
The Originals: Lycan Born

Elias Corvinus-Mikaelson bit two unsuspecting teens changing their lives forever. Elias is forced to defend his pack as enemies move in on his turf.

MrGodlyGod01 · Others
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62 Chs

That's Never Happened Before

Thursday 1 day before the full moon

Sheriff Noah Stilinski entered Deaton's veterinarian shop with his laptop in hand, he patiently waited as Deaton dealt with a customer.

"What can I do for you sheriff?" Deaton smiled though deep down he felt pity for sheriff Stilinski he was the sheriff in a city where crimes impossible to solve without the right information happened every day.

"You went to school to be a vet, I'm sure you have the knowledge to identify animals that aren't only domestic but wild, Correct?"

Deaton raised an eyebrow hearing the question, Sheriff Stilinski acted fast opening his laptop he pulled up the video of the convenience store. Pressing play he watched Deaton's reaction to the video.

Deaton watched as everything unfolded and he was more surprised that the video had been caught on cam. Not showing anything on his face he turned to Sheriff Stinlinski with confidence, "Looks like a mountain lion to me."

Noah frowned hearing that as he rewinded the video before pressing pay again this time he zoomed in on the animal's shadow. Deaton could only curse internally as he watched the shadow go from an animal on all four to that of a human.

"Sometimes mountain lions stand on two feet, maybe that shadow was it jumping towards something, I'm sorry I can't be of much help Sheriff," Deaton spoke with faux remorse in his voice.

"So you think it was a mountain lion?"

"Once again I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help I have a sick basket hound in the back,"

"You're sure it was a mountain lion?" Noah asked again.

"I'm sorry sheriff maybe you should talk to the Argents they're a family known for hunting, I have a sick-."

"A sick basket hound I know, well thanks for the help," Noah closed his laptop before exiting the place he could tell Deaton was hiding something. He was getting close, something inside of him wouldn't allow him to stop his search.

Sheriff Stilinski wasn't the only one getting close to a secret, Jackson was currently standing at his locker a lacrosse glove in his hand. Scott had dropped this after there first Lacrosse game and he had spent weeks trying to find out why there were holes in the tips.

The holes wouldn't help him in the game so why would he purposely poke holes in his glove. That was until he had a run-in with Derek hale, The marks on his neck were similar to the holes on the gloves. He was beginning to believe that it wasn't drugs that helped Scott and Stiles become better at Lacrosse.

Although Elias didn't come to school today he wouldn't end up missing much due to parent-teacher conferences. He spent most of his time in agonizing pain his hunger had far surpassed the level it had reached during the last full moon. Sitting in the basement he clenched his fist as hard as he could drawing blood as his nails pierced his palm.

He had already drained the blood bags his uncle left for him empty, he was doing his best not to dig into another bag. He had a feeling that if he did, his hunger would overwhelm him pushing him to search for something a little more satisfying. He shook from his thoughts as he heard the door open, the sound of footsteps flooded his ears he could tell it was only one person.

"I've just experienced the most boring day of my life, what would the masses thing if they knew the great Niklaus Michaelson was forced to attend a parent-teacher conference." Niklaus frowned as he focused on his nephew who looked ready to pounce. "You might want to reconsider that," Niklaus said causing Elias to pause.

Before Elias could react Niklaus had already appeared in front of him sending a kick to his temple sending him flying into a wall. Waking towards his nephew he kneeled down latching on to his shoulder, "Don't hesitate in front of your enemy it'll lead you to your death. When attacking remember you should not only know your enemy you should also know yourself. And finally, once you decide to attack hold nothing back go for the kill or next time you'll be the one dead."

Elias said nothing as his eyes began to glow red, his nails extended as he gripped Niklaus's wrist. "I... understand.." Elias growled as he returned a kick to Niklaus gut sending him sliding backward.

"Hold nothing back," Elias said as his features began to change again this time pitch-black hair began to grow on his body. Niklaus reacted quickly appearing behind his nephew he grabbed his head before twisting causing the change to halt as Elias fell to the ground.

"While I would have loved to see you in your Lycan form this isn't exactly the most fitting location. I'll let you rest when you awake we'll talk." Niklaus said as he turned around to head upstairs.

Without Niklaus realizing Elias's eyes shot opened a crimson red as he appeared directly behind Niklaus reaching his hand through his chest grabbing his still-beating heart.

Niklaus froze in his spot as his eyes widened, "That's never happened before." He coughed up blood as he realized it was his nephew holding his heart. "What are you waiting for, do it," Niklaus chuckled as he got no reply from Elias.

Elias's eyes slowly dimmed as he realized he was holding the heart of his only biological family besides his father. Relaxing his grip on Niklaus's heart taking a step back he watched as Niklaus fell to his knees. Walking towards the metal coolers full of blood bags he quickly handed one to his uncle before grabbing one himself.

"How are you feeling," Niklaus asked as he finished his first blood bag heading for another.

"I'm fine," Niklaus frowned hearing that.

"Not feeling like ripping my throat out, maybe removing one of my limbs or ripping my heart out?"

"I'm getting there," Elias said as his uncle did his best to unnerve him. " I had your heart in my hand I could have crushed it or removed it with just the slightest bit of strength. But at that moment it wasn't something I wanted to do, The first time I turned into a Lycan I lost control of myself. I hated that feeling it's something I never want to feel again, but I get the feeling tomorrow night I won't have a choice. The Lycan part of me wants to take control, I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to stop it."

"Then don't, embrace it, if you spend the rest of your life fighting who you are you'll never become the person you're meant to be. Look at us vampires, most choose to embrace their new life and they find it to be even more amazing each day. While others fight it choosing to live off animal blood, that only makes them weak. Oh and even if you had tried your hardest you wouldn't have destroyed my heart I'm glad you didn't try at least."


"Because it means I'm not doing a terrible job at this being an Uncle thing," Niklaus smirked as he turned to head upstairs leaving his nephew to his own thoughts.

AN: Like honestly does anyone know what happens if you remove an original's heart????

So I'm trying to become a better writer it's going to take a lot of research. I'm thinking of wrapping up the first season of teen wolf soon like I really just want to be in season 3 already...


If anyone's feeling generous... and thanks for reading...

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