
The Only Necromancer

It was the time of the end of the world, everyone thought that would be the end. But when these monsters appear, humans are endowed with the power to fight the monsters. Lee Won Myung is one of the people who became a hunter. He had extraordinary abilities, he was the only person who got the necromancer class. How will he use his powers? Can he save the world from destruction?

Bijuudark · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Sword Master

Like I said yesterday, today I'll be training for the hunter league preparations together with Ji-Hae. Honestly, I don't know what kind of training we should do, but I'll talk about this with Ji-Hae.

I then decided to go to Ji-Hae's apartment, yes he is my neighbor so I just need to leave my room and I will go straight to his room.

*knock* *knock*

"Ohh hyungnim! What's wrong with seeing me in the morning?"

"I want to talk about hunter league preparations, help me"

"Then please come in hyungnim let's just talk inside"

"This place looks amazing no matter how many times I see it, why did you have to move here anyways?"

"I told you hyungnim, this is so that we can become closer like brothers hehe"

"haa... stop your bullshit"

After that I sat on a chair and Ji-Hae prepared tea for us to drink. Looks like for the next few days or maybe a few weeks I won't be focusing on portal raids.

"So what do we want to discuss hyungnim?"

"As you know, the hunter league will be held earlier than it should be, and I want to prepare myself first"

"Then why don't we start with the analysis of strong hunter hunters who might be difficult opponents?"

"Then let's start from there"

"As you know hyungnim, Chong Seong-Hun will be a very difficult opponent. Apart from his class which is Lancer he also has very great abilities"

"About that person I already knew, he was a popular rising star at that time"

"Well... although not as popular as you are now hyungnim hehe"

"Stop the bullshit, just continue the discussion"

"Hehe... then you have to be careful with his spear-wielding abilities, he doesn't just rely on his class alone. From several viral videos he has a very great spear ability"

"Then I'll try to improve my swordsmanship"

"Hyungnim, I think you're really good at using two swords at once, but I don't think you're very good at using it yet."

"I know that's why I'll think of a good training method"

"Good! Then move on to the next person is a mage with ice mage class, Kyong Hyo-Rin."

"Ohh so a girl huh, is she strong?"

"Of course! Ice mage and fire mage are A-Rank class, and very few people have them in Korea"

"Then is he more powerful than Chong Seong-Hun?"

"He has an extraordinary ability to use magic and his magic control is already like a high rank. He is currently still a B-Rank, and he is in the Blood Moon guild."

"Ohh so he's a member of Pyon Hee-Ra, how long has he been a hunter? Why isn't there much news about such a great person?"

"He's been a hunter for about 1 year, and since her growth isn't as great as Chong Seong-Hun's, she's not that famous."

"Oh I understand"

From the two hunters above it seems that I will only have trouble fighting Chong Seong-Hun, but I have black aura and I think I can win if I use it. But I will try to fight without using that skill, other than that Mage will be easier to fight because I have fast movement. So I guess I won't have a problem fighting it.

"Then hyungnim did you know? Last year there was someone with a swordsman class, an E-Rank class. He managed to become a B-Rank hunter with just that class and he is considered one of the greatest sword users in Korea."

"Woah.... that guy must be really amazing, if he can get a B-Rank license with just an E-Rank class his talent in the sword should be extraordinary."

"That's right hyungnim, I still remember that time I was still in the hunter academy, we students watched his fight against someone with a brawler class. He managed to beat that person with only 3 moves"

"Damn that's so cool, so who's that guy?"

"He is the founder of Black Sword, To Kyung-Min!"

"What is a black sword?"

"It's a sword practice founded by To Kyung-Min, he has many students and most of them are hunters"

"Woah... he seems like an amazing person!"

"That's right, he's 31 now, and he's trained several hunters to reach A-Rank."

"That means he is the person I should meet!"

"Looks like you really have to meet him hyungnim, Ryu Young Soo hunter no. 1 Korea has practiced swordsmanship with him"

"As expected, his sword skills are extraordinary, then tomorrow I will try to meet him"

"Okay hyungnim I will accompany you to go there tomorrow!"

I didn't expect anyone to have such great sword skills, I'm of the same class but I don't think I even have half of his abilities.

And I think this unreasonable increase in my stats is due to my necromancer class. But I don't want to be a necromancer who doesn't have good fighting skills and only relies on his summons.

I will be a strong hunter and also have a strong army, that way I can become the strongest. I myself don't know whether my stats have reached the S-Rank hunter level or not, because all hunters don't want to show their personal stats to others.

On the forums, I've only ever discussed the initial stats of a hunter, but I've never read about S-Rank hunter stats and so on. I'll find out about this later.

"Ji-Hae, are you also going to join the hunter league?"

"Of course! I'll join too hyungnim!"

"Then we should also find a training method for you right?"

"About that, in Black Sword there are also people who practice using daggers but they're not that well known. But since we're going there tomorrow I think I'll give it a try."

"Okay I guess that's good too"

"Hyungnim do you want to see the video of To Kyung-Min's fight?"

"Okay...let's see"

Then Ji-Hae plays a video of To Kyung-Min's fight against a brawler class hunter. At first it could be seen that To Kyung-Min was very calm, his enemy had a bigger body than him but he didn't seem afraid in the slightest.

Seen the referee started counting down the match...3...2...1...fight! Suddenly, To Kyung-Min moves really fast! I can't see him clearly, he draws his sword and I can see the sword slash he throws at his enemy. It was too fast, and his movements were so smooth, it was as if his body was a sword.

"Look at that hyungnim! I still don't understand how he did that, the enemy seems to have a hard time reacting even though he has a brawler class."

"Just by looking at that I know that he is a very good swordsman, I think he is a sword master."

I don't yet understand the sword style and technique he uses, but just from a glance I can tell that he's very good at using the sword. It would be great to be able to train from someone like him, I can't wait to train with a master like him.

"Then Ji-Hae besides the 2 hunters, is there a hunter who will be difficult to fight?"

"For now I still don't get much information about the participants who will join the hunter league, but if there is something I will immediately inform you hyungnim!"

"Alright, then let's finish for today, and tomorrow don't forget we're going to Black Sword to train!"

"Understood boss!"

After that I returned to my apartment room, I was still thinking about the sword movement earlier. As expected my sword skills are still pretty bad, I'm just lucky to have fairly high stats and also a necromancer class.

But come to think of it I haven't fully mastered my necromancer abilities yet, but there's no hunter in this world who has a class like me. Maybe if I meet the King of Darkness I'll ask him.

Besides that I must not forget the message he sent me at that time, I have to prepare myself. I also don't know when that day will come, but I hope it doesn't happen soon. And I hope my family is always safe.

"Mom... tonight let's have some good meat with Hae Kyung too"

"Why so suddenly? Did anything good happen?" My mother smiled while questioning me in a soft voice.

"I just feel that I want to eat some good meat with you guys tonight haha"

"Then let's eat some good meat tonight"

I must not forget that I must always protect my family, I hope I can always be a good person. I hope my strength can protect my family well.

I also don't want my little sister to be a hunter for whatever reason. So I won't allow it even if he wants to, but judging from his personality I don't think he will become a hunter.

I'll be getting an S-Rank hunter license soon, but that's just the beginning. I still have a lot of things to do, I hope I don't become a greedy person in the future. Before I get my hunter license, I will become a very good swordsman.

I think my Necromancer class will be announced to the world soon after the Korean Hunter Association makes me the third S-Rank hunter in Korea. Well it doesn't matter, now I'm strong different than before.