
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH108: Discovering the Shenanigan'-soul

By the time the sun already went away, and all the toys are back to work in the underground-harbor, making the whole of above-ground-Dressrosa settle-down, my operation is now getting started.

I go back into the secret-tunnel I recently built, through a hidden-entrance, disguised very well by an illusion, and located right inside of the underground-harbor, to prepare the final details, and arrange the place for my 'guests'.

Inside this new underground-water-prison, which is just a huge cave I dug here, with rooms all around it, I scan the place one last time, checking each cell-pool, which is just a small room, with a hole who go into the sea-water, and a rope attached to the ceiling, are all ready for the incoming 'guests' who have devil-fruit, and finally feel it's time.


'Already got 6 of them... I better finish the last 4 before any news about my doing will get out...' I think, remembering 'Trebol guarding Sugar, while Lao-G and Dellinger should still be training in the plateau...'.

I *teleport*, arriving to the plateau, which is right below the palace, and I look at Dellinger, who's training with Lao-G, and I see he's a real tough fishman, making me wond 'Should I give him back to Fishman-island? Or, rather, treat him the same?', and my mind afloat as I learn 'He's fast! I better capture him first..'.

'...This Lao-G hides his powers really well, but, he's still an old-man...' I think as I go behind Dellinger.

*SMACK*, I hit his head, from behind, while shooting a slow-beam at him, and jump toward Lao-G.

*Low-kick!*, I hit Lao-G in his legs, then shoot a slow-beam as well, and begin a smacking marathon with the two, till they look wasted, totally 'out-of-it', and I grab the two, *teleport* to the government-prison, throwing them into the frozen-layer, not wishing to mind them any more than that.

'Time for the big-bang-boom..' I smile excitedly, while going to the elevator, wishing to sneak into Trebol and Sugar after knocking-down every soldier there is in the way, yet not alerting anyone about the changes.

'Viola? Rebecca? Are you ready to come here soon? You better wear a formal-clothes..' I tell them, happily, pumping my excitement as well, and hear Infi affirming me they're excited, prepared, and waiting.


'I better burn him completely, it's like I can't reach his body, who's covered in snoot'-liquids, making him a horrifying, disgusting, existence' I decide, after looking at him and Sugar chatting for a while.

*Absolute Fire-storm*, I shoot a fire-hurricane, looping it around Trebol'-body, and in the moment I see his skinny-body, I put a sea-stone-chains on his feet.

*Mental shock!*, I hit the surprised Sugar, who stand aside from Trebol, and the moment she seems out-of-balance, I throw a sea-stone-chains around her body, then lock her hands as well, but still keep my distance from her.

'In one touch she can make me into a toy...' I think as I wonder how to deal with this scary-lil'-girl, deciding to finish Trebol, *Slash!* him with a sword, seeing it's just his body now, and put another rope at him, touch him, and *teleport* to my new-prison, lock him in, and *teleport* back.

"Hi, Sugar" I say as I appear, in my Robin-Hood costume.

"AAAAAA, RELEASE ME" Sugar shout like the lil-girl she is, and I smirk, wondering how can enemies be so dumb, always saying such things, like 'release me'.

*Electricity shock*, I hit her body with a weak-hit, making her fall to the ground, spasm already from a mere soft hit, and I make sure she's all tied-up, while reading her memories, discovering she's really that weak, even though she's a major-piece in controlling this country.

'She's that harpy, Mone, sister...' I exhale in shock, and notice the green-hair, who look alike in both, while spreading my darkness into her, separating the devil-fruit out of her.


The moment the devil-fruit is in my hand, which look like a fruit made out of puzzle-pieces, I notice Sugar lost conscious, deciding to move her into Infinity'-prison, and begin the final stage of my plan, amid the chaos who occurs all around Dressrosa.


"Please relax, and listen!", Viola talk to a microphone, who plugged to speakers all over Dressrosa, "This is Viola! Next to me is the rightful king! King-Riku-Doldo-the-third! Almost all the enemies has been finally defeated! Just missing Don-flamingo, and few low-level-soldiers! ...".

While Viola instruct the whole nation about the situation, right next to her father, the king, who was a toy, stuck inside a deep-underground-prison, which I took all the people out of there, and placed all the enemy'-soldiers inside instead, I focus on Rebecca, crying a river, right next to the pervious-toy-soldier, Kyros.

'I should've realized he got some deep-connection to her... He literally acted as her father...' I think in joy, feeling tears flowing down my cheek, but shake myself out of it, as I still got the isolated-artificial-devil-fruit-factory to finish off, plus, making sure no news about Dressrosa gets out.


Once the factory is 'done with', I'm left next to the prisoners who worked here, a bunch of dwarves, who cry about their princess.

"Trust me when I tell you, it's alright now" I tell them, and they nod their head in agreement, totally believing me, without any need for explanations, making me realize I communicating with low-intelligent creatures, and instruct them to go inside the space-portal I create, and then *teleport*.

"Rebecca, Kyros, please help me finish the business here... Those folks, can you deal with them?" I ask Rebecca, who's still in the middle of reuniting with her long-forgotten-father, showing how fearsome Sugar'-devil-fruit is, way out of proportion, and the most promising feature to just beat anyone, with a mere touch.

Kyros beam a smile, and tell them all he's the toy-soldier, and a spark shock go around them, not only believing him, but it seems he was their commander, for all those years since Dressrosa was enslaved, and they talk about the princess of theirs, reminding me a top-floor-prisoner I saw in the memories, of a cute blond fairy, with a magical-tears who can heal anything.

"Ah, I'll do that... Please, finish the plan, I don't want Don-Flamingo, nor the government, coming to Dressrosa, or knowing a thing, at least until I go there tomorrow.." I tell them all, and fly out of the window, to the top-floor of the palace.

*smack,smack,smack,..*, I beat a bunch of more soldiers, throwing them through a space-portal into the prison-hole, and go to a small-cell, where I find the fairy.

"Princess?" I ask a crying small-blond-fairy, who has more hair than body, wearing a white-dress.

*Creak*, I rip the cell'-door with my hand, and stretch my hand, asking "May I?", and she look at me in shock, climbing onto my palm, making me feel a weird-arousal, thinking 'she's like a Tinkerbell... Cute...', and begin flying back down, to everyone.


The king, who keep speaking into the microphone, making a way-too-long-speech, sits next to Viola, who beam a smile to me, as I return from finishing every last remaining soldier, and I know a long night awaits me.

Rebecca come next to me, hold my hand shyly, and introduce me to her father, and we shake hands, as I tell him "... I was the one you met since the start... Was undercover, so couldn't show my face... All of them are caught, so nothing to worry ...", and we begin chatting about the plans from now on, as he's appointed as the royal-army-commander, which he initially was, in the past.

"See ya later" I tell them all, and go for another round around Dressrosa, seeing they blocked all the ports, froze the communication with the outside-world, and a military-regime, consisting of eager citizens, and previous-soldiers, take control of any mishaps.


'Finally...' I think as I take the devil-fruit from the last officer of Don-Flamingo-gang, throwing him into the prison-hole here, and go to the last cell, where Caesar-clown is.

'They're all paramecia devil fruits... Seems uninteresting... I should advice the girls find a logia, or ancient-zoan devil-fruits instead...' I ponder about all the devil-fruits, which I keep collecting, also promising some of them, but when I think about them, it ain't really worth it, like a 'flag-human', versus something much better, like 'light-human', from that navy-admiral.

*Smack!Smack!Smack*, I slap Caesar'-face, while pulling him out of the water, making sure the sea-stone-chains rapped well, and sit him outside.

The moment he open his eyes, I begin reading his mind, discovering way too much information, as even though he's a crazy-scientist, he sure is knowledgeable.

'Umi? Beau?' I call the two Vomi, wishing for help, and when they materialize, they both sit on my lap, each taking a leg, laughing happily, and I kiss them each, while passing the memories I just took out of him.

"What do you think?" I ask, and they both look at each other, like they're thinking the same, as Beau says "Vegapunk is the real-deal, this man is just useless", and Umi smile, adding "Even the artificial-devil-fruits, they're a failure, not worth much, like his actual devil-fruit he's using".

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! YOU SHOULD KNOW, I'M..", *PUNCH!!!*, I hit his face, with way too much force, making him lose conscious, but not minding it, just separating his devil-fruit from him, wondering if I should put him in jail, or keep him, as there's a bounty of 300 million on his head, but who knows what sick-inventions he will do next for the government.


'Done!' I smile happily, having now 2 logia-devil-fruits in hand, pondering about it, but decide it's really an opportunity, for another harem-party, but now with all the girls, not leaving a single one of them out of it.


"I love you... Please take care till I come back... Don't take any worthless risk, just stick to the plans we did" I tell Rebecca and Viola, and *teleport*.


"Chopper! Is all okay?" I ask in the moment I arrive, finding him in the lab, with the children, and he begin blubbering, while I read his mind, finding out he's really smart, finding a temporary solution for the drug already, and also took out any soldier that appeared, even a strong one, by using his rumble-ball-technique.

I pass him the memories of all that happened in Dressrosa, asking him to go to Dressrosa with the children, on the dragons'-back, and go make sure the dragons listen to him, and my women, changing my plans for them, as they can be a great benefit for Dressrosa'-protection, who should be close to this island.

We keep doing few more work around Punk-hazard-island, and once I think the place is pretty much completely settled, except the prisoners, in the huge-dumpster-hole, which I plan to move to Dressrosa, when the prison there will be ready, I say my goodbye, and *teleport*.


Arriving to Sabaody, in the middle of the night already, I decide to look for Ace, to find him before morning come.

... After a short flight, I already find him, on a small-boat, without the blue-merfolk, and I land on it, waking him up, asking "Yo, how's it going?".

Ace show me a piece of a vivre-card, who moves downward, indicating he's following an underwater-person.

"Where's Jinbe?" I ask, but Ace signal me 'I don't know' with his hands, saying "he went down, but still hasn't gone up here since then", and as we both can't swim in the water, Iv'e got a headache, asking Ace "Maybe your Captain want a war?", and I can see in his eyes he feel the same way.

"Anyway... I'll go tour the navy-basement, it's right ahead of us, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, can you take me with you?" Ace asks me, and I wonder if I should do so, as a free-spirit-man is a trouble-spirit for others, who needs to contain his shenanigans.

"But what if Jinbe will come up? I think it's better to separate for now... Maybe it will end without even beginning..?" I respond, and he *sigh*, but smile, as I pull him a good scotch, few snacks, and I say "see ya soon", and soar to the sky, flying to the marine'-base.

'I should have a vivre-card of all the women... I better get it done quickly... like Hancock... I have no idea where she is right now...', and while floating in my thoughts, flying fast in the sky, I arrive above a fortress-island, who has zero air protection, but still, I turn invisible.

At the island, called on the map as G-1, called by people as Marineford, and known as Marine-headquarters, I see four mountains, in each direction, as watch-towers, and in the middle, an enormous castle, with a classic pagoda building, on top of it.

Landing down, there's a large-empty-city in it, something I knew of, as Shakky told me all the residents here already got into Sabaody, afraid of the incoming war, but there's so many soldiers, everywhere, and the place is as lively as a bustling city, even with the tension in the air.

'Let's have some fun?' I think as I slow-time around myself, and go toward the armory, weaponry, and make weapons malfunctions, like melting a small-bump inside cannons and guns, or making swords blunt, laughing happily about my own shenanigans.

'Oh! I remember this cutie!' I smile to myself, as I walk around the place, invisible, searching for fun things to do, while also looking for Hancock'-location, without alerting a single soul in the place, but find this cutie a worthy tease.

*Slap*, I hit her butt, and she quickly shouts "WHAT ARE YOU...", while turning back, with her face fully redden, her hand on her sword, and the other hold her glasses.

She look in stupor, seeing no one is there, and keep on high-alert, till she begin to move again after five minute have passed, walking again.

*Slap!*, "WHO'S THERE?!" she shouts, looking angrily, in full-attack-mode once again.

[Hehe, more, that seems fun!!] I hear Beau excited about it, but think 'Nah, I feel I'm too cruel to her.. She's a nice one..', and write a note, making it to a paper-plane, and throw it at her.

It hit her back, and she almost cut it, but stop herself, seeing it's just a piece of paper, opens it, and mumble "..it's my husband?..", as I laugh in my head, together with Beau, my new partner-in-crime, and continue to fly, searching for Hancock, or more fun to do.

'Even though your hunger is gone, your mischievous spirit is as strong as ever' I joke with Beau, and she *giggle*, telling me [hehe, all the girls are mischievous, they're just acting all proper and lady-like because of you].

'Oh, but I like mischievous..' I wonder, and add '..and naughty, oh, especially in 'bed-time'...'.

(Ecchi!), <Hentai>, {me too}, Bi-Bi, Infi, and Junko rain comments at me, making me happy, feeling 'I love it that I'm never alone, as you're with me, my loves'.

[Her! Her!] Beau screams in the moment I pass near a pink-hair-women, with a captain-coat on her, a sunglasses on her forehead, and a cigarette in her mouth.

The tall, slim, with a pink hair who reach her waist, walk around the castle, and I think 'I'm pretty sure I saw her in Alabasta as well...'.

[Do something funny] Umi say, not Beau, showing her mischievous soul as well, and I get all the girls wanna join the game, so I ask 'any ideas?'.

(Make her cigarette light off!) Bi-Bi suggest, and I smile, and do so, making a single water-drop hit the edge of it.

At the moment she raise her hand, to take a smoke, she keep inhaling, sucking it hard, and we all laugh, till she stop, and look in puzzlement at it, lighting it up again.

<Again!> Infi suddenly join the fun, and I do so, and a few second after, she again try to inhale, really hard, and look in weirdly left and right, not understanding what's going on, and once again, the girls burst laughing.

I decide on the next prank, creating a thick-ice-layer in the place she's about to step on, and a second later, she step on it, and *woosh*, lose her balance, and fall on her butt.

{HAHAHA, if you change it to a banana, it will be even better!} Junko tell me, and with the girls laugher, I pull a banana, eat it quickly, and get ready, as the pink-captain stand up, looking mad all around, but seeing no one is there, relaxing, yet curse "..How the hell there's ice here?!?!..".

In the moment she begin walking again, I predict her steps, put the banana-skin where she's goona be at, and *Woosh*, she fall on her butt, once again, shouting "WHAT THE HELL?!!?!?", and the girls burst into laughter.

(Isn't it the string-guy you're fighting?) Bi-Bi words shake me, as I see Don-Flamingo on a balcony, in an upper-floor, and I mark the room in my mind, releasing my 6th-sense, but contain my blood-lust, not wishing to trigger anyone.

'Should I just get it over with?' I think, as I watch him jump into the sky, and I wonder 'Did he got wind from what happened in Dressrosa and Punk-hazard??..'.

I follow him, and discover he really jump down, all the way to a ship, who's ready to take-off, and I let him sail off, with me flying above him, till the ship is far enough from shore, and *Slash!*, cut the ship, right where the rescue-boats are as well, and fly back up, as the ship begin to sink.

'He's building a ship out of the broken wood-pieces? That's smart...' I look at the scene, watching if anything interesting will happen, but nothing does, as they just float on the raft they've built, from him tying strings around wood-planks, as he and his small crew begin sailing, talking about 'reaching Sabaody soon anyway...'.

[OH! OH! Water storm!! I wanna see that!] Umi suggest, and ask [Do you know how to do it?].

'No idea' I answer, and she begin explaining ... [Anyway, just warm the water-surface, create a humid-air, who will fly up, and then you can trigger it with electricity, OH! and maybe add ice-blocks as well!] ...

"HELP ME!!.." Another crew-mate fall off the wooden-raft, and once they sail away, I teleport him to prison with a space-portal.

'Only him left..' I think as he storm off the storm, deciding all together it's no fun anymore, as this scum-bag actually threw his crew-mates off the raft, just to make it easier for him to escape, staying alone on the raft, which look now more like entanglement of strings.

*Fire storm!*, from high up the sky I rain a fire storm on Don-flamingo, planning to burn the raft, but he create strings, protecting it.

*Slash!Slash!Slash!...*, I rain swords-wave at him, cutting the strings, and the wood, down, but he just tangle it all together with strings.

'He waste my fun time with women!!!' I shout in my head, and just fly-down, in full-dragon-mode, invisible, even if he can 'sense' me coming, but I just gather so much energy, coating haki around me, and *KICK!!!!!* him, sending him to fly into the air, and *teleport*, to the sky.

*KICK!!!!*, I hit him from above, sending him flying into the water, as he try to create a raft out of strings.

*SLASH! SLASH! SLASH!...* I keep cutting the strings.

*SPLASH!*, his legs land inside the water, while shooting strings upward, and he actually catch a cloud, making me shocked about this nonsense, as cloud are just air, humid-air, and I cut it down as well, while gripping it.

With him half-submerged in water, I freeze the surface, creating an Ice-raft, and loop a sea-stone-collar on his neck, then loop chains around his body, hands, raise him up, and chain his legs as well, and *teleport*, with him.

[Quick! I wanna do more fun!] Beau rush me, and I laugh, loudly, cause I feel the same way, not wishing to waste another second on him.