
The opulent wife: the cool queen

The royal princess who caused the entire globe to kowtow to her posed as a commoner with an unattractive face and mingle in the academy to facilitate a political union. Due to her inferior rank, her classmates suspected her of theft, and the following day, she was beaten into the hospital. The day after someone dumped filthy water over her in the hallway, her head was shoved into an offensive ditch. At the academy's test celebration, it was revealed that she would be expelled for cheating on the exam, and all of her classmates despised her to the core. However, the royal family, who had been looking for her for years, found her at this very last minute.

OSTAR1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CHAPTER EIGHT - I'm going to show you something cool, mom.

How about we, Mack Moana? Looking up at Moana, Sharon began to talk.

The words she was about to say were abruptly gulped back down as her eyes met Moana's icy and obviously concerned gaze. She was unable to utter the phrase she had been holding in her heart.

It is meaningless. Sharon shook her head rapidly before lowering it to resume working.

It seems that Sharon had information she wished Moana was unaware of. Moana had no intention of returning to her room, so Sharon started to cover her eyes out of fear that she would be discovered.

Moana, you should eat first, Mack. I'll complete this job," Sharon responded, attempting to steer the conversation elsewhere.

Moana said, "Together," in a resolute and unwavering manner.

Sharon couldn't help but experience some trepidation.

Moana had grown more withdrawn and hushed since enrolling in the academy.

She was unable to offer her a happy existence. She was unable to provide her with a suitable school uniform. Every night they picked up food from the market, including leftovers that other people didn't want.

A bowl of some kind of pickled vegetable that Sharon didn't recognize was on the table, which was pushed into the corner and piled high with magazines due to the fact that it was missing a leg. Also on the table were dishes of stir-fried cabbage, sliced cucumber, and the stir-fried cabbage.

Except for vegans, it was difficult to envisage a family dining table in the modern day without even a hint of oil.

Mom is about to show you something nice, so hurry. Moana was forced to sit on a stool by Sharon, who then enigmatically removed a bowl from the nearby cupboard. A plate was placed on top of the bowl, but the fissures allowed a slight sesame oil odor to escape.

When Sharon uncovered the bowl and placed it in front of her, Moana noticed that there were a few drips of aromatic oil floating on top of the yellow egg custard.

"Mom purchased some eggs today because the grocery store was running a promotion. You haven't been feeling well, after all. Have some now to eat for yourself.

Mom said she would eat it herself if you didn't return soon, Sharon remarked with a smile and even a purposeful throat roll. It's quite tasty.

Moana couldn't help but smile as she saw Sharon's boasting. She remained silent after that as she turned to face the bowl of egg custard. She had made multiple attempts to improve this family's living situation in the month since she was resurrected in this body.

But because Sharon had been so kind to her, she didn't want to mislead the mother who had always put her daughter's needs ahead of her own.

Why are you still standing there, come on? Mom will consume it if you don't!" Sharon pushed but secretly moaned. Little Moana had become timid and silent ever since getting well last month. In the past, this girl's eyes would light up and she would drool whenever she spotted egg custard.

With a spoon, Moana took a portion and put it in her mouth. She had never consumed an egg custard of this type before, produced with substandard blended oil and local eggs. However, this body swiftly ingested the egg custard on instinct. All of a sudden, she experienced a nice feeling in every cell in her body.

Is it scrumptious? Sharon enquired while grinning. You take a bite, and I'II take a bite," Moana said in a flat voice as she pushed the dish back to Sharon.

Mom is extremely healthy and doesn't need to eat these foods, Sharon reprimanded as she tossed the bowl back after pausing briefly and shaking her head. You consume food quickly and put your health first.

Sharon, though, set her spoon down to make her feelings known.

After a brief standoff, Sharon eventually grinned hopelessly while uttering the emotionless words, "Okay, then Mom and you can eat together. Come on, chow down.

While talking, Sharon took a taste of the egg soup, but she bent her head so Sharon couldn't see how she was feeling.

Moana pursed her lips before resuming using her chopsticks.

Even though they weren't utilizing any premium ingredients, Sharon was a fantastic cook. After the lunch, Sharon declined Moana's offer to assist with cleanup and proceeded to wash the dishes by herself in the yard, under the water pipe.

You have an excellent mother.

Moana paused for a few minute while keeping an eye on Sharon's back before softly repeating, "Don't worry, I'll take care of her for you."

The door to the courtyard was suddenly kicked open by someone. A bald man wearing a gold chain entered with a frown.

He was momentarily shocked to see Moana standing in the yard before laughing and saying, "Hey, ugly girl, you're back too?"

"Brother Hunter, why are you here?" Sharon hurriedly asked as she took a position in front of Moana, giving the man a wary glance.

I asked, "What the fuck do you mean, why am I here?"

"Do you know how popular my house is?" Brother Hunter scoffed at the two of them. In one month, your lease expires. Do you plan to renew? I'll rent it to someone else if you aren't.

"Renew! Naturally, we'll renew." We've been living here for so long, we surely want to keep doing so, Sharon said warily while grinning. Rest certain that we will provide you the money the next month.

Brother Hunter whistled and cast a quick glance at Moana's outline before responding, "Okay. The rent will go up by $200 per month as of the beginning of next month."

After a brief moment of shock, Sharon's feelings quickly changed to excitement. "Brother Hunter, didn't we agree on three hundred bucks a month? Why wouldn't I just go live on the street if it's only $500 a month?

Can you locate a residence on the street? Do you believe I rented the house to you for no reason? Brother Hunter scoffed and replied.

Is it not so that I heard you have a lovely daughter?

"Damn it, do you think I would be willing to rent the house to you for such a low rate if the contract had been signed later? Do you realize how ill I feel every time I come here and see your disgusting face? Get away from here or pay more.

I'm only here to let you know.

Brother Hunter's unusual tone continued as Sharon's face began to show signs of fury. He said, "I advise you not to get angry, otherwise, I'll make you move out tomorrow."

Do you comprehend? In the last month of the contract, i have the authority to have you move out immediately!"

Brother Hunter stayed after he finished speaking. He gazed at Sharon while stifling his embarrassment and holding his arms.

"..." Moana grabbed Sharon and scowled at Brother Hunter while she stifled Sharon's want to keep grinning. Take precautions to avoid being struck by lightning one day.

Are you calling me a stinky brat? Sharon was the target of the Strong Brother hunter's explosion. How dare you curse me, you miserable, ugly freak? You would have long since starved to death if it weren't for my tolerance for you!"

What's the point of existing in this world if you can't even pay a few hundred dollars in rent?

"The world would be a better place if there were no useless people like you! You have my word that if you can't pay the rent by tomorrow, I'll shatter everything you own and kick you out.


A light and ethereal voice that seemed to be hovering above all living things suddenly sounded in this run-down and unhappy home as soon as Strong Brother had finished his scathing words.
