
The Other Worlds Martial Arts :World of Adventures

FakeCultivator001 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 19: Not a Disciple But as Maid and Test Subject

Inside the house, Ang and Vincel were chatting after Lin had left.

Ang initiated the discussion, "Vincel, what are your thoughts on Lin potentially becoming my disciple?"

Vincel responded thoughtfully, "She's definitely an interesting candidate, especially with her background as a maid. It could offer us a unique perspective."

Ang agreed, "True, but we need to ensure she has the necessary strength and stability to endure our training."

Vincel nodded, "Absolutely. We'll start with basic training methods and provide her with the best herbs."

Ang then brought up, "Have you noticed her loyalty to her master? Being a maid, she ranks second in loyalty, just after guards. This might influence her behavior during tests."

Vincel considered, "Loyalty can be both an asset and a challenge in experimental settings."

Ang followed up, "What do you think about using her as a test subject for the 36 directional arts?"

Vincel found the idea intriguing, "That could be really insightful. Testing her with the 36 directional arts could reveal her adaptability and mastery of different magical techniques."

Ang suggested, "Let's include that in our initial tests. We can also incorporate some other techniques. What do you think?"

Vincel agreed, "I'll include it in the proposal, outlining our approach and ensuring safety measures."

Ang affirmed, "Perfect. Her well-being during the experiments is crucial, alongside maximizing the insights gained."

Vincel concluded, "Exactly. Lin could bring valuable perspectives to our research on the 36 directional arts."

Ang expressed anticipation, "I'm curious to see how she handles these challenges. Let's plan carefully."

Vincel agreed, "Absolutely. We'll monitor her progress closely and adjust our methods as needed."

Ang concluded optimistically, "Great. I'm eager to see the outcomes of making Lin my disciple."

Ang picked up a pencil and paper, ready to sketch out the 36 directional techniques. "Vincel, let's start with the north direction. Could you guide me through it again?"

Vincel leaned over to watch as Ang prepared to draw. "Sure. For north, imagine a forward stance with your left foot leading. You thrust forward with your right arm, then slash downward, finishing with a block using your left arm."

Ang focused intently, sketching out the movements in a sequence of quick strokes. "And south?"

Vincel adjusted his position to get a better view. "South is a backward stance with your right foot forward. You stab backward with your left arm, slash upward, and finish with a low block using your right arm."

Ang carefully illustrated the defensive strategy of the south direction, visualizing the flow of the movements on paper. "Next, let's move to east," Ang prompted, eager to continue sketching.

Vincel explained, "East involves a side stance with your left side facing east. Stab sideways with your right arm, slash horizontally across your body, and finish with a high block using your left arm."

Ang diligently captured the fluidity and agility required for the east direction, sketching each movement with precision. "And finally, west," Ang concluded, preparing to draw the last directional technique.

Vincel guided him, "For west, switch to the opposite side stance with your right side facing west. Stab sideways with your left arm, slash diagonally, and finish with a mid-level block using your right arm."

Ang completed the sketch and said, "Now it's complete. Let's move to another—"

Someone(Dan) knocked. "Sorry to disturb your drawing, young master. May I have permission to enter?"

Ang replied, "Yes, come in. Do you need something?"

Dan entered and said, "Young master, I need to discuss something with you."

Ang replied, "Sure, Dan. What's on your mind?"

Dan asked, "I heard you took on a new disciple. A girl named Lin, correct?"

Ang confirmed, "Yes, that's right. She seemed eager to learn and showed loyalty. Why do you ask?"

Dan explained, "I just want to make sure you understand the gravity of this decision. Training a disciple is a significant responsibility. And I am concerned that you are too young."

Ang said, "I understand that, Dan. But she needs guidance, and I believe I can help her. Besides, I feel lonely here and having someone my age to train with would be beneficial."

Dan inquired, "But what made you decide to take her on as your disciple?"

Ang admitted, "I feel isolated, and having her here as a maid who can help with household chores is a plus. Do you still want to do housework?"

Dan exclaimed, "Wait, young master, just let me know if you need assistance. If I'm unable to handle it, I'll request a maid from the main house."

Ang responded, "I understand, Dan, but what about my privacy? You brought me here to hide from enemies and protect me. If I take your thoughts, what will happen to her if she knows that she is alone here and surrounded by elites? There are many times when she needs to go out, and if someone recognizes her, they will follow her, and then we have to escape from here too."

Dan cautioned, "Hmm, yes, young master, but what if—"

Ang interrupted him and said, "No 'buts'. She is less dangerous than other maids, and as a disciple, she gives us more loyalty. If she needs training, you are here to teach her. If she wants to learn from me, then I will teach her what you taught me."

Dan agreed, "I understand, young master. I cannot argue with you. Then we need to ensure she's truly committed and aware of the responsibilities she's taking on. Have you thought about how you'll test her loyalty and determination?"

Ang said, "Yes, I have some ideas. I'll start with some basic tasks to gauge her dedication. If she shows promise, we'll move on to more advanced training."

Dan remarked, "That sounds like a reasonable plan, young master. We need to keep a close eye on her progress and her intentions. We can't afford any surprises."

Ang replied, "I understand, Dan. We'll monitor her closely and ensure she's on the right path."

Dan exited the house after checking that Ang was sketching. Ang resumed drawing the 36 directional technique arts.