
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH132: Vacation : Stepping inside an unfamiliar territory

In the bathroom, still playing around, with Akeno, Rias, and Lazuli, like an endless after-play, on the verge of another wild-4-some all again, I 'see' that the girls already inside the ship, filling the kitchen, the living-room, and some even sit around the table, sneaking bites, like they're too hungry to keep on waiting, and I decide to go and join them, breaking our party for now.

... "Where's Alison and where's Grayfia?" I ask the girls, but everyone tell me they haven't seen them, making me worry, as they're not the type to just not arrive in time without a really good reason.

"I'll go look for them" I tell everyone on the ship, warning them to be alert from intruders, passing to them what happened to me today when I went to pickup the boats, and they all understand the government in this world is a real headache, as the girls from this world tell them how insane it is, as all the girls never thought the whole world can fall under 1 regime, without even knowing who's ruling them, making them all victims to their power, and I smile, loving this conversation, but sadly jump outside the ship.

Flying from the ship, with my 6th-sense in maximum spread, I try to cover any point they'll probably walk through, as this beach is pretty deserted, kinda outside the island, out of it's walls, and only visible now because the water-level is so low right now, in comparison to the last times Iv'e been here, making me even suspect we're on a different islands, who's connected by a narrow stone strip.

'Where do devil-fruits come from?.. And if they grow in the wild, can we also find them if we look around uninhabited areas?.. Where can I find the research of that Vegapunk, that gas-man was from?...' my mind get off-track after some time of flying around, invisible, not finding them anywhere, and I decide to just fly toward the middle of the city, to the huge water-fountain on top, and look from there, using the supreme-eye-sight Iv'e got, mostly from the devil-fruit I took from Viola back then.

Getting closer to the top of the island, it's now obvious where they are, right there, at the top of the fountain, and shockingly, they're hurt, tied, surrounded by a bunch of men, plus, a woman, that Kalifa, who I just met before in the shipyard, but not caring about her much right now, as I arrive above them, I just release my powers in almost a rage, letting my haki flow toward them, yet control myself, as my wives are there.

In an instant, they all fall on their knees, as I press my will onto them, when suddenly I 'see' a bird flying in the sky, and without thinking I release an ice-spear, penetrating it's head, killing it, not wishing for intel to get out.

"AYNNNNNN" Alison roar in madness, tied-up, bleeding from several wounds, and her clothes torn apart, while Grayfia also tied-up, yet standing strong, but the moment I arrive she collapse to her knees, sweating all over, plus, wet, on her white clothes, and I grab them both and go to the side, hugging them, releasing them from the ropes, amazed to find out they've used sea-stone-chains, meaning they're resourceful bunch, but it didn't work against Grayfia.

Suddenly, remembering about my new sacred-gear powers, I create a space, swallowing all of us into an empty black space, just like the one I was trapped in, just smaller, and I watch one of them turn into a wolf, another then turn to a giraffe, and the last one into a leopard, acting like beasts, animals, predators, showing their fangs and teeth, with a strong blood-lust, including Kalifa, who got some bubbly-devil-fruit-power, coating herself in some bubbly-barrier.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA" I burst laughing, feeling the growing-blood-lust, telling them with a smirk, "This isn't a fight, this is a funeral", and now release my full power onto them, crushing them like bugs on the ground, making them grumble like turtles who turned on his back.

*Fwoosh*, the last one of them open a space-portal, who looks like a door, right beneath him, stretching his hand and body toward it, trying to escape inside of it, and I act quickly, not wishing to give them a chance to use any 'secret cards' they've got hidden.

I go to each of the man, *PUNCH! PUNCH! PUNCH! PUNCH!*, breaking their four limbs, amazed by their defense, but they're still way weaker than me, yet, it seems they're well-trained, not crying yet, even when they hear they're bones cracking, and I tie them up with sea-stone-chains, knowing they all got devil-fruits.

Standing above Kalifa, seeing her sad-gaze, while I tie her up, half my brain shouts to break her apart, while the other half wish to kiss those plump lips, making my brain fight my heart, and I just stand there, in a stupor, as we gaze into each other' eyes.

"That's sexual harassment" Kalifa complains, and that nonsense phrase make me relax, telling her "Nope, that's the kidnapping, sexual harassment is what will happen next, if you'll anger me a bit more", and I walk back to Alison and Grayfia, who're sitting on the ground, watching this one-sided-'fight', smiling happily.

"Let's ignore the fact you didn't called us... I'm sorry for leaving you alone... I'll be more protective in the future... Please forgive me..." I say as I sit on my knees, hugging both of them to me, as they shed tears quietly, smearing my clothes with tears, snot, mud, water, and whatnot.

"What now?" Grayfia asks, and I smile, saying "well, give me a moment to finish them off, then we'll decide what's next", and I go back to the bunch, cover their heads with black-bags, and begin extracting their devil-fruits, shocked to find it really easy, like they consumed it not long ago.

I store them together with a note of what I saw about it, from their memories, to also what I saw, and soon they're all passed-out, plus tied-up completely.

I go back to Grayfia and Alison, putting them on my back, as I turn to a giant-humanoid-dragon-form, then grab the bunch with my hands, turn invisible, cancel the space, and fly back to the ship.

'Girls! Come to the front-deck!' I send a telepathy massage, and soon the speakers also repeat what I said, while I drop everybody on the deck, turn to 'normal', and make the ship as a whole invisible, sitting on the ground with Grayfia and Alison in my lap, hugging them softly.

"What happened?", "Who are they?", "Are we under attack?", ..., the girls rain questions upon us as they're arriving to the deck, but I just show a relax manner, saying "Come closer, I'll transfer you the memories..", and do so with each, before turning to Alison and Grayfia.

"So?.. Can I read your minds or you want to speak what happened?" I ask, and Grayfia look at Alison, who show a sad smile, breath, and begin telling us what happened, as we all sit in a huge circle on the deck, while some begin treat them for the wounds they've got, even if it's shallow scratches, but the blood isn't a nice view to look at.

"... But when I refused to identify myself, and just escaped, he began chasing me, and before I knew it, there was a bunch of them chasing me, so I went toward the direction Grayfia was at, because I was sure we can get away easily, but then, that woman appeared out of nowhere, shooting some bubbles at me, and I couldn't move, then the man wearing black, with the horns, came out of some space-door, tied me up, and right then Grayfia appeared...".

Grayfia continue speaking after this point, telling us "Since Alison became a hostage I tried to play along, letting them think they've got us, planning to just escape the moment they let their guards down, but suddenly few more came, so I began fighting, and just then, you came to us".

"Oh, then, I was worried for nothing..." I *sigh*, knowing I arrived in the moment the fight just started, assuming Grayfia could've won by herself, but then remember those devil-fruits, who create an irregular-fighting-powers, like space, bubble, or beasts, which isn't sure.

"What now?" the girls ask, looking at the tied-bunch near us, but feeling Robin in-turmoils for some reason, as they're really strong, I try pry this energy out, and she suddenly say out loud "I think they're the government agency who massacred the whole island I'm from, making me the only survivor... I'm still a fugitive, hunted, like a pirate, since then...".

I *teleport* behind Robin, hugging her, feeling her emotions, even behind her 'outside-cool-attitude', hiding her eyes with sunglasses, and I snuggle her to me close, asking-out-loud "Wanna destroy this agency?.. There's few members who weren't with them, but they're somewhere close-by probably, at least that's what their memories said, even though their leader is some crazy man...".

"It won't bring my mother back to life, or my island, so what's the point?" Robin respond.

"Let's let it sink a bit... Any idea what to do with those people now?" Mia break the conversation apart, and I add "Yeah, I'm hungry", biting Robin neck, making her *giggle* cutely.

"Information" Robin say, and we can understand what she mean, so I declare "let's lock them in for now, and when they'll wake up I'll try erasing their memories, if I can't, then we'll decide then, but they saw Alison, Grayfia, and me, so, it's a problem probably... Lunch time!".


Sitting on the front-deck, close to sunset, thinking about all the information we've got from interrogating the bunch, I'm kinda shaken, knowing it's all went down by Kalifa, who somehow got intel about us, following the girls since yesterday, by getting intel-leads from another government-agency, CP0, which wear white-clothes and masks, a thing that keep their identities a complete unknown to me, or those bunch, from CP9, probably ranking them 9 ranks below them.

Grayfia come over to me, while I'm here alone, pondering, with a pink-bikini under a pink-dress, sitting in front of me, saying "Thanks for watching my back around that evil bitch... I still don't know how she found us...", and I smile, saying "Always happy to help!", and pull her to sit on my lap.

Feeling her hand roam around my nether-region, I softly kiss her neck, still gazing at the open-sea, thinking, but feeling her amazing body over me, I unconsciously begin to rip apart her clothes, like I'm opening a birthday-present.

Seeing the dress'-leftover-fabric fall on the floor, Grayfia stand up, bending down with her body on the table, and her bubbly-butt, with a mere thong covering it, in front of my face, and I stretch my hand, playing with the thong, saying "Bon appetite", and eat her up, and on the first moan she turn around, take my pants down, hold my dick, and pull me into her, fucking her with all Iv'e got till she has a fully-satisfied-face, escaping inside, wishing to help make dinner.

... Remaining outside, watching the sunset, back to my thoughts, Alison come in front of me now, in a tight-blue-dress, full with jewelries, and high-heels, looking seductively at me, and I smile back, guessing what's coming, yet my mind is another place.

"Oh, Hi! What are you doing here alone? Waiting for someone?" Alison asks, and I answer "Nope. Just resting for a moment". Alison smirks, asking "WHAT?! Did you say you want a lap-dance? Are you a pervert?.. I'm not a stripper!", and I play along, guessing it got something with Kalifa word-play, as it turned me on hearing her saying 'sexual harassment' kinda, so I tell her "nope, am not, that's not what I said, I just want to...".

"Hmpf! OKAY! You talked me into it!.." Alison say as she slowly walk toward me, "..I'll undress for you already!..", her hands open up her dress, exposing her amazing body, with the sun disappearing right behind her back, blocking my view, as I say "But... I just want to...", but the moment I speak she drop down her dress, occupying my lustful mind from seeing the sun going away.

"Seeing something you like?" Alison turn her head while dancing on my lap, shaking her ass on my dick, and while telling her "only one thing..", I grab her by her waist, pulling her to me, take off her lingerie, till she completely naked, sitting on me, still dancing, I whisper "..You", hold my dick, aim it to her, and she blush, looking back at me, and she slowly descend down, keeping up with her sexy dance, till my dick is all the way inside her wet pussy.

... On the deck, on a bed, Alison ride on top of me, dancing, fucking, stopping for a moment, and I avert my eyes to the direction she's looking at, signaling with her hand, seeing Bulma, looking really charming, in a white-black dress, like a princess, coming toward us, and shortly after she's already riding on me, instead of Alison, who's sitting on my face.

'It's that late' I think as I see lots of stars in the sky, and raise my body, dropping Alison on top of Bulma, with me sitting with my dick still inside Bulma, and while I begin fucking, fingering, the two, they begin kissing, with their bodies, boobies, smearing against each other, making me go so rough I don't think they'll be able to come to dinner.


Sitting in the kitchen, watching the girls move around, cooking, chatting, I grab Robin'-hand, pulling her to me, and she sit on my lap, with a face somewhere between sad to absent-minded, looking down to the floor, and not choosing the easy way out, like reading her mind, I try communicate with her, brushing her back with my hand, while staring at her alluring lips, beautiful eyes, and kiss the back of her hand.

"Hmm, do you want a child?" I ask Robin after few minutes of silence, already playing with the kimono she's wearing. *Giggle*, Robin raise her head, showing a blushing-alluring-smile, playing with her hair, and tell me "Is that what you want?" while gazing into my eyes.

"Of course I do, but, you're so pre-occupied with the past, that I can't imagine any better solution to always think about the future than a child... Escapism isn't always denial, it can also be acceptance, optimism, and the will to pursuit happiness" I answer, "..Plus, didn't you asked me about a child?".

"Hehe, really, you get it all wrong, but thanks" Robin say and try to get up, but I hug her tightly, not letting her move, whispering "don't try to act cool, little girl", and bite her neck, beginning to flirt with her, until the girls call us to join the dining-table.

... "PARTY!", "But the island seems to be unsafe?", "Then party in here?", "Is there a theme to the party?", "Oh! Fancy party! I want a fancy party!", "Dresses and such?", "Yeah!", ... , the girls discuss our plans for tonight after dinner, eating desserts, and I'm still with Robin on my lap, treating her like a little-child, which entertain the girls watching her blush cutely from this situation, and I finally decide she's okay, letting her go, but wink to Mia, so she can make sure she's really over the hurdle.

... "Yeah, she's okay, but..." Mia whispers to me in the side, right before entering the party-hall the girls set up, and I smirk, hugging her to me, kissing her neck, whispering "So beautiful that I can't hold myself back seeing you, my lovely wife", and she cutely giggle, and run away inside, with me following behind her.

"Now entering! Prince charming! From the kingdom of the lost heroes and forgotten dragons! Ayn!" Alison joke around with a microphone in her hand, making the whole vibe happy, and I see Robin smiling genuinely, while chatting with Yuena, next to Junko and Erlong.

Walking inside, the girls, in beautiful wears, all with fancy dresses, looking so fine and proper it feels like a real event, dine and drink while standing around small high-tables, and I focus on saying 'hi' to everyone, but my mind stuck on two of them mostly.

Yan, standing against the bar, in a tight-sexy-black-dress, drink while watching the scenes around her, look so good, so cute, it hurt, realizing I put her on hold enough, and except her, there's also Tsubaki, who drip out sexiness and lust, sneaking gazes upon me, showing off her body in a revealing-open-back-white-dress, and I can't hold myself from sneaking gazes at her amazing body.

While Alison announce "And now, for the artistic performances of the night, ladies and big-bad-dragon, welcome to the stage, the fiery-fairy!", and as she giggle the end of the sentence, the lights dim down, while I'm sitting in a table near Conis, surrounded by the girls.

From the end of the party-hall, head-lights shine on a spot, where Bi-Bi appears, in a ballerina-clothes, dancing to a ballet-tune, beautifully, majestically, captivating everybody to pure silence.

A moment after, more and more girls, in ballerina clothes, pop out, syncing together to a mesmerizing view, like watching a beautiful bird-flock in awe, creating a circle, when suddenly a fire-phoenix, Junko, in her spirit-mode, just small, fly in the middle, and between them, making it a real fiery-fairies dance, while her fire create an after-image of a woman dancing.

... *CLAP,CLAP,CLAP,...*, the girls get a standing ovation, as everyone applause for their amazing show, and I think 'It's nice not always just going for the erotic-route, art is such a wonderful thing...', but my thoughts cut short, really short, realizing there's a girl under the table, who take off my pants.

"For our next performance, 'The beauty, The beast, and The magical-girl!" Alison say a weird sentence, making me stare at the stage in stupor, realizing Mia is playing a magical-instrument, like a guitar, while Siege model as a beautiful-caged-beast, dancing elegantly, and Serafall pose as a magical-girl, creating one of the weirdest combo-show I ever saw.

*Slurp!*, my focus break a moment later that show start, taking me by so much surprise, moving the table-cover a bit, and seeing one of the last one I would guess be there, Sona, making a naughty face, one that I never saw before, but knew she probably had in her, seeing her sister personality, and feel her passion, patting her beautiful-face, pushing her deeper into me, letting her play with my stick while her sister is dancing in front of my eyes.

"mmmmmm" I hide my moan with a glass I'm drinking from, sneaking endless gazes down at Sona'-beautiful face, taking her glasses off, roaming with my hand on her perfect-round-face, her red-plump-lips, those soft cheeks, that naughty tongue, who lick my finger, right before going back to licking my dick, whispering "i love you", and push the back of her head, making her go lower and lower, making me feel like my dick is an active volcano mountain, on the verge of exploding my hot lava all over her face, but hold myself back, wishing to enjoy even one more second in this bliss.

"iloveyou, iloveyou, iloveyou, ..." I moan openly, move the table-cover, not minding any thing other than Sona now, feeling like something is changing in me, as I fill Sona'-mouth, watching her swallow it all, while we gaze at each other, not minding the girls around us, who noticed it all long ago, and I'm feeling like Sona knows me, or at least something about me, that even I don't know about myself.