
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH127: Vacation : Ayn-Cup

Walking around, I look at Grayfia, sitting with a sexy-tight-black-dress, looking marvelous, and she look back at me, making a cute-pose, putting a leg over the other.

I smile happily, and she stand up, coming toward me, and I steal the bunny-ear-hair-bow off her head, putting it on mine, saying "Squick?", and she *giggle*, asking "What?", and I ask her "What sound does a rabbit do?", and she *giggle* again, while walking to a sofa nearby, sitting down.

"You look like you had a bit too much to drink. Come here and lay on my lap, darling.." Grayfia say as she pat her lap, and I go there, doing as she suggested, snuggling my head on her lap, looking up, at her huge bosom, poking it with my finger happily.

She steal the bunny-ear-hair-bow back, putting on her head, and I slide my hands up, but just grab her boobs, and she shyly laugh.

"What about mine?" I feel someone sit on me, and looking there, Akeno, in a tight-red-dress, asking me, while playing with her boobs, and I keep playing with Grayfia bosom with one hand, and with the other pull Akeno toward me.

"I love you, I love you so fucking much" I talk-mumble as Akeno bring her face closer to me, but suddenly Rias sits next to her, moving her a bit to the side, and she and Akeno begin whispering between themselves, posing to me, in sexy red dresses, making my lust go through the roof that this place doesn't have, as we're in a balcony.

"Look! Look how cute Sona is!" Serafall comes while caring Sona in her hands, both in black-lingerie, falling on top of me.

I sit up, kiss Grayfia, then Serafall, Sona, and then Akeno and Rias, when suddenly Koneko come, grab my head by the cheeks, and *Chuuuuu*, kiss me cutely, making us all laugh in joy, as we cuddle on the sofa.

*Push!*, "ahhhhh, Robinnnn", Tashigi exhale, as she fall upon us, or more like me, as the girls give her space, and I grab her for a hug, looking eye-to-eye, face-to-face, while my energies going wild, all around the place, flowing to the whole place, feeding the flower-trees so much, a rain of flowers happens, and I kiss Tashigi.

When our kiss break apart, Tashigi gives me a gentle-loving-smile, her eyes show so much positive emotions, I truly feel loved, between all those women, wishing to make them my wives, and to lustfully make love to them, seeing her erected-nipples through her shirt.

"Let's go! The nightly-competitions-marathon begins soon!" Perona comes next to us, and the girls smile, going after her, after pecking me a quick kiss and run away, while I try to remember what exactly is planned for now.

'Ah, I wish Infi was here...' I think as I watch all the girls cuddle together, chatting, leaving me in the sofa alone, and I hear <*Laugh*, I'll give you one point in my good-point for that>.

'I love you, Infi, no matter how you look alike, or what past you had... I just love you...' I think, and hear her giggle in my head, but say nothing.

The girls put shirts, with different colors, separating to groups, while I see Erlong come next to me, telling me "I'm the judge, it's goona be fun! Oh, by the way, you're the VC, here's the microphone..", and give it to me.

I wonder 'what kind of thing we're doing.. but more than that..', I stand up, before Erlong leaves, hypnotized by her sexiness in her tight-white-shirt, with black-leather-pants, and black-high-heels, hugging her from behind, whispering to her ear "good luck to us", *Chuu*, kiss her neck, "Don't judge me, okay?", *Chuu*, "you sexy judge", *Chuu*, "You know, I love you", *Chuu*.

Erlong *giggle*, as I pull her onto me, snuggling on my lap, letting my hands roam around her sexy body, taking off her shirt, exposing her white-lingerie, while fondling her amazing bosom, and move my hands down, taking off her pants, while she play with her hair, and suddenly asks me "What do you think about me?".

I stop moving, give her a kiss on her cheek, and say, while pushing her down on the sofa, laying above her, "I love you, I lust for you, with all the good, and bad, in you... I can clearly see you have you own past, scars you carry, be it childhood, or adulthood, BUT...", I peck a kiss on her lips, before whispering "Whatever life we had, before we met, were the reason we are now here, together, Then, then I don't regret a thing...".

She tease me, with enchanting gaze, playing with her bra, and I brush her hair, telling her "Yeah, I wish to marry you, to be together forever, and I'll wait, as long as needed, to let you decide when and how, so... Take your time, my love, because even if I'll one day discover your my cousin or something, I won't let you go... Even if I'll discover your mama had a dubious profession, it won't effect my love for you even a bit...".

Erlong hide her face, and pull me close to her, so I hug her close, not letting anyone see her break apart, as she *sob...* quietly, hiding from the girls, and I turn her invisible, whispering it to her, so she'll fully relax, and let it all go, like she's always caring her scars, letting it hold-her-down instead of pushing-her-forward.

After a few minutes, Erlong finally relax, taking off all her clothes, raising her head, and seeing my eyes wide open, her mood turns even better.

I wipe her tears, helping her wear a bikini, as it seems the competitions will be around the pool, or hot-spring, as the girls changed to swimsuits as well, and Erlong finally beam a smile, touching my cheek, saying "Crybaby...", and I realize I have tears down my cheek, probably by reading her memories, and kinda breaking apart, knowing she was abandoned by her father, lost her mother in young age, and then abandoned by her fiancee before the wedding, truly a painful scars.

"I think I need a kiss to heal myself" I say in a pout, and she laugh, grab a whistle-blower, and make a loud noise, while walking away, as strong-light-bulbs lit up all around the place, and she tell me "Your turn to start the thing!".

*Sigh*, 'That was... Ahh...', *sigh*, I stand up, change my clothes with a quick-spell, and walk toward all the girls, who divided to 8 groups of 5 each, putting the microphone 'ON', and speak.

"Welcome, my dear ladies, for the annual competition of... Ayn-Cup! We have gathered the best women in the universe, all here, the best in their fields, to decide, once a year, who's the best! And tonight! We're goona discover who will that be! ... ".

The girls burst laughing, as I throw nonsense words to the air, as I actually know nothing about what we're about to do right now, so I just wing it.

"For the first competition! Ladies, if you will...", and I point at Erlong hope she'll get the hint, and get whatever suppose to happen happen, and she smirk cutely, make a noise with her whistle, and the whole thing start.

... "Lazuli really is a force to be reckon with! Look at her rhythm! Her quick steps!" I talk as the girls in the middle of a shopping-carts-race, for some reason in maid-costumes, running around the palace in a craze, and I'm flying above, narrating it.

... "Grayfia and Alison, the police-officers you don't wanna mess with!..", I speak as a costume-competition now in progress, enjoying it to the maximum, as the girls just keep getting more daring with it, "...And look over at Yuena, the supreme sexy captain!.. Oh, Rongrong, in a, uhm, sexy devil-lord? amazing!.. Pashia! the witch, wuu, uhm, a sexy witch! wait, maybe she's a succubus! Yeah, a succubus!.. And here coming Shirahoshi and Yan! Wow! A, uhm, are you trying to kill me here, you sexy aliens?...".

... By the time a few competitions keep on rolling, my boner is clearly standing there, and once Erlong announce the next activity, I think I'm not going to make it back in one piece, as there's now a legitimately a 'Boob contest', and I'm given the position of a judge, meaning, I need to measure 40 pairs of boobs, weight them, and fondle them, to give a total-score from it.

The girls all go away, changing to new swimsuits soon after, arriving in a white-bikinis, with black-dotes, like a cow-skin, with barely their nipples hidden there, and my eyes almost pop out of their sockets from the view I'm seeing.

From weighting boobs on a scale, which purely seems funny, to pinching nipples with some weird-device, not even sure what it's suppose to tell me, but enjoying this stupidity too much, I'm 'losing it', as I measure Roxanne bosom, beginning to poke my fingers on her boobs, acting like I'm some professional appraiser. The girls protest, deciding of a new competition, boob-slaps, which sounds as good as it is, as I made to sit on a chair, and each girl slap my face with her bosom, which is so soft.

Suddenly, I hear Bi-Bi and Sugar protest, and I go hug them, telling them "Bi-Bi, you're faking a pout, ain't ya? And Sugar, you're young, just look at your sister...", and we look toward Monet, posing her bosom proudly to us.

... 'Hmm, it's time to break it off, and release it all' I think with a smirk, and announce "The last competition will begin now! Each team can do whatever they want! Including any power they have! To make me cum as fast as they can!".

The girls cheer, like it's what their plan to begin with, or even shocked I can hold myself back till now, even though I spent most of this day with my dick inside a woman, and they all go make their preparation, as I sit on a sofa, next to Erlong, who asks me "Doesn't the first team will have a lead?".

"Nah, it will flatten the field, cause the team with least points will go first" I respond, putting my hand on her shoulder, teasing her by putting my empty glass between her boobs, asking "Can you pour me something to drink please?", and she blush cutely, doing so.

When Erlong bring me the drink, and I pull her to my lap, she whispers to me "Iv'e got an idea.. why not make it more challenging.. If you make a girl cum, it means she's out?", and we both smirk at each other, liking this idea, announcing it loudly, hoping they hear it, wherever they're right now, preparing.


Being called to the game-room in the cloud-palace, I think 'That's the team with the least point, and more than that, the combo is just weird, having Sugar and Viola, who probably still has resentment because of all that happened in Dressrosa, Tsubaki and Koneko, which I haven't made love to, but they got Conis, who bring a lot to the...'.

I stare as I enter the room, thinking 'Conis really bring a lot to the table!', looking at her sitting on a card-table, playing with cards, with a blue-and-black-playboy-bunny-suit, and a white-bunny-ears, smirking to me.

"The food has arrived" Conis say with a blush on her face, yet licking her lips in temptation, making a sexy pose.

I look around, seeing Koneko come close to me, acting really shy, fidgeting, while Tsubaki behind her, sitting on a sofa, both in a black-playboy-bunny-suit, looking appetizing.

Before I can do anything, Conis already coming over, together with Viola, who's also in black, pointing to a sofa, like asking me to sit down, and I do so, while Tsubaki come sit to my right, Koneko happily jump to my left, and as my hands roam to the right, sliding under Tsubaki'-suit, holding her breast, pulling her closer to me, and my left hand roam on Koneko'-butt, we watch Conis and Viola yuri-love, flirting, touching each other, and their bosoms squish together.

"Tadam!" Sugar, or at least I think it's her, stand in front of me, in blue, and I ask in confusion "Sugar?", and she *giggle*, dance in circles, before sitting between my legs, and say "Yep! After my powers were gone I can finally grow up now! It stopped ever since I ate the devil-fruit Don-Flamingo gave me! But now! Look!", and she pose her bosom, when suddenly I feel Koneko shove her bosom on my head.

"Koneko? How?" I ask in confusion, again, seeing her bosom got bigger, and while she tells me about how she begin awakening her powers, ever since she let the free since meeting me, it affected her growth-rate that much, I suck her nipples, licking her bosom, as my hand slide down over Tsubaki'-body, going under her thong, rubbing her wet-pussy, and Sugar pull off my pants, and then move aside.

In front of my eyes, Viola sit on six, with her back to me, and Conis is next to her, holding her bubbly-butt. Viola tell me shyly "Ayn... I miss you... Deep inside of me... Please... Give this bunny.. your... carrot..", her whole body turns red, but Conis smirks, spreading her ass-cheeks apart, saying "Ayn. Here. That's the perfect place to put the carrot in", teasing me.

"Ah, I miss you too, I love you... and it's your carrot anyway, so just take it?" I say happily, and Viola raise herself up, standing with her back to me, slowly lowering her body, as the girls aim her, and me, adding few kisses to my dick, right before it enter her pussy, and we begin fucking like rabbits.


Moving between locations, I'm now entering the management-area, changing my look to a formal-suit, and enter inside, finding Sona, Yan, Lana, Robin, and Shyarly, acting like they're working, when suddenly Shyarly come to me, saying "Oh! You're finally here!", and I *Chuckle*, sitting next to Lana, who wave 'hi' to me, whispering "Doesn't it remind you our first meeting?", and I hold her hand under the table, while the others ignore the whole thing, acting like they're working.

In the moment I wonder what's next, Sona calls me over, saying "Ayn? Help please?", trying to reach something on a high-shelf, and I can see her black-sexy-thong, as I go behind her, hugging her from behind, whispering "..you've worked hard..", and kiss her neck as I take the thing she wanted me to bring, but keep playing with her, opening her blouse, till a voice break us apart.

"Ayn! Come here!" Yan act like a boss, yet, she smile shyly too much, breaking it all apart, and in the moment I'm next to her, I hold her to a hug, whispering "beautiful..", and she cutely snuggle to me, before pushing me back, saying in a firm-tone "You were late again! Go to Robin! You're under her care, and one more mistake, you're, you're fired!".

We all *giggle* a bit, but the moment I sit back at my table, as Robin sits there, on the table, I'm owe-struck by her amazing beauty, dazing, but she say in a smirk "what are you dazing around for?", and I look over to the computer-screen, wondering what's even there, when suddenly I feel Robin push her huge bosom on me.

"Ayn, look here for a moment", Shyarly comes over, not even letting me digest the play Robin is doing yet, and once I look, she open her shirt, showing her black-bra, asking "is there something weird in here?", bouncing her boobs with her hands.

"Oh! So help me too!" Lana comes over, sitting on the table, raising her skirt, and I can hear, and now also see, a something vibrating under her panties, raising my eyes to look at her, then at the girls around here, and all-hell-break-loose, as I begin devouring them.


'Half of them is already asleep... I guess the game kinda broke apart when we separated, and the rush was gone...' I think as I walk to my next destination, the queens-hall, who connects every woman bedroom here together.

"Oh ho! Look who arrived!" Wu say with a huge-smile, sitting on a blue-throne-chair, in a white-dress, looking like a queen indeed, and I notice wine-bottles, mostly empty, all over the place, as Rebecca come closer to me, giving me a wine-glass, and I kiss her lips, seeing she's wearing kinda the same clothes, like all the girls here.

"My king" Grayfia say as she walk down the stairs, and I respond "My queen", coming toward her, but in the last few stairs before me, she just jump straight into me, with a craze-loving-look, kissing me sloppily, totally drunk, and I enjoy it, as I decide to turn giant, enough that with a stretch of a hand I can grab them all.

I first hold onto the three I already greeted, before grabbing Mia in my palm, almost crying from joy, realizing 'I have some symptom of love with Robin and Mia, something deep, I guess living together so long really made an impact on me..', and kiss her small-body, or rather, with my huge-lips, as she *giggle* cutely, while we land on the bed.

"You're finally here" Junko sit up, waking up from the movement on the bed, and I quickly hug her close, as I turned small, saying "I love you.. We can just go to sleep if you wanna... I'll just get the next group as well..", but I feel Grayfia already dancing on my lap, while Wu crawl to my left, Mia to my right, Junko hug my head, and I see Rebecca all wet-and-ready, barely holding herself to jump up and down my shaft, as we begin the late-night-party.


'I bet they're half asleep, if not asleep...' I think as I enter my bedroom, the 'King-chambers', as I huge-sign says in front of me, and opening the door, a beautiful-sight make me smile with joy.

Vivi already asleep, in the middle of reading a book, Serafall playing with her phone, probably talking with the girls using it, but Pashia, Alison, and Bulma make poses, shaking their bubbly-butts, covered in a mere black-see-through-fishnet-dress, looking so sexy my erection stand in attention, and drool almost come out of my mouth.

"You awaken the beast, don't be surprised if you get bitten" I say happily, smirk, and jump onto them, but stop mid-air, flying slowly toward Vivi, caring her to the side, peck a loving-kiss on her cheek, cover her with a blanket, and fly right back to the main-bed.

While teasing their bodies, using my face, hands, whole body, and even tentacles, I tease them, asking, "There's many fishes in sea, but this four, wow, Iv'e probably caught the best fishes out there, didn't I?", and we begin making-love, sending them one after the other to a knock-out, before I'm with them, sleeping like a log, feeling I'm a cum-factory by the amount I had to release today.

'...And the vacation just started...' I think as I fall into my dream-cultivation-state, laughing to myself, '...I won the Ayn-cup for sure, hehe... well, obviously, it's Ayn-cup in the first place... There's nothing like a good...'.