
The Only One In Eternity

A grain of dust can fill the sea, a piece of grass can cut off the sun, moon, and stars, turning the world upside down at the click of a finger. Heroes rise together, thousands of races stand in rows, all saints fight for hegemony, and the heavens and the earth are in chaos. Oh dear lord, who domains the fate of this world?! A young man walks out of the wilderness, and everything starts from here... This is an Translated novel, Nothing here belongs to me., written by an chinese author.

HuangTian1156 · Eastern
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6 Chs

Sacrifice to the Spirit

The altar is made of boulders and is very open. It is built next to the broken old willow tree. At this time, it is full of beasts, like a hill.  The bright red animal blood stained the boulder platform, flowing along the engraved pictures on the stone surface. The red and bright red, coupled with the thick and long animal hair of the giant beast, the flickering scales and the ferocious giant horns, etc., are shocking, there is a kind of tragic flood. The breath came.

  Under the leadership of the old patriarch, the men, women and children of Shicun prayed together and asked for the protection of willow trees. This was a serious sacrificial process, and this was also a practice, which was carried out every time they returned from hunting.

  The charred tree was as silent as before, and there was no reaction at all. As before, no sacrifices were taken, but many villagers knew that it had a spirit!

  Finally, when the sacrifice was over, everyone let out a long sigh of relief and smiled again, and began to move the corpses of these beasts, ready to bleed and cut them.

  "For many years, the sacrifice has not moved an offering once, do you still need to perform sacrifice every time?" A young man muttered softly.

  "Stinky boy, what nonsense are you talking about!" His father glared at Tong Ling with big eyes, and raised his palm-sized hand to beat him.

  The old patriarch waved his hand, stopped it, and said softly, "Sacrificing spirits are the spirits that we sacrifice and support. It is in our hearts and sincerity. If we treat it devoutly, it will protect and bless our village."

  The young man's face turned red, and he hurriedly said, "I'm not being dishonest, the patriarch, but I just feel that the sacrifices don't seem to need these sacrifices, and I have never used them."

  "It's just fine." Shi Yunfeng patted his shoulder and explained with heart.

  The spirit of sacrifice, also known as the "spirit of sacrifice", is the abbreviation of the "spirit of sacrifice and offering" of a tribe. It guards the village and deters the beasts in the wilderness.

  The old man in the clan still remembered that another sacrifice from a few decades ago was different. It was a strange stone. Every time a sacrifice was offered, it would lose most of its blood essence and be absorbed by it.

  Until one day late at night, the old willow tree came, and the strange stone chose to go away. Everything changed because of this.

  Thinking of that rainy night, the old patriarch felt a little dazed. At that time, he was a teenager and had witnessed the shocking and terrifying picture with his own eyes.

  In the middle of the night, there were lightning and thunder, the rain was majestic, the storm was violent to the extreme, and many mountains were smashed by the thunder and lightning.

  It was at that time that a large willow tree that reached the sky appeared in the clouds, bathed in a sea of ​​thunder, and shrouded the mountains with thick lightning. Thousands of willows turned into flaming chains, piercing the entire sky, as if they were fighting with something. fighting.

  In the end, the big willow tree was broken, charred all over, shrinking to the size it is now, falling down and taking root in the stone village. At the same time, the lightning disappeared and the torrential rain receded. That strange stone that was sacrificed and offered in the village that night left.

  Every time I remembered, the old patriarch trembled. The old willow tree did not come from other big tribes or mountains and rivers, but fell from the sky and was damaged by the endless thunder and lightning. Few people in the village knew about it.

  In the first few decades, it was completely charred black, without any vitality, as if it had completely died. It was not until ten years ago that a new green branch was drawn, and there was no change.

  "Stinky boy, be careful, it's rare to get these beasts, their blood essence, tendons, and some bones are amazingly precious, don't lose the essence." The old patriarch came back to his senses and urged.

  The young and middle-aged silver knives in the clan are cutting the giant beast, making clanging sounds from time to time, sparks splashing around, and the bones of the giant beast are surprisingly hard.

  Some people have already prepared a large pottery pot to receive the blood essence retained in the special part of the animal body. This is an excellent blood tonic and is very rare.

  This pile of beast corpses is the most precious of all, the Pixiu. Although it is only a descendant, it is far less than the pure blood of the royal family of Pixiu, but it also contains some true blood, and its value is amazing.

  It has been more than two years since the last time I caught a beast like the Pixiu.

They are too ferocious and powerful, and they can destroy the life of a strong man with one claws.  It can be said that this harvest is staggering.

  "Well, the real blood retained in the rhino horns of this two-headed fiery rhino is also extremely amazing, no worse than that Pixiu!" An old man personally operated the knife and untied the flesh and blood under the rhino horn as hard as gold and stone. True blood like fire.

  Suddenly, the blood turned into a red glow, and a palm-length two-headed fiery rhino appeared, red and lifelike, roaring in anger.

  "Good thing, this real blood is extremely medicinal, no worse than that Pixiu!" The old man who operated the knife laughed and quickly took the rhino blood into the pot, sealing the mouth of the pot firmly.

  "Patriarch, the horn of this dragon-horned elephant is also a good thing. When we found it, it was already dying, otherwise it would be impossible to clean it up." A young man said.

  Shi Yunfeng nodded and said: "It's really rare. The pair of dragon horns on its head have been growing for some years. Carefully chisel it down, it is a rare bone-invigorating medicine."

  "The tendon of the Kui Beast's one leg is so tough that it can be chopped with an axe."

  "It's all good stuff. Be careful, stinky boy, don't waste the precious blood on the wings of the flying python!"

  The people were happy and full of smiles.

  Only a group of children shrank their necks and ran away like smoke, because they knew that most of these so-called blood medicines and bone medicines would be used on them, and they would start to "suffer" again.

  It wasn't until half an hour later that the "treasure medicine" growing on the beast was exhausted. The patriarch and several old people nodded in satisfaction, took away the pots and took them for disposal.

  "So much prey, a part of it is marinated for a while, then smoked and roasted to make a part of jerky." The experienced old man said.

  So many beasts are piled together like a hill, and the whole village can't eat it for many days. If it rots, it is a waste, and it must not be tolerated by the villagers who are in short supply of food.

  Women from all households began to come forward to divide the meat, all with sincere smiles. The men who were worried about going out earlier have not only returned safely, but have also harvested so much. This is the best gift from God.

  The smoke from each household's cooking was curled up, and after half an hour, the aroma of meat dissipated, and the pieces of meat stewed in the iron pots of each household were about to rot, and the children couldn't wait. And the animal meat roasted on the fire also began to turn golden and shiny, dripping grease and chirping in the fire, and those strong men couldn't bear it anymore and began to tear the meat. The mouth is full of juice, and the appetite is widened.

  "Wozi, this is Pixiu meat. If you eat more, you will grow stronger. It is a rare and precious meat."

  "Eat more stinky brat. This is the meat of the two-headed rhino, and making up more can make your skin and bones look like iron. Don't eat the most useless tree pork."

  All kinds of beasts have become the most abundant food for the villagers at night. The tempting aroma of meat wafts into the street, attracting appetite, bursts of laughter, and the whole village is festive.