
The Only One In Eternity

A grain of dust can fill the sea, a piece of grass can cut off the sun, moon, and stars, turning the world upside down at the click of a finger. Heroes rise together, thousands of races stand in rows, all saints fight for hegemony, and the heavens and the earth are in chaos. Oh dear lord, who domains the fate of this world?! A young man walks out of the wilderness, and everything starts from here... This is an Translated novel, Nothing here belongs to me., written by an chinese author.

HuangTian1156 · Eastern
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6 Chs

Medicated Bath

  In the cruel wilderness where ferocious beasts are infested and lives are threatened from time to time, the requirements of the villagers are very simple, as long as they have food and can eat enough, they are satisfied.  The bonfire was beating, and the stone village was very lively. Men and women, old and young were all smiling and full of laughter.

  "Don't run around, kids. Come to take a medicated bath in a while, get a good night's sleep, and you will be stronger than beasts in the future." An old man said with a smile.

  "Ow...No!" A group of children all screamed when they heard it, and fled, avoiding all over the village.

  "A group of melons, I really don't know how lucky they are. It's a rare tonic. If you can persist in the medicinal bath, your muscles and bones will be comparable to those of giant beasts."

  "It hurts, I don't want to take a medicinal bath, it was like cutting with a knife last time."

  "Abba let go, I don't want to be cooked."

  A group of children resisted fiercely, but their small arms couldn't twist their thighs, and they were all caught back.

  In an open space in the village, eight large copper cauldrons had already been placed. The fire was raging below, and the water in the cauldron was boiling. Several old people threw medicinal herbs into it, and occasionally put a few feet in it. The long centipede, the spider with the big fist, etc., made the originally very clear water black, like ink, very scary.

  The face of a group of children turned green at that time, and they wanted to escape immediately, but they were held down by the adults.

  Afterwards, another tribe brought dozens of pottery pots, and several old people took them, opened them carefully, and poured some of the red liquid into the big copper tripod. As a result, the black water boiled even more.

  This is a little real blood taken from the bodies of those hunted beasts. It is very precious. Whether it is used by adults or children, it can enhance physical fitness. In addition, the villagers have a few ancient recipes, and with some herbs, the effect of true blood will be better.

  In addition to the real blood, several old people also made people grind the wing bones of the flying python and the foot bones of the Kui beast with great effort, and also threw them into the boiling water.

  When the fire went out, the water in the cauldron no longer boiled, and after the water temperature dropped a little, screams and "puff, puff" came, and the first batch of babies was thrown into the cauldron.

  "It hurts, this water can scald people."

  "Help, my body is like being slashed by a knife, and my flesh is cracked!"

  They grinned, grabbed the pedals with their hands, and rushed outward one by one, but they were all pushed back and screamed again and again.

  In this way, dozens of children were thrown in batch by batch. Most of them screamed fiercely and struggled constantly. Only seven or eight children were slightly better. Although they were sweating profusely, they kept silent. .

  As for the little one, he couldn't escape, and he was given special care, and was thrown into a black cauldron by himself. Only a little water was added to it.

  The villagers did not feel inappropriate, nor did they feel favoritism over the other, because their own children couldn't bear it, and they were already crying heartbreakingly in the ordinary medicine tripod, but the little ones could eat it.

  In addition, when the viscous liquid in the black cauldron that Little Budian used boiled, the old patriarch also opened two special clay pots and poured the liquid into the cauldron one by one.

  A red glow burst out from one of the jars, condensed into a pixiu, with a long slap, mighty and ferocious, as if it was about to tear people apart and escape, with a fierceness of extreme ferocity. Shining characters appeared in Shi Yunfeng's palm, the bone inscriptions lit up, and he slapped the Pixiu away with a slap, turned it into blood, and fell into the tripod.

  While another jar rushed out of a two-headed rhinoceros, red as fire, brilliant and terrifying, it held its head high and roared, and was also scattered by the old patriarch and fell into the black cauldron.

  When the water temperature dropped a little, Xiaobudian was picked up and thrown into the cauldron and struggled hard. Because he was still young, he would choke on the water while sitting in it. When he fell into it, he drank a few big mouthfuls.

  The children on the opposite side all showed sympathy, and suddenly felt very lucky. The medicinal solution mainly composed of special true blood, animal bones, tendons, etc. with a small amount of water will definitely make people's skin and bones more painful.

Poor little one.  Even some adults couldn't bear it, because it was a little worrying to see the little guy struggling, grinning, and drinking a few gulps of viscous liquid from time to time.

  "It's okay, it's not the first time. He's been like this before, and he can stand it. It's good to drink more liquid medicine. If he can absorb it, it will be of great benefit to him." The old patriarch said that he took care of the little one. Sometimes rough.

  "His physique is extremely strong. In addition, the mysterious power of bone inscriptions may also be working, helping him to refine some of the medicinal power. It shouldn't be very painful if he is small." Another old man said while wiping his beard.

  The medicated bath lasted for a long time, and a group of children were soaked like red-skinned monkeys.

  Xiao Budian didn't cry when he was in the black tripod, his big eyes were rolling, and his little face was flushed like a big apple, but when he was brought out, he was swaying like a drunk.

  "How do you feel?" an old man asked.

  The little guy hiccupped and said confusedly, "I'm full."

  Hearing his heartless and simple response, the adults were all amused.

  "Sleepy." Xiao Budian was crooked, his small body fell into Shi Yunfeng's arms, he muttered softly, and then babbled slightly, falling into a deep sleep.

  "Take these children to have a good night's sleep, and they will grow a lot of strength tomorrow." Patriarch Shi Yunfeng said.

  In the end, several old people cleaned up the residual liquid without wasting it, but added fire under the copper tripod, and put some special medicinal herbs into the tripod to boil it dry and make medicine powder. This is not only a tonic, but also a kind of healing medicine. It can save lives when you go hunting in the mountains on weekdays.

  The living environment is harsh, the beasts are difficult to hunt, and the real blood is rare, otherwise, it would not continue to be boiled into medicine powder after the children used it, and it would not be reluctant to waste it at all.

  Of course, the young and middle-aged people in the village didn't care, as long as it was applied to the wound to save lives.

  The children slept very deeply that night, and when they woke up the next day, many of the little ones were screaming, because pieces of old skin fell off their bodies, and the bed was dirty.

  "Go, wash yourself with a bucket of well water, and then hold up that grinding disc for me."

  "Dad, that's what the third brother uses to exercise his strength on weekdays. How can I lift it up?"

  "Don't talk nonsense, you can just lift it up. Did so much true blood last night still use bone medicine? If you don't grow up, I'll slap your ass into eight pieces!"

  Early in the morning, a group of children were forced to move large stones and copper tripods, and they complained a lot in the stone village.

  The effect is really obvious. The children have grown a lot of strength and their physique has been significantly enhanced, but it would be too much to say that they were reborn, and it is not realistic.

  "click click"

  At the head of the village, the patriarch Shi Yunfeng had bright runes on his palm. He held a purple-gold hammer and smashed the most rare dragon horn of the dragon horn elephant, and then took a piece of the claw bone of the Pixiu and a small piece of the red horn of the fire rhinoceros. , also smashed, and finally ground into powder. He mixed the bone horn powder with part of the real blood of the fierce beast, and put it into the beast milk that was being boiled, and the aroma suddenly curled up.

  Then, the old man threw in one strange herb after another. After a short time, the liquid in the pot gradually turned into a paste, but the aroma became stronger.

  "Let's eat something."

  In the stone house, Gulu suddenly sat up after hearing the shouting. He just woke up with big eyes and was still confused, but after the aroma came, he quickly moved his nose a few times, and he immediately regained his energy and murmured: "It's really fragrant."

"Of course, this is a real pot of precious medicine, don't waste a little bit, eat it all." Shi Yunfeng said with a smile.

  Xiao Budian devoured it and ate the mush in the clay pot in a short time, but the negative effects also showed immediately. After all, he was still too young, and the medicinal strength was too strong. On this morning, the cute little boy on weekdays turned into a problem child, with big red eyes like a white rabbit, and ran around, screaming non-stop.

  After the poor big yellow dog was caught by his tail, he was pulled so hard that the tail was almost bald and barked for most of the day.

  "Hey, little kid, how do you pull up the fence of Auntie's house?"

  "What's the matter with the little guy? Why did he run up to the roof of my house? Stop it quickly, and don't dismantle the tiles!"


  The villagers were stunned, and the usually well-behaved Xiao Budian turned into a little beast, rushing around, but tossing hard.

  "The whole pot of medicine has been absorbed, and the effect is very good." Shi Yunfeng and several old people were standing together, talking softly, and nodded with satisfaction.

  In the distance, many children were even more in awe of the patriarch when they saw this scene. All of them shivered, dodged far away, and whispered together, "It's such a pitiful little one!"

  Little Budian's palm glowed, and finally spread upwards, and even bone inscriptions appeared on his little arm, which was very mysterious. Moreover, his physique has increased, and his speed and strength have improved a lot, which is why the old patriarch is more satisfied.

  It wasn't until two hours later that he calmed down, scratched his head confusedly, and whispered, "Yah, I'm in trouble."