
The Originals: Lycan Born

Elias Corvinus-Mikaelson bit two unsuspecting teens changing their lives forever. Elias is forced to defend his pack as enemies move in on his turf.

MrGodlyGod01 · Others
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62 Chs

Before the party

The first thing Elias noticed when he got out of his car the next day was Scott and Stiles.

"Dude, you're telling me you got a date to Lydia's party?"

"Yeah, dude you won't believe it last night I was getting ready to close shop when I heard someone banging on the door. it was Allison, she had been driven that night and ended up accidentally hitting a dog."

"Did the dog die," Stiles couldn't help but ask with worry.

"No, luckily it wasn't a serious injury, I quickly patched her up to Allison's relief. Before she left I asked her if she wanted to go to Lydia's party, and she said yeah."

"You lucky dog, I guess I can't blame you completely for the fact that we're not popular."

"Stiles if you got over Lydia you would have a date to Lydia's party." Scott couldn't help but speak the truth Lydia hadn't spoken to them since high school started.

Elias stopped listening after that, he just started to think about what his dad had said. Could he deal with the consequences of going to that party, No he couldn't. But Stiles and Scott would be experiencing the same thing and they currently weren't even aware.

He had a feeling in his gut that if they went to that party just as many people would die. But it looked like Scott would give up everything to go to that party, to go on his date with Allison.

Elias walked into the school building wondering if he should go to the party or not. He would be putting not only Marin in danger but everyone else by going to that party. Then again he was the reason both Scott and Stiles had become werewolves if they hurt someone it would ruin their lives.

He was someone that had killed before and sure the guy deserved it, but he knew what it felt like. The nightmares he would have remembered his face if they killed it wouldn't be by choice but because they couldn't control themselves.

"Eli I'm having a party tonight, I expect you there no matter what." Lydia's voice shook Elias from his thoughts, he realized he had reached his locker.

"I don't know Lydia, I might not be able to make it." Elias put in his locker combination grabbing a couple of books.

Lydia's smile dropped from her face, "Well it seems I'll have to inform Marin you can't make it tonight."

"I'll be there." Elias sighed closing his locker with a bang.

"Good I'll see you tonight then." Lydia's smiling returned as she walked away.

Elias made his way towards his first-period class, wondering if he was making a mistake by going. Entering the classroom he immediately noticed Stiles starting out three windows.

"We need to talk," Elias said taking his seat.

"Talk about what?"

"How about the fact that both you and Scott were bitten in the woods a few nights ago, or maybe that the bite changed you both."

"How do you know all that?" Stiles whispered making sure no one was listening to their conversation. "How do you know, Scott and I were in the woods?"

"I was there," Elias said in a flat tone.

"Fine, me and Scott will meet you after school, give me your phone number I'll call you when we're done with Lacrosse tryouts." Elias nodded turning his attention to the English teacher, his thoughts focused on tonight he didn't know how things would work out.

Time seemed to fly as he quickly found himself in Mr.Harris's class sitting next to Marin.

"You didn't call me last night, what happened?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, sorry about that My dad, had a little get together and he wouldn't allow me to step away. It ended pretty late, I wasn't sure if you were still up and I didn't want to wake you from your beauty sleep."

"You think I need beauty sleep?" Marin frowned catching Elias off guard, "Next time call, don't leave a girl waiting for a call that's never coming."

"Next time I'll call, so we still on for tonight?" Elias while tapping his pencil on the lab desk.

"Pick me up tonight at 7," Marin quickly pulled out her phone texting Elias her address. "Don't leave me waiting," Marin said as the bell rang and Mr.Harris entered the classroom.

"Settle down class, today we're going to begin reading on page 13, Mr.Stilinski w don't you start us off."

The rest of the day flew by and Elias found himself sitting at home on the couch listening to music. He was waiting on Stiles to call him, He quickly turned the music off when he noticed his father enter the room.

"I apologize, Son, I'll be back later tonight, I have business I need to take care of. Lock yourself in the basement if the full moon is too much for you to handle."

"Alright, I'm heading over to Stiles's house."

Elijah paused thinking about it for a second, "Is Stiles one of the two you bit?" Elias nodded.

"We don't how the moon will affect me, but we did know how it'll affect them. I think I should warn them, it's the least I can do since I am the one that caused all this."

"Fine, but you be back before 7, I don't want you out there at all but you're right they deserve that much. Can you trust them?" Elijah asked sending Elias a pensive glare.

"I'm not sure about Scott, but Stiles seems to be more focused. He's smart, I have a feeling he was born to be apart of this world."

"Our world is full of unspeakable demons, no one is born to be apart of it, but I'll take your word and dig a little deeper into his past." Elias could only nod his father was over a thousand years old there was no way to refute him.

"Be careful son, I'd hate to release carnage on this town." Elijah left after grabbing his jacket.

Elias headed upstairs for a quick shower, once he got out he noticed he had a missed call.


"Eli, This is Stiles, I'm texting you my address now, Scott's already on his way."

"Stiles I thought you and Scott, were at Lacrosse tryouts?" Elias was confused he saw no reason for Stiles to split from Scott.

"I left early, just get here fast, we still have to go to Lydia's party." Elias hung up the phone quickly, he dressed quickly Black jeans, white forces and a Nike jacket to top it off. locking the front door before he quickly entered his Porsche. He would vamp speed to Stiles's house but he decided to go to Marin's right after meeting up with Scott and Stiles.

Stiles House

Stiles was currently scoring the web on anything relates to bites, animal attacks, and lycanthrope legends. He came upon pages of Lycaon, the Beast of Gevaudan and wolfsbane.

He took in the images and passages of folklore that passed by the screen, he started to pace back in forth in his room as everything started to make sense. Different legends described them differently but there was one thing that each had. Werewolves had enhanced healing powers, grabbing a pushpin, Stiles looked at the point.

"This will prove it all c'mon Stiles you got this," Stiles encouraged himself before dragging the pin across his finger. He hissed in pain as a thin line of blood dripped from his finger. Now it was time to see if it worked, running towards the bathroom Stiles quickly ran water across his bloodied finger.

As the blood was washed away his eyes widened at the sight of his skin knitting itself together, the cut was healing up and soon it was if it was never there. Stiles didn't have much time to marvel at his newfound healing abilities when there was a knock at his door.

He quickly opened the door seeing Stiles smiling face. "Hey."

"Oh, good, get in." Stiles then went back to his computer stacks of paper littered his view.

"Stiles, Why'd you disappear during tryouts, you missed your chance to be 1st line."

"Yeah, I know but I've been looking things up since last night, you've got to see this."

"Scott gave him a once over as he took in all the scattered papers. 'How much Adderall have you had today?"

"None," Stiles said looking up from his papers.

Scott's eyes widened hearing that, "You haven't taken any?"

"No, not a pill, I haven't needed it, but none of that matters, you won't believe what I found."

Scott tossed his bag on the bed, "this is about the body? They find out who did it?"

"No, They're still questioning people. Even Derek Hale."

"The Guy we saw in the woods?"

"Yeah but that's not it!"

"What then?"

Stiles cleared his throat, "Uh, you remember the other day? That joke that I made, not a joke anymore." Scott still didn't seem to get it.

"You know, the bites we got in the woods. You remember the howl right?"


"Do you know why a wolf howls?" Scott shook his head. "It's a signal, Wolves howl to signal their location to the other member of their pack. I think there might be more than one out there, maybe a whole pack in the woods."

"A whole pack of wolves, Didn't you say wolves haven't lived in California since the 20's or something?"

"Not a pack of wolves, a pack of werewolves."

Scott stood up then. "Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour."

"Stiles held up his hands to stop him, "No Scott, I saw you out there on the field. I mean, I really saw you. I could see your moves to the smallest detail and I could actually predict how you were going to move before you did it."

"Predict it? what, like you, were psychic?"

"No, it was more like everything had slowed down, and I could focus on the tiniest details. Just by the way your muscles tensed I could tell which direction you would go when you would jump or shoot the ball. I instinctively knew what you were going to do, things that you shouldn't have been able to do. How you moved out there, it wasn't just amazing, okay it was impossible."

Scott stared at him with a blank face. "So I made a good shot," he shrugged as he tried to leave again.

But Stiles stopped him again and even took his bag from him and tossed it aside, "No Scott you made an incredible shot. Your moves out there too, people can't just do that stuff overnight."

"What are you talking about?! You were just as incredible, if you had stared then you might've made 1st line as well."

"I know! I was incredible, and I know that I shouldn't have been either."


"And look," he said as he lifted his sleeve. "Notice anything?"

Scott looked at Stiles's arm but didn't see anything. "There's nothing there."

"Exactly!" he said putting his sleeve down, "Scott, there's nothing, my bite's gone."

"What?" Scott then looked up into his eyes. Okay, that was strange, he then remembered that his own bite at his torso was also gone. He didn't want to admit it but he was starting to feel worried now.

This is going pretty slow, but I kind of like it...

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