
The Originals: Lycan Born

Elias Corvinus-Mikaelson bit two unsuspecting teens changing their lives forever. Elias is forced to defend his pack as enemies move in on his turf.

MrGodlyGod01 · Others
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62 Chs



I was foolish, childish even, my father had told me the stories. My uncle had exaggerated a little but I could tell almost all of what he told me was the truth. I was young before the change, magically aging overnight was something no one could expect. Maybe had I asked more questions I would have been prepared for what was to come. Peter Hale was only the beginning, although if I was being honest even he was trouble.

I hadn't taken him seriously in fact I don't think any of us actually took any of this seriously. I was foolish because I didn't realize it wouldn't be me in pain. I wouldn't be the one dying while my friends watched on unable to move. I wasn't exactly close with Scott but I didn't wish for him to die. Not like that.

Beacon Hills High School

Elias and Marin moved in sync as the DJ at the dance had finally decided to play a slow song. Marin placed her head on Elias' chest listening to his steady heartbeat, such a sound brought her to peace. A small smile could be seen on Elias' face as he wrapped his arms around Marin. This moment would hopefully be something both he and Marin could look back on in the future and smile. Unfortunately, the moment wasn't meant to last as the sound of his cellphone ringing brought him back to reality. For someone with his hearing ignoring it was practically impossible and yet he persevered doing his best to ignore it.

"Answer it, who knows it might be important," Marin looked up at him with a smile on her face.

"More important than the moment we're currently sharing?" Elias asked causing her to shake her head.

"At least see who it's from," Elias nodded pulling out his phone he raised an eyebrow as he saw Stiles' name. Looking around the gym he immediately realized he wasn't there.

Using his hearing he closed his eyes taken in every sound in the gym, that was when he realized it. He couldn't hear anything beyond the gym, as if there was nothing outside. Looking down at his phone he immediately answered the phone. "Stiles where are you?"

"I'm at the Lacrosse field, it's Lydia, get here quickly." Elias could hear the pain in his voice. Looking up at Marin he could see the worry in her eyes.

"We have to get to the Lacrosse field," Marin nodded before beginning to walk towards the gym doors only for Elias to shake his head. Ignoring the shriek that left her mouth as he picked her up they vanished.

Stopping in front of Stiles he let Marin down before kneeling down next to his friend. "What happened?" tears were already in Stiles' eyes, Lydia laid unconscious in his arms.

"Peter, he bit her...He was going to kill her...I."

"Stiles calm down, what did Peter want?" Elias placed a hand on his shoulder as he gave Stiles a comforting nod.

"He wanted to know about you. He asked about your mom, the effects the full moon had on you, he also asked about the aging but I lied." Stiles said through tears.

"It's fine Stiles."

"No, it's not. He was listening to my heartbeat, even after that he still bit Lydia. This is my fault I shouldn't have asked her to the dance, maybe she wouldn't-"

"Stiles, I have a feeling that even if you didn't he still would have bit, Lydia. He needs a pack. It's the reason he was in the woods that night."

"Jackson, he bit Jackson." Stiles looked up at Elias with a knowing look.

"You guys can talk about this later, Lydia needs to go to a hospital," Marin said Interrupting the conversation.

"No she's been bitten, chances are she'll change waking up in a hospital during that would suck. We're taking her to my house, Marin. Stiles we're taking your jeep, my car won't be enough for all of us."

Stiles fished through his pockets pulling out his jeep keys handing them to Elias. Picking up Lydia he looked down at her with who knows what going through his mind.

"I have a feeling Peter has been planning this since he escaped. Someone cast a spell on the gym so that I wouldn't be able to hear what was going on outside of it. We've been caught up in our own problems, we should have been ready." Elias led the way deep inside feeling a hint of guilt, before long they were in the parking lot.

"Marin you should follow us in my car," Marin nodded fishing in her own purse for his keys. She had driven to the dance and was already used to driving the car. Opening the back door of Stiles Jeep he allowed him to place Lydia in the car. Stiles climbed in behind her holding her tightly. "She's gonna be alright Stiles." Getting no reply Elias started the jeep.

Hale Family Vault

Peter stepped out of the shadows walking over to Jennifer, he now had all the information he needed to contact Marcus. He only hoped he would show up himself, whatever his plans were he was sure they included Elias. He himself understood how difficult it would be to go after him. With a grin he thought about how Marcus would reward him, he had heard the tales. Those that joined his pack became stronger than regular alpha's, he wanted that.

That old hunter would show up soon and then his revenge would be complete, the strength he would get from Marcus would make achieving it easier.

"It's time to send the message," Peter said, getting a nod from Jennifer.

Argent House

Chris waited anxiously on the couch, Victoria had left earlier without telling him. He only hoped she hadn't gone ahead and started without him. This whole thing was stupid. Kill an original? If it was that simple they would have died ages ago. None of the information he tracked down had led to anything worthwhile.


Standing up he looked towards the door with a worried face as his wife entered, grocery bags were in her hand as she hummed a tune. As she locked eyes with Chris she spoke "What?"

"I thought-"

"That I went to hunt down an original?" Before Chris could reply she spoke again. "I may hate them but I'm not foolish, they'll get what's coming for them. For Kate, but right now we must bide our time."

Sighing, Chris realized he had underestimated his wife's fortitude, this was the reason female's led the family. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me with the groceries?" Looking at her he smiled before following her out the door.

As he helped her carry the groceries he failed to notice the vervain inside the bags.

Mikaelson Manor

"Did Scott pick up?" Elias asked Stiles who only shook his head in response. He was getting worried for some reason Elias could feel it. First Lydia, and now Scott was out there with Allison without any help. He understood why Stiles was beginning to worry but he needed him focused.

"Derek's on the way, we need to regroup this whole time we've been on the defense. This time we're attacking and we're ending this forever." Elias refused to watch as Peter picked them off one by one. Stiles and Lydia were literally within hearing distance and he had failed to realize they were in danger due to magic. As long as they continued to live their regular lives they would always be in danger. It was time to take a page out of his uncle's book and destroy his enemies.

"For now just watch over Lydia, once Derek arrives we'll think of a plan and I'll need your help." Elias patted Stiles on the shoulder before walking over to Marin. She was next to a sleeping Lydia, they all understood what kind of danger she was in. They had heard the saying 'not everyone takes the bite'.

"She'll be okay," Marin said as Elias placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure she will," At first he had thought Lydia was annoying, he didn't like fake things which is why at first he wasn't a fan of her. Once she stopped acting it became hard not to like her, he understood how Stiles had been in love with her since the 3rd grade. He couldn't help but smile, Stiles had been the first person to see Lydia for what she truly was. She would pull through, she had to pull through. He was half tempted to give her some of his blood, if she didn't pull through she would become a vampire only now wasn't the time for that.

Scott's house

Scott laid on the couch with Allison resting her head against his chest. With everything going on neither of them felt like going to the dance. On the kitchen table, there were two plates, candles, and flowers. Scott had worked up the courage to cook for both of them, he wasn't necessarily good but following the recipe he got from his mom made the food taste okay. Now they were watching a movie, Scott wondered how Stiles' date with Lydia was going.

"Knock, Knock," the voice sent shivers down Scott's spine, mainly because he recognized it. The front door swung open revealing a grinning Peter. "Scott I didn't know you would have company," Peter said with a smirk.

Sitting up he looked at Peter not knowing what to say. Right now he was alone, he understood that he wouldn't be able to take Peter. Derek and Elias maybe, but he didn't stand a chance.

"Who is this," Allison asked, looking at Scott.

"This is…" not knowing how to reply he froze.

"I'm Derek's uncle Peter, Scott borrowed a couple of tools from Derek, I'm here to get them back," Peter spoke in a kind tone.

"Yeah there outside, you should find them on the porch," Scott said, trying his best to get Peter to leave.

"Why don't you show me, It's pretty dark out there and I'd rather not be here for long," narrowing his eyes at Scott Peter made sure he took the hint.

"My phone has a flashlight I can show you," Allison said, reaching for her phone.

Panicking on the inside Scott cursed Peter in his head, "It's alright I'll show him." Flashing Allison a smile Scott stood up leading Peter outside.

Closing the door behind him Peter smiled at Scott. "We can finally have a nice little chat, free of your annoying friends."

"What do you want?" Scott understood that Allison was currently in danger. He regretted not going to the dance, doing so would have been safer.

"It's pretty simple actually, I want you to join me. Unlike Stiles who seems like a natural at this, you're different." Scott mentally sighed hearing this, he wasn't jealous of Stiles; he had been interested in the Supernatural before all of this happened. Scott just wanted a regular life.

"I just want to be normal, I'm tired of all of this. People trying to kill me, my girlfriend, you literally sent someone to break my neck, why can't you just leave me alone."

"Ahh, the dreams of youth? I once had a similar dream, Scott. Derek probably hasn't told you this but before the Hale fire, I lived a pretty peaceful life. My older sister was the alpha and she made sure everyone in the family was happy. Oh, what I wouldn't give to go back to those days. When all the senseless killing didn't exist, when your own family didn't wish to kill you for your power." Peter leaned back against the balcony as he thought about the past.

"Then why don't you? Leave us all alone, stop terrorizing Beacon hills. Live a peaceful life." Scott spoke his mind seeing a part of Peter he didn't think existed. He was a monster and yet at that moment, he seemed human, who didn't wish they could go back in time and change something. Scott wished he could go back to the day Elias bit him every time he looked in the mirror and saw his eyes glow a golden hue.

"Because I Can't!!!" Peter stood up, his eyes flashing a bloody red. "They took it from me, the Argents burned my family to the ground. I was there Scott, do you know what kind of pain I went through. Do you think you know pain? Try sitting in a hospital bed with the inability to move as your skin did its best to heal but the scar tissue from having half of your body burned to cinders stopping it. I was trapped, with nothing but my own thoughts. You wanna know what I thought about Scott?"

Scott frowned taking a step back he could see the anger, he was afraid not for himself but for Allison.

"Finding every single person involved and tearing them to pieces. Only that would be a mercy as they wouldn't be tortured as I was. That's what I've been doing, the murder that have happened in beacon hills. Each of them had a part in what happened to my family."

"You're here for Allison?" Scott said causing Peter to pause before he broke out in a fit of laughter. Even his eyes returned to normal as he laughed at Scott.

"No, Scott at one point in time maybe killing her would have been the plan. But she's innocent just like my family was. If it wasn't for a certain Mikaelson she certainly would have come into play but I have a bigger target." Peter took a second before speaking again. "Scott like I said I'm here for you. Join my pack, with me you'll be a beta. With Elias, I'm sure you're forever doomed to be an omega."

"How did you know that?" Scott asked with a frown on his face.

"Scott I've been observing from the very beginning. You don't think you're cut out for this life, maybe you believe making the Lacrosse team and even dating Allison would have happened without your abilities." Scott froze as Peter somehow spoke his exact thoughts.

"Unfortunately for you Scott you're wrong, without your werewolf abilities you never would have made the team. And Allison? How many times did your werewolf abilities come into play then? Tell me you've never eavesdropped or shown off to get her attention?"

He was right. Scott had been under the impression that him being a werewolf had only brought on bad things. At the party he had been unable to control himself due to the full moon because of that he was forced to ditch Allison. That led him into the hunters and he almost died. He had gotten into a fight with Stiles because he couldn't control his anger. He was only seeing the bad but Peter was right. Making the Lacrosse team, even his first meeting with Allison was a by-product of his werewolf abilities. How else would he have known she needed a pen.

"You see Scott, you aren't like Stiles but you aren't any worse. From the very beginning, you used your abilities to your advantage to get the girl, to make the team. They don't see how valuable you are but I do." Peter smirked as he looked at Scott. "Elias is a Mikaelson; he's looked at everyone around and only saw what they could provide. He's young, ignorant, and naive. How could he see the value you provide. Join me, Scott, at least I see what you can provide."


Scott tried to ignore it but he was sure Peter had also heard it. Looking up at him he realized that he wanted him to answer it. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone he frowned seeing the name of the caller.

"It's Stiles," Showing the phone to Peter he got a nod in response.

"Answer it."

"Hello," Scott spoke into his phone.

"Lydia's been attacked?..."

"By Peter?..." Looking up he frowned looking at Peter who only shrugged in response.

"Yeah, we're on the way." Hanging up the phone Scott looked Peter in the eye.

"Go, I won't stop you," Peter watched as Scott ran into the house and as the door closed he walked towards the mailbox hanging next to the front door. Pulling it up he placed a piece of paper under it. He watched as the piece of paper glowed purple before it blended into the paint. Narrowing his eyes slightly he soon grinned knowing his plan was perfect.


Okay so first of all there will be no scheduled updates. I really do love this fanfic and I honestly can't watch Teen Wolf or The Originals without thinking about it. I have so many fanfics saved just chilling on my computer so I just write whichever one I want and lately it's been this one. The chapter after this one will be the end of season one of Teen Wolf, season 2 will be extremely short because honestly, Jackson isn't much of a villain. Once again there will be no scheduled updates but you can expect the next chapter soon. Thanks to all the readers who have been asking me to update it.

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