
The only favourite in the world of beast "

As a special soldier, Tan Xiaoshi has been a girl with a lolita appearance and a strong heart but a teasing girl from the moment she stepped into the barracks. But when she accidentally crossed into the world of orcs, her world seemed to be only: "Damn, that's okay!?" Turning into a big lion, Tan Xiaoshi was stunned: "Damn, this is okay!?" It turns out that all the beautiful men here are beasts, and there are never any beautiful women. Beastmen stand in line and are pushed down every day! what! Do you want to give birth to cubs after giving birth? Hey, hey, don't come here, I'm a special soldier! Let's see how our heroine is spoiled by all the beautiful men and subverts the world view, and then see how our heroine uses her attributes of a man to subvert the world view of the beasts!

Coco_8856 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

I will not accept Yi

Yi yelled at Tan Xiaoshi twice, and then flew away.

Although Tan Xiaoshi couldn't understand what he said, he could probably guess what he said.

Hill came back, and he turned into a human form, with some red scratches on his body, but it didn't look serious.

He was a little listless, walked into the house, saw the food Yi put down on the box, and wanted to throw them out, but after thinking about it, he still put them on the ground angrily.

Then, he dug out another animal skin skirt from the box and put it on.

He can't beat Yi, and if Tan Xiaoshi likes Yi, he has no right to object.

Seeing Hill's sullen look, Tan Xiaoshi stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, I won't accept Yi."

Hill's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Tan Xiaoshi , asked cautiously: "Really?"

Tan Xiaoshi nodded, her attitude was very firm.

Hill opened his mouth, hugged Tan Xiaoshi, and turned around a few times, "You said this, don't go back on it!"

Tan Xiaoshi was left speechless by Hill, and she patted Hill's arm, "Okay, put me down quickly, I want to take a shower!"

Hill hurriedly put down the little poem, and then happily went to boil the water.

Hill quickly boiled the water and helped Tan Xiaoshi move the barrel into the house, and then he was kicked out by Tan Xiaoshi.

While Tan Xiaoshi took a shower, Hill made dinner.

The dinner was very sumptuous, with Tan Xiaoshi's favorite fish and bamboo shoots, and something Tan Xiaoshi had never seen before, which looked like plant roots.

Hill fried that too, like bamboo shoots, and it looked good.

"Well, this food is delicious!" Tan Xiaoshi tasted a piece, it was a bit soft, and with the aroma of chili and garlic, it was also a delicacy.

Hill was praised by Tan Xiaoshi, and he was in a good mood. Even the lion's tail came out behind him, shaking from side to side.

Hill doesn't like to eat plants, so his meals are still based on roast meat.

Tan Xiaoshi was very satisfied with this meal, after she was full, she stroked her somewhat round belly and walked in the yard.

It got dark quickly, and the whole tribe fell into silence again.

After more than ten days, the snow on the ground has melted away, but the weather is getting colder and colder.

After the estrus period, it was heard that there were females in the tribe who were pregnant with cubs, and in recent days it was heard that cubs were born.

Tan Xiaoshi has the final say, some females come into oestrus early, about three to four months from now, that is to say, their pregnancy period is three to four months, they are really very happy.

However, she also heard that it is very difficult for a female to conceive a female cub, and it is very hard. It takes about a year, and the survival rate of the female cub is low.

That's why females in this world are so precious.

Hill's eyes would light up when he heard that a family had added cubs, and then he looked at Tan Xiaoshi meaningfully.

Talking about small poems will give him a big roll of eyes.

But what makes people sad is that due to the recent cold weather, some females in the tribe got seriously ill, and it is said that they just gave birth.

After another month, the weather gradually warmed up, and I heard that the sick female was cured, which made the orcs in the tribe feel relieved.

Because of the news of the female's illness, Hill didn't let Tan Xiaoshi go anywhere this month, and even Tan Xiaoshi was forced to exercise indoors.

Finally, when the weather got warmer, Tan Xiaoshi couldn't sit still, and took Hill for a walk by the river.