
The Only Necromancer

It was the time of the end of the world, everyone thought that would be the end. But when these monsters appear, humans are endowed with the power to fight the monsters. Lee Won Myung is one of the people who became a hunter. He had extraordinary abilities, he was the only person who got the necromancer class. How will he use his powers? Can he save the world from destruction?

Bijuudark · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Getting Known

The person who is the chairman of the Korean Hunter Association is right in front of me now, he looks older than I thought. But I can feel that he is a strong hunter.

"Are you hunter Lee Won Myung?"

"Yes, it is true"

"I am Hak In-Su the current chairman of the Korean Hunter Association, and the reason I asked you to come today is because I saw your unique skill"

"What do you mean?"

"This is the video recorded during the portal break, it looks like you can summon monsters like those skeletons to fight"

"Oh yeah...., that's right"

"But strangely I see that your class is a swordsman from your hunter license, did you get that unique skill from your swordsman class?"

"About that..."

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

"Actually I don't want to keep this a secret, but I hope you're not surprised. I have two classes. And my second class is Necromancer"

"What????? Hunter with two classes? and a Necromancer class? I haven't heard of anything like it even since I became the chairman of the association"

"Yeah, actually that's why it's hard for me to say this"

"But why can't we detect your necromancer class with the hunter status checker you used when you took the hunter test?"

"I don't understand that myself, but I do have two different classes"

"Okay, then do you want to be the 3rd Korean S-Rank Hunter?"

"Are you sure I can become an S-Rank hunter? I feel I'm not strong enough yet"

"You're wrong, there are only around 20 hunters in this world who can close an A-Rank portal alone, even some of them have a hard time doing that and have to carry very good equipment"

"Are you sure I have that ability?"

"Of course there are people who are stronger than you, but in Korea we really need a new S-Rank hunter"

"But can I participate in the hunter league if I become an S-Rank?"

"About that you can't participate in that event anymore if you are an S-Rank"

"Then can I stay D-Rank until I finish joining the hunter league? After all, my stats shouldn't be worthy of becoming an S-Rank hunter"

"Alright, then right now the Association will provide you with any kind of help you need."

"Then thank you very much, is it finished? If so I will go first"

"Wait a minute hunter Lee Won Myung, this is a gift from me to take"

Then I came out of the association chairman's room, to be honest it was very stressful. I didn't expect to get an offer to become an S-Rank hunter. I don't even know if I'm strong enough to become an S-Rank hunter. But he said that there were only around 20 hunters in the world who could close the A-Rank portal alone.

I guess I was just lucky earlier, I'm not sure if I've reached that level. I also haven't done a hunter retest since I increased my stats. After all I got 500 million won by the chairman of the association.

My money is now getting more and more, but well I don't think much about money for now. After that I met Ji-Hae who was waiting for me.

"Ji-Hae let's go home now"

"Hyungnim! Have you seen the hunter forum? Everyone is talking about you!"

"What??? How is that possible?"

"There's a streamer who likes to cover hunters, and he happened to be there during the portal break. He was filming you from afar"

"ohhhh shit.... well let it be"

"Haha hyungnim, you're getting more and more famous!"

After that Ji-Hae and I went back to our apartment, today was tiring even though we haven't done the portal raid we paid for.

"Ji-Hae what about the portal you bought?"

"Ohh let's just leave the portal hyungnim, I've contacted the Hunter Association if we can't raid today"

"Okay then, I didn't know we would be hit by a portal break"

"It's okay hyungnim, at least you're getting more known and later it'll be easy if you want to create your own guild"

"You're not wrong, let me see the news"

[Hunter News]

"A hunter managed to close the A-Rank break portal alone"

"That's very extraordinary, we can see from this video he has extraordinary skills"

"We still don't know the real identity of this hunter, and also the Hunter Association said that they will announce it when the time comes."

"This is really amazing! Will Korea have one more S-Rank hunter?"

I didn't expect that I would be recorded fighting the monster from the portal break, and they were discussing my skills. Of course there are many who question what class I have. But of course they won't find it.

One of the S-Rank classes is a summoner, it is a strong class but can only summon 1 monster at a time. And the monsters you summon can range from E-Rank to S-Rank depending on the summoner's abilities. Whereas I can summon so many skeletons and I even revive the corpses of other monsters.

As expected, many people noticed that I resurrected the minotaur corpse in that video. And there started to be a lot of speculation that I had a necromancer class, there was even speculation that I was a Lich.

It looks like soon everyone will know, even though I wanted to hold it up to the hunter league. But I'm fine with this either, I think I'm strong enough.

"Hyungnim, look at this it looks like the hunter league competition will start earlier than before"

"Why did that happen?"

"It said the Korean Hunter Association requested that the event be accelerated and that it will start in less than 3 weeks!"

"hoooo... it seems because of the conversation earlier huh" I didn't expect the association chairman to do that just to make me an S-Rank hunter. But then it doesn't really matter to me anymore.

Suddenly my vision went black, and I was in a place filled with darkness again. And the King of Darkness came to me along with the person wearing the robe who brought me here in the first place.

"Prepare yourselves" The person wearing the robe spoke to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Soon, it will happen" The King of Darkness then pushed my body and I came back to my senses.

What was meant by this conversation? And why I can always meet them, many things I do not understand. He says I have to prepare myself, but for what. I still don't understand a lot of things. At least I will become stronger before the time comes.

According to the head of the 15 hunter association, he could fight A-Rank portal monsters alone, but I succeeded thanks to the help of my skeleton army. That means I'm still not at their level right now. Especially hunter no. 1 in the world.

For now I just need to focus on being no. 1 in Korea, there's still Ryu Young Soo. He is at no. 52 in the world, while there are 5 hunters in the world who have a magic swordsman class.

Well my necromancer class should be the only one in the world. I also got new skeletons like the minotaur and a new commander, Minos! My troops are much stronger than before, I can also summon up to 60 skeletons now.

Let's take a look at the skeleton minotaur's stats.

[Skeleton Status]

Name : No Name

Race: Minotaur

HP : 1000

MP : 50

Stats :

Constitution = 50

Strength = 65

Dexterity = 30

Intelligence = 20

Magic = 1

Endurance = 50



Woah... these stats are way higher than I imagined, my troops should now be able to defeat guilds that don't have S-Rank hunters, but I'm also not sure since there are some strong A-Ranks. For example the head of the association, the class he belongs to is Templar. One of the strongest guardian classes. He couldn't go up to S-Rank because he didn't have much time, he had to take care of all the problems in Korea because he was the chairman of the association. Besides that I think he's already 40 so he's quite old compared to other hunters.

Ryu Young Soo reached S-Rank at the age of 22, and he is the pride of Korea. If I later become an S-Rank then I will be one of the youngest, that's amazing.

Now let's look at Minos' stats.

[Skeleton Status]

Name : Diar

Race: Minotaur (Commander)

HP : 1000

MP : 100

Stats :

Constitution = 65

Strength = 80

Dexterity = 31

Intelligence = 30

Magic = 1

Endurance = 60


Berserk (Passive)

Damn, his Strength reached 80. He was already as strong as a high rank hunter in terms of strength even before undergoing evolution. As expected he is very strong, besides that he also has skills. Let's see its function.


[When life is less than 20% will enter berserk mode and increase strength by 50%]

Woah this skill is very strong, it can increase its strength up to 50%!!!! No wonder it was hard to kill, if I didn't have black aura I don't think I can fight him. Looks like I'll get Ji-Hae to start training for the hunter league. Besides that, I can't rely on my skeleton during the competition.