
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH128: Vacation : Dancing on poles

'I can't believe I got that many wives... How did I even got into such a situation?.. This reality... From self-doubts, to now, as I feel mature, and completed, I realize having so many women can be a toll for any kind of man... But... I ain't goona let a single one go, that's for sure...' I think as I stare at all the women, ready to go to our adventure.

"Sea!", "No, we said Luna-park!", "Wait, why not water-park, both together in the same time?", "Oh! There's a water-park in Point-Nemo!", ... , The girls chatting, talking, arguing, moving around, and I focus on all of them, every single one, knowing I have to protect them all, from anything, anywhere, as we go travel together, even if they're really strong themselves, plus, giving attention to each, caring, feels like what a relationship is truly about.

It seems the girls notice my attention, as each smile to me, now noticing I'm focused on all of them, even Monet, who kinda seems out-of-place, more so with Viola'-resentment toward her, but she show none of it now to her sister, Sugar, and I'm not even sure why they came here, yet let the girls hold account for what's going on, as until now they're keeping the dynamics here between them all just perfect.

... After more than an hour going around Point-Nemo, traveling in the city, I'm next to a few girls, who already standing next to the water, some even dip their legs inside, and I declare, in telepathy, to all the girls that we'll head to the water-park now.

... On the top of a huge water-slide, having fun all over the water-park, I board a sledge together with the girls, never letting my focus off each one of them, releasing so much king-haki to the civilians here, it feels like I'm here for training, not having fun, but in the moment the girls hug around me, it all worth it, enjoying those ethereal beauties pushing their soft bodies upon me, feeling soft bosoms, butts, and all in bikinis, sticking to me nonstop.

... *splash! splash! splash!...*, the girls run around, with water-guns, splashing water all over, even 'cheating' with powers, creating water-waves, we make the whole place look like a giant-pool, laughing happily, and I notice that the water-park and Luna-park is actually the same place, but call the girls, calling them for lunch.

... "Ahhhh" Rias cutely come next to me, as I eat desert, closing her eyes, open her mouth, and I feed her, and soon go around, feeding all the girls, wives or not, playing around in a private-area here, as we're a large enough group, even without the fact I'm the ruler of this place, and people kinda act like I'm some sort of a god, no matter how much I'm telling them to call me a 'king'.

... After an hour of chill and rest, we moved toward the Luna-park, and I'm busy now between talking to officials, who came find me as they heard I'm here, to threatening and beating some enthusiastic-men who have delusions about my women, and also flying around, invisible, taking pictures and videos of the girls, getting few of them that I will one day show our children, and laugh at that moments we're having right now.

... By nightfall, after a quick dinner in the food-stools, the girls light up again, running around the place, so happily, so lively, that I'm in a daze, moving between the groups they've formed, spending time with each, wishing to also enjoy this moments to the fullest.

... When fireworks light up the sky, all the girls start gathering around me, as I went to arrange it all, and came back to watch it with them, and I'm surrounded by love.

... Back at the house, we all prepare a formal nightly-dinner together, and the whole palace filled with lovely noises of women, chattering, moving, doing different things, all around the place, till we finally come together, to the huge dining-room, finally ready to dine, and I finish transporting energies to Snowy, as I do daily, and join all.

*Yawn...*, I feel tired, as the whole day sink down on me, feeling like today was the biggest, or rather longest, battle I ever been in, never taking my mind off even a single girl, putting out fires before they can even happen.

The girls *giggle* around me, as many hands pat my head, making me sit in the head-chair, and Alison, Wu, and Junko, come next to me, whispering "..we know what will wake you up..", but I just smile, waking myself up, telling them "After dinner?", and they smile, nod, and we begin having dinner.

By the time dinner finish, including deserts, the girls already move around the hot-spring, the pagoda near it, and the bed-and-rest-area close-by, as I tell them in telepathy, "I hope you're ready to see the biggest thing you'll ever see!", and laugh in my head.

While girls begin coming toward me, wondering what I'm talking about, I turn gigantic, and with it, I'm now bare naked, and as I sit on my knees, with my dick exposed, erected, and standing like a huge-horizontal-pole, and the girls begin playing with it.

Few girls lick it from below, while some squishing their bodies upon it, and some just focus on the head of it, licking it with joy, few begins to climb up, riding on it like it's a horse, masturbating their wet-pussies on it, barely tickling it, as I enjoy the view more than the touches, until Shirahoshi suddenly turn giant again, trying to suck my dick, but she can't take the size.

Suddenly, Yuena turns gigantic, inside the hot-spring, making it look more like a bath than a pool by how big she is, and as she smile to me, I smile back, going toward her, while holding the girls in my hand, or letting them ride my dick, and sit down at the edge of the hot-spring, with only my legs in the water, in front of Yuena.

*Slurp... kiss,lick,hug...*, Yuena fellatio me, while the girls join her, and I'm enjoying this mass-fellatio, being touched by mouths, hands, boobs, pussies, and whole sexy womanly bodies, stretching my hands to Yuena'-horns, 'helping' her move back and forth on my shaft.

"More... I want it inside of me..." Yuena seductively says as she move back, laying down in the water, and I grab the women in my hands, putting them all on Yuena, as I go above her, sliding my dick into her, as she create an opening in her underwear for me.

... "AHHhhhhh..." Yuena moan-shout, raising her body up, making the girls fall into the water, as she's having an orgasm, and her whole face turn red from passion, hugging me, kissing me, and shake her body on my shaft.

I turn smaller, together with Yuena, who can't hold her size anymore, or just don't want to, and I suddenly feel 'the hot-spring is huge...', as it felt like a bath a moment ago when I was gigantic. Looking around the place, the girls playing, chilling, drinking, and few yuri-play with each other, arising my lust from deep in my soul to go grab them and join in.

"One. One Two. Can everybody hear me?... Okay! Night party will begin shortly! Come to the dance-hall in 30 minutes!" I hear girls announcing in the audio-system, and feel bummed, but happy, knowing it's probably going to be something insanely good.


Walking around the party, while loud music is playing in this dark dancing-hall, the girls kinda ignore me, as they're drinking, playing, dancing, chilling, and I take photos and videos, while noticing the big-stage in the middle, with striptease-poles on it, with some girls 'practicing' on it, and I can sorta guess what's coming next, as I'm led to a sofa, right in front of the stage.

"Ladies and a gentleman! Welcome! Conis?...", Zhuqing shy voice come from the speakers, as the music stops, and Conis continue after her, saying "... Me and Zhuqing, the MVPs of the first two competition, announce the beginning of the 'Dance the pole Competition!'. Ladies, please come backstage...".

"Every one has only two tries, be it in single, duo, or group. You can dance on whichever pole you see fit. Please write the song you wish to have few minutes before...", Zhuqing explains the rules, and Conis finish it with "...Wish us all fun! Time! To! Party!".

A song begin playing, while I'm the only one left here, on a sofa, when two head-lights shine on the stage, lighting up on the two dancing-poles, and Conis, in the same clothes as yesterday, blue-playboy-bunny, and Zhuqing, in a white-bikini, are there, dancing on the pole, smiling to me.

I set the camera, leaving it be, and enjoy the show, while also taking out money-bills out, throwing it on the stage, participating happily in this 'party', while wondering 'How they decide who wins? What's the reward really? Am I allowed to go on stage?...'.

By the middle of the song Conis and Zhuqing move toward me slowly, till they're right next to me, dancing each on a leg of mine, yet not allowing me to touch them, and I pout, looking down, seeing my erection want to get loose, as they laugh, taking off my pants, also taking off their clothes, and while Zhuqing dance on my lap, with her back to me, Conis sit on her knees, between my legs, licking Zhuqing, and fellatio me, as an intense 3-some erupts.

... "For our first contestant! Welcome to the stage! The Vomi-duo! Beau and Umi!", Conis talk to a microphone, now sitting on a nearby sofa, with Zhuqing, operating the music, camera, lights, etc, leaving me alone, as music begin playing, and Umi and Beau enter the stage with sexy bikinis, dancing on the poles.

After half a minute Beau already jumps toward me, saying "I better use this pole!", with her back to me, spreading her ass-cheeks apart, and *Plop!plop!plop!..*, begin reverse-cow-girl me, while Umi come to her, and I hug them both, squishing them together on top of me, sucking both nipples, fucking them till the song stops, and we sadly separate.

"Welcome to the stage, Roxanne!" Zhuqing announce, and Roxanne, in a black-lingerie, go on stage, crouching on the pole, when music starts, lights change to a sexy-red, and she start dancing sexually, when suddenly she stops, standing at the edge of the stage, and *Fwoosh*.

Roxanne glow, as her whole hair turns white, her doggy-ears transform to a wolf-ears, and she stand there with a smug on her face, and a second later jumps toward me, roaring "RAWRRRR" cutely, with a shy face, jumping upon me.

As I'm already bare naked, she just shove my dick inside of her, and from over excitement, I flip us over, standing, while she's sitting on the sofa, with her legs high-up, near my head, and I ram my dick in and out of her in a craze, making her moan even stronger than the music, knowing our time is limited.

... The girls keep coming, dancing, playing around, and as I never leave the sofa, watching with joy, till we fuck, they're going down on me, or I'm going on down on them, the fucking pole competition keeps on going, still at round 1, still not leaving my sofa.

When Tsubaki comes up on stage, together with Lazuli, who has a strap-on-dildo on her, and I watch Tsubaki playing with it, smirking to me, I feel all hell break loose, not willing to watch another thing enter my women, except my own pole, I jump onto the stage, *RIP!* all Lazuli'-clothes, push her to the wall, while pushing my dick from behind, while also raising Tsubaki into the air, put my head under her skirt, and eat her pussy through her panties, shouting "Mine! Only mine!", as I make the two orgasms nonstop, till few girls stops me.

"Welcome to the stage, Wu and Mia, the ethereal Bunnies!" Conis announce as I walk back to the sofa, after caring Lazuli and Tsubaki to a nearby sofa, kissing them lovingly, and they smile happily back at me.

Wu, in a red-kimono-dress, dancing on a pole, and Mia, in a black-playboy-bunny-suit, dancing on a pole next to her, and I don't know where to focus my eyes.

Wu rip apart her dress, showing a red-playboy-bunny-suit, but a moment after, Mia rip apart part of her clothes, shaking her bubbly-butt to me, and Wu rip apart her clothes, now in a revealing lingerie, sliding her body on the pole, with her boobs and pussy squishing on it, and I see Mia looking at me, smirking, winking an eye, and I laugh, jumping up the stage, pulling Mia with me, toward Wu, having a fucking dance on the pole.


"She might be the youngest contestant, but she has the most enthusiasm! Welcome to the stage! The legendary Aisa!" Conis say in half-a-laugh, while the rest already laughing, but I'm a bit surprised, finding out she's here, in this sex-den-party, but Vivi raise her head, stopping to lick my half-exposed dick, as it's half inside Rebecca, who lie under her, tell me with a giggle "you knew what will happen if you brought her inside Infinity, didn't you?", and I smirk shyly, take my dick out of Rebecca, and shove it inside Vivi'-mouth, who has hearts in her eyes, gagging my dick happily.

I avert my eyes to stage, as music start playing, and Aisa come forth, jumping on the pole, cutely dancing on it, making me think 'she grew way too fast... and much more voluptuous than I imagined...', and I stare at her huge breast smeared on the pole, then how she striptease, remaining in yellow-lingerie, and I honestly think 'I never want to let her go.. To be someone'-else... Make her mine, and mine only..'.

Aisa goes off stage when the song ends, going back-stage happy, yet shy, smiling cutely to me, and from there, a row of devil-girls begin coming, one after the other, and each time I go on stage, deciding to eat them all up, till they give me to drink some of their love.


After a whole bunch of devils round, suddenly Koneko comes back, to another round, in a red-one-piece-bikini, with black-high-heels, beginning to dance shyly, seductively, with her body showing maturity.

I can't hold back on her anymore, going to sit on the stage, brushing my hands on her evolved body, amazed by the way she moves, dances, seducing me, understanding that her 'sage art' is a real-thing, a really sexy thing.

two hands pat my head, and I look to the sides, seeing two girls standing next to me, kicking away the money I keep throwing on the stage, and Alison tells me "There's few girls who haven't come out yet, please don't break the show?", then she smirk to me, turn her head toward Junko, and the two begin kissing, arousing me, and I quickly kiss Koneko, grab Alison and Junko onto my shoulder, and go back to the sofa, watching Koneko while playing with those two teasing-blondies, smashing their pussies in a craze of lust.

... "Yesterday an enemy, today a contestants, and who knows what will happen tomorrow!..", Conis talk in the microphone, and in growing-interest I sneak a peek back-stage, 'seeing' Sugar and Monet ready to come on up, "...Welcome to the stage, the duo-green-sisters! Monet and Sugar!".

*Music playing*, Monet and Sugar go up stage, dancing happily on the poles, circling around, in golden-clothes, filled with ornaments, and I wonder if the girls will protest if I'll go up stage, but as I look at them, they look back at me, and push me forward.

Climbing to stage, Sugar already taking off her clothes, remaining in a golden-bikini, and I go before her, kissing her lips, hugging her as my hands roam her sexy body, amazed how different she look now, as she had a look of 10-year-old-child when we met, even if she's 22-years-old, and while doing so, I feel a hand on my crouch, breaking the kiss, seeing Monet stretching her hand, still on the pole, but her hand jerking me off, and I go to her, look into her eyes, kissing her. touching all over her sexy body, as now my back against the pole, and Monet and Sugar dance on me, smiling happily.

... "We will now begin the second round!..." Conis announce, "All-you-can-eat! Girls, ready yourself for 1-versus-all! Go Go Go!", and right after she finish, a loud music starts, all the girls coming out from everywhere, dancing all over the place, having fun, while some chill, drink, play, but I'm surrounded, pulled up on stage, and feast my eyes, and hands, soon also my dick, with the girls here.

Chi-Chi, in a black-sport-bra, and black-yoga-pants, dance on the pole, in the air, with her legs in 180-degrees, and I go to her, rip a hole in her pants, and shove my dick into her wet-pussy, fucking her on the pole, while girls dance around us, holding her legs, kissing her lips, or play with her bosom, and Lana even slide from the top of the pole, landing with her ass on my face, and I happily eat her up.

'I better win this...' I think as I decide to start 'cheating', making my dick vibrate, seeing Chi-Chi having an orgasm quickly, make my tongue vibrate, feeling Lana squirting her love-juices in my mouth, and I move to the pole besides us.

Shirahoshi, in her normal-human-mode, hanging on the pole, in a pink-kimono-dress, smiles to me, as I put a hand on her waist, the other on her leg, and shove my dick inside her exposed-pussy, tearing apart her dress with my teeth, sucking her amazing breast, and the moment she breaks, cumming, I feel Nami under me, between my legs, shoving my dick into her mouth, and stretch a tentacle to her pussy.

Suddenly Rongrong slide upside-down on the pole, and I grab her face, kissing her passionately, but let her keep on sliding down, kissing her neck, bosom, stomach, till I hold her legs, kissing her pussy, feeling my dick goes inside a pussy, but by now I can't see a thing, as so many girls around me, touching, smearing their bodies, licking me, and I drawn in ecstasy, fucking fighting back with all Iv'e got, making love puddles everywhere, with everyone, as the party peak just beginning.