
The Other Side Of The Full Moon

What happens when a girl with no memories lands in a world of unknown? A world of werewolves and other mystical creatures. A girl who goes by the name Meg, lands in Arcadia: a powerful werewolf pack where she does not fit in as she's only a human, a stranger, a sheep in the lands of predators. As she learns to defend herself against others, sparks start flying between her and Eros, but when their passion gets interrupted by jealousy and the vicious plans of the jealous woman everything turns upside down. With everything falling out of Meg's grasp she starts getting visions of the life she had before. Where she didn't recognize herself. As everything keeps falling apart and Eros trying to kill her she needs to find help, to save herself and her lover from the grasp of the dangerous woman. But what happens when Meg gets killed in the process only to be awakened by her wolf? And not just a wolf, a pure white fur wolf with a moon crescent on its head. Most importantly, she gets her memories back and is ready for sweet revenge, only question is: After that is done what is she going to choose? Her mate or her home and her people?

Sammie98 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

The closer I got to the training grounds the more nervous I got. What is wrong with me? I wasn't like this yesterday, I didn't have naughty thoughts about the Alpha then, so why do I now?

I was walking slow and I knew if I will keep going at this pace, Alpha Eros will kill me, for I will be late, so picked up a pace a little and shortly after I was standing next to the training grounds. I could see ALpha preparing for today's lesson and my heart skipped a beat. He did look handsome, but for some reason, I have never noticed that before. Maybe I am turning into one of those girls who ''kiss the ground he walks on'' as Kathy said.

I kept looking at the man for a few more seconds before his head snapped in my direction as if he smelled me. He probably could, the mounts of information Kathy gave me did include that their smell was much better than mine and it sounded awesome.

He looked up at me and smiled faintly waving his hand at me, so I started to walk towards him. Still nervous, my hand were shaking a little.

'Hello, Meg. Today we will be doing some extra work because tomorrow there will be no training for obvious reasons.' Alpha Eros said.

'Sure.'I nodded. ' What will we be doing then?'

'A bit more of stamina and a whole lot more of combat. We will start with exercises so you can start running laps.' He knew I hated it, but yet made me do it, probably liked my suffering.

As I began jogging laps I started to feel nauseous, my body shaking even more than before, but not in a nervous way, I felt like I'm about to pass out or something. So I slowly stopped and start walking instead, but it just got worse.

My skin felt clammy and I started to gasp for air. As if something or someone suffocating me. I put my hand on my knees and started gasping for air, so desperate, but I just couldn't. The air around me start getting very warm and my clammy skin got even worse if that was possible. My clothes were soaked with my sweat as the temperature started to rise.

What is going on? I couldn't think, my mind going foggy with a lack of oxygen.

I felt a pair of hands on me and look at the person before me, it was Alpha Eros, I was definite, but I couldn't make out his face. The darkness started to loom around me and my weak knees were giving out on me. The world went dark as I passed out on the ground in the arms of Alpha Eros.


I don't know how long I was out for, but when I opened my eyes all I could see was red, blazing, screaming hot red. Soon I realized it was a fire. I was in the fire with no way out. I had no idea how I came to be here or what was happening. I was looking around me like a lost child when I noticed someone with me. It was the same man from my previous vision. Did that mean I was in a vision again? It felt so real, I could even feel my skin burning how real it felt.

The man didn't say anything, just stared at me with his hateful eyes. It looked like I was in some sort of room but really didn't know where.

'Finally, I have won and you lost, Selene.' The man said. 'All that was yours is now mine and you will die alone and forgotten.' He snickered.

What? Who is Selene and why was he calling me that?

'It is not over Phyton.' I spat. I went to lift the hand on my mouth, but nothing happened, as if I couldn't control myself, and soon realized that I was only a guest in my own mind. I was so shocked by how angry this woman was.

'Oh but it is, don't you see it yet? They are all forgetting who you are already!' He yelled, getting closer and closer to me. ' There is no one to save you, No ONE!' With your powers gone, that's to my witches I will destroy you as you destroyed me hundreds of years ago.

'You will not get away with this, you think I'm stupid? You will never win, try as much as you want. You might have won a battle, but not the war.' My mouth moved, and it felt like I was saying the words, but my mind didn't follow it. It has to be another vision because if not, I'm definitely crazy.

With no more words said all I could feel was a power surge through my body and all went dark again. I woke up a couple of seconds later in a field.

Wait, I recognize this place... This is where I found myself when I woke up with no memories. It can't be...


I woke up with a gasp for air, coughing as I tried to breathe in as much air as possible.

'Where am I?' I whispered.

'We're still at the training grounds.' Voice said. I lifted my hand to see Alpha Eros. His eyes held concern.

I was still confused and so many questions hung around in my head.

'How long was I out for?'

'A couple of minutes.'

It definitely felt longer than a couple of minutes. It was another vision, much more vivid and horrible this time. The fire... it seemed like it was going to consume me alive. My heart still thudded in my chest like crazy and I only now noticed that I was in Alpha Eros's arms. His touch was soft and warm. Light electricity flowed through it, it felt oddly weird, but I could melt in it. But I realised I had to get up, he was the Alpha and I was a human and there was no time for boys, not when I have to uncover my past.

'What happened to you?'

I slowly stood up with my still shaking legs and looked at the man before me. I wondered if he would help me if I told him the truth, or if he would make fun of it. As I scanned Alpha Eros's face I couldn't find anything else but concern and sadness. He was concerned about me, but does that mean I can trust him though?

Hi guys!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. And I might put it into the book! Your feedback is much appreciated. x

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