
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 20: Theif?

As Lin made her way back towards the Mei family house through the forest, her mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of the day's events. She had found a master, a significant milestone, yet her thoughts suddenly shifted towards Hneu.

Lin remembered how she(Hneu ) had run very fast, worrying about Hneu's safety and what trouble might lie ahead. What if she also lost her way just like before she is? And what if she arrived at the house without Hneu, confused about where to go and what to do?All types of thoughts arrise on her mind and she stopped at mid Market, searching for a way to go.

Suddenly, from afar, a young man stood near a shop, surrounded by many female escorts. He saw Lin, and her enchantingly beautiful face caught his eye. He also noticed her attire,also a maid dress of the Mei family.

"Ahh, hehhehheh, I found a lovely treasure," he muttered to himself, smiling creepily. The escorts, noticing his interest in a little girl afar in mid Market, tried to intervene and stopping him.

One of the escorts asked, "Young lord, what happened?" She knew what the young lord was thinking.

Another said, "Sir, that girl is too small. Look at me.I have much more"

Others also voiced their concerns trying to protect that little girl, but the young lord, named Jori, didn't care about their words. He moved towards Lin fastly and instantly grabbed her hand.

On the other way, Lin again walked toward the market, suddenly a man with an unsettling demeanor and eyes filled with malintent stepped into her path. His presence alone sent a shiver down her spine. Before she could react, he swiftly grabbed her arm with a tight grip.

"Where do you think you're going, my little love?" Jori sneered, his voice dripping with menace.

Lin's heart raced with fear as she struggled against his hold. "Let me go! Help! Someone, please help me!" she pleaded, her voice trembling.

But the people passing by either hurried away in fear or averted their gazes, unwilling to intervene in the face of the man's intimidating presence as the son of the city lord. Lin's eyes darted around desperately, searching for anyone who would come to her aid.

"Shut up, girl," Jori hissed, tightening his grip even more as he dragged her forcefully along a secluded path.

Tears streamed down Lin's cheeks as panic set in but still have confidence to oppose ,"Please, I haven't done anything to you. Let me go! "

The man ignored her pleas, his grip unyielding as he pulled her further away from the safety of the main paths. Lin's mind raced with thoughts of escape, but she knew she was no match for his strength.

Just as despair began to settle in, Lin saw Mei family guards appear on the scene, accompanied by Hneu. They instantly spotted Lin in distress, and Hneu's expression hardened with concern as she swiftly approached.

"Hey! Release her," Hneu commanded firmly, her voice cutting through the tense silence.All the peoples look forward to the voice.

Jori, driven by arrogance and entitlement, scoffed at Hneu's demand. "This is none of your concern," he retorted, tightening his grip on Lin's arm.

Hneu's gaze sharpened. "I am the young miss of the Mei family, and she is our maid, under our protection. Let her go, or the consequences will be severe," she insisted, her tone brooking no argument.

The guards, knowing Jori's influence, hesitated to act. However, their resolve strengthened as Hneu's authority became evident. Jori also didn't want to get in trouble with the Mei family, as his family's status was equal to the Mei family's, but the Mei family Lord had more influence than the City Lord.

"Just do as our young miss says," one of the guards urged quietly, hoping to defuse the escalating tension.

But Jori's demeanor suddenly shifted as he noticed something in Lin's hand—a crystal red emblem that caught the sunlight in a dazzling display. His eyes widened with richness and greed.

"What's that in your hand?" Jori demanded, his voice sharp.

Lin instinctively tried to hide the emblem. "It's nothing. Just something my master gave me," she replied, her voice trembling.

Jori reading the trembling hands,he stepped closer, his gaze fixed on the emblem. "That's my emblem! You stole it from me!" he accused, his tone dripping with hostility.

Lin's eyes widened in shock. "No, I didn't! This was given to me by my master. I swear I didn't steal anything!"

Hneu, sensing the growing tension, intervened. "Wait, calm down. Let's not jump to conclusions here."

Jori glared at Hneu, his expression defiant. "She's lying! That emblem belongs to me."

Lin's voice quivered with desperation. "I'm not a Theif ,it's a gift of master. Please, believe me."

Hneu placed a comforting hand on Lin's shoulder. "We believe you, Lin. There must be some mistake."

Jori sneered, unwilling to back down. "The mistake is trusting a thief. Hand it over, now!"

Lin looked to Hneu, who gave her a reassuring nod. "It's okay, Lin. We'll sort this out."

Reluctantly, Lin about to hand the emblem to Jori, tears brimming in her eyes. "I didn't steal it. He wants to steal it," she whispered.

Jori snatched the emblem, his expression triumphant. "See? She had it all along."

Hneu's eyes narrowed. "Hey, wait, first clarify this."

Jori said, "How can a maid have this rich emblem? Are you not seeing who is really rich here? Get lost, or I'll call the guards."

As Jori turned to leave, Lin felt a wave of helplessness wash over her. Hneu squeezed her shoulder gently. "Stay strong, Lin. We'll figure this out together."

Lin nodded, grateful for Hneu's support, even as she struggled with a deep sense of injustice.

The guards, caught between respect for the City Lord and their loyalty to Hneu and the Mei family, deliberated, their expressions conflicted.

One of the guards stepped forward hesitantly. "Miss Hneu, perhaps it would be best if the emblem remains in that boy's hands, to avoid further conflict," he suggested cautiously.

Lin looked to Hneu, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "But I didn't steal it," she whispered urgently.

Hneu nodded, her gaze steady. "I know, Lin. Let's just do this for now, and we'll clear everything up later."

Another guard added, "This is just to keep the peace. We don't want things to escalate."

Feeling a mix of frustration and sadness, Lin walked alongside Hneu, grateful for her help with the City Lord's son. She was also sad because she lost the emblem her master had given her. What if her master thought she sold it?

"Thank you, Hneu," Lin murmured gratefully as they walked.

Hneu offered a reassuring smile. "You handled yourself well. These things can be tricky, especially when someone tries to use their status against you."

Lin nodded, still shaken by the encounter but thankful for Hneu's steadfast presence. "I'm just glad you and the guards came when you did."

"We're here to protect you. And what happened to that old man, I went to my family and summoned some guards to come for you," Hneu said.

Lin replied, "I don't know the details, but I feel that the old man was fighting against someone. After that, I met my master and..." She began to tell the story of how she became a disciple.

Hneu said, "Let's talk about it later, after we reach home."

And they moved towards the Mei family house.