
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH112: an 'unscientific-existences' in 'modren-human-society'

"FATHER?" I shout from the living-room, but hear nothing in response, finding the place empty, yet clean, and I call his mobile-phone.

"OY, I was looking for you! Go to school! They're waiting for you!" he tell me in the moment he pick-up, then hang-up, and send me a text massage.

'JAPAN?!?!' I exhale in my head, not understanding why will he send me to school, and more over, in Japan, but then remember those sexy-bunch who were here, those devilish-women.

'Will the girls, who's been here, will be there?' I send him a text-massage back.

'Not Erina, and only the younger ones. Why?', I receive a text-massage back.

'I wanna meet her... Actually... If I can, all of them?..' I ask, shamelessly.

'GAHAHAHA, then I'll agree with their offers, now, GO TO SCHOOL!', I smile at his text-massage, but suddenly realize it's weird, sending back 'What offers??', but he ain't answering, the text, or the calls, and I *Sigh*, and *teleport*.


'Luckily, Iv'e been here before... Rather a lot... I Wonder where's this school at...' I think while opening a GPS, but feel kinda nostalgic, and go outside our house in Japan, to the train station, wishing for some 'normal' vibes for a bit, or maybe to feel nostalgic about the past.

'Yeah... I didn't miss it that much...' I think as I enter the train-station,who's fully stacked with people, but with my height, and physics, people take a step back, making me feel much more comfortable, plus, there's fear arising from man, but women show me interesting-gazes, somewhere between wonder and lust.

'Well... It's not that bad...' I think happily, but in the moment the train'-doors opens-up, I daze, thinking 'God bless Japan!', and step into heaven, ahem, the train, right between lots of school-girls, wearing white-shits and short-black-skirts, see me, and open enough space just for me, making me be the new blockade for the train'-entrance, which works pretty well.

"This two!" a girl grab the hem of my shirt, pull it, and I see her pointing at two girls who try to squeeze in.

"Call them over?" I ask.

"HEY!" she yells, and in that second, they run toward us, and squish right into me, as I open enough space for them.

*Doors closes*, I stand near the door, with the two girls right before me, and their huge-bosom squish against each other so much, it feels like those balloons goona pop.

"Thank you!" one of them, a girl with purple eye, beam a smile, while the other is too busy with her phone.

"Sure, But, you better thank the girl who called for you, she's the real hero here" I respond gently.

Suddenly, to my right, a huge bosom swallow my arm, and I turn my head, seeing a brown-hair-woman, whisper "sorry", hugging my hand with a redden-face, and avert her eyes to the side.

I look around, on this crowded train, seeing there's no problem, and suspect her, yet say nothing, as I can't even breath right now, from what's going on.

Before me, the girl who thanked me, start talking to the first-girl, who pulled the hem of my shirt, while the other one, who played with her phone, is now with her back to me, standing on her toes, raising her ass, and push it against my dick, who's already in half-erected-mode.

She turn her head, smirking lustfully at me, with a shy face, as I'm a bit frozen in shock.

Suddenly, the first-girl, pull the hem of my shirt again, saying "Thanks for before", and now two pairs of boobs, and one pair of ass, squish me from three direction, shocking sexual reality.

While the girl begin chatting with me, the naughty-ass-girl moves away, giggling evilly, and slide and move, pushing the first-girl to where she was, and move away, but I feel her behind me, pushing me against the first-girl, who got her back to the window.

"Do you always take this train?" she asks.

"Nah, I just came back to Japan after a long time, my father sent me here to school" I answer.

"Oh, what school you're going to?" she asks, and I show her the text-massage I got.

"Oh...blablabla..." she begin talking, but I feel the naughty girl push my back, making me squeeze onto the first-girl, who's got such a huge-boobs, and are short, that the tip of my erected-dick touch it lightly.

I look to my side, seeing the brown-hair-woman never let go of my hand, but now speaks to me, saying "Oh, I'm on my way there as well!".

The naughty-girl keep teasing me, the first-girl keep chatting and arouse me with her giant-bosom, which can compete with the woman to my side, who got a huge-rack as well, and I dunno what to do, trying to keep it cool.

'Should I avenge her? Thank her? Ignore? Fuck her brain out?... WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE??...' my mind float, as we keep chatting, and the two begin chatting between themselves.

"hehehe... that was fun..." the naughty-girl whispers, when suddenly the doors open-up, and we arrive to the station we need to go to.

"That was an amazing self control there" the brown-hair whispers to me, teasing me with her redden face and cute smile, as we step outside the train, to the train-station-platform.

I grab a handkerchief, giving it to her, seeing she's a bit sweaty, and she blush, take it, and wipe her head with it, as we left here all alone, and the rush of people moved away quickly.

"We're going to the same way, right?... Wanna walk together?" I ask, and she say "sure".

"Are you also a new student here?" I open up a conversation, while walking alongside her, and she shockingly comment "Student?? You're a student??", and I smile awkwardly, feeling I'm back at it, the sense of looking like a kid in an adult body, nodding 'yeah'.

"Me... Me too!!" she exhale, unconvincingly, probably lying, from her formal-suit, to her adult-vibes, and the way she stutter that sentence.

"Oh, cool, I hope we'll be in the same class" I smile, and keep walking ahead, arriving to the school-entrance.

"Come" she tell me, seemingly knowing how to get around, so I follow her.

... While chatting on general things, finding out she ain't native to Japan, just like me, but we're both talking fluent-Japanese, as my father raised me so, and so is Robin, mostly, as she knows way too many languages, just like Mia, even if she's talking Chinese as her mother-tongue, we arrive to the main-registration-office.

"Hello", "Hi", we greet as we enter inside, and soon separates.

"My father sent me here?" I tell the remaining clerk, as Lana, the brown-hair-woman, went with another, to a different spot.

"Ayn?" he asks in self-doubt, and I respond "Yeah", and we both smile, as he stock papers on the table, telling me about the school, registration process, time-tables for next year, and even ask if I wish to transfer in this year.

'I've already graduated... What's his plan?.. He said he want me to have a 'normal' school-life, so I'll know humanity... but... I can just do whatever, so maybe I'll postpone it till I know the devilish-girls are here?...' I keep pondering in my mind, while the clerk blubbering.

"Okay, anything else?" the clerk asks, and just then Lana comes back, asking "Wanna take the tour around together?".

"Yeah, of course" I answer, happy to see the place before making any decision, and I ask "Can you email me all of those papers?", and he nod 'yeah', so I wave 'goodbye', smile to him, and go outside, together with Lana.

"You look more like a teacher with this outfit then a student, hehe, oh, I meant it to sound like a compliment, I mean, you're charmingly beautiful, wait, no, I mean, .." I blubber, but by her changing face-expression, I'm stuttering, not sure if she's happy or mad, as a blush never leave her face.

"Stop being so serious! We're schoolmates now! Right?" Lana beam a smile at me.

"damn she's cute" I think out loud, and a second later, put my hand on my mouth.

"hehe... At least you're sincere to a fault..." Lana laugh while walking ahead of me.

She enter a room, and I follow her in, seeing her taking her top-shirt off.

She looks at me in surprise, saying "No! You go to the next room! Change to school uniform! So we can mix inside this place!", and I notice the sign of the door, quickly going outside, and enter the room next to it, who has a 'man-sign', where I find man'-lockers, and just use magic-transformation, creating male-uniform in my size, and walk back outside.

"Oh, Cool, I love this outfit.. How do I look?" Lana step outside the dressing-room, in a white-shirt, black-short-skirt, and a huge-smile.

"Like my next wife?" I *chuckle*, and she smile, saying "let's go", and we begin our tour.

... "Oh, let's go eat something" Lana tell me after more then an hour walking around this huge school, and she turn around, grab my hand, and drag me into the cafeteria.

... "You don't eat hamburger usually, right?" I ask, and she answers in a question "Why do you think so?", and I laugh, pointing at her chest, saying "Such a novice mistake...".

"Why didn't you tell me before that... What should I do now?!" Lana exhale with shyness, and stand up to walk away, so I follow her, suggesting "Maybe just change to sport-wear? Check out the sport facilities here?".

"YEAH!" Lana say happily, acting like a little-girl, who find everything interesting, kinda out-of-character of how I thought she is, and how she look she usually is.

... "No, wear a shirt! We go running first!" Lana tell me in the moment I come out with only a swimming-pants, but see she's with a white-sport-shirt above her one-piece-swimsuit, and I do so, as we begin excersing a bit, having fun around the place, till people arrive, and decide to go swimming.

"If you'll be a student here, then I think I'll agree to register here as well" I tell Lana as we stand outside the pool, and she look back at me, in a questioning-gaze, but say nothing.

'I can tell she's no student... Iv'e been with enough women to recognize a fully mature woman body when I see one... And with this body... I can be sure... She's a world-class-beauty, but a mature one for certain...' I think in my head while she just turn around, and jump into the water.

Lana swim around, while I just lazily float, enjoying this fine weather, till she stop near me.

"How can they wear this one-piece-swimsuit ... It's so..." Lana complains, shyly pulling the back of her swimsuit, who dig into her ass, and I stare at her, feeling conflicted 'Does she tease me in purpose and act innocent, or she's really is innocent and tease me mistakenly?...'.

We keep playing for a bit more, till we go outside, ready to leave, with a towel in hand, and I make a decision, 'I'm goona tease her so much, till her cover will blow off'.

"Huh? Anything in your mind?" Lana asks, and I smirk, saying "Maybe we should try all the sport department, what if you miss something important?", and pull out a bag, filled with an outfit I chose for her, giving it to her.

"What's that?" Lana asks, but I just smile, and walk to the shower-room, and when I go outside, I'm shocked to see Lana, in front of a mirror, jumping around, in a cheerleader uniform I gave her, laughing to myself.

"What's funny?" Lana shyly asks, and I just answer "Man laugh when they feel awkward... Like... If you look too beautiful, so I laugh, to release the stress outside...", and she blush even redder, escaping to the dressing-room.

..."AHHH!" Lana screams, and jumps, when I stick a cold-freezing-water-bottle to her neck, from behind, in the moment she step outside the sport-building.

"Hahahaha... that was a cold surprise..." Lana beam a smile, but in the moment she grab the water bottle, and open it up, *SPLASH*, the inside-water explode outside, and I can see her whole underneath-bra, as she panic, and run back inside.

... "Now I'm stuck with a shirt one-size smaller..." Lana complains, as she try to zip her skirt a bit higher, but can't, but I'm kinda excited, as it emphasize her huge bubbly-butt, and her enormous bosom, even more.

She stretch her hands-up, like she's tired, *Pluck,Pluck,Pluck...*, buttons fly at me, as her bosom rip apart her shirt.

"That's it!" she exhale, grabbing her shirt together, and run outside.

I follow her, sitting outside the dressing-room, waiting for her, as I already changed my clothes to just a casual-suit, knowing she probably wish to leave the place now, as we toured almost all the place, except few old buildings, who seems irrelevant, or few sport-clubs, who seems too demanding and annoying to deal with.

Lana step outside after a few minutes, and sits next to me.

I look at her, saying "if you say we won't meet again, you'll break my poor heart, you know... At least let's go have a proper lunch, and then say what's running in your mind, cause it doesn't seems like it's anything good...".

"Okay..." she answers, holding herself back, and by the time we're in a restaurant, dining in a traditional Japanese gourmet food, the mood is as lively as couple who were dating for a year between us.

"... Hahaha... I thought I knew who you are... I can't believe you sang in that mall competition, together with a world famous singer... And I even saw a video of you singing Karaoke not long ago, it was so funny... You were drunk there, right?" Lana keep talking happily, like she's having the time of her life, but I feel shocked.

'Karaoke? Not long ago? Drunk? ... No way ... She's related to Serafall? Akeno? Rias? Koneko? Grayfia? ... Surely not Erina, who shouldn't come to this school, right? ... Should I try asking?' I wonder, and comment to her "Yeah, hehe, this wannabe-idol really took a video there, I didn't even knew it.. And same for the mall-competition, I was sure I could escape it incognito.. hehe".

... By desert-time, drinking coffee, eating cheese-cakes, I kinda feel lost, as we already sort of exposed ourselves to each other, understanding we are both an 'unscientific existences' in this modern-human-society, and we even changed our clothes from this over-familiarity, not minding showing hints of our powers.

"Why were you on the train?" I ask, and she smile happily, saying "probably the same reason you were there... Just found it amusing, I guess, like this whole day".

"Half a day... We still have half a day ahead of us" I smirk, calling the waitress, paying the bill, throw a tip, grab her hand, and tell her "We should discover how 'normal' people live, right?", while we enter a nearby mall.

"Oh, look, this is what we should do" I say while looking at a game-center, where lots of students playing on machines, and she smile shyly, as I drag her by her hand inside.

... "Look, Look" Lana come to me with a happy smile, showing me a reward she won, in her hands, just a cute-key-chain, making me laugh at her cuteness innocent act, as she revert back to being childish, in contrast to her mature-vibes, who hide deep underneath her.

"Cool! You won the big prize! Let's go celebrate it!" I smile at her, hold her hand in mine, and walk outside, to a Japanese-style-bar, in the upper-floor of the building, seeing people go out of work, and entering the place.

"Private table for two, please" I tell the hostess, shoving a tip to her hand before she say anything, and soon enough she arrange us a good spot.

... "It's such fun" Lana smirk at me, while drinking alcohol, sitting in front of me, on the floor, instead of a chair, in this kind of bar, where the tables placed really low, like a classic-Japanese-style, reminding me of the Asian-style, and also the Arab-style, which has the same layout.

I stare at her clothes she changed into, a yellow-tight-shirt, with a heart-gap in the middle, exposing a cleavage to her bosom, and move to sit beside her, seeing her tight-black-skirt, and her black-leggings, and pour us another drink.

"Are you trying to make me drunk? Hoping for something here?" Lana laughingly say, and I notice she already changed back to her normal-self, her mature-self, and I kinda prefer the real-her, over the playful-act she put on before.

*Fwoosh!*, she change her whole look, sitting right next to me, in a black-dress, and black-wings appears on her, just like I saw Rias do when she said goodbye.

"Will you show me your real self?" Lana asks me.

I block space around us, creating a barrier, and change to my humanoid-dragon-form, letting my horns, tail, wings, all of me, appear in front of her.

Lana look at me, turning her whole body, and come closer.

She put her hand on my wing, and I put my hand on her back, touching hers as well.

Our eyes locked together, and I sink into her deep-purple-eyes, as our bodies stick together, hugging, without saying a word.

I put my free hand behind her head, and slowly drawn to be face to face with her.

*chuu...*, our lips meet.

*Chuu...*, we separate our lips to a mil-second, just to kiss once again.

*Chuu...Chuu...Chuu...*, our kiss becomes a hot-flirt, and I pull her to my lap, as our attraction to each other grows stronger.

*Chuu.. Chuu... Lick... Slurp...*, our tongues entangle, our hands roam around each other body, touching indecently more and more.

I try to slide off her dress, not wishing to rip it apart, when suddenly Lana breaks the kiss, and *Fwoosh*.

Lana, in a white-lingerie, who barely hide a thing, shyly model to me, and I pull her right back into my lap, *Chuu...*, kissing once again, groping her awesome boobs, as I think '... I want to make her mine ...', while feeling '... How love is such a mysterious thing ...'.