
The Orb of Worlds without Limits: Alice in Borderland

Jacob, a young man burdened by tragedy and adversity, discovers a magical orb in his darkest moment of despair. This discovery sets off a chain of events that will lead him to uncover unimaginable things and embark on a perilous journey filled with dangers and revelations. After experiencing an unjust betrayal, Jacob finds himself immersed in despair and darkness. But one day, while wandering through the forgotten corners of his tiny world, he stumbles upon a mysterious glowing orb that emanates supernatural energy. Known as "The Orb of Worlds without Limits," the orb grants Jacob the ability to travel to different worlds and unlocks unknown knowledge within him. In his quest to uncover the truth behind the orb and his own purpose, Jacob encounters a truth he never could have expected. Throughout his travels, Jacob will experience otherworldly encounters and learn to appreciate his own existence in ways he never thought possible. [Make your choice!] "[... World A: The Hunger Games Difficulty level: 3 ... World B: Apollo 18 Difficulty level: 4 ... World C: Blood Red Sky Difficulty level: 3 ... World D: Sweet Home Difficulty level: 5

SrCuervo · Movies
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243 Chs

A river of blood


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jacob walked at a moderate pace, his breathing so normal and balanced with his movements that nothing could break his state of immersion. Everyone who crossed paths with him was eliminated in less than ten minutes; the coordination of his shooting and advancing movements was so superhuman that everyone was terrified.

"Let's go, I need to reload!" A young peacekeeper was cold-sweating as he tried to reload his rifle. His hands trembled uncontrollably as he looked around.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three crisp shots broke the silence, and Jacob, who was walking indifferently while holding a pistol, said, "Don't try anything, drop your weapons and you won't die."

Jacob knew there was no possibility that this young peacekeeper would drop his weapon as fear consumed him. Seeing that this young peacekeeper didn't actually stop his movements, Jacob forcefully covered the peacekeeper's mouth with his white palm, preventing him from making a sound. Even though he wanted to reload his weapon, the peacekeeper couldn't even let out a surprised scream. Jacob's sharp knife in his left hand stabbed into the peacekeeper's throat.

No matter how much the peacekeeper struggled, blood flowed everywhere. Jacob forcefully covered the peacekeeper's mouth to prevent any unpleasant sounds. After a long time, the peacekeeper stopped struggling and his hands fell limply to the ground without any reaction.

Seeing that the peacekeeper was no longer moving, Jacob let go of him, and the peacekeeper hit the ground with a thud. Jacob felt nothing; his intelligent assistant ensured that he became an unstoppable killing machine.

In a few minutes, he had advanced more than halfway to President Snow's mansion. The trail of corpses Jacob left in his wake was uncountable, but it didn't matter because Jacob was driven by a single mission.

After eliminating the last peacekeeper, Jacob continued his path towards President Snow's mansion. Gunshots could be heard throughout the city, and except for populated buildings, the streets were completely engulfed in flames.

Jacob walked to the end of the alley but stopped when he saw a peacekeeper. He took a piece of debris and threw it high.


When the peacekeeper heard the sound from the side, a question mark suddenly appeared in his mind. He turned attentively and slowly walked towards the direction of the sound.

But before he could go very far, his body fell to the ground and suddenly disappeared into the darkness of the alley. After a while, a line of blood emerged from the darkness.

After dealing with another enemy, Jacob lifted his head and looked towards the mansion. "How much further?"

"[Master, approximately a hundred meters to your objective!]"

As Jacob advanced, there was less activity since the defense was less intense in this special area of the Capitol.

"[Right in front, there are five objects, all of them are currently distracted.]"

"Quick, move and reinforce the main entrance!" A captain of a peacekeeper squad shouted frantically, but his subordinates didn't move.

"Captain, they'll be here in a few minutes!"

"It's not your damn job to question my orders, do what I say!"

However, the sound of a bullet pierced through the man in the suit's head. In the large open hall, the captain looked at his subordinate with a calm expression.


The peacekeeper who was about to speak turned immediately and saw his captain dead with a shot to the head.

In the corner of the street, a group of peacekeepers slowly approached with bulletproof shields and guns aimed forward, ready to open fire.

Bang! Bang!

Jacob, who was in a kind of tower, took cover, grabbed a grenade, and threw it accurately towards the group of peacekeepers that had stopped moving after the powerful explosion.


Jacob quickly approached a window of the mansion, broke the glass with his right elbow, but it was too difficult to remove all the shards that could harm him if he entered.

This sound immediately caught the attention of all the nearby peacekeepers, and they unconsciously turned their heads to look there, completely ignoring the explosion they had heard seconds ago.

But when they found the broken glass on the ground, they suddenly realized that the enemy was attacking from the direction where the explosion had come from, but it was already too late.

Bang! Bang!

Emerging from his hiding spot, Jacob shot two rounds at the two peacekeepers heading towards the window; the bullets precisely pierced their heads, and both died instantly.

He then aimed his weapon at the remaining four peacekeepers on the other side, ran towards them, and continued firing.

Jacob could clearly feel his body's energy depleting rapidly, and if he didn't accelerate his progress, he might not last much longer.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He fired four more shots in succession, emptying the pistol's rounds. The bullets slid through the barrel and flew out, swiftly targeting the fatal areas of the four individuals.


Accompanied by the sound of bullets piercing flesh and blood, three of the Peacekeepers let out a cry before dying and fell to the ground.

But one Peacekeeper remained free and raised his weapon towards Jacob, who immediately jumped towards the mansion's window, evading all the shots directed at him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Once on the ground, he took his last grenade and threw it towards his enemy, who soon perished in the explosion.


Jacob had now reached President Snow's mansion, where the president should be in his office awaiting the outcome of this war.

He entered President Snow's mansion with complete assurance in his movements. With his Kusarigama in hand, a powerful weapon emanating electricity, he stealthily advanced through the dark and luxurious halls of the residence. The controlling artificial intelligence guided him through each room, identifying the Peacekeepers standing in his way.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With swift and precise movements, Jacob eliminated his enemies one by one. His Kusarigama became an extension of his body, spinning and releasing deadly electric shocks towards his opponents. Every strike was accurate, incapacitating the Peacekeepers with convulsions from the electric discharges.

"He's here, help!"


Although the artificial intelligence controlled his movements, Jacob made an effort to suppress any unnecessary harm. His superhuman agility and reflexes allowed him to evade enemy attacks, gliding through the corridors and rooms with skill. It was a deadly dance, a ballet of destruction in which Jacob was the protagonist.

However, as he advanced and his body became filled with wounds, the injuries grew more severe. The intelligent assistant worked tirelessly to minimize the damage, applying advanced regeneration techniques and controlling the flow of adrenaline in Jacob's body. Though the wounds closed and healed at an accelerated rate, each new encounter caused him increasingly intense pain.

"I surrender, please!" A Peacekeeper pleaded with Jacob, who clearly saw it as a trap.

"Very well, just close your eyes."

The sounds of metallic clashes and the cries of the Peacekeepers filled the air as Jacob continued his advance. It was a storm of electricity and violence, an unstoppable force eliminating his enemies with lethal precision. The floor was covered with fallen bodies, silent witnesses to Jacob's skill and ferocity.

Despite the wounds, Jacob showed no signs of stopping. His pain immunity and determination were stronger than any physical pain. Relentlessly, he moved from room to room, seeking President Snow with an insatiable thirst for blood.

The president's mansion turned into an infernal battleground. Electricity crackled in the air, illuminating the rooms with blue flashes as Jacob fought against the Peacekeepers. Each encounter tested his strength and endurance, but the power of the artificial intelligence and Jacob's own skill kept him standing, fighting tirelessly.

Finally, after eliminating the last of the Peacekeepers, Jacob advanced towards the presidential office. His footsteps resonated in the eerie silence as he approached his ultimate target. The lingering pain in his body was almost unbearable, but his will remained unyielding.

"[Master, your wounds are severe, and it is estimated that you will lose consciousness if you continue to sustain further damage and strain your muscles with this intensity of advance!]"

Jacob's intelligent assistant issued numerous warnings, but since its owner commanded him to keep moving forward, the assistant continued to do its best.

"Just one more…" Jacob murmured as he saw a trembling Peacekeeper at the entrance of the office.

"Don't move any closer, or I'll shoot!" warned the Peacekeeper.

"You're the last one alive out of the dozens of people who protected this mansion. Do you want to die like them?" Jacob didn't actually have the means to eliminate the last Peacekeeper, but by playing mind games, he managed to get into the man's head.

"I... I need to protect this door..."

Before the Peacekeeper could react, Jacob, drenched in blood, seized his weapon and said, "Leave this place. The war is about to end."

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