
The Orb of Worlds without Limits: Alice in Borderland

Jacob, a young man burdened by tragedy and adversity, discovers a magical orb in his darkest moment of despair. This discovery sets off a chain of events that will lead him to uncover unimaginable things and embark on a perilous journey filled with dangers and revelations. After experiencing an unjust betrayal, Jacob finds himself immersed in despair and darkness. But one day, while wandering through the forgotten corners of his tiny world, he stumbles upon a mysterious glowing orb that emanates supernatural energy. Known as "The Orb of Worlds without Limits," the orb grants Jacob the ability to travel to different worlds and unlocks unknown knowledge within him. In his quest to uncover the truth behind the orb and his own purpose, Jacob encounters a truth he never could have expected. Throughout his travels, Jacob will experience otherworldly encounters and learn to appreciate his own existence in ways he never thought possible. [Make your choice!] "[... World A: The Hunger Games Difficulty level: 3 ... World B: Apollo 18 Difficulty level: 4 ... World C: Blood Red Sky Difficulty level: 3 ... World D: Sweet Home Difficulty level: 5

SrCuervo · Movies
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243 Chs

On the edge of death

In the command center, Seneca Crane's face was flushed with anger. The fact that they had lost control of the mutated beast filled him with frustration and concern. Meanwhile, the logistics team members were trying to present ideas to stop the beast and regain control of the situation.

"We need to act quickly! We can't allow this beast to continue wreaking havoc in the arena," exclaimed one of the team members.

"We could try weakening it with heavy weapons. Maybe that will make it retreat."

Seneca frowned, looking at each of the people present. "We need a definitive solution. Does anyone have a bolder idea?"

At that moment, a voice rose among the murmurs of the team. "What if we use mutated dogs to attack it? They might be our best option to stop it."

All eyes turned to the team member who had spoken. Seneca pondered the idea, feeling a mixture of excitement and concern.

"Mutated dogs are dangerous and difficult to control, but if we manage to direct their attention toward the beast, we might gain some time to regain control." Another team member pointed out.

Seneca nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "Alright. Prepare the mutated dogs for the attack. It's our last resort, but we must give it a try."

The agents, specialized in handling mutated dogs, were quickly summoned. The command center fell silent as they prepared for the risky mission.

Seneca watched the screen. He knew they were taking a big gamble with this strategy, but there was no other alternative. The tension in the room was palpable, and everyone present was aware of the consequences of their failure.

"We have to make this work. The tributes' lives and the success of the Hunger Games are at stake." Seneca murmured to himself.

While the agents and mutated dogs prepared for the confrontation, time seemed to pass slowly. Hearts beat with anxiety, and determined gazes met.

"It's time to act! We can't allow this beast to continue wreaking havoc in the arena..." Seneca shouted with a mix of hope and concern.

The mutated dogs set off to battle, leaving behind the emotionally charged command center. Everyone understood the gravity of the situation and was ready to face any challenge with courage.

The fate of the mutated beast and the outcome of the Hunger Games now hung by a thread. The command center fell silent, eyes fixed on the screens, eagerly awaiting the outcome of this audacious strategy.



Jacob ran alongside the girl nicknamed Foxface, their steps echoing on the ground as they headed towards the sound of the explosion. His smart assistant provided him with precise information about the direction and possible obstacles along the way.

"[There are traces of blood on the path, and the explosion is 90% similar to the mine that detonated when confronting the mutated beasts!"] it reported.

As they hurried, the sound of a cannon filled the sky. Jacob's heart tightened, knowing that someone had lost their life. A sinister feeling gripped his chest, reminding him of the brutality and danger his allies could be facing.

However, he had no time to mourn. The beast was close, threatening Katniss, and it was his duty to protect her. Jacob quickened his pace, his determination burning in his eyes.

"[Deceased participant from District 11, Thresh, detected!]"

Finally, they reached the area of the explosion. The mutated beast was about to pounce on Katniss, who was trying to move as she crawled on the ground.


Jacob let out a heart-wrenching cry, capturing the attention of the beast. Without hesitation, he drew his bow and shot an accurate arrow that struck the creature's side.

The furious roar of the beast filled the air, but Jacob didn't back down. His defiant gaze met Katniss's. She had some kind of stick piercing her leg, numerous scrapes on her body, and seemed to have a wound on her head—she was in grave danger.

In a gesture of trust, Jacob signaled Foxface to take the bow and head south as soon as she found a shortcut to take Katniss away.

"Run, Foxface! Go south and stay safe!" He shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

Foxface nodded, bravely grasping the bow in her trembling hands. Jacob knew he had to keep the beast occupied long enough for her to escape.

The wounded and sluggish mutated beast lunged at Jacob, its threatening claws seeking his flesh. He moved with agility, skillfully evading the attacks and launching arrows in response. The battle was intense and ruthless, but Jacob didn't retreat.

His mind was focused on protecting Katniss and giving Foxfacethe opportunity to survive alongside her. Every movement was calculated, every shot precise. The beast roared in pain and rage, but Jacob refused to be intimidated.

The fight dragged on, seconds turning into endless minutes. Jacob knew he couldn't give up, he couldn't let the beast stand in his way. With every arrow shot, his determination grew.


Jacob lunged with his Kusarigama weapon, skillfully twirling it around. The chain tangled around the mutated beast's limbs while the sharp blade sliced through the air with precision. Each movement was agile and coordinated, taking advantage of the aid of the trees to dodge the creature's fierce attacks.

From the corner of his eye, Jacob noticed Foxfacetaking Katniss and slowly moving towards a safe place. With that knowledge in mind, he decided to change the course of the battle. He swiftly moved, trailing behind the direction in which his allies had escaped.

Blinded by anger and bloodlust, the beast didn't perceive Jacob's strategy. It frantically lunged towards where its prey had been before. But when it arrived, it found only emptiness.

Jacob concealed himself among the fallen trees, waiting patiently. He knew he couldn't allow the beast to pursue them. His senses sharpened as he kept watch on the horizon.

Suddenly, a dozen roars filled the air. Within seconds, a horde of small mutated dogs pounced on the giant beast. Jacob felt a mix of relief and concern for these unfamiliar events. Although the beast was being attacked, it was also exposed to its fierce counterattacks.

He didn't have time to hesitate. A mutated dog pounced on him, biting his left arm. Pain surged through his body, but Jacob didn't let himself be defeated so easily. Quickly and full of adrenaline, he activated his retractable dagger on his wrist and stabbed the mutated dog, rendering it immobile on the ground.

However, the battle wasn't over. Jacob knew he had to distance himself and seek safety. He moved with agility beneath the fallen trees, his gaze fixed on the distance as the giant beast was besieged from all directions by the mutated dogs.

Anger burned in his eyes, fueling his determination to survive. He kept running, seizing every opportunity to evade the mutts and stay safe. He knew his goal was to find Katniss and Foxface, but for now, his priority was to stay alive.

The roar of the giant beast faded as it grew more distant, and Jacob continued his escape through the forest, chasing a ray of hope in the relentless darkness of the Hunger Games.

But in that moment, a snarl from a mutated dog that had followed his scent approached his body. But because Jacob was extremely exhausted, he was slower than the pursuing beast.

A final attack from the beast loomed, its jaws open and its claws ready to shred. Jacob braced himself for the impact, but before it could happen, a deafening blast echoed through the air.

The beast was struck by an unknown force, and Jacob seized the opportunity to quickly move away. He turned his head and saw Foxface, still holding her bow, looking at him with gratitude.

As he got up from the ground, he ran towards her and asked, gasping for air, "How are you? Where is Katniss?"

"She's by the river. I couldn't leave you behind, so I came back to show you the way," Foxfacereplied, looking into the distance where the towering trees rested in a silence filled with coldness.

"[Master, some mutated dogs are heading in our direction, suggestion...

Jump into the river, the current will carry you about two hundred meters from this place. Considering the terrain, it would take them at least half an hour to return to the cave...]"

Jacob looked at the river in the distance; he didn't have to be a genius to know that the water was cold, extremely cold.

"We have to escape through the river!" Jacob walked towards the river and took Katniss, who was currently unconscious.

"Through the water?" Foxfaceasked, full of confusion. But at that moment, she heard faint snarls of mutated dogs, indicating that they had followed their scent.

Gazing at the river and the forest, Jacob looked at her one last time and said, "Let's go!"

Doubt had vanished from their faces, so the three of them immediately jumped into the river, leaving behind the growls of the beasts who had lost track of the humans.

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