break my poor horny lustful heart, shaking their assets, rubbing their bosoms and butts on me, or whispering seductive lines, my mood turns sour, watching Lana dance in a purple bra and skirt, and a moment after, Hancock comes out, wearing only golden-jewelries, nothing more, making drool go outside my mouth, yet I feel like my mouth is absolutely dry.

The moment I think about breaking the hand-cuffs, Robin come out, in blue-arab-style, dancing to a Latin sounds, and I immediately feel relaxed, amazed how much unconcious impact she has on me, and I tell her telepathy 'My queen, may you bless me with a kiss?', and she come toward me, dancing, but just then, Wu stand between us, in white-and-pink-ballerina-dress, smirking at me, and I smile in frustration, and defeat.

'Infi? Did you decided to switch sides?' I ask while seeing Wu ballet dance, and I hear her laughing, telling me <Since when did I ever was on your side?>, and I respond 'Since you fell in love with me few years ago? I mean, who decided to assimilate into my body? If that's not love in first-sight, then what is?', and she grumble-laugh, and I can sense her talking to the girls, planning an ambush on me.

A second after Wu dance is over, clapping my hands behind my back, still tied-up, a real party begins, as girls step into the stage, who becomes a dance-floor, and all I can see between the flickering lights is bouncing butts, while planning how hard I'm going to piston those girls, all night long, nonstop.

"You seems pent up" Tashigi sit on my lap, bare-naked, without her glasses, and I stare on her lips in a stupor, watching her touching her own lips, before giving me quick kiss on the lips, and run away.

"Need help?" Lya sits on her knees, between my legs, while taking off her bra, looking at me with a face full of love, and I nod happily, but then shake my head to the sides, seeing in the process the girls staring, saying "Nah, you should stay united with the girls, I'm rather having fun here, just wait, in half an hour you will get what you deserve", and wink at her.

Girls keep teasing me, chatting happily, one after the other, while I'm sitting on a chair, in the middle of the dance-floor, finding it really fun experience, except the raging boner that can be seen easily through the tent on my pants.

"Hehe, there's prey here" Monet whispers to me while covering my body with her wings, and 'seeing' her smile, I answer back "You're really cute, Monet, I don't mind if you eat me", and I can 'see' her blush, pout cutely, and go away, hiding her shy side from me for some reason.

By the time an hour passed, Iv'e got a huge smirk on my face, as the girls already fully prepared for 'war', some purely jump upon me, ready for it, some play hide and seek, some pose like they're ready to fight, and some just don't care, chilling, dancing, or already outside, in the pool.

"Shall we dance?" Shyarly take 'the first bullet', coming next to me the moment I tear the hand-cuffs off, wearing a tight-revealing-black-dress, filled with gaps, and I say "of course", standing up while already putting my hands around her, hearing from the side "You'd better take a look at this!", and I turn aside, seeing Mia posing her butt to me.

Shyarly crouch down, poking my dick through the pants with a finger, as Mia keep grabbing my attention, shaking her bubbly-butt, singing "My New Panties!.. Panties Panties Panties...", and I laugh, telling her "I think you had enough booze... You better drink something else now...", and she beam a smile, jumping toward me.

More and more girls keep joining, making me laugh at this 'assault team', breaking their defenses apart, leaving puddles everywhere around here, before I go outside, finding the party is now at the pool.

Going around the pool on the deck, the girls sneak glances at me, yet act like normal. Lana come and pull me next to Mia, who tell me "look up!", and a moment later fireworks explodes, making me stand in shock, thinking-out-loud "weren't we suppose to hide?", and they look at me, then at the fireworks, and back at me, like saying 'oops', and I *sigh*, planning to fly and check around, but realizing I can't, cause I keep the ship invisible by being here right now, so just go to sail the ship to a different location.

... Sitting in the control-room, alone, navigating the ship farther into the sea, I spread my 6th-sense to 'look' over the ship and surrondings, and shocked to find what's happening right next to me, in the map-room.

Opening the door, seeing map-papers flying around, while Nami and Vivi roll on the floor, bare naked, drinking way too much drinks, not even noticing me here, probably came to hide and in the middle of it just made their own party, I laugh evilly. "AYN!", "AHHH", they both shout and giggle, teasing me even more, kissing each other.

"OH NO!" I exhale, acting like something happened, and they both ask in panic while standing up "What happened??", and at the moment I jump at them, grabbing Vivi, shoving my dick inside her pussy, while raising her to the air, and then grab Nami, raising her high-up to the air, till she sit on my shoulders, with her pussy on my face, fucking them lovingly, till they're both collapse on the table, breathing roughly, and I understand it's enough for now, kissing them a bit, before going back to navigate the ship.

'Where are we?..' I ponder while watching the ship went a bit too far, but don't mind it now, just throwing the anchor, and go back outside, to the pool-area.


'Wow, till morning... That's...', <A new record! You're the hentai-king!>, I laugh as Infi cut my thoughts, after making love, fucking, doing sex, all night long, till the sun appears from the horizon, right when I put few girls into bed, walking on the outside deck, wondering where did I anchored the ship at.

'We're between Water-7-island and Fishmen-island, meaning, if I navigate down, we can reach Rusukaina and Amazon-lily...' I ponder where to aim the ship to, as we haven't even had plans about it, and just leave it be for now, watching the pool-side.

Yan, rolling around the bed I left her in, under a thick white blanket, wakes up, and I jump down from the deck, landing right beside her, and she cutely smile, moving the blanket from her, exposing her amazing body to my eyes while saying "good morning".

"Good morning, my princess" I respond, sitting on my knees beside her, as she stretch her body while sitting on the edge of the bed. "Mind helping me? My back feels sour" Yan asks as she turn around, letting me see her exposed back, which I can't hold back from kissing.

"Hehe, wait a minute, help me take my dress off" she asks the moment I carry her to a sun-bed near us, and I do so, marveling at her amazing curves, and bountiful assets.

"Never mind, Big Bad Dragon, let's go swim" Yan giggle and stand up, stretching, feeling my massage is more like a boob-massage than anything else, and I shyly nod, but next second her expression change, as I sit on my knee, with a ring in my hand, wishing out-loud "Please be mine.. Please be my queen.. Let's be together forever.. Be a family..".

"I do" Yan shyly say as she come closer to me, letting me put the ring on her finger, and pulling me up, *Chuu*, kiss me while I raise my body, hanging herself by hugging me tightly.

... "Hmmm... You really love them..." Yan say with a blushing face, while sitting on my lap, back at the sun-bed, flirting together, knowing what's coming next, yet take our time, and I can't stop massaging her amazing bosom, really loving the feeling.

"... Why don't you put IT between them?" Yan asks while grabbing my erection, and lie-down, playing with her tits, and I sit on her stomach, right after taking all my clothes off, shoving my dick between her towering boobs, playing with them, while watching Yan getting hornier by the second, licking her lips in anticipation, and I slide a hand to the back, playing with her wet-pussy.

... "AHHH AHHHHH AHHHHHHYYYNNNNN..." Yan orgasm from my fingering, shivering sweetly, whispering ".. I want it in my mouth..", and I abide her will, standing, watching her going down to her knees, *Slurp...*, sucking my dick, while gazing into my eyes, making me moan, and cum, giving her what she wanted to drink so badly.

... "Want something to eat too?" I ask Yan, watching her swimming on a floating-wheel in the pool, drinking, waiting for me, answering "nope, come in here already", and I smile, and jump inside, diving underwater, just to reach her underwear, *rip* it off, and lick her tight-shut-pussy-lips.

"I want it!" Yan exhale in passion in the moment my head pop out of the water, seeing her swimming to the edge of the pool, where the water lower, barely reaching the knee, but she lie-down, with her face toward the ocean, and her back toward me.

"But I can't see your face..." I tell her as my hands roam around her, my dick rub against her awaiting love-hole, and she breath heavily, saying quietly "okay..", and stand, but I get her wish, and the moment she stand, together with me, I hug her from her back, turn her head aside, kiss her plump lips, and let my dick dig all the way in, pushing through the last-barrier of her adulthood, making her mine, feeling her pain, her pleasure, her excitement, her everything, exposing it all, shouting, moaning, to the open endless ocean view.

... After a long, slow, and passionate love-session, Yan finally have an orgasm, letting her whole body relax, like a bird out of the cage, having a blessed-smile, showing no worries on her beautiful face, and I wish to let her soak in it for now, helping her wear a new pink-swimsuit, and princess-carry her to the edge of the pool, not stopping to kiss, whispering our loving-words to each other nonstop.

"Let's go meet Grandpa-in-law soon?" I suggest, and Yan beam a huge smile, showing a tear rolling down her eyes, and I lick her face, enjoying the moment.


"Where are we? What's that island?", "Ayn, was it on purpose?", "What?", the girls chat in the control-room, till Robin asks me if I moved the ship on purpose to the island we're near to right now.

"Hmm... Here" I decide to transfer her my memory, and she burst laughing, looking toward Nami and Vivi, who shyly smile.

"We're near the government'-island, Enies Lobby, the judicial-island...", "Judicial?", I ask Robin who explains where we at, telling me "Yeah, you know, like in Earth, it's a fake-system, everyone who gets inside the court will be guilty, so don't dwell on it..." Robin answers, but I feel confused, asking "So why's there's a whole island without any meaning?", and she signal with her eyes she doesn't know.

"OMG, WHAT'S THAT??" few girls enter the control-room, exhaling in shock, pointing into the front, and Robin tell them "That's the gate of justice", making them respond shockingly "WHAT?!", "IT'S A GATE??", "It's so big!!!".

"Yeah, seems Robin ain't in for a trip here, and I can't go out without making the ship visible, so... Amazon-lily? Fishmen-island? Rusukaina? Dressrosa? Alabasta?" I keep asking for the next destination, wishing to continue the vacation, but the girls decide to chat while having lunch.

... "I wish to go back to my kingdom", "Me too", "Me three?", "I wonder how's the academy is doing", "I wish to see my child", ..., most of the girls wish to go back, and knowing there's some time inside Infinity, they decide to go back now, and till dinner I dedicate some private time to each girl before sending them in, while the ship is on the way to Point-Nemo, flying through the sky, invisible, planning to only send them at night.

At dinner more than half the girls are ready to leave, making the environment kinda quieter, but still high up, planning our nightly activities, while some girls asks me "what about the prisoners?..".

"Well, they're assassins, and even if I wiped their memories of us, there's a problem of them going without a punishment, but, if I put them inside the government-prison they'll just get free?.." I answer, pondering about it also, not finding any good solution for it.

"Can you hypnotize them, like, to do things?" Nami asks me, and I wonder about it, telling her "to a certain degree, but not something permanent.. Also, alternating their memories, it's a short-circuit that will quickly breaks".

"Cool!" Nami say, like she have some idea, and run to Robin, telling her "Can we make them confess for the crimes they did, and then, they'll become criminals for the government?", but Robin shake her head, yet smile to Nami'-care for her, saying "They probably weren't a part of it, so, it's useless? And to who will you show it? There's no internet, and the newspaper is probably on the government'-side".

"How's the techniques they use? Is it really that good?" I ask Lazuli, Tashigi, Grayfia, Yan, and Alison, the girls I asked to check out the techniques I took from their minds, as they represent four different world'-perceptions.

"This Rokushiki works on physical powers..." Grayfia tell me, and Lazuli smilingly adds "This training-regime is nice, if we combine it to our technique, somehow, it can create an amazing results", yet Yan complains "It's too hard to focus on so many different power systems, you know, like soul, chi, will, etc, and now physical-powers", and I nod in agreement, even though I feel I'm progressing in each of them, and the result is a complete body-and-soul advancement.

"Just remember, in the end of all things, it all connected..." I tell them, deciding to try it myself as well, and ask them "If any of you try it out, and find a result, good or bad, tell me please", and drop this issue off for now.

"So? What now?" Raki asks, and I smirk, hugging her to me, whispering "After dinner it's time to dessert?". "Meow!" Akeno crawl on six, coming near me, wearing a sexy pink lingerie, acting cutely, looking seductively, and behind her Koneko jumps while pouting, saying aloud "No! I'm Meow!", looking shyly at me, and a moment later her face turn really red, and she open up her shirt, showing her blue-bra to me, yet avert her eyes from me.

"You look sick, we better take care of this" Rias say, and looking aside, I see her and Grayfia in a sexy-nurse-costumes, smiling happily, and soon all the girls circle around me, but my gaze stuck on Bi-Bi'-dress, feeling like I'm about to drool from it, and it seems the girls notice it, giggling between themselves, and soon they all run away, making me easily understand what's awaiting for me soon enough.

"Nope, you lost, no no, You won!" I laugh and tell Rebecca, who's the last who left in the room, and *fwoosh*, in the moment she turn around to look at me, I make her clothes rip apart, as her face question me, yet she turn shy, comprehending my desire right now, as I hug her from behind, touching all of her, exposing all my lust for her.